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Sakurai "aiming to make Super Smash Bros. best character game in the world"

guedes the brawler

Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2009
Brazil. Sadly. Living here SUCKS!
Rosalina's not an awful choice. The people who love her inclusion don't agree with your opinion :)
at the moment there are people more important than her to the mario series who are still not playabel, yes, she is awful

glad you enjoy her, tho; as a fighter she looks good... i just hope hardcore Rosalina fans don't find any infinites with the luma to bog down the metagame and such, or that at least they are quickly patched


3DS Surfer
Jan 21, 2007
Akron, OH
I've never played Galaxy or any of Rosalina's games, and yet all it took to convince me I liked her more than Bowser Jr. was one little intro video from Sakurai and friends. I'd rather have Magikoopa than Bowser Jr.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Yes. As long as Falco is in. JK. I don't even care who's in anymore. This game will be the best character game no matter what. Why?
[insert "Because its Nintendo" here]
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Oh I'm facing the reality, I'm facing the undisputable reality that Rosalina's playable in Smash4 and Toad & Bowser Jr. aren't, how's that for a reality check? I love how you think character importance can be measured with only game numbers...if that made any sense, then Ridley would've made the cut before Zero Suit Samus because she's been in like 4 games and Ridley has only missed two. But things don't work like that, for better, or for worse, but in Rosa's case, for the better, because her fans are happy that she managed to make the cut.
Not that I want to butt in on the discussion, but I'm fairly certain Toad and Jr fans would be pretty happy if their character had made it in too, and they did have the bigger fanbases too. Obviously Rosalina wasn't added because she was more important than either of those two, because she isn't, she was added because she brought something more unique in terms of moveset potential to the roster than they did. Sakurai has already said that they consider moveset potential to be of highest priority when adding characters, so following that philosophy and Sakurai's imagination she was the clear choice there.

Sure, Sakurai wants this to be the best character game in the world, but I'm fairly certain he still realizes that gameplay is also part of that.
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Aunt Jemima

It's ya girl
Jul 2, 2014
I'd rather have Rosalina than any other Mario character, including Waluigi. I haven't even played any Galaxy games, but I find Rosalina to be a lot more fit as a character. People seem to think that just because a character appears in a franchise a lot means that they'll be playable in Smash. By that logic, we should have all Pokemon from Gen 1-5 in the games because they all made an appearance in Gen 6. Also, I don't really think that any other Mario newcomer could compare to the uniqueness that Rosalina & Luma offer in terms of their gameplay style. They're completely unique, even compared to the Ice Climbers, as they're a dual character that functions completely different than ICs.

People get really butthurt when a character joins the roster that isn't one they want, because they think that the character is taking up the spot for their favorite. Sakurai doesn't really have a limit on how much characters he can put in the game, but he doesn't throw in a bunch of characters just for fun because he's not stupid. He makes sure that they fit the Smash universe, that they can offer truly unique mechanics and gameplay, and that they can really be balanced.
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Come on now... a lot of people want Mewtwo, OK I get that, but we can already make Pac-man, Sonic, Mega man and Mario fight each other.... Mewtwo does not compare to that.
More people asked for Mewtwo than they did for Mega Man or Pac-Man. He's the more desired character from the Smash community at least.

I'm simply ecstatic that Pac and Mega are playable, don't get me wrong. It's just that if he says he aims to make this the best character game ever made and he doesn't add Mewtwo back, I'm not sure why he felt justified to ignore the most requested character still accomplish his goal.
I am a huge Mewtwo fan, and even I will not be fazed if Mewtwo is not brought back. Smash 4 is basically everything I could want, so long as it plays as good as it looks.

If Mewtwo makes it in, then of course the game can't get any better for me. But you know, there are characters who seem to have parts and pieces of Mewtwo in them, like Rosalina, Greninja, Palutena, Lucario and others. Even if he doesn't come back, characters like those will make me nostalgic for him in their movesets and will give me characters to work with who share a small piece of the Mewtwo experience.
If he's not back, it's not like I'm gonna weep or never play the game or anything. I will purchase this title and play it for years, I'm aiming to attend a midnight release. I just can't stress how much I love the Smash franchise and how much I've liked where this iteration of it has been going. But I'd never understand why Sakurai would have had no desire to look into adding in the most requested character, that is part of a partially Nintendo owned IP and is flaunted by the other part of the IP's ownership every few years or so.

Also, I can see similarities between Mewtwo, Rosalina, Palutena, and Lucario, but Greninja? You'll have to explain that one to me, because besides the fact that Greninja and Mewtwo can charge up a projectile I'm not seeing any similarities.
Screw Mewtwo. :laugh:
But seriously, Mario, Sonic, Megaman, and PAC-Man will be more iconic than Mewtwo will probably ever be.
Being iconic doesn't mean that you were a highly requested character. Pac-Man is incredibly iconic, but was never nearly as requested as much as Sonic, Mega Man, and even Mewtwo. His requests only shot up since Bandai-Namco agreed to co-develop the game and I think it's really safe to say that he would have been implemented in Smash whether we wanted it to happen or not, because there's no way Sakurai would have passed off that chance.
Now I'm not saying Pac-Man is a bad addition or that he isn't iconic, it's just that the stars aligned for him and he basically got a get-into-Smash free card. I also really like the character too, so it's not like I hate him or anything.
I'll never understand the mewtwo fans
das kinda rood
I knew I would get some hate responses but I truly don't get the mewtwo hype. I'm biased though because I think pokemon are lame and I was always a magic the gathering player.
Well if that's the case I don't really think that comment was warranted.
But you're entitled to your own opinion so no hard feelings.
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Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2014
VA, United States
Being iconic doesn't mean that you were a highly requested character. Pac-Man is incredibly iconic, but was never nearly as requested as much as Sonic, Mega Man, and even Mewtwo. His requests only shot up since Bandai-Namco agreed to co-develop the game and I think it's really safe to say that he would have been implemented in Smash whether we wanted it to happen or not, because there's no way Sakurai would have passed off that chance.
Now I'm not saying Pac-Man is a bad addition or that he isn't iconic, it's just that the stars aligned for him and he basically got a get-into-Smash free card. I also really like the character too, so it's not like I hate him or anything.
I've seen people request PAC-Man much more than I've seen people Mewtwo.
I only see Mewtwo requests here and on Miiverse. I see PAC-Man requests just about everywhere. YouTube, school, you name it.
Not saying that means PAC-Man was asked for more, but PAC-Man was requested just as much as Mewtwo, even before smash 4.

Mr. KoopaTurtle

Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2014
Bowser's Castle
Because 2/3 of the story didn't totally revolve around Robin and because Chrom wasn't pushed to the side as soon as that event happened.
K.Rool's a villain, main villain > Playable actually...you probably want some unimportant Metroid one-shot hunter rather than Ridley, don't you? Also, Rosalina has made a much bigger impact than Bowser Jr...she was like one of the main plot points of probably the best Mario game ever made, you want to compare that to a Bowser Scrappy Doo and a generic Mushroom Kingdom guard?
That hurt man..

But yes, Sakurai has definitely succeeded with every iteration of Smash. There really isn't any worthy competition.


3DS Surfer
Jan 21, 2007
Akron, OH
@ AEMehr AEMehr , the one similarity I see between Greninja and Mewtwo are their shared abilities to vanish. Granted, Greninja and Mewtwo vanish in totally different ways, but the premise of going invisible to psyche out your opponent is still present. That's really as deep as the similarities go, I feel.

Edit: I guess you could say the same about Zelda and Shiek, I suppose, but since Greninja and Mewtwo are both Pokemon, the comparison seems more natural.
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
I've seen people request PAC-Man much more than I've seen people Mewtwo.
I only see Mewtwo requests here and on Miiverse. I see PAC-Man requests just about everywhere. YouTube, school, you name it.
Not saying that means PAC-Man was asked for more, but PAC-Man was requested just as much as Mewtwo, even before smash 4.
Well, I'm fairly certain Mewtwo is the most requested character worldwide. Some areas are different from others and all.
@ AEMehr AEMehr , the one similarity I see between Greninja and Mewtwo are their shared abilities to vanish. Granted, Greninja and Mewtwo vanish in totally different ways, but the premise of going invisible to psyche out your opponent is still present. That's really as deep as the similarities go, I feel.

Edit: I guess you could say the same about Zelda and Shiek, I suppose, but since Greninja and Mewtwo are both Pokemon, the comparison seems more natural.
Oh okay. I can see what you mean. Though I do think Rosalina and Palutena are much better comparisons. Since Rosalina disappears when she dodges and has that whole light weight thing going despite appearing to be a heavier character, and Palutena's default up special is basically Mewtwo's. Both of them also float, but Rosalina moreso.
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Mewtwo defiantly isn't the most. If anything Ridley.
No still pretty sure Mewtwo is the most requested character overall.

Ridley is at least the most requested Nintendo newcomer stateside, but not overall.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2014
They don't add Toad because he has no cool or unique abilities. What would he do, scream? Bowser JR I can imagine having a move set, playing like a tiny Bowser (or using his brush) in battle. Dunno, maybe he'll get announced sometime, we have no idea. People like Rosalina and WFT were added because they had interesting and unique move sets. They aren't adding everyone based on a fanbase. If that were true we'd have some really weird stuff.

Devil G.

Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2014
They don't add Toad because he has no cool or unique abilities. What would he do, scream? Bowser JR I can imagine having a move set, playing like a tiny Bowser (or using his brush) in battle. Dunno, maybe he'll get announced sometime, we have no idea. People like Rosalina and WFT were added because they had interesting and unique move sets. They aren't adding everyone based on a fanbase. If that were true we'd have some really weird stuff.
Some people still refuse to see this when it's so true ( I'm not referring to anyone in particular, nor on this thread, don't take it personally. )
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Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2010
somewhere west of Unova
IMO SSE had the potential to be completely awesome given more development time, and I still love charging through the stages as Sonic OHKOing basic foes with Spin Dashes and Homing Attacks. But that's neither here nor there.

Personally, there are a few characters I'd love to see enter the Smash franchise as playable characters (Lloyd Irving or Klonoa, Isaac from Golden Sun, Bowser Jr. in the Koopa Klown Kar (because that would be the best thing), Plusle and Minun who were planned for Brawl, Tetra and Toon Ganondorf from LoZ:WW, Paper Mario, and probably a few others too), but honestly the roster is already awesome and I'm sure there are more unlockable characters that we won't see until the game comes out. The stage list is also looking awesome so far, and from a competitive standpoint the game looks gorgeous. (Guys that 5-7 frame landing lag on Link's FAir though, also 5-9 frames of landing lag on Link's BAir. Fans of competitive Melee will find that to be hype as all ****.)
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Smash Cadet
May 20, 2014
Ontario, Canada


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
that she represents what is basically a niche branch of the main mario games

I know people don't like Bowser Jr, but it hurts sometimes to see your most wanted get hated by many people...
I don't hate him, but at the same time, I don't get what the big deal about him is. Much like most of the Mario characters that "deserved to be in Smash more than Rosalina".

Beyond being Bowser's cute rascal son, Bowser. Jr is an interesting concept, especially for Mario, done incredibly poorly (I mean come on, his claim that Peach is his mother makes you believe that Peach ****ed Bowser for a minute - and even after you find out she isn't really his mother, it doesn't excuse the fact that Peach had to freakin' think about it). While Bowser. Jr could have brought a lot to the table in terms of making the Mario franchise a more respectable medium for genuine storytelling (the ending of Sunshine proves that he could make Bowser more than just the big bad villain, but also let Jr himself have his own thoughts, motives and ideals), and could have had a lot of interesting interactions with Bowser, he pretty much got demoted to just being 8th Koopaling in the NSMB games, and even in Galaxy, he feels like a generic lackey to Bowser. Bowser doesn't even acknowledge him beyond Sunshine.

In contrast, Rosalina is an interesting and incredibly daring concept for a series such as Mario, done exceptionally right. Her storybook is a pure artistic masterpiece and can only be classed as a tragedy in terms of literary genre, and everything surrounding her character is interesting and builds her personality, and she even has things to flesh her out outside of the storybook. She has limitless potential since she is a space goddess and therefore can have all kinds of powers.

I don't want this to turn into another post where I gush about her too much, and the only part that's really in response to the post I'm quoting is that I myself don't hate Bowser. Jr, but can see the many flaws he has.

But it hurts a lot when a character I know is really good despite everyone forming half-baked, negative opinions on her before her reveal, manages to still be a controversial topic even after more than proving herself worthy of Smash, inside and outside of Smash itself.


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2012
They don't add Toad because he has no cool or unique abilities. What would he do, scream? Bowser JR I can imagine having a move set, playing like a tiny Bowser (or using his brush) in battle. Dunno, maybe he'll get announced sometime, we have no idea. People like Rosalina and WFT were added because they had interesting and unique move sets. They aren't adding everyone based on a fanbase. If that were true we'd have some really weird stuff.
That's assuming you even see WFT's moveset as unique. She's got some interesting special moves, especially with that self-buff mechanic. But the rest of her moveset is just random melee attacks with awkward animations. If I wanted to beat the living heck out of my opponent, fisticuff style, I'd play as the more epic alternative :4falcon:.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
That hurt man..

But yes, Sakurai has definitely succeeded with every iteration of Smash. There really isn't any worthy competition.
Just to clarify, I don't actually consider Bowser Jr. a 'Bowser Scrappy Doo', that's just something I heard someone said and found it fitting for this conversation, as much as I hate the idea of a playable generic Toad, I do think a lighter, faster Bowser with a few moveset differences would be very awesome.


Apr 13, 2008
It's amazing how Brawl is often considered a disappointment, yet is still a markedly better game than most others ever made. Little, if anything actually holds a candle to Smash Bros., and it's the collection of characters that belittles so much competition without deliberately crushing it. Smash Bros. is like this giant castle and challengers come along, crashing into and attacking its walls, and it wasn't until Brawl that some pieces chipped away, but nobody penetrated those barriers. Smash Bros. is 15 years old and is already the most exciting series ever made. Something about the convergence of properties, and the succeeding and additional worlds that are invited each outing that keeps the interest on FIRE. With each game comes the potential for x character to make the cut, and Smash 4 has, above all other entries, proved the bizarre—and we're not done learning about the roster! Surprises await, big ones. Really big, bad, bombastic surprises. This game is gonna hit home.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2014
That's assuming you even see WFT's moveset as unique. She's got some interesting special moves, especially with that self-buff mechanic. But the rest of her moveset is just random melee attacks with awkward animations. If I wanted to beat the living heck out of my opponent, fisticuff style, I'd play as the more epic alternative :4falcon:.
Keep in mind we're comparing to Toad.

Mr. KoopaTurtle

Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2014
Bowser's Castle

I don't hate him, but at the same time, I don't get what the big deal about him is. Much like most of the Mario characters that "deserved to be in Smash more than Rosalina".

Beyond being Bowser's cute rascal son, Bowser. Jr is an interesting concept, especially for Mario, done incredibly poorly (I mean come on, his claim that Peach is his mother makes you believe that Peach ****ed Bowser for a minute - and even after you find out she isn't really his mother, it doesn't excuse the fact that Peach had to freakin' think about it). While Bowser. Jr could have brought a lot to the table in terms of making the Mario franchise a more respectable medium for genuine storytelling (the ending of Sunshine proves that he could make Bowser more than just the big bad villain, but also let Jr himself have his own thoughts, motives and ideals), and could have had a lot of interesting interactions with Bowser, he pretty much got demoted to just being 8th Koopaling in the NSMB games, and even in Galaxy, he feels like a generic lackey to Bowser. Bowser doesn't even acknowledge him beyond Sunshine.

In contrast, Rosalina is an interesting and incredibly daring concept for a series such as Mario, done exceptionally right. Her storybook is a pure artistic masterpiece and can only be classed as a tragedy in terms of literary genre, and everything surrounding her character is interesting and builds her personality, and she even has things to flesh her out outside of the storybook. She has limitless potential since she is a space goddess and therefore can have all kinds of powers.

I don't want this to turn into another post where I gush about her too much, and the only part that's really in response to the post I'm quoting is that I myself don't hate Bowser. Jr, but can see the many flaws he has.

But it hurts a lot when a character I know is really good despite everyone forming half-baked, negative opinions on her before her reveal, manages to still be a controversial topic even after more than proving herself worthy of Smash, inside and outside of Smash itself.
Honestly, many people, both on these boards and in my life, don't understand the big deal with Bowser Jr. I always have a hard time explaining it...

The reason I love him so much is because of Sunshine. I loved the concept of the character: Bowser's tricky yet rascal son who really wants to make his papa proud, and will probably believe what his papa says because he loves him so much. Beyond the magical paintbrush, princess kidnapping, and minion army, all Bowser Jr. really wants to do is make his father as happy as can be.

I guess this is a really personal thing with me, because I can connect with Bowser Jr. I love how this little kid will do the most dangerous things just so he can make his father rejoice(even though they have extremely evil intentions:laugh:) . He's always made me laugh or impressed me in every game he's been in.

I love this character, more than any other character. His magical paintbrush, father's bad attitude, cute bib, and love for his father all contribute to my likeness for Jr. This is all the main reason I'm sometimes hurt by the hate he receives. I like Rosalina, and I'm glad she's getting a chance in Smash, but deep down I'll always be a little sad and jealous that Jr. couldn't make it.
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Smash Cadet
May 20, 2014
Ontario, Canada
One of many fan-lead polls.
If you were going to argue with someone about which character is most requested, wouldn't it make sense to include such information to back up the discussion instead of "research it yourself, I'm not going to tell you where I got this information"?

(not directed at you in particular! You weren't part of what I'm facepalming at)


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Honestly, many people, both on these boards and in my life, don't understand the big deal with Bowser Jr. I always have a hard time explaining it...

The reason I love him so much is because of Sunshine. I loved the concept of the character: Bowser's tricky yet rascal son who really wants to make his papa proud, and will probably believe what his papa says because he loves him so much. Beyond the magical paintbrush, princess kidnapping, and minion army, all Bowser Jr. really wants to do is make his father as happy as can be.

I guess this is a really personal thing with me, because I can connect with Bowser Jr. I love how this little kid will do the most dangerous things just so he can make his father rejoice(even though they have extremely evil intentions:laugh:) . He's always made me laugh or impressed me in every game he's been in.

I love this character, more than any other character. His magical paintbrush, father's bad attitude, cute bib, and love for his father all contribute to my likeness for Jr. This is all the main reason I'm sometimes hurt by the hate he receives. I like Rosalina, and I'm glad she's getting a chance in Smash, but deep down I'll always be a little sad and jealous that Jr. couldn't make it.
Well if it means anything, I think after Rosalina, he was the next best choice for a new Mario rep. In fact, when it comes to just the main series, I think he's the only character left from the Mario series that really needs to be in Smash, and I hope he will be in the next generation's Smash game.

And everything you have said about his character is absolutely true (and I won't argue with you on any deeply personal reasons behind your love for the character - I have a lot of deeply personal reasons behind why I love Rosalina, but I do keep them out of discussions on these boards and try to stick to the universal aspects of a character). I don't really think there is anything WRONG with Bowser. Jr himself. He's just yet another character that's gotten the shaft from Miyamoto and wasn't capitalised on. He's a character bound by a creator who doesn't care to make good use of him, despite the endearing potential he has. And he unfortunately debuted in a game that tried but failed to give Mario a more cinematic feeling, and Sunshine in general is the least well received 3D Mario game. I really hope he gets to shine one day, though.

And I would like to see him make a cameo (heck, he already has, sort of, if I'm not mistaken...) in the upcoming Smash games even if he can't be playable. And I DEFINITELY want his theme from the Galaxy games to be a track on the Mario Galaxy stage in Smash Wii U, it's one of my absolute favourite tracks in the Galaxy soundtracks:



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2010
somewhere west of Unova
I like Rosalina, and I'm glad she's getting a chance in Smash, but deep down I'll always be a little sad and jealous that Jr. couldn't make it.
To be perfectly frank, we don't yet know that he didn't. We still don't know the full roster, so people pretending like "x isn't in the game" and whining about it are, quite frankly, being extremely short-sighted. Unless they're outright deconfirmed, like Midna, Takamaru, Saki, Phosphora, and other assist trophies and trophy-only characters, technically they still have hope.

@ ChikoLad ChikoLad : Something about that song reminds me of the night-time sections from Sonic Unleashed.
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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC

I'm highly, highly positive that we're going to see what is the best Smash Bros to ever grace on earth. And perhaps, finally a game that will best frigging Ocarina of Time out of it's pedestal as the most greatest videogame ever made. We already have the gaming's 4 greatest icons in one game, and it doesn't even end there.

Such an ambition this director has. I pray he'll succeed. Biasments aside to us all, I'm highly positive that we're going to see what is breaking the boundaries once again since Brawl's grand-scale cutout of Nintendo's history and best of best in one single game.
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3DS Surfer
Jan 21, 2007
Akron, OH
If you were going to argue with someone about which character is most requested, wouldn't it make sense to include such information to back up the discussion instead of "research it yourself, I'm not going to tell you where I got this information"?

(not directed at you in particular! You weren't part of what I'm facepalming at)
I understand. It's just that there's no way to tell if it's worth anything. There's no credibility, is my point.


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
I'm simply ecstatic that Pac and Mega are playable, don't get me wrong. It's just that if he says he aims to make this the best character game ever made and he doesn't add Mewtwo back, I'm not sure why he felt justified to ignore the most requested character still accomplish his goal.
I definitely see where this is coming from, and I do think that Sakurai's stated game plan can in fact be contradictory to his mindset in achieving his goal. The instant you start choosing characters for their moveset over their popularity/importance, that's the moment that you stop working toward "the best character-based game in the world". A non-crossover, non-"all-star" fighter would be more apt territory for the "moveset potential > character's status" mindset.

That being said, what I define as a good "character-based game" may be completely different from what Sakurai sees of it. However, his mentioning of this in conjunction with the Pac-Man reveal, while emphasizing the 4 Mascots coming together, would seem to suggest that his definition may not be far from mine. Regardless, I think he's already accomplished his goal (he did it with Smash 64, in all honesty), so at this point, anything else he may add is just stockpiling to prevent other games from ever coming close.
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Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2013

I'm highly, highly positive that we're going to see what is the best Smash Bros to ever grace on earth. And perhaps, finally a game that will best frigging Ocarina of Time out of it's pedestal as the most greatest videogame ever made. We already have the gaming's 4 greatest icons in one game, and it doesn't even end there.

Such an ambition this director has. I pray he'll succeed. Biasments aside to us all, I'm highly positive that we're going to see what is breaking the boundaries once again since Brawl's grand-scale cutout of Nintendo's history and best of best in one single game.
Lol beat oot? That is a tall order considering everybody thought the game was flawless in pretty much all regards. It is well deserving of best videogame ever made. You are free to disagree but i dont think smash 4 will dethrone it. None of the smash bros games i think can dethrone it.

And this isnt as an Oot fanboy lol. I played oot like 2 years ago and majoras last year. Imo majoras mask is the best in the zelda series but honestly it doesnt really matter which is the best videogame of all time since it is opinion.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Honestly, the only confirmed characters that I know are definitely popular based on creator's comments are Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Rosalina - the latter not so much based on Sakurai's words, but based on the Iwata Asks for Super Mario 3D World, where they explain why she's playable in that game (it's often overlooked since hardly anybody seems to read Iwata Asks anymore):

Oh! Rosalina?! Who insisted on that, I wonder?

Um, you probably think it was me! (laughs) But Motokura-san came to me and said he wanted to put her in.

Motokura-san, why Rosalina?

I was thinking about what would be pleasing after the ending and wanted to bring in another female character in addition to Princess Peach. Rosalina has a following among the Super Mario Galaxy fanbase, and she's appeared in Mario Kart recently, so I think she's well known.
While the interview is not about Smash, I'm pretty sure it applies as an indication of her popularity, and had some bearing on her being included in Smash. Sakurai had to have contacted Nintendo EAD. Heck, maybe they suggested her first?


Smash Cadet
Jul 25, 2014
It certainly did a good job to begin with and Smash 4 is certainly having all the appealing newcomers, at least to me. If it can manage to get me into the different series represented, then it succceded character wise. Without Smash, I wouldn't be into Fire Emblem, Mother, F-Zero, Kirby, Metroid, Animal Crossing (well, to be more accurate, Chuggaaconroy's LP of New Leaf did a greater job of that, but that's off topic), etc.

Wii Fit Trainer, I admit was random, but I have to admit, the moveset Sakurai came up with went well with Wii Fit in general, especially the mechanics behind Deep Breathing.

Mr. KoopaTurtle

Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2014
Bowser's Castle
Well if it means anything, I think after Rosalina, he was the next best choice for a new Mario rep. In fact, when it comes to just the main series, I think he's the only character left from the Mario series that really needs to be in Smash, and I hope he will be in the next generation's Smash game.

And everything you have said about his character is absolutely true (and I won't argue with you on any deeply personal reasons behind your love for the character - I have a lot of deeply personal reasons behind why I love Rosalina, but I do keep them out of discussions on these boards and try to stick to the universal aspects of a character). I don't really think there is anything WRONG with Bowser. Jr himself. He's just yet another character that's gotten the shaft from Miyamoto and wasn't capitalised on. He's a character bound by a creator who doesn't care to make good use of him, despite the endearing potential he has. And he unfortunately debuted in a game that tried but failed to give Mario a more cinematic feeling, and Sunshine in general is the least well received 3D Mario game. I really hope he gets to shine one day, though.

And I would like to see him make a cameo (heck, he already has, sort of, if I'm not mistaken...) in the upcoming Smash games even if he can't be playable. And I DEFINITELY want his theme from the Galaxy games to be a track on the Mario Galaxy stage in Smash Wii U, it's one of my absolute favourite tracks in the Galaxy soundtracks:

Thanks. Now I'm somewhat sad, but what you're saying gives me hope. I'm personally happy for you and other Rosalina fans on her inclusion however.
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