When I first heard about this data dump and figured that Ryu from Street Fighter was involved I thought "lolwhat?" because when I tried to think about potential third-party newcomers I wouldn't mind to see in Smash Ryu wasn't one of them, but ultimately I think he does make some sense and I now consider him as one. Street Fighter is possibly the most well-known fighting game series of all times and Ryu is definitely a widely recognizable and high profile video game character. Putting the biggest fighting game icon in the biggest crossover fighting game makes sense when you think about it. Sure Sakurai said he didn't want characters originating from fighting games in Smash, but we all know he often changes his mind. He wasn't one of the potential third-party newcomers on my radar, but at least he's a better choice than random indie nobodies >_>
For fun I searched in the Rate Their Chances archives to see how high Ryu was ranked in chances and want... 0.29% and 10% respectively. I know it was technically right regardless as post-release DLC wasn't taken into account when rating chances for characters but still if it's actually happening for DLC then it would be the biggest shocker compared to the RTC results ahah.
I'm not too thrilled about Roy coming back, I know he has a lot of fans who miss him and I'd be happy for them if he comes back, but I'm usually not excited by "derivative" characters. I think he will still be a cloney character as a returning fighter, but possibly tweaked a little to feel more different from Marth, like Falco and Ganondorf who kinda felt like cheap clones for me in Melee but actually felt different from the character they derivate from in Brawl. And maybe a unique Final Smash that would be cool.
And for Wolf aka "Mr. Shoo-in", I guess it would make sense for him to come later, I could see him saved for the end of the year for when Starfox Wii U will release, with possibly a promotional offer like "Register [insert definitive title of Starfox Wii U here] on [whatever Club Nintendo's successor is] and get a free download code for Wolf in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U" which I think would at least help to sell some copies of Starfox Wii U especially if those who do this get Wolf before everyone else similar to Mewtwo.