As mentioned earlier, SabreAnt is a total 'auto-life' enthusiast! The little cupid descends upon him and raises him from his premature grave. About to fly back to heaven and resume his poker game, the angel notices SabreAnt flailing about madly mumbling things. Coming back down to Earth, the angel sees the problem. SabreAnt has "ULTRASUPERMEGAHYPER GLUE" holding his lips together, courtesy of PSF. With a great heaving sigh, the angel conjures up a bottle of SUPERDOOPERMONKEYSOLVENT and applies generously to SabreAnt's mouth.
Free from the burden of hunger at last, SabreAnt whips out his Firebolt broomstick and zips into town to withdraw a lot of galleons... err.. gil, from Gringotts.. err.. the bank. Returning to the castle grounds with what appeared to be a legion of tanks, artillery and heavy weapons platforms, mic_128 craps his dacks and sounds the alarm. A small army of rubber hitmen charge out to meet SabreAnt and his motley crew, but what ho? Everything is made of cardboard cutouts? How odd...
Staring down from a highup window mic_128 twiddles his thumbs nervously as SabreAnt sneakily climbs the fire escape. Using willpower (and a lot of painkillers) SabreAnt summons some courage and headbutts through 2 feet of solid stone wall, and enters the room. With stars circling his head, SabreAnt and mic_128 start staring each other down and pacing around to ghetto music. After 3 minutes of that crap, SabreAnt screams
"ARGHH!!!! NO MORE!!!"
Shocked by this sudden display of uncharismatic behaviour, mic_128 stumbles backwards and topples out the window. Running to see the result, SabreAnt discover the rubber hitmen saved mic's life by creating a human..err.. rubber safety net. Waving his fist menacingly, mic_128 attempts to look mean but can't help but sob slightly. SabreAnt has his broomstick spank mic and his henchmen out the front gate with joy and seat himself on the throne.. er.. Gamecube.
SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.