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San Diego Lovin' - Triweekly XXXII - December 1st


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2007
San Marcos, CA
dang where do i start? I probably had the most fun at this triweekly than i've had at any tournament. it was real cool seeing and talking to everybody; especially the OG SD people.


Little Patty (yeah, doesnt work as good as you calling me Little Richie): thanks as always for holding these triweeklies. it's always cool chillin and talking to you. your advice was 50/50 for me when i beat Leeland w/ my ganon and me losing getting KILLED by Kira when i went doc. haha but it's all good.

LHG: you've definitely improved a hell lot too. your link/peach combo keeps people on their toes and i know i'm not the only person who thinks that. SM all day erday!

AndrewSP & CameronDoodles: you guys are seriously THE BEST! just chillin w/ u guys alone made this tourney so fun for me. thanks again for rooting for me during my matches. you know u guys got me all pumped! Doodles still has the best link i've seen in person and same to ASP's Mario. hopin to see you guys at the rest of the triweeklies.

Jeff n Judd: DAAANG it's like everytime i play you guys again i think you'll be rusty but you get even better. our doubles friendies were super close and playing both of you guys in singles friendlies made me hope i didnt face u guys in tourney. it's ALWAYS sick seeing you guys again. you guys are way too legit.

Boss: it was cool teamin with you even tho i f'd up way too much. sorry to let you down G, i just dont even know what was up w/ those moments of me just freezing up.

Deth: ohhh man now it's LHG always facing you instead of me. SM is ALWAYS coming after you. haha nah but it's always sick seeing you and talking to you. especially now that we're homies and you've opened up talkin to me alot.

St. Pat: BABY! you know it aint a triweekly w/out you G! it sucked we only played in tourney during doubles and didnt even play friendlies at all. what's up w/ that?! n you better be hiding that brawl disc. funny how you had no idea it was in there haha

Jon619: WHERE YOU AT?!?!

Lil Fumi: foo me n you go back n forth WHENEVER we play. it was sick and funny as hell talkin to you again. you're definitely a chill kid.

Leeland/Antonio/Charles: it was funny how we just like randomly got all cool w/ eachother. you guys kept me laughing n havin a good time the whole day. and Leeland, our matches were SO CLOSE. i thought i was f'd when you killed my marth w/ your ICs, but my ganon stepped it up and somehow pulled out the 2 wins after. GGs for sure.

Kira: yeah you ALWAYS kill me whenever we play. definitely gotta try my marth against you. i know it'll do better than my doc FOR SURE haha. but it's always cool seein you and sayin wassup. n you KNOW i'm gettin up there on those winks. me: 1 / you: like 100

Atlus: close matches for sure. i always knew you played falco/jiggs but during the set i totally forgot you had a jiggs haha. but that 3rd match was so intense. if i didnt get that spike on the last stock idk if i would've won. GGs n i hope to play you some more.

Lovage: it's always sick randomly hearing you cheering me on haha. i think i've only talked to you like once and that was during "the super intense set" but you're really chill n funny.

Eddy & Soid: man TJ is WAY TOO GOOD! i remember thinkin i had the set against you, Eddy, after the first match where i won; and then i get 3 stocked at mute city by your crazy luigi haha. our 3rd match was real close. hope to see you again at more tournies. and Soid, STOP SLEEPING WHILE WATCHING MY MATCHES! haha nah but thanks for the support during my matches.

UCSD smashers: i knew u guys were good but you guys definitely exceeded my expectations. SD really has to step it up, and i hope you guys will be regulars in the scene.


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Sweet turn out guys, I'm glad you all came

Lovage - Thanks for teaming with me, god you **** haha. Teams was a lot of fun, I can't be disappointed with 4th and the games were really close against the teams we lost to. Congrats on your singles performance also.

Pat - Way to step it up today, by far the best I've seen you play man. In all your matches I think up smash outta shield caught most people off guard.

Jeff/Judd - Wow these guys are hilarious, you guys need to stop peacing out so early in tournament though. Love to have you guys around.

Eddy & Pit - En línea con la traducción de traductor. Lo siento por el mal español. Wow ustedes son impresionantes, TJ debe hacer el viaje a través de la frontera con mayor frecuencia. Obtenga su número 1, amigo también de un pasaporte para que pueda hacer el viaje.

Soid - Always a pleasure seeing you man, don't worry too much about your performance today. Definitely the one of the chillest TJ smashers.

Adam - Man I can't believe we've never played, crazy stuff... I'll have to mm you sometime although I'm fairly confident you'll win. You've got all the Fly training and I'm pretty sure he's better than I am at the moment.

Danny - Hey man it's good seeing you again. It's been a really long time since I've seen you around the melee scene. Don't worry about the shake man it's my treat. Oh same goes for you Adam. Great stuff in teams with Joey, I really enjoyed our set.

Zhu - My goodness this kid is strange haha. You're a really funny guy Zhu, I like that you aren't afraid to just be you in public. Takes a real to step it up like that. As always amazing performance buddy, you never cease to impress, congrats.

Kira - Wow player of the day right here. God dam Kira, I was so impressed by how well you played... I mean... I know every one has been saying it but **** Kira's good at this game now. I mean legit good haha. Great job all around

Pony - Little Richard get ***** man, I mean wow Kira tore you a new one HAHA. Naw is always good to chill with old school SD. You guys keep this game fun for me. Doc wasn't a terrible idea, you just... ok it was a terrible idea.

LHG - Hey man thanks for being there helping me run the tournament all day. Really it helps a ton to have reliable hands to fall back on when I gotta do other things. Fun stuff crackin jokes all day too. Looking forward to doing it again.

Cameron - Sexy Falcon, I like it. I still wanna play you at some time during tournament. Either a money match or some seriousies if you got the time. Happy Birthday btw.

Jenny - Hey it was good seeing you again too, thanks for working the megaphone while I was off playing matches, definitely helps smooth things along

Tofu - Fun MM, I think I got lucky though. I just managed to guess when you we're DI away and decide to smash vs when you were DI towards and chainthrow really well that match. Looking forward to playing again sometime

Connor - Why has no one given this kid a shoutout. Holy bejesus buddy you got good. I haven't played you since... like AznForce IV or something. Your Fox is extremely gay and amazing. Our MM was really fun too, you beat me pretty decisively for sure. I need to stop messing up the little things.

St. P - As always man, you're a badass. It's great having you around and catching up on the college life. Good to here everything's going well for you. And hey, not too shabby for picking up this game and playing in tournament after a 3 month hiatus.

JDM - is quiet. Speak up more, you seem like a cool guy. We should play some friendlies sometime.

Doppleganger - is a drunk.

Plan 9 - Back to Falcon, I approve. We didn't get to play at all today... we should probably fix that next time. It was fun having you at the station too.

Leeland - Not bad dude, really not bad. I was pretty impressed with your performance today. Good to see another IC steppin it up. Teams matches were fun too.

Little England - Hey we didn't talk or play or anything... in fact I think this was the first time I've ever seen you at a tournament haha. Hopefully I'll see you around more often.

Lucky - Teamsies next time for sure. You're freakin good at this game... seriously. Your shield pressure is unreal, even in teams. I felt like every decision i was going to make was the wrong one... and then you go and get 3 stock gayed by Lovage... HAHA. pretty much wrecked him the rest of the set though. Congrats of 1st in teams and 2nd in singles.

PMOS/Pnaleek - Not sure why I'm clumping you two, but I'm pretty sure you guys came together right? Anyways it's really good to see a steady SD scene starting to develop. The Pika vs IC match is pretty tough PMOS, I wouldn't sweat it too much. You played much better once you felt a little more comfortable on Rainbow Cruise though.

ASP/Doodles - These guys... super classy fellas. Haven't seen you crazy kids in ages, so that was definitely loads of fun to reminisce. Andrew you beasted me with forward smash. Ridiculous stuff haha. Not too sure what happened there, just straight **** on your part and bad decisions on mine. Well earned, no johns. 2nd match was incredible

Atlus - Another guy I didn't get to talk to as much as I'd have liked. Red Robin is just OK.... I mean... the shakes are **** and endless fries is cool, but a basket of fries once ever 30 minutes is dumb. I don't think I've ever played you in tournament either. We should mm sometime.

UCSD Gentlemen: SK, GAT, PBS, another acronym tag, Jun, Nawnscents - Glad to see you fellas in full force at a triweekly. You guys have seriously gotten loads better, I'll probably be down to smash later this quarter so hit me up whenever it's happening.

Justin - Is just ten and he's amazing. That is all.

Sorry if I'm leaving anyone out, that's all I could think of off the top of my head. All-in-all great tournament kids. Glad you all came, we should do it again sometime. I'll keep you all posted


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Haha. Hopefully "When-I-Feel-Like-It-ies" means sooner than later. It was a great tournament. Nice job running it, Pat.

It was definitely great to see UCSD represented (myself included, although I played horribly!) in the tournament.

To all I played, awesome job!

SA2Jeff, Sunny (UCSD woohoo!), and Little England, it was great playing you in the tournament and I really value the experience even though I might have suffered an annihilation or two or three or four.

Deth - Fun doubles you played with me and my friends before the tournament started. You partnered with the Doc player and pretty much owned everyone you played.

Pnoy/Richard - Played some decent friendlies with you. I was the guy whose Jiggs was the only character that would do decently against you. Haha. Good experience.

Lovage - I only played one friendly against you and it was at the very end while grand finals was still going on. I'm the guy you thought was from Tijuana and used Luigi! Haha. I liked our Falco ditto.

Saint Patrick

Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
San Diego, CA
Shout-outs when I don't have two big stats assignments due in 12 hours XD

But for now:

Kira -- Sorry for getting so pissed off, play to win is a good motto. GG Pokefloats son, get like the rest of socal and learn to ban it against me (or not) =D


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2006
dude this is my first triweekly and tournament since wintergamefest in 2007 HAHAHA. Everyone was so nice and friendly. I'm forsure going to these now. anyways...SHOUTOUTS!

azn lep: dude great tournament by a great organizer! went by so smoothly, except for those instances where people wouldn't report their matches -__- always been my inspiration as an ics player because i had no one else to learn from besides chu dat on youtube haha. i remember watching you do the upsmash on jiggs two years ago when jiggs misses the rest. And in our friendlies, when you were jiggs and missed the rest, i tried to do it and missed -__- dunzo

LHG: dude talking with you during the drought where no one reported was sick. dude you ***** antonio and i in teams HAHA. gah too good dude. hope to see you soon fosho.

pnoy: ganondorf!? well that was unexpected haha. it's all good though because i did that **** combo on you in your last stock of the first match :p sorry about standing up and yelling! i was just really happy haha. but yeah next time fosho fosho

dcmoney/brian/calvin: dude good times at my house before ucsd! derrick you tech everything -__- too good. but yeah next time i'm up in irvine i'll be with charles most likely! let's play at ivc!

kira: well we never played but next time i'm in irvine let's play! so down!

antonio: my partner, we need to practice -_- haha but our first match in doubles was too good! "are you sure you want to stay ics..we are going to poke floats" haha it paid off HAHA

charles: dude time to go marth. and remember you can beat justin FOSHO.

justin (my ten year old brother): stop saying you main fox and falco -_- you are a marth player. and good stuff coming back from the first round loss! good job bro :]

zhu: you live across the street from my friend charles o_o i'm always in irvine. LET'S PLAY! just hit me up or something!

OH YEAH ONE MORE THING. it's time for sd to have a biweekly or weekly for melee again! i'm down to start one fosho! i remember boss saying he doesn't host anymore because no sd players would go compared to other people from so cal who would drive 2 hours to get there. time to represent the sd pride :']


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2008
San Diego, CA
* Looked In The San Diego Topic But Don't Care Enough...*

People that play Smash at UCSD, I want to play this Wednesday or Friday (PBS or MrTracy). Call me or facebook me or else I'm just going to invite myself over to Warren and just play.


Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2008
Socal, San diego
OH YEAH ONE MORE THING. it's time for sd to have a biweekly or weekly for melee again! i'm down to start one fosho! i remember boss saying he doesn't host anymore because no sd players would go compared to other people from so cal who would drive 2 hours to get there. time to represent the sd pride :']
If you hosted a tournament I'd go for sure lol

Saint Patrick

Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
San Diego, CA
OH YEAH ONE MORE THING. it's time for sd to have a biweekly or weekly for melee again! i'm down to start one fosho! i remember boss saying he doesn't host anymore because no sd players would go compared to other people from so cal who would drive 2 hours to get there. time to represent the sd pride :']
This. This so hard. I would go.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
SoCal Upland/Ontario/Pomona
p and kira - good to see you guys, i gotta play more against both of you.

deth - such a good samus, thanks for the matches

saint patrick - had fun against your ganon, i would like to face you again and get better at the matchup.

nonsense guy - good peach dittos.

(this is Boba btw)


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2006
Southern California, North Hills (818)
Shoutouts I guess.


Tofu - I <3 you, thanks for driving me! :D And for practicing the Falco vs. Fox matchup with me!

Atlus - Get out of those phases SON!! MELEEE FOREVER!

LuCKy - You're also awesome! Thanks for the Falco tips! <33333

Lovage - My other Fox hero! Dude, every time I watch you always learn new ****. <333 Come over during summer son! Pool + Smash with you, Atlus and Tofu. <33333333

Connor - God your good! Your fox is amazing! And you're like the most adorable smasher ever! XD

P - Is a G, you give the BEST TIPS! Everything you help me with helps my game soo much.

Zhu - Your advice is also AWESOME! Helped me beat Connors Peach :DDDD <3333

Kira - GOOD **** this tourney! Your match with Lovage was insanely close! Kira's AMAZING now! LOLOL

Danimals - Close set! I'll make sure that you'll never catch up to me :DD

PsychoMidget - Your house is soooo awesome! Hope you had fun on your b-day!

PhazerMuffin - You got this! Best girl fox in Socal! :DD

Pat - Thanks for cheering me on! :DD You're awesome as always! :D

Saint Patrick - Dang, your Gannon is a beast! I hope I don't play it in tourney anytime soon. T_T

Rei - Your Marth got A LOT better! Keep it up!

JDM - We didn't get to play...LAME!

Little England - Just like Lovage stated, your surprisingly good! :D


Soid - We should team next time! :D

Plan 9 - We NEVER get to play...

Embracethe12 - Thanks for the Icies tips! But they didn't help me in tournament! LOL I was over thinking when I was playing.

Little Fumi - Your Yoshi is beast!

SD people in General - You guys scare me... HAHA in a good way(You guys are good).
Whoever that Ice Climber guy was that beat me, I'll get you next time!


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
First shoutout goes to the host!

AznLep - Good stuff running the tourny! Red Robin is AMAZING! Split a burger with someone and you will have a great meal and a full stomach for $5! Legit!

JDM - I should have asked you to play some team friendlies before the tourny! That was my fault! We'll team again!

Pnoy - Intense set! I didn't know what was gonna happen!

Everyone at Psycho's - Melee! Ninja Turtles! Brawl?! It was all great! (Not Brawl)

P - "This n!gg@ wanna die?!" That s#!+ was hilarious!

805 - Glad Plan 9 drove all ya so you can make it!

SD - Great place with great people! If only we can have more tournies out there and people willing to come down, then we can extend the PR!

(I'm sick so I'm just gonna stop here! Call me a *****! I don't care!)


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2009
San Diego, CA
ohh man i got pretty badly ranked in singles. ='[
shout outs?:
*plan 9:nice set, i didnt kno u used falcon. heard u were a doc.
still, so close, beat me 2-1 >=[, and hope to falco vs falcon u again somtime.
*psychomidget:uhhm 1-3 stocked me in our set each match, but still, i didnt kno u used falcon either. and its too good. hope to play ur falcon som more
*littlefumi:lol ill c u in the morning at school but good ****. :]
in teams we did pretty well, had real nice sets with zhu/kira and lovage/aznlep ;D
*leeland:known u for too long cuz u were at my first tourny.
ur too good and real cool.and thx for teaching me ic desync! its so fun


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
OH YEAH ONE MORE THING. it's time for sd to have a biweekly or weekly for melee again! i'm down to start one fosho! i remember boss saying he doesn't host anymore because no sd players would go compared to other people from so cal who would drive 2 hours to get there. time to represent the sd pride :']
This. I'll go whenever I can.


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
BOSS, are you going to SCSA? Outside of the smashfest last week, I haven't seen you in forever! You and Kyle and Richard need to fill me in on all the happenings in Melee-land. :]


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2006
going to SCSA indeed. melee is too much fun, get back on ittttttt. Pnoy is so flakey its reidiculous. i deleted that fools # outa my phone, ****in dumb. anyway...come smash this week with us yea?


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
Two Sides of the same coin (or yin and yang or ebony and ivory or somethin'. . .)

Aw, BOSS inviting me to play? You know I'm there! :]
I have finals til' Thursday, but after that, I'm home free! <3

Ack! I'm caught in the middle of the San Diego Melee/Brawl divide!

North San Diego is all Melee (BOSS, Maple, Pnoy, LHG, ASP, Doodles, Saint Patrick, SA2Jeff [OHHHHHHH!], Derek, Jordan, etc.), while Southern San Diego is all Brawl! (Havok, Bone, Fierce [HEEEEEEYYYYYY<3], Hall n' Oats, Awex, Nyjin, MogX, Soid, TKD, etc.)

Argh, with so many amazing people in both communities, not to mention countless memories between the two groups, what's a Rickety to do? We should show our San Diego Love! and come together and be M. Guy cutie-pies together! <3



Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2006
haha. well got my last finals on thursday as well. goin up to connors friday i think to smash. stayin there over night for ucla saturday


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2007
San Marcos, CA
going to SCSA indeed. melee is too much fun, get back on ittttttt. Pnoy is so flakey its reidiculous. i deleted that fools # outa my phone, ****in dumb. anyway...come smash this week with us yea?
i guess family **** shouldn't come before smash Boss? Maybe i shouldn't care about relatives passing away?

...nah F that. get the skill to back up your talk for once. SD needs the old 07 Boss, not the new 0-4 to SDR Boss.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2006
i guess family **** shouldn't come before smash Boss? Maybe i shouldn't care about relatives passing away?

...nah F that. get the skill to back up your talk for once. SD needs the old 07 Boss, not the new 0-4 to SDR Boss.
haha wow. dont act like i dont sympathsize with ur current family matters richard. that has nothing to do with it. I cant even tell u how many times both myself and kyle have begged you to just text or give a call saying "busy" or "gonna be late". you say 7pm and then its 11pm and ur still nowhere to be found. you have ur phone on u 24-7 but u cant ever pick it up or text us back and simply say "i cant hang out n smash today". it's simply rude. it shows ur character and ur lack or respect toward your peers. maybe when u grow up a bit you will understand where i'm coming from. both kyle and i are sick and tired of you ignoring us because u can. I just have to be the one to say it apparently. what makes u think ur time is any better than ours? it's just really frustrating when we txt u or call u over and over and over and u cant once just even say "****ing busy!!!!" it's so simple, i dont get it. did u ever come to think that if u just said ur preoccupied that we would just say "okay" every time we talk and u say i have family **** i always say "goodluck man, srry blah blah blah. hit me up whenev" and its done. i just dont get it
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