Before you take a giant crap on the people who like the old, original Mewtwo, why don't you do your research.
He's not some stupid badass evil edgy whatever like Shadow. He was mad at people for messing with his DNA and stuff, but then realized the true meaning of life, and became good.
i.e., he has a personality, and isn't a hollow shell of edginess.
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That's because Femtwo completely destroys every last bit of continuity the anime had.
It shows how little of a crap the writers give. The new anime is made solely for children, so the writers figured the children never saw the old episodes, and would be confused by the continuity, so they said "Hey, let's get rid of that very well developed character we had, and make a new version."
Because that's totally what someone who cares about the fans, and wants people to have the full game would do.
1. That use of the word "otherwise" makes no sense. You are essentially saying that only if Sakurai does not demand 1 Million U.S. Dollars for Mewtwo, he will troll the Femtwo haters. That makes no sense whatsoever.
2. Because that's totally what someone who cares about the fans, and can easily have more fans buy Mewtwo for nostalgia would do. He didn't bring in Ghostly Adventures Pac-Man, he wouldn't bring in Femtwo. Never has Sakurai intentionally annoyed the fans. The whole Ridley fiasco was a misinterpretation of evidence given to us.
Ironic, isn't it?