Source: [rightw]
Content Contributor: Bionic
Masahiro Sakurai has been very busy with his newest title: Kid Icarus Uprising. However, it seems that Sakurai is actually ready to start his push onto the newest Smash Bros. sequel for Wii U (for real this time)
IGN recently had the pleasure of having to speak with Sakurai where several questions about the game's development were answered:
"As you noted, there is a certain dead end we come to if we just expand the volume of the game. I intend to change direction a little as we go. The key to that's going to be its dual support for 3DS/Wii U. I'm really just getting started on this so it's going to take time, but I'll come up with something that uses that link as the game's central axis, so I hope you're looking forward to it."
Apparently, Sakurai is attempting to focus the core of the game around the synergy between the Wii U and the 3DS. What exactly does this mean? Who knows, but only time can tell and, unfortunately, there will be plenty of time until any kind of release. With the announcement of Smash Bros. Wii U at E3 followed by an unusually long silence perhaps any news is good news.
What do you guys think? Share your thoughts and comments in the article below or visit the Smash Bros for Wii U thread located in General Brawl Discussion.

Content Contributor: Bionic
Masahiro Sakurai has been very busy with his newest title: Kid Icarus Uprising. However, it seems that Sakurai is actually ready to start his push onto the newest Smash Bros. sequel for Wii U (for real this time)
no, like seriously, for real for real
IGN recently had the pleasure of having to speak with Sakurai where several questions about the game's development were answered:
"As you noted, there is a certain dead end we come to if we just expand the volume of the game. I intend to change direction a little as we go. The key to that's going to be its dual support for 3DS/Wii U. I'm really just getting started on this so it's going to take time, but I'll come up with something that uses that link as the game's central axis, so I hope you're looking forward to it."
Apparently, Sakurai is attempting to focus the core of the game around the synergy between the Wii U and the 3DS. What exactly does this mean? Who knows, but only time can tell and, unfortunately, there will be plenty of time until any kind of release. With the announcement of Smash Bros. Wii U at E3 followed by an unusually long silence perhaps any news is good news.
What do you guys think? Share your thoughts and comments in the article below or visit the Smash Bros for Wii U thread located in General Brawl Discussion.