I have only played against computers using Roy, but I'm really liking him! One of the major downfalls for him though is his middling vertical recovery. The other one is lack of a projectile, but with high mobility and the ability to play rushdown or defensive (haven't really tried him defensive yet, probably a little worse than Marth in that respect because of the switched sweetspot) he's a really versatile character.
Roy is probably the best FE character, but who do you guys think is the second best FE character?
The other radical headband guy
so is this the new Roy thread? since the one @
made got locked since roy came out. Is everyone from there here? Like @
Adeptmune and sorry if i forget the others.
YOOOOOOOO I was actually thinking of hopping in here this morning with this phresh pheraen oc:
alright i was just wondering. So who still plays Melee and PM Roy now that smash 4 Roy is out? I still play PM Roy but Melee Roy i save for just my friends. Im definitely not good enough to beat like my friends fox and falco.
Sm4sh Roy is way too satisfying. I had to port over and correct and adapt on a lot of his moveset and just him in sm4sh's environment, so I may use my secondary (Captain Falcon) a lot more in Melee and upgrade him to main status and 20GX technology. Not sure in PM, I want to try out more of the cast and see what I like. I like Ness, Ike, and Snake a lot, so I may pick one of them up and try them as a PM main for a while. Once I have a pretty solid grasp on sm4sh Roy I may juggle him in all games again.
Yeah. It's the social thread for Roy.
I haven't seen members like @
and @
here though.
EDIT: NVM I Just saw Croph's post lol.
Boop. I popped up in the beginning, but I haven't had as much time as I wanted to be on the Roy boards, sadly.

having a lot of posts popping up just trying to reply normally to the thread is one of the bigger parts of it, I'm more or less waiting on the DLC bandwagon to die down before I can really feel like there's not way too much to dig into on so many of the threads, this is one of the most calm ones so far.
Pretty crazy how many people are taking Roy now. In my circle, 3/5 of my acquaintances have considered or already have switched to him as a Main. But what really suprises me is that some of them never played Marth or Lucina, yet say he's fun as hell. :0 I secondary Marth and i barely have used him. (not sure why..)
It'll interesting to see who sticks around after a half Month xD
Just hopin' they have what it takes to keep Roy under 'em when dealing with his weaknesses or bad MUs.
I've seen less people playin' Roy already in FG. Seems like they realized he's not "pick-to-win".
Still, he's very strong with his playstyle, which is sweet - comboing is hella good, even if Sm4sh ain't Melee. Also makes Marth feel refreshing too.
It's the DLC cycle. Everyone wants to main Mewtwo, or Roy/Ryu/Lucas, then come a month later, the number of their mains will die down. It's to be expected in a game with 50+ characters, especially considering that the DLC characters have no custom moves for events that host them. I'll still be using vanilla Roy in customs, it gives me more time to learn how to fight the worst customs rather than worry about applications of my own customs which is honestly what's most important.
Glad to see the Return of Holy Maiden's Big Bum-Buns.
One thing that is helping me is the fact that I'm pretty decent at the ditto. lol
Roy dittos have always been the only ditto I don't automatically lose at. The only way I've been knocked out of bracket by another Roy in Melee or PM is if they switch character and somehow bring it back from 1-0 or 2-0.
Roy-dittos aren't too fun for me since people seem to boast themselves about using him "better" than I and whatnot. Kinda annoying since I played him a lot in PM, but had to adjust into him again in Sm4sh.
I can help beat the more smug Roys and with the ditto in general. If they try to be smug then they'll probably be trying flashy stuff and forming really bad habits trying to show off, or they'll be too aggressive trying to make you crack. From there it's easy to get in their heads and make them nervous (sometimes too much to approach properly) if you watch their habits and punish properly with patience. If they go into a state where they're hesitant to approach then it's a lot easier to put more pressure on them and dance around them with your movement, and become the main aggressor no matter how comfy you are with it. I can't really give tips other than that, most of my thought on the game comes down to trying to read people as much as I can. I'm booty at other Smash advice.
I'm actually undefeated with Roy on Wii U FG.
I think my record now is something like 18-0 now.
I need to see how I fare on Smashladder. FG is just something I do when I have internet access but no computer to hit up better players.
This thread's faster than Roy's dash speed, I originally had like one or two replies written.