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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Ooooh, speaking of bosses: what do we think for those? Or are we not allowed to discuss that here?

I wonder if we'll see Grima, though he might be too large entirely. And I guess that could be considered a spoiler?

Well he was in the opening of Fire Emblem Awakening... If that counts.

I don't think he'd be a character though. More likely a boss.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Yeah, he is TIRED of smash idiots. PUT IN BAYONETTA, PUT IN THIS, PUT IN THAT.

You say: "NO!......BAD FAN! THAT'S A BAD FAN!"

Reduced the roster to 50, I had some realizations.
1. King K. Rool is the majority DKC franchise, with DKC to DKC 3, Dixie is pretty minor since all 3 (DK, DK, KKR) appeared in every game.
2. Snake doesn't really represent Nintendo, I replaced him with Professor Layton, because he had the better bond of Nintendo, with most of his exclusives belonging to Nintendo.
3. I removed King Hippo, because apparently, Punch Out is fine alone with just Little Mac, it hasn't got quite to the point where it has a gaining popular as FE.
4. I removed Dillon and Red Hero, simply because Platinum has one good rep already, and Dillon was personally my removal (Despite being a great eShop rep)

I will just be short on description, simply because I said it before.

Best Additional DKC Rep- King K. Rool
Best Additional Metroid Rep- Ridley
Best Modern Reps- Shulk, Little Mac, Tom Nook
Best Additional KI Reps- Palutena, Hades (I still believe that a new KI character from KI:U should be added)
Best Retro Rep- Prince Sable, Takamaru, Balloon Fighter
Best Additional FE Rep- Chrom
Best Additional Pokemon Rep- Mewtwo
Best 3rd Parties that represent partnerships- Megaman, Pac-Man, Bayonetta, Professor Layton.

Although I have a feeling of not being satisfied here, what do you think of this roster now.
Bayonetta- Hideki Kamiya is tired of people asking for Platinum reps. So we aren't gonna have any. http://wiiudaily.com/2013/06/smash-bros-platinum-games

Prince Sable- Absolutely not. He's not a good rep let alone "Best Retro Rep" Barely ANYONE knows him.

Balloon Fighter: He WAS planned before Ice Climbers, but I'm sure he was changed because, well how many attack can you make with BALLOONS.

Hades- I don't think so. I suppose that would work, but I doubt we'll have more than 2 Kid Icarus reps. I think we're already fine with just one.

Tom Nook- He's kind of a peaceful shop owner. So no.

Prof. Layton- No

Also I think it's weird to have a version of Link & Zelda that only represents ONE game in the franchise. Especially since there is no Skyward Ganondorf, and That particular Zelda can't transform into Sheik.

Everything else is fine. I'm still skeptical about Pac-Man.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Bayonetta- Hideki Kamiya is tired of people asking for Platinum reps. So we aren't gonna have any. http://wiiudaily.com/2013/06/smash-bros-platinum-games

Prince Sable- Absolutely not. He's not a good rep let alone "Best Retro Rep" Barely ANYONE knows him.

Balloon Fighter: He WAS planned before Ice Climbers, but I'm sure he was changed because, well how many attack can you make with BALLOONS.

Hades- I don't think so. I suppose that would work, but I doubt we'll have more than 2 Kid Icarus reps. I think we're already fine with just one.

Tom Nook- He's kind of a peaceful shop owner. So no.

Prof. Layton- No

Also I think it's weird to have a version of Link & Zelda that only represents ONE game in the franchise. Especially since there is no Skyward Ganondorf, and That particular Zelda can't transform into Sheik.

Everything else is fine. I'm still skeptical about Pac-Man.
Prince Sable is classified as a Gameboy rep, in a good game you never heard of.
It's possible for Balloon Fighter, you just gotta be creative with it.
Hades is the Wolf of the KI franchise.
Just because Tom Nook doesn't fight in his games, doesn't mean he can't fight in Smash.
Professor Layton has been with Nintendo with all of his games exclusive to portables. It makes sense for his inclusion.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
3 KI reps isn't happening at all. It's even very debatable that there won't even be 2. Balloon Fighter is going to be out of the question like Mach Rider, whom Sakurai dismissed as being too difficult to recreate, hence the Ice Climbers being chosen. Pac Man.....still can't see it.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Prince Sable is classified as a Gameboy rep, in a good game you never heard of.
Stop using people not knowing the game as a defense. If anything people not knowing the game (even though most people here do) should show how unlikely Sable is. And there is no such thing as a "Gameboy rep". A "retro rep", yeah ok, but Sable is super outclassed there.

It's possible for Balloon Fighter, you just gotta be creative with it.
I agree, but since Sakurai rejected him previously, his chances aren't great. Still a possibility though, I have nothing against it.

Hades is the Wolf of the KI franchise.
That's a pretty baseless comparison. The only thing they have in common is they aren't good guys.

Just because Tom Nook doesn't fight in his games, doesn't mean he can't fight in Smash.
Sakurai thinks otherwise.

Professor Layton has been with Nintendo with all of his games exclusive to portables. It makes sense for his inclusion.
Here, I agree, but you have four new third parties... which isn't going to happen.

Can't believe I agreed with Noah on something. :laugh:


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I can't believe I'm coming out in defence of BluePikmin.

Except for 3 KI reps and Bayonetta, his roster is a reasonable one,


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Prince Sable is classified as a Gameboy rep, in a good game you never heard of.
It's possible for Balloon Fighter, you just gotta be creative with it.
Hades is the Wolf of the KI franchise.
Just because Tom Nook doesn't fight in his games, doesn't mean he can't fight in Smash.
Professor Layton has been with Nintendo with all of his games exclusive to portables. It makes sense for his inclusion.
Prince Sable: Uh, I have heard of Prince Sable that's why he's not in my roster. Just because I disagree doesn't mean I never heard of it.

Prof. Layton: Not as a playable character.

Balloon fighter: Do you have a list on the Moveset Thread.

I can't believe I'm coming out in defence of BluePikmin.

Except for 3 KI reps and Bayonetta, his roster is a reasonable one,
Just out of curiosity. Why would Prince Sable make more sense than having Ray or Starfy?
And Tom Nook, you guys were talking about how Starfy doesn't "Really have any moves" He has more moves than Tom Nook, and if you can make moves for Tom Nook & Balloon Fighter while still having Prince Sable, then you can have Starfy.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
What do you mean with "not as a playable character" with Layton? You get to solve puzzles as him, and if that doesn't count then there is also Miracle Mask where you get to explore ancient ruins by directly controlling him.

Plus characters not being playable in their series never stopped the likes of Ganondorf and Zelda from making it into the Smash series. (And no, that CDI game doesn't count)


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Prince Sable: Uh, I have heard of Prince Sable that's why he's not in my roster. Just because I disagree doesn't mean I never heard of it.

Prof. Layton: Not as a playable character.

Balloon fighter: Do you have a list on the Moveset Thread.

Just out of curiosity. Why would Prince Sable make more sense than having Ray or Starfy?
And Tom Nook, you guys were talking about how Starfy doesn't "Really have any moves" He has more moves than Tom Nook, and if you can make moves for Tom Nook & Balloon Fighter while still having Prince Sable, then you can have Starfy.
You heard him, but it's the reason why?
That's like saying I have ears, and that's why I love my body.
(Check the Balloon Fighter moveset at his own thread)


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Prof. Layton: Not as a playable character.
What do you mean by that? He isn't a Nintendo Character.
The only way he could make it in is as a playable character. He's also the most likely character after Mega Man and a Namco character.

Do you have a personal bias against Layton or something?

EDIT: Also, if your main argument is "What type of moveset could this character have?"
You can make a moveset for any character really. I could make a viable moveset for a Goomba of all things and it would make sense (To an extent). Never use moveset possibilities as a reason to not include a character.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
You heard him, but it's the reason why?
That's like saying I have ears, and that's why I love my body.
(Check the Balloon Fighter moveset at his own thread)
It means I know about his level of poularity, that's why I don't have him because it's low. It was an obscure Japan-Only handheld title with only 1 installment. Doesn't matter if it was a fun game.

If we are gonna have a Third-Party Character (something that's very exclusive) It's not gonna be Prof. Layton. It would be a character that's from a BIG series of games, and has been around for a while. So that's why Prof. Layton shouldn't be in it. It's a waste of a slot and definitely not a better choice than Snake.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
I really hope that the Namco rep isn't Pacman. 2D Pacman looks awesome. 3D Pacman looks silly.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
Remember when Lyn the iconic character was more popular than the flavor of the week chrom, pepridge farm remembers.

Seriously I hope lyn gets in..

Hopefully she's still an assist at least. I hope they go even more nuts with the assists this time.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
It might be if you risk it for one obscure character.
But FE was already a big series in Japan, like Scatman said, which is a prerequisite for most series. Sakurai doesn't add characters so their series will do better, he adds them because their series has already left a mark. Except retros, obviously, which Sable could count as, but in that case he's severely outclassed by many other retro characters.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013

Sylux- Most of you wil disagree and you're probably right, but I predict they will have a bounty hunter rep for Metroid, and after more research I think Sylux is a GREAT choice.

Ninten- We ALL said what needs to be said about Ninten on both sides so I don't think there really NEEDS to be more discussion over what's already been said.

Chrom- This isn't important, but notice I put Chrom next to Marth, this is because I predict he may be a semi-clone of Marth.

Bomberman- I have him because Konami hasn't really made any Bomberman games yet, and he wasn't INVENTED by Konami, so I still think he has a fighting chance "No pun intended"

ALSO I FORGOT TO ADD 8-Bit Mario under possibilities:facepalm:

This is SUPPOSEDLY my Final Roster before the Nintendo Direct.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I used to remember everyone *****ing about Chrom being incredibly drab and were complaining that we were forced to get that character instead of something a lot more colorful. I don't understand how that's turning around lately.
Bandwagon. People were in the hate bandwagon before and now more people are in the support bandwagon. There is no other way around it unfortunately, although I do think the support bandwagon is being much more reasonable.

I'm starting to get the impression that me and you are the only ones with solid beliefs concerning Chrom. You hate his living guts, and I think he would make a great character. Well I can respect that at least haha.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
Sylux- Most of you wil disagree and you're probably right, but I predict they will have a bounty hunter rep for Metroid, and after more research I think Sylux is a GREAT choice.

Ninten- We ALL said what needs to be said about Ninten on both sides so I don't think there really NEEDS to be more discussion over what's already been said.

Chrom- This isn't important, but notice I put Chrom next to Marth, this is because I predict he may be a semi-clone of Marth.

Bomberman- I have him because Konami hasn't really made any Bomberman games yet, and he wasn't INVENTED by Konami, so I still think he has a fighting chance "No pun intended"

This is SUPPOSEDLY my Final Roster before the Nintendo Direct.

Looks pretty good. There's a few long shots, but what would a roster be without a few long shots?


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
But FE was already a big series in Japan, like Scatman said, which is a prerequisite for most series. Sakurai doesn't add characters so their series will do better, he adds them because their series has already left a mark. Except retros, obviously, which Sable could count as, but in that case he's severely outclassed by many other retro characters.
Well if Sakurai wanted to look at the Gameboy era, it would big tie in between Sable and Muddy Mole.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
But FE was already a big series in Japan, like Scatman said, which is a prerequisite for most series. Sakurai doesn't add characters so their series will do better, he adds them because their series has already left a mark. Except retros, obviously, which Sable could count as, but in that case he's severely outclassed by many other retro characters.
Yeah Frog Bell Tolls was nowhere near as popular as FE. I don't think that game really left an impression on ANYBODY.:laugh:

Looks pretty good. There's a few long shots, but what would a roster be without a few long shots?
Hey thanks! You know that really means a lot to me <:D



Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Well if Sakurai wanted to look at the Gameboy era, it would big tie in between Sable and Muddy Mole.
First off, it's unlikely he'd look for a Gameboy rep. He's already got a retro rep, and with a likely decreased amount of newcomers than Brawl got, chances are he's not going to create more arbitrary categories that would just take away from characters that merit inclusion more getting in. Secondly, in no way are Sable and Muddy tied. Characters that are region-exclusive inherently already have a negative stigma attached to them, which Muddy doesn't have. Mixed with Sakurai's (alleged) affinity for Muddy, he's definitely got more in his favour than Sable, who has... what exactly? Potential? Yeah, so does Muddy. So do most characters. Popularity? No, not really. Importance to Nintendo? No again. What does he have in his favour? Seriously.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
If lyn doesn't make it this time hopefully there won't be a new fire emblem game to stand in her way for ssb5.
Screw you I hope there are fifty new fire emblems in the way of her next time :demon:
Nothing against lyn I just like fire emblem hahaheha

Also everyone stop putting words in sakurais mouth. Why would he not go for a gameboy rep if he wants to go for a gameboy rep? What if he likes prince sable and wants to put him in? Anything is possible especially as a protagonist of a Nintendo franchise. BluePikmin took risks with his roster yes. But the thing is they were not risks that are laughable like he had before, like goku or mr. Hanafunda. They are possible risks. You guys make it seem like it is IMPOSSIBLE that sakurai could possibly take any risks with the roster. What about game and watch? What about rob? What about pokemon trainer? What about young link? What about zero suit samus? What about jigglypuff? Sakurai has always been and always will be a risky guy. BluePikmins roster reflects a pretty risky but also pretty awesome roster, and I approve. Get your heads out of your asses people, popularity isn't the only thing that matters.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2013

Sylux- Most of you wil disagree and you're probably right, but I predict they will have a bounty hunter rep for Metroid, and after more research I think Sylux is a GREAT choice.

Ninten- We ALL said what needs to be said about Ninten on both sides so I don't think there really NEEDS to be more discussion over what's already been said.

Chrom- This isn't important, but notice I put Chrom next to Marth, this is because I predict he may be a semi-clone of Marth.

Bomberman- I have him because Konami hasn't really made any Bomberman games yet, and he wasn't INVENTED by Konami, so I still think he has a fighting chance "No pun intended"

This is SUPPOSEDLY my Final Roster before the Nintendo Direct.

Sylux over Ridley would cause riots. He's been in one game over Ridley's many. I agree as a fighter he would be fun but Ridley is far bigger (in terms of impact on the series, not size Ridley-haters) and massively requested.

Ninten I'm not going to touch but put me down for a no for the usual reasons.

Chrom has a good shout but I'm sick of talking about FE. It's one of the hardest franchises to predict but I'd say Chrom has a better chance than most.

Bomberman, I have found memories of having played bomberman on the Mega Drive as a kid. As now technically a Konami rep I can't see it happening. Yes he wasn't invented by them but having him in the game, along with Snake who I think will return, would cause problems amongst the other 3rd parties. The idea of any 3rd party having more than one rep really doesn't sit well with me.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
First off, it's unlikely he'd look for a Gameboy rep. He's already got a retro rep, and with a likely decreased amount of newcomers than Brawl got, chances are he's not going to create more arbitrary categories that would just take away from characters that merit inclusion more getting in. Secondly, in no way are Sable and Muddy tied. Characters that are region-exclusive inherently already have a negative stigma attached to them, which Muddy doesn't have. Mixed with Sakurai's (alleged) affinity for Muddy, he's definitely got more in his favour than Sable, who has... what exactly? Potential? Yeah, so does Muddy. So do most characters. Popularity? No, not really. Importance to Nintendo? No again. What does he have in his favour? Seriously.
Well if you want to represent the full Nintendo, you at least make a Gameboy character a part of it. Why would Nintendo want to forget their first portable.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
There are impressions, think before you say things like that.
I didn't say nobody liked it. This is one guy from YouTube who found a game (That he had to get offline.) He never played it as a kid or knew what it was. If you like the game more power to ya, but when I said ANYBODY I didn't mean that 100% literally .
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