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San Diego Lovin' - Triweekly XXXII - December 1st


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
that happened after that ****ty tournament

chula vista ran smoothly though :D
i should've went GnW the whole time against you


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
I love Mike "Sandbagger" Haze :] (Even though he sandbags. [Or maybe, because of it!]) <3


Mike/Mana, you silly goose! I knew you were fibbing when you told me "Everyone on smashboards is blaming you and Azn_Lep for the tournament."

Me: "Really? I don't believe you. Can you show me?"

Mike/Mana: "Check it when you get home!"


heee <3


San Diego Zoo Stamp Glitch is too good!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2008
Santa Clarita, CA
Well, I am pretty pissed off. I drove nearly 3 hours, spent over 50 dollars on gas to come to what, I expected to be a somewhat unique tournament. Sponsored by ESPN and Redbull!

A great venue, a bar, good weather.

I am absolutely in shock that the TOs were relying on 25 year olds to get ALL of the kids in. I am 24 so, luckily I go to go right in. But the kids were stuck out there for a long time. If the TO had no agreement worked out with Dave and Busters about this, why the hell did they host a tournament at Dave and Busters. Also, minors are not allowed in Dave and Busters at night, period. If the tournament were to finish, you would have a bunch of 15 year olds running around the bar. When you think about it, this tournament was doomed from the start.

2. There was no sign of ESPN, cybersports, red bull, etc, etc. Actually, me and my doubles partner, Dr. Elite, were the only people to see Red Bull's presence at the event, when we were each given a free, warm, red bull before the event. Don't get me wrong, I am all about freebies, but ????

3. Doubles seemed to go fine, and that was fun. The tournament at first seemed, not so bad. Then, bam, word gets out that someone screwed up and the tournament has to finish before 6pm. Unacceptable. How could someone screw up SO bad. There is no excuse for this. People traveled a long way for this, a LOT of people.

4. The buffet. So I am the 2nd person to register for the event, and I get my buffet ticket for 5 bucks. Unfortunately, no one was checking for buffet tickets. When trays of food came out, hoards of people that did not pay took all the food! This left guys like me, with 2 options. Starve, or order a 13 dollar entree. Instead, I just started drinking whiskey

5. Money was missing from the pots. This is illegal and if I were a top 3 finisher in doubles, I would be threatening to take these guys to small claims court. It does not matter if the TOs were taking a loss from the event. That is their fault for being imcompetent. If you were a top 3 finisher, and you are owed money, don't let up on this, the law is behind you.

6. Singles. So they cut it to single elimination due to time. The cut the price in half, from 10 to 5 bucks. A lot of people stay for singles, each paying 5 bucks. The tournament doesn't finish. The tournament organizers keep the cash!? Where did my money go? Where did everyone's money go!? Unless it went to the top 3 singles finishers (which do not exist), everyone deserves a refund.

I would like to conclude by saying that this tournament was a good attempt. I liked the venue, the air conditioning, the alcohol. I liked the hot chicks that strolled in looking for me. But the truth is that this tournament was run by crooks.

I should have known this would be a shady event. ESPN has nothing to do with video games, neither does Red Bull. The advertising was full of lies or exaggerations.

If I come off as arrogant, good! 6 hours of driving, 15 bucks in tournament fees, 55 bucks worth of gas, 30 dollars of booze.

I forgive any innocent people associated with this tournament's organization. Just please do not host a large scale tournament again.

This event has inspired me to begin planning my own large tournament, which will be a complete success. I have several REAL backers in line, its just a matter of finding the perfect venue, and getting the perfect time/date. Another major goal for me is to fly out players from around the country. There are a lot of players out there that deserve an offline presence.

Good things I have to say:

GGs to edrees, best peach I've played, a lot of new things I haven't seen. One day I will be sober and get my revenge!

GGs to Aero and RipN. Me and doc did decent against you guys, but once you had me last stock in a 2v1, I couldn't do a **** thing. Your teamwork is impeccable. Learned a lot from watching you guys.

good meeting some new people etc etc etc ok im done


Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2008
I'm pretty sure 2nd tournament is still a legit john since it seems like he just started playing seriously. Congrats


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
San Diego
kira playing brawl is something i havn't quite come to terms with yet. hahahaha. practice in teams so i can ditch haze and find someone who doesn't get ***** silly. ssssigggh.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Tijuana/San Diego
There money is being sent Dsf has Dane's info already....
i dont know hack dane just talks and stuff so i think everyone just doesnt trust him anymore if they ever did trust him in the first place
at least we know where he lives
hack just dump dane for these things a lot of the smashers have experience running these things so you have a good team of experienced organizers and oats who can yell and be heard a mile away (plus he's super helpful at the chula weeklies) idk why you havent come to them for help or stuff.
you just cant pull out a tourney out of thin air like a wedding rehearsal lol
^ like i said in that one post just quit doing stuff with dane


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
There money is being sent Dsf has Dane's info already....
this isnt danes responsibility its yours. why does dane have the money and not you? why was aznlep and hall running the computer most of the time and not you? why did you find out at the last minute that we needed a 25 yr old escort into the restraunt? why wasnt espn there? WHY DOES DANE HAVE OUR MONEY


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
SOCAL (Chula Vista)
IMPORTANT Please Read!

Ok, First off I want to come out and say a huge SORRY to everyone that came out to this and especially to the people who drove down hours to this event! Imma come out and say that this was a complete waste of time and money!!!! I want to also say that Rickety, Azn Lep, and Havok had absolutely nothing to do with this tournament so please don't go off and think that they were involved in this because they indeed weren't! Next, for those that went to the tournament could tell you that it was indeed one GREAT BIG SH*T STORM after another! A number of things went wrong one right after the other! I feel terrible for what had happened but I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for everything that happened! I blame myself for trusting Dane and for believe that he had everything squared away. You can point the finger and say it was Dane's fault, My fault, or D&B fault, but again, I take full responsibility for what happened! I hope this doesn't leave a sour taste in your mouth and make you think that SD is terrible at hosting tourneys cause we really don't. We had countless problems which ultimately made this tournament a complete failure, and for that I agologize! I hope everyone can Forgive and Forget and I sure as HELL hope you don't hold all of SD accountable for this because its not their fault.... Like I said Blame me not them!!! I hope to see all of you around at any other future tournies here in SD!

Now, Of course people are just gonna talk mad sh*t about me, dane, and everyone that was involved and I know I can't stop you guys from doing that! But people stop spreading Bull sh*t rumors that are not even remotely true! Me and Dane are not f*cking con artist or none of that sh*t and we didn't go off and split the money and leave DSF & Ajax nothing! If you even talk to DSF or Ajax or even some of the CV guys they'll tell you how F*cking bad I felt cause this all turned to SH*T and especially to all the people that drove down hours to pretty much waste there time! I sent DSF Dane's info and there in contact and yes Dane is gonna pay them! All I do for Dane is advertise the tournament for him. He tells me the sponsors and everything and all I do is post it! Now about the sponsors Dane is on ESPN RADIO and has his own show he was gonna interview the winners and they were gonna appear on Dane's show but since everything got F*ucked up that didn't end up happening! Also for those that were at LUNA GAMES know that Dane does have Red Bull connections and were a sponsor in the event and helped pay for some of the venue fees they were supposed to show up and dish out free drinks and I have no Idea where they were and why they didn't show up??? Thats how I'm associated with Dane and him taking out a percentage from the pot is his call I just do what he says cause he pays me for it.... he has a hold of the money I haven't seen a cent of it and its all making me look like Sh*t as well and like I said above, the tournament was posted under my name and my thread so I take full responsibility for it even though I had no control when everything went to Sh*t! For those of you that really know me and have chilled and hung out with me IM NOT A F*CKING CROOK or NOTHING LIKE THAT! Imma cool chill person and now cause of this going the way it did my name and everything is going to crap! This was just a series of unfortunate events that happened one right after the other!!! Im sorry for cursing so much and everything but I had to speak my mind about this and please if you don't really know what happened don't be making up some BULL SH*T! Sorry for everyone that came out and wasted their time and money and I just hope you can forgive me and hope you don't think that SD has a terrible smash scene cause we really DON'T and Again I'm really SORRY about the event and I wanna say SORRY to SD for thrashing our name..... :(


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
San Diego
Whoa Rickety! I'm liking what went in to the main page. You're getting me psyched for tri-weeklies that haven't even been announced yet!


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
There money is being sent Dsf has Dane's info already....
didn't we trust dane to get us a venue? what happened to that? didn't we trust dane to host a good tournament? what happened to that? didn't we trust dane to come to the tournament yesterday?

you're right dreamhack! dane is a really reputable guy!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
SOCAL (Chula Vista)
I told this to a few people already....

My first tournament at Gamer Universe, the one that I ran and the one I met Dane at, I ran it my way and it went pretty smooth....

Then the next 2, the ones that Dane ran, chose the venue, bought food, drinks, ect., ect., went to crap...

And Now is when I just barely realize this..... :(


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
^ That's what's supposed to happen. It's life. Don't cry about it. Accept it. Bad **** happens to everyone.
pretty much sums it up.

Ripn, Fyzix and I got into a car accident last night and now Ripn's car is totalled.

**** happens just get over it and try to make everything right


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2004
pretty much sums it up.

Ripn, Fyzix and I got into a car accident last night and now Ripn's car is totalled.

**** happens just get over it and try to make everything right
Holy ****. You guys ok? And was it on the way back from SD?
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