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San Diego Lovin' - Triweekly XXXII - December 1st


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2006
San Diego, CA
what about "Harmony Alpha/Zero" like street fighter alpha or what about
"Harmony vs Escondido " or something like that so it could be copy of marvel vs capcom type crossover event

J Flo

Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2007
UC Riverside//San Diego, CA
Harmony: The World Warrior
Harmony: Champion Edition
Harmony Turbo: Hyper Fighting
SUPER Harmony: The New Challengers
SUPER Harmony Tubo: Red Sun & Blue Moon
SUPER Harmony Tubo: HD Remix

I think we have finally ran out of Street Fighter II games to copy for the Harmony tournaments (unless we go with HYPER Harmony: The Anniversary Edition)

Harmony: A New Generation of Smashers ?

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is: who would be interested in playing at my house tonight?

We would have a smashfest/mini tournament, and either a small entry to play, or donations out of the goodness of one's heart for OC3. (I'm leaning towards the latter<3 )

Reply soon!

How about adding the SF3 games? New Generation, Second Impact, then Third Strike. That'd be cool...:chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2006
San Diego, CA
How about adding the SF3 games? New Generation, Second Impact, then Third Strike. That'd be cool...:chuckle:
**** it i just suggested something like too before your post bump to the next page :laugh:

to rick post: I would love to up and play with you guys but the only time i can play is on the weekends and i would need a ride to get up there.


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
what about "Harmony Alpha/Zero" like street fighter alpha or what about
"Harmony vs Escondido " or something like that so it could be copy of marvel vs capcom type crossover event

Chronologically, III comes after II, with Alpha being right before II. But that's an amazing idea! Pat/Azn Lep challenged RB, and we gotta have a crossover spectacular! <3

Edit: Yeah, I was referring to Street Fighter III: New Generation, but I was calling it by the original USA marquee name "Three: A New Generation of Street Fighters" when I made the name "Harmony: A New Generation of Smashers".


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2006
San Diego, CA
San Diego Triweeklies sound awesome. I'm gonna be a freshman at SDSU next year so I hope you guys keep this up until then, or at least keep them up for Brawl. Are there any smashers from SDSU that come to these? That would be cool to meet some smashers right away. Hopefully I'll be able to meet some of you guys at OC3.

EDIT: I'm from AZ, so I think I might have met a couple of you at AZone.
Yeah, I'm coming in as a freshmen too to SDSU. It'd be cool to keep up the smash scene all the way down there or something.

J Flo said:
How about adding the SF3 games? New Generation, Second Impact, then Third Strike. That'd be cool...
Funny we mention these things right before they happen. Maybe we caught something from that hypnotist last night... @___@

Rickety said:
Harmony: The World Warrior
Harmony: Champion Edition
Harmony Turbo: Hyper Fighting
SUPER Harmony: The New Challengers
SUPER Harmony Tubo: Red Sun & Blue Moon
SUPER Harmony Tubo: HD Remix

I think we have finally ran out of Street Fighter II games to copy for the Harmony tournaments (unless we go with HYPER Harmony: The Anniversary Edition)

Harmony: A New Generation of Smashers ?

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is: who would be interested in playing at my house tonight?

We would have a smashfest/mini tournament, and either a small entry to play, or donations out of the goodness of one's heart for OC3. (I'm leaning towards the latter<3 )

Reply soon!

SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK. I'm interested for sure.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
**** straight its for the weak. and rick i suggest having a small entry fee, cuz asking nicely for donations just never seems to work.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2006
Abilene, TX
Hey kyubibirby I have your memory card. I PM'ed you, so just give me an address and I'll drop it off.

On another note thanks for a great time Amon. I'm looking foward to the next one.

Here are some shout outs.

PNOY: Good job at the tournament. Too bad we didn't get to play more, but answer my PM and we can play eachother more. If you want to be technical then we are 2-2, but beating you twice in the same tournament doesn't count.

Rick: Thanks for all the friendlys and for encouraging me. Look foward to playing you again.

Azn: Good seeing you again and it was fun playing our match together.

ireallyhatepozers: Yea, that n-air to jab is brutal to Peach, but Peach's chain grab is even worse. Good match. Oh your Game and Watch crouched cancelled too much against my Peach.

Another Falcon player: Don't remember your tag, but all you played is Cap Falcon, so you should know who you are. It was fun playing friendlies with you.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
Escondido vs. Harmony?

I lived in Escondido for the first seven years of my life, can I be on that crew? ^^


Mar 31, 2006
:( I hope my vote still counts...

Best Combo Skills:------------------------ SA3Tony, TP_Fox (Burrito combo FTW. No one saw that coming.)
Smasher with the Best Recovery:------- Deth (You just love sticking on to those lives!)
Smasher with the most Mind-Games:-- (Don't know... Styles clash! But maybe I'm too nub xD)
Most Technical Skill:--------------------- Vietgamer
Best Edge Guarding Smasher:----------- Edrees, Rickety
Best Low Tier Smasher:------------------ Doodles (Camp 'em! <3), ASP (Not only for Mario, but for using effing Whiscash competitively xD <3)
Most Diverse Smasher:------------------ Romeo619
Best Team Smasher:--------------------- The BOSS
Most Clutch Smasher:-------------------- SA3Tony (Lol, poor Zack...)
Most Traveled Smasher:----------------- (I actually wouldn't know this one for sure...)
Most Unpredictable Smasher:----------- Saint Patrick (But that's just 'cause you're Ganon :p)
Best Crew:-------------------------------- Harmony! Yeah! :)
Best Trash Talker:------------------------ Juice, SA3Tony
Gayest Smasher:------------------------ Rickety <33 (LOL don't ask.)
Funniest Smasher:----------------------- SA2Jeff (That laugh is WAY too contagious xD Miss you :()
Friendliest Smasher:--------------------- Will (Love that about you, dude!!)
Most look a-like Smashers:-------------- Rickety, SA3Tony (Haha, NOT :p)
Most Improved Smasher:---------------- SA3Tony
Breakout Smasher:----------------------- Bone
Best Team Combination:----------------- Jackpot, Team Yoshi Story
Best Overall Smasher:-------------------- Edrees :) Too cool.

And last but not least--
BEST GIRL SMASHER IN SD:-------------- Yours truly!! (>u<) v

(LOL sorry for taking so long, Ricky...!! ^^'')


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Hey kyubibirby I have your memory card. I PM'ed you, so just give me an address and I'll drop it off.

On another note thanks for a great time Amon. I'm looking foward to the next one.

Here are some shout outs.

PNOY: Good job at the tournament. Too bad we didn't get to play more, but answer my PM and we can play eachother more. If you want to be technical then we are 2-2, but beating you twice in the same tournament doesn't count.

Rick: Thanks for all the friendlys and for encouraging me. Look foward to playing you again.

Azn: Good seeing you again and it was fun playing our match together.

ireallyhatepozers: Yea, that n-air to jab is brutal to Peach, but Peach's chain grab is even worse. Good match. Oh your Game and Watch crouched cancelled too much against my Peach.

Another Falcon player: Don't remember your tag, but all you played is Cap Falcon, so you should know who you are. It was fun playing friendlies with you.

yea cheaP's i mean Peach's chain grab is pretty lame. but yea i wasn't "CCing" persay i was trying to dtilt but i wasn't L cancling right. my tilt should be faster than the smash, or at least should cancel it

oh and its one L in irealyhatepozers =p


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2007
Chula Vista, CA
tomorrow i am graduating! yesss! but anyways hopefully i can get a lot of playing in this summer. i need a lot of play time before japan so i don't get my *** handed to me as badly as i already know i will be haha. o yea and SDSU freshmen...yuppp i'm one of them woo! 50 percent of SDSU students have an STD. good stuff. but yeah i'm down to play whenever! wish i could make it to rick's today, but o wells.


Smash Rookie
Apr 7, 2007
Chula Vista, CA
tomorrow i am graduating! yesss! but anyways hopefully i can get a lot of playing in this summer. i need a lot of play time before japan so i don't get my *** handed to me as badly as i already know i will be haha. o yea and SDSU freshmen...yuppp i'm one of them woo! 50 percent of SDSU students have an STD. good stuff. but yeah i'm down to play whenever! wish i could make it to rick's today, but o wells.
**** yeh graduation hemmeh!


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2006
50 percent of SDSU students have an STD. good stuff.
Wait what? STD as in sexually transmitted disease? I hope this is a new acronym that I dont know... 50%?Thats huge!

(and if someone says thats what she said they get slapped)


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
Me and Jizzanator are coming to the next tri weekly. at least i hope so. anyone know a date yet?
We're working on it :]

Yea last summer really blew for smash lets not have a repeat of that
Really? We had Cheapness Outrage, a 9-Day Road Trip, and OC2 during the summer!

Oh wait, that was just me :] :] :]

man i suck, i'm gonna top wasting my time playing this game
I love you too much wayland, for you to quit.


Thanks to everyone came to Harmony: New Generation! I will post the bracket soon, and shout outs later!

One shoutout, though: Thank you Doodles for teaming with me! "The Happy Campers" we're too good! :]



Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2007
Chula Vista, CA
Wait what? STD as in sexually transmitted disease? I hope this is a new acronym that I dont know... 50%?Thats huge!

(and if someone says thats what she said they get slapped)
that's what you said. but yea STD as in herpes ahhaha, not Smash til Dawn as i assume you were thinking that haha


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2006
San Diego, CA
50 percent of SDSU students have an STD. good stuff.
I love it. I say... BRING IT ON. Especially that recent syphilis outbreak... makes you want to go even more, doesn't it?


Rickety: WOO, thanks Rickety for hosting Harmony: The New Generation on such short notice AND letting us stay as long as we did on a school night/weeknight. Your Sheik is too beastly in doubles, your F-airs seriously annihilated.

Doodles: Haha, another Link ditto series, too fun. I loved the Mute City ban even before I plugged my controller in. No doubt we'll have more Linkfests and in the meantime, I'm looking to add at least ONE victory. :p

Deth/Maple (Death Syrup): WOW, winner's bracket finals all the way to match 5. Too intense I must say. You guys and your love for Brinstar and Poke Floats, hope you play you again. SAN MARCOS! :psycho:

SA3Tony/The BOSS (Big Sexy): Good series. Tony's HOT COMBOs and Boss' rest combos = Too good. That two-in-one rest was crazy, I didn't even know what happened. And TONY... "Where's my props dude." ;)

PNOY: Yay, we finally placed! Ernie Rays Jr. is getting there. Ganon/Peach is a powerhouse, glad to have you as a partner.

Uh, I think that's it. See all of you later.

J Flo

Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2007
UC Riverside//San Diego, CA
I had a lot of fun last night. It was great seeing everyone even though I was hoping to see more of you guys there.

Rickety: Thanks a lot for having us over! Can't wait til Harmony: Second Impact!

Doodles: Fun series, man. I wish I could've played better against you. And you were right about what you said after our match. I CAN beat you in any other (fighting) game :chuckle:

Boss: It was fun finally getting to play you in a few friendlies. GGs

O-side crew: We should definitely smash it up over the summer a lot. Especially since we live fairly close to eachother. It was great seeing you guys again.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2007
San Marcos, CA
oh mang what a night...too fun from the time we entered Rick's house til 2 am when we left. real chill atmosphere. as for SHOUTOUTS...:

Rick: Thanks for having us over. We were all over the idea of comin over for some smashing. Yea and im startin to think i should always go doc vs ur marth now. my sheik sucks and i hate marth dittos. gaahhhh u and jon are the people i hate going against the most! haha but GGs.

Doodles: Woooo finally got to play against u after lookin forward to it so much. All that Link practice from my bro BoogalooMark and from LHG helped alot. Good games SON!

LHG: Freakin Ernie Reyes (Rays) Jr. movin on up!!! sexyness with the Peach/Ganon combizzo. Wouldnt have any other partner.

Boss: Dam REALLY wanted to play u in the tourney after all those close friendlies. Doc and Samus are "Dirty." haha. Hit us (San Marcos crew) up anytime, we're usually up for smashing.

Kyle: ...Marth dittos suck. If we were supposed to just have fun since we were lazy, why were we doin those?! anyways i got lucky on those, next time we goin fer realz. but nonetheless, ALWAYS sick as hell seein u.

Deth: WOOOO scared the **** outta me in our matches. first match beat me, second match i beat u, starting of 3rd on BRINSTAR kickin my ***! haha my comeback with that Katsu(tipper) i think ruined ur drive. i love playin against ur samus, which usually happens alot.

Waychu: ha man this guy...G&W ftw! too fun chillin there with u, with ur one hit "combos" and our G&W forward B battle. i kno u like my duck into 9. CHYEA! GG's too.

Tony: It's the hair...yea...sick guy times 9. all sleepy and stuff, woulda been u against Kyle, and then i faced the winner. GG's and nice seein ya again SIR. ;)

Everybody else: GG's to all, had a great time. Hope to be seein u all more often during summer.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
That was really fun. It was a shame I had to leave.

Rick: I destroyed you... in teams. ;_; haha. I don't know. I wasn't paying enough attention to you, and didn't help you out as much as I should. Next time we team, it'll be different. =)

Maple/Deth: WTF IS MAPLE? haha you guys are always so much better eveytime I see you. GGs Also, LVL9 LINK OWNS YOU GUYS. =]

Tony: Get some sleep noob. haha

Jflo: It's cool, you just need more experience. You had the necessary tech skill, and yeah, shuffl's are too good against a CCing samus... Well, maybe not in Guilty Gear. =P

PNOY: No wonder everyone wanted to see this match. =P That was nuts. I don't think I've ever felt that helpless before. It's like you knew everything that I was going to do. heh... I look forward to playing you some more though, I'll definitely find a way around it(...I hope). =D GGs

LHG: haha, I hate mute city. I always get jacked up there. I'm staring to like Link dittos a little more, now that I got some experience with it. You always play Link dittos, huh? =p GGs

Dayu: Wow, you're good for someone who just showed up on the scene... =o Don't worry about the match, you were beating me in all those friendlies before. and if I had to lose, I wouldn't mind it being to you. Dayu for SD top 20 =)



Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2006
San Diego, CA
Hey I'm planning to have a smashfest at my house (located close to the south bay area of San Diego) tomorrow hopeful so I'll be back on for more details later on today.

Amon Amarth

Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2007
Vista, CA
I would have went to ricky's house last night but i feel sleep really early. =\

Count me in for the next smash fest.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2006
Okay guys... so I have good news!

Here's the deal:

My garage is open for smashing everyday during the week as long as were out by 10:30pm. That means that if we start around 4 or 5 or whatever, then it will be chill. Weekends we can play till whenever.

I'm going to start hosting biweeklies at my pad starting next week! Look for the thread on it later today. These will be TOURNAMENTS and they shall rock. :)

Saint Patrick

Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
San Diego, CA
Okay guys... so I have good news!

Here's the deal:

My garage is open for smashing everyday during the week as long as were out by 10:30pm. That means that if we start around 4 or 5 or whatever, then it will be chill. Weekends we can play till whenever.

I'm going to start hosting biweeklies at my pad starting next week! Look for the thread on it later today. These will be TOURNAMENTS and they shall rock. :)
Dude, I can't wait for this. Here's to hoping that my parents will let me drive up to Oceanside!
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