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Rumors Run Rampant! History of SSBB's rumors


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
I don't think Eterna; Darkness is still owned by Nintendo.
Nintendo published the game.. so maybe.
According to wikipedia-
Although all rights to Eternal Darkness and possible sequels were owned by Nintendo when the game was first produced, Denis Dyack ended that exclusivity with Nintendo in April 2004.It is also worth noting that some mainstream stores such as Wal-Mart have been stocked with new copies of Eternal Darkness as of March 2007, albeit at the original 2002 release price.
For Nintendo to release more copies of the game in March 2007.. that means that probably still own the rights to it. I also don't see Nintendo giving this series up so easily. PLUS.. I think Dyack means he ended his contract to make games for Nintendo. So that doesn't mean he has taken back the rights from Nintendo.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
Oh ****.. I know who it is!! It's Alex!!! From Eternal Darkness! :grin:
This makes me very happy. But I don't want to be tricked and then disappointed when the game comes out.

How does that make him/her a fake?
Because Eternal Darkness = NOT NINTENDO PROPERTY.

It's like Perfect Dark. It left the company w/ Silicon Knights.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
There is no proof that Nintendo lost its rights to the game.
But there's no proof otherwise either. I'd rather air on the side of caution and assume that all original properties made by Silicon Knights LEFT with Silicon Knights. It worked the same way with Rare.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
But there's no proof otherwise either. I'd rather air on the side of caution and assume that all original properties made by Silicon Knights LEFT with Silicon Knights. It worked the same way with Rare.
I really don't want to believe this sultan guy but to defend Eternal Darkness situation I will..
Rare was BOUGHT from Nintendo by Microsoft..
Silicon Knights left Nintendo to make their own games.. They signed a contract with Nintendo as a 2nd party developer. From what I recall, they left because they didn't get enough creative freedom.
Eternal Darkness NEVER left Nintendo. Nintendo still owns the rights of the characters, story, title, and so forth.
I also don't see Silicon Knights not making the sequel on the Wii. I would think Silicon Knights would have announced it by now that Nintendo does not own the rights to the game and story etc.

For the game to be restocked again in walmart in 2007 says allot. The game wouldn't have been restocked if Nintendo lost the rights to the game.

It's not like we have seen Perfect Dark or Goldeneye 007 on the Wii yet right?


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
I'm currently making a topic that compares goat, rapscouter & FFS, so we can organize our thoughts on the matter a little more. BTW, FFS predicted a crapload of stuff! You'll see.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
sounds good. please come back here and tell us when its up.

For some reason I stopped paying attention to FFS but now his info is looking more interesting and I reaally don't want to back track past all these pages and see what made me do that.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY

For some reason I stopped paying attention to FFS but now his info is looking more interesting and I reaally don't want to back track past all these pages and see what made me do that.
I think it had to do with him/her being a college student. lmao.
Though he/she has yet to explain how they got to play the final game.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2007
Macomb, MI
WTF @ Alex Roivas XD

I liked that game, and so did my Mom. Actually, my Mom liked it more than I did. Anywho, I'm not sure I like the idea, but the thought of those creepy reverse reverb chants of the ED spells in Brawl could be fun!

(...But I think there are far more deserving characters...)


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
Actually, a few schools could be getting the game early to preview for game development clubs and conferences. It's not an uncommon thing, and NOA's known for lending a hand from time to time for that sort of stuff.

We'll drop the Eternal Darkness thing and move on, anyways. I'm just curious to see what's what now.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
there have been mentions of unlockable bosses though by multiple people, not sure if it was him. FForcesultan has his quirks but is gaining my attention back. Someof his references are so odd and so detailed that I find myself starting to like his potential info


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
i enjoyed reading this post, thought it was some guys immense error:
"Okay, rumor has it that the guy who [runs] Serebii knows someone who works at Nintendo, and that's how he was able to get so much D/P info early. Well I guess the same contact has been shelling out Brawl info, and HIS friend has written a blog about it:

this is from

serebii if you are reading would you care to comment?

EDIT: double post sorry


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
He DOES mention three MOTHER characters, though. Which is weird. Lucas, Ness, and Pokey?
since he said 4 kings, i left him a comment asking if the pig king is the fourth, who he said was a boss fight. I can actually see this idea being true as sakurai has an emphasis on villains for his storyline. sultan has been answering questions so hopefully tomorrow.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
so new FForceSultan: i asked him to comment on 4 kings, he did so indirectly, dont think he saw my comment:

The stage builder is or was sort of fun. But like I said before, it was limited.

Though I wanted to point something out to you all.

Look closely at this picture-


Notice something?

There is a castle/fort. It is a big part of the adventure mode. and there is a reason why there are 5 floors.

-Not in order-

1-Greed - WARIO - Wario = Greed nothing else to say here.

2-Wrath - One of the 4 Kings - Has a army of his own and uses it with his own advantage. He steals, captures, and PLUNDERS.

3-Pride - One of the 4 Kings - He just LOVES to put his face EVERYWHERE

4-Lust - KING BOWSER - Captures Peach all the time.

5-Sloth -KING DEDEDE - Lazy good for nothing fat penquin.

so your two new kinds are KRool and Pokey/Pig King
this guy is sounding more and more real, although he could just be very creative


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
So thanks to Majin, we can now create what we *know* as the roster thanks to the four big leakers. Shall we begin?

Meta Knight
King Dedede
Samus/Zero Suit Samus
Ice Climbers
Pokemon Trainer
Captain Olimar

Following FForceSultan's leak, we have 46 fighters total. Something that isn't totally unbelievable considering the breadth of characters we've been getting so far.
Returning, New, Unknown

Ganondorf - almightygoat, ChaosZero
Luigi - almightygoat
Ness - almightygoat, ChaosZero
Captain Falcon - almightygoat, ChaosZero
Jigglypuff - almightygoat
Mr. Game and Watch - FForceSultan
Falco - rapscouter, ChaosZero

"Kingly Character" (rumored: K. Rool) - FForceSultan
"King Character 2" - FForceSultan (*)

Ashley (Wario Ware) - FForceSultan
Alice (Balloon Kid) - FForceSultan
Alex Rovias (Eternal Darkness) - FForceSultan

Wolf (Star Fox) - ChaosZero
Lucario (Pokemon) - ChaosZero

"Mustachioed man w/ FS featuring another game's character" - FForceSultan
"Pretty evil F-Zero character" (rumored: Deathborn/Black Shadow) - FForceSultan
"Obscure early-days Nintendo character, Japan-only, uses umbrella, final character to unlock" - FForceSultan
"Obscure forgotten Nintendo character, Japan-only" (rumored: Takamaru) - FForceSultan
"Somebody who uses yo-yos and alien guns" (rumored: Mike) - FForceSultan
"Character we'd expect to be Square but wasn't" (rumored: Geno) - FForceSultan
"Third 3rd party" - FForceSultan
"Fourth 3rd party, literally uses head to fight, NOT Bonk" - FForceSultan

*He may be referring to Ganondorf as a kingly character, but he later says in his blog that the kingly characters are 1) a guy who likes to plaster his face everywhere, and 2) a guy who abuses his army a bit much. So neither sounds like Ganondorf. Another leaker also mentions THREE Mother characters, and if Pokey/Porky does indeed appear in-game he may be our "third Mother character" as well as our "kingly character." Does that make K. Rool the other who abuses his army...?

In the end, this makes 46 fighters. Exactly what FForceSultan gave us. Where are Krystal? And Young Link Or Marth?! To be honest, I thought those three were givens. At the very least, Marth.

So, to be honest, the list sounds amazing but I can't buy it. On the simple fact that, well, it shortchanges already represented franchises (can't believe I'm saying that) and throws in really farfetched choices like "parasol dude" and "Mike from StarTropics" (I must be smoking something...). This may be a dream roster for some, but it's far from ideal. It gips Fire Emblem, Zelda, and even little ol' Mario from any major or relative representation in the game. I'd expect at least one newcomer/returning veteran more for each of those, and FForceSultan does not supply.

And besides: did anybody REALLY think Alice or Alex Ravias would be potential playables? It's just too weird for my tastes.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Well, thats not a fair listing imo. One of them could very well be bsing so FFS and his number should be applied only to things he says and not the other 2.

But yeah, it does not look greatly likely that thats the list. Loz/ Mario/ FE/ SF are all getting short changed.


Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2007
So thanks to Majin, we can now create what we *know* as the roster thanks to the three big leakers. Shall we begin?

Meta Knight
King Dedede
Samus/Zero Suit Samus
Ice Climbers
Pokemon Trainer
Captain Olimar

Following FForceSultan's leak, we have 46 fighters total. Something that isn't totally unbelievable considering the breadth of characters we've been getting so far.
Returning, New, Unknown

Ganondorf - almightygoat
Luigi - almightygoat
Ness - almightygoat
Captain Falcon - almightygoat
Jigglypuff - almightygoat
Mr. Game and Watch - FForceSultan
Falco - rapscouter

"Kingly Character" (rumored: K. Rool) - FForceSultan
"King Character 2" - FForceSultan (*)

Ashley (Wario Ware) - FForceSultan
Alice (Balloon Kid) - FForceSultan
Alex Rovias (Eternal Darkness) - FForceSultan

"Mustachioed man w/ FS featuring another game's character" - FForceSultan
"Pretty evil F-Zero character" (rumored: Deathborn/Black Shadow) - FForceSultan
"Obscure early-days Nintendo character, Japan-only, uses umbrella, final character to unlock" - FForceSultan
"Obscure forgotten Nintendo character, Japan-only" (rumored: Takamaru) - FForceSultan
"Somebody who uses yo-yos and alien guns" (rumored: Mike) - FForceSultan
"Character we'd expect to be Square but wasn't" (rumored: Geno) - FForceSultan
"Third 3rd party" - FForceSultan
"Fourth 3rd party, literally uses head to fight, NOT Bonk" - FForceSultan

*He may be referring to Ganondorf as a kingly character, but he later says in his blog that the kingly characters are 1) a guy who likes to plaster his face everywhere, and 2) a guy who abuses his army a bit much. So neither sounds like Ganondorf. Another leaker also mentions THREE Mother characters, and if Pokey/Porky does indeed appear in-game he may be our "third Mother character" as well as our "kingly character." Does that make K. Rool the other who abuses his army...?

In the end, this makes 44 fighters. Two short of what FForceSultan gave us. Where are Krystal? And Lucario? Or Marth?! To be honest, I thought those three were givens. At the very least, Marth.

So, to be honest, the list sounds amazing but I can't buy it. On the simple fact that, well, it shortchanges already represented franchises (can't believe I'm saying that) and throws in really farfetched choices like "parasol dude" and "Mike from StarTropics" (I must be smoking something...). This may be a dream roster for some, but it's far from ideal. It gips Fire Emblem, Star Fox, and even little ol' Mario and Zelda from any major representation in the game. I'd expect at least one newcomer/returning veteran more for each of those, and FForceSultan does not supply.

And besides: did anybody REALLY think Alice or Alex Ravias would be potential playables? It's just too weird for my tastes.
well pikmin and Olimar a in brawl.so thats how many left


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
Well, thats not a fair listing imo. One of them could very well be bsing so FFS and his number should be applied only to things he says and not the other 2.

But yeah, it does not look greatly likely that thats the list. Loz/ Mario/ FE/ SF are all getting short changed.
I am just compiling what we have thus far. And if you think about it, they're all backing up one another and presenting ZERO conflict. It completely makes sense, to me, to combine the lists.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
Compile all you want with roster numbers, all I'm doing for my thread is to compile what contradicts what.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I am just compiling what we have thus far. And if you think about it, they're all backing up one another and presenting ZERO conflict. It completely makes sense, to me, to combine the lists.
Well, the Goat doesn't talk about new comers, Rap hasn't said much about new chars (I don't think he clearly stated one thing about the new char. . . his lil lie game is restarded) and FFS seems to be the overwhelming source for this list and that was his number.

Of the 3 I would say FFS seems to be the leakest link seeing as his leaks are the only ones screwing up the char list.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
FFS is definitely the king of WTF leaks...but that many? I'm not entirely convinced that Sakurai will create four or five new franchises with JUST WTF characters...Golden Sun still needs representation...


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
FFS is definitely the king of WTF leaks...but that many? I'm not entirely convinced that Sakurai will create four or five new franchises with JUST WTF characters...Golden Sun still needs representation...
Which is why I threw the list together: to show this guy is not the most credible of them all. I just sent him a message asking him to clear up a few things. Depending on his answers we can confirm his being fake or not.

I should mention that with Olimar being confirmed this basically means we should expect to see Ridley, Krystal, Geno, Takamaru, AC Villager, etc. appearing on leaks because they are within the same range between Dedede and Olimar/Lucas. Sakurai is plucking characters from the list just like we thought :laugh:


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
FFS is definitely the king of WTF leaks...but that many? I'm not entirely convinced that Sakurai will create four or five new franchises with JUST WTF characters...Golden Sun still needs representation...
Yeah, not to even touch on the lack of new chars for vet series. (Oddly that list is missing Wolf who FFS said is in if I remember correctly. Anyway, CZ predicted that one too so I would count him as well)

People might complain of "over rep" but I don't think the LoZ will both drop Y Link and not get a new comer at all as well as FE lossing character numbers.:ohwell:

Im really starting to think FFS is getting his "wtf" chars purely by looking up nes/ Snes and so on games and giving juuust enuff hint at them for dir hards to recognize them. Really. . .Mike Jones and blob dude?


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
Yeah, not to even touch on the lack of new chars for vet series. (Oddly that list is missing Wolf who FFS said is in if I remember correctly. Anyway, CZ predicted that one too so I would count him as well)

People might complain of "over rep" but I don't think the LoZ will both drop Y Link and not get a new comer at all as well as FE lossing character numbers.:ohwell:

Im really starting to think FFS is getting his "wtf" chars purely by looking up nes/ Snes and so on games and giving juuust enuff hint at them for dir hards to recognize them. Really. . .Mike Jones and blob dude?
Agreed 100%. There's no way Fire Emblem loses representation when it's one of the most popular series among Nintendo fans. And FFS does not mention Wolf, but the others do. I edited the list to include Wolf and Lucario, I should say.

EDIT: I got my response from FFS. His answers are in bold:

Now my question comes in a few parts, if you don't mind:

1. the old-school forgotten Japan-only character is Takamaru, yes?

Yes and it was great hearing the announcer say his name.

2. the alien gun user/yo-yo user is Mike Jones, yes?


3. the female in the tanktop with the sword is Alex from Eternal Darkness, yes?


4. If I'm not mistaken, the werewolf you say Link and Pit fight is the boss from Balloon Kid. Should we expect other obscure enemies and such in the adventure mode?

It was Link and Yoshi. Not Link and Pit. I never played the whole Adventure mode, but I did see some other obscure bosses. One was even from Super Mario Brothers 2. The adventure mode feels like a Mega Man game, where you run into new bosses and some are just odd and some are just mini bosses.

5. Finally: I did a tally up of all your characters combined with what other people figure will appear, and some popular choices like Krystal and even Marth don't fit in. Should we expect these characters and, for that matter, are going to see Wolf in the game?

Someone has asked me if Krystal is playable. SHE IS. Even though I didn't care much for as a playable character she turned out to be one. Wolf is also Playable. Fox and Wolf both take down Andross and save Krystal in the adventure mode. Just like the N64 version, you must hit the palms of his hands. Marth has returned, but now speaks in English.

Thanks for your time; it's much appreciated.
He's a fake. If Wolf, Krystal, and Marth are all playable then that goes over his 46 character limit. It won't if we axe some of the returning characters, but the majority of that list is HIS newcomers, so if he can't tally.... He's a phony.

EDIT 2: He never once mentions Falco, so we could create room there. And if we remove Lucario, then the 46 works. BUT considering the fact that it IS Lucario...? I really doubt they'd ignore such an important character, no less once again DROP total representation from a series between games.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Agreed 100%. There's no way Fire Emblem loses representation when it's one of the most popular series among Nintendo fans. And FFS does not mention Wolf, but the others do. I edited the list to include Wolf and Lucario, I should say.

EDIT: I got my response from FFS. His answers are in bold:

He's a fake. If Wolf, Krystal, and Marth are all playable then that goes over his 46 character limit. It won't if we axe some of the returning characters, but the majority of that list is HIS newcomers, so if he can't tally.... He's a phony.
I agree. He has been debunked now. . . .going over his char prediction limate = fail (PLUS, he didn't have Olmar on there. . .)

And here is the only person I remember who predicted Olimar (Rap and Goat don't seem to talk much about new characters so I wouldn't hold these against them)
Originally Posted by Vatro Xu
Alright, I've bided my time long enough. This board and others has been an occasional source of amusement recently and to some extent, I've enjoyed observing the fake rosters in order to feel smug about myself. However, this Nin10dough incident is the final straw for me. It's painful to sit by and see so many people swallowed in by his crap (among others) so I figure I'll give the facts now in order to both free people of all these false "prophets" (could you guys have picked a stupider word to describe them?) and be the first to give valid unconfirmed information on Super Smash Bros. Brawl (a more or less pointless title, but one to feed my ego).

About my position and knowledge, I am not a Nintendo employee. I am just a guy who is lucky enough to know the right person. I have not played the game myself, but I have been shown official screen shots of tons of important things previously unknown, therefore I trust my source about the others matters including of which can't be proved with screen shots (such as which characters were removed).

You may not believe me now, but chances are you'll believe me some time before the game comes out.

Also, yes, I'm a provisional account. I created this solely for the purpose of giving info. Don't try to play the "n00b" crap or whatever.

Starting Characters:

The rest of the starting line up consists of Captain Falcon and Krystal. This in fact does mean Shiek and Ness are removed as playable. They aren't secret as I made a point to ask about it. By the way, I am well aware that Aunuma said that he submitted designs for Shiek in Brawl so don't try to act like you've caught me in a lie because of this. Even though he did, Shiek still didn't make it for whatever reasons. Ness should come as no surprise. I don't know the specific updates Sakurai has planned out for every day, but I should dang well think Captain Falcon and Krystal will be announced soon since the release date is so close.

Secret characters:

A few things first, just to put us on the same page: I'm fairly sure Snake and Sonic are unlockables so I won't include them. Secondly, there are clones. The proportion of clones to characters with original move sets doesn't seem to be as high as it was in Melee, but there's still a good portion of them. Where people ever got the idea Sakurai is cutting them I'll never know (and even if he did say he was, which he didn't, he lied). Also, I have not seen these characters in action so I do not know all of their move sets and such. I can make some judgements and speculation from the screen shots however.

Here are the unlockables that I know of (which should be the majority):

Marth, Ganondorf, and Luigi. Now, I have not heard anything about the others, so don't get all pissed off that I didn't include Jigglypuff or Mr. Game and Watch. I just don't know about the others at this point and I didn't ask.

Newcomers (original move sets):
Andy, Ridley, Ray (I don't know if he has a number attached to his name, but he looks pretty similar to the DS incarnation), Mona, Lucario, Captain Olimar, and Lip (the Lip's Stick item means nothing so don't even say it),

Newcomers (clones):
Will (Andy Clone), Black Shadow (Captain Falcon clone), Wolf (Fox clone), Vaati (Zelda clone), Eliwood (Marth clone)

Remember, THESE ARE ONLY ONES I KNOW. Just because I didn't include Geno or Isaac or whoever does not mean they are definitely not in.

Again, these are only ones I remember being told about or have seen myself. It's likely there will be more.

New stages:
Venom - Almost nothing like it was in Melee. It takes place on the new Great Fox and had lots of green water in the background
Krazoa Palace - a very accurately done version of the top area where Krystal was trapped
SR388 - This is a planet from the Metroid series but I haven't seen it myself
Popples - From Panel de Pon. The main platform is a long rainbow
Diamond City - In the spirit of Onett, it takes place by Mona Pizza and has a lot of recognizable buildings in the background. Supposedly, Pizza Dinosaur and Dribble and Spitz's cab drive by as a hazard
Mirror world (probably not the actual title) - Simply the hub from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Koholint Island - Rather generic looking, but it had the famous egg in the background
A Nintendo Wars stage - From what I hear, it's like the Castle Seige stage in that it isn't meant to represent a specific game, but rather the whole series. Sorry I can't give more details than that.

Old stages:
Planet Zebes
Sector Z
Peach's Castle
Jungle Japes

Sadly, I couldn't get any info on music but whatever. Furthermore, I don't care at all about online or Subspace Emmisiary so I didn't bother to try to gain info relating to those. Call me shallow, but characters and stages (and to a lesser extent music) are what makes this game for me.
Not saying he is any more relyable but he was the only one I remember who claimed Olimar so I fond that interesting.

Edit, and I would still add Falco. He was apart of CZ's leak and thats about the most cred any of them have when it comes to being proven by the dojo.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
*He may be referring to Ganondorf as a kingly character, but he later says in his blog that the kingly characters are 1) a guy who likes to plaster his face everywhere, and 2) a guy who abuses his army a bit much. So neither sounds like Ganondorf. Another leaker also mentions THREE Mother characters, and if Pokey/Porky does indeed appear in-game he may be our "third Mother character" as well as our "kingly character." Does that make K. Rool the other who abuses his army...?

In the end, this makes 46 fighters. Exactly what FForceSultan gave us. Where are Krystal? And Young Link Or Marth?! To be honest, I thought those three were givens. At the very least, Marth.

So, to be honest, the list sounds amazing but I can't buy it. On the simple fact that, well, it shortchanges already represented franchises (can't believe I'm saying that) and throws in really farfetched choices like "parasol dude" and "Mike from StarTropics" (I must be smoking something...). This may be a dream roster for some, but it's far from ideal. It gips Fire Emblem, Zelda, and even little ol' Mario from any major or relative representation in the game. I'd expect at least one newcomer/returning veteran more for each of those, and FForceSultan does not supply.

And besides: did anybody REALLY think Alice or Alex Ravias would be potential playables? It's just too weird for my tastes.
It would make sense for Porky to be the one to plaster his face everywhere. I mean, just look at New Pork City! :chuckle: I dunno K. Rool well enough to say that he abuses his Kremlings, but it's entirely possible.

Honestly, this list shocks me. I'm quite surprised to see a gaping lack of Krystal--not to mention a lack of Fire Emblem (and I don't even care about the series!). Something seems off....

Don't get me wrong--I would love to see Mike from StarTropics, but not at the expense of Claus, Sukapon, and Midna. It's just a little fishy, especially because there are so many other characters that ranked well on Sakurai's poll-of-sorts that are not on the roster: Krystal, Ridley, etc.

I think Alice would actually be kind of cute, but Alex Roivas is just a choice that makes my stomach turn. DEFINITELY not a fan of that idea.

Overall, though, this very well could be the playable roster, only because of how wholly unsatisfying it is for a good majority of the people on these boards. :chuckle: (Whether or not it actually holds water, I absolutely LOVE his idea about the five-tiered castle! Very original.)

Which is why I threw the list together: to show this guy is not the most credible of them all. I just sent him a message asking him to clear up a few things. Depending on his answers we can confirm his being fake or not.

I should mention that with Olimar being confirmed this basically means we should expect to see Ridley, Krystal, Geno, Takamaru, AC Villager, etc. appearing on leaks because they are within the same range between Dedede and Olimar/Lucas. Sakurai is plucking characters from the list just like we thought :laugh:
Yayyy, I'm so happy to hear that! For those not in the know, this opens up possibilities for:

Takamaru(3) (Um, duhz.)
Wind Waker Link(3)
Animal Crossing Human(2)
Claus(2) (OH, sweet mother of goodness YES YES YES!!!)
Professor Kawashima(2)
King K. Rool(2)
Mega Man(2)
Sukapon(2) (Hellz yeah!)


Smash Fan
Oct 23, 2001
Which prophet was it that said Olimar would be in the game, but he'd stand on the sid like PKMN Trainer and throw Pikmin in to fight for him?

Well, whoever that was, he's proven false.

And just because Olimar's in, i don't think it proves any of the prophets who said him to be more credible. I mean, in my opinion, he was a shoe-in, and if i were making up a false roster list to be a prophet i would have included him.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Which prophet was it that said Olimar would be in the game, but he'd stand on the sid like PKMN Trainer and throw Pikmin in to fight for him?

Well, whoever that was, he's proven false.

And just because Olimar's in, i don't think it proves any of the prophets who said him to be more credible. I mean, in my opinion, he was a shoe-in, and if i were making up a false roster list to be a prophet i would have included him.
Yea.. who was that?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2006
Well this is interesting...


He posted an entire roster. I don't think I've seen a prophet do that yet. + mentioned a few Bosses.

FForceSultan said:
People are doubting me now. Sending me messages how my numbers don't add up.







5.Luigi - (Secret)


6. DK

7. Diddy Kong

8. King K. Rool - (Secret)



10.Ashley - (Secret)



12.King DeDeDe - (Secret)

13.Meta Knight - (Secret)

-Star Fox-

14. Fox

15. Wolf- (Secret)

16. Krystal- (Secret)




18.Pokemon Trainer

19.Lucario- (Secret)

20.Jigglypuff- (Secret)


-Fire Emblem-


22.Marth- (Secret)



23.Ness- (Secret)


25.Pokey- (Secret) "Is in a small spider mech"



26. Captain Falcon - (Secret)

27. Deathborn - (Secret)

-Zelda Series-



30.Ganondorf- (Secret)


31.Samus/Zero Suit Samus



32.Alexia Rovias - (Secret) - "Eternal Darkness"

33.Ice Climbers

34.Mr. Game & Watch - (Secret)

35.Mike Jones - (Secret) - "Star Tropics"

36.Geno- (Secret)

37.Captain Olimar

38.Dr. Lobe - "Big Brain Academy AND Brain Age"

39.Alice- (Secret) "Balloon Kid"


41.Takamaru - (Secret)

42.Rainman- (Secret) "Hanafuda"

43.Sonic - (Secret)

44.Pac-Man - (Secret)

45.Bomberman - (Secret)

46.Snake - (Secret)
I have some major issues with this list, but if it is true...well whatever.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2008
I cant be 100% but based on some of my info, its a fake.
Thank God. Ridley really needs to be playable...I mean honestly, ONE character from Metroid? Sorry, but two Samuses is still just one different character, and one of the biggest Nintendo franchises needs more than one character. That, and I highly doubt we'll be getting TWO third party characters. That sounds a little too good to be true.
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