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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Michael Blaine

Smash Apprentice
Nov 3, 2005
Yeah, I don't understand this either. I don't see people getting really excited about a Pilotwings character or Nintendog just because of a stage. It's also possible that Sakurai has them in to show off their games as a result of not having any characters planned.
little mac is gonna be in. sorry if that bothers you.

Deleted member

Stupid people doing stupid things.

Chrono and Shortie doing things related to a certain blue fox.


-So what, one's beating the **** out of her with a flaming sword while the other is trying to stop him while licking her feet?

-And Ryu, right?

Justin Bieber getting hit in the crotch with a shoe.
A shoe, not a cannonball? I am disappoint.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Here's the thing, WHAT THE **** DOES ROY BRING TO THE TABLE?
He's appeared twice in a game unlike Chrom (technically it was his father, but the fact that he was just Roy with a different name is why I count it) just the fact that Roy's family is an important part of fire emblem and Chrom's family is already represented. Because of this I think
Roy is more deserving and that all Chrom brings to the table is recency. Didn't IS say something about a remake of Roy's game? If so they may suggest him to Sakurai.

Deleted member

Eliwood is just Roy with a different name?

.....I may not play the series, but I know that's a ******** thing to say.
Last I checked, Roy doesn't ride a horse and swing a large broadsword or lance, nor does Eliwood have a sword that conjures fire.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
Whaa? All this time I thought that Eliwood and Elbert is just Roy, but for some reason under different names. You're telling me that Eliwood is not Roy... so Elbert is not Roy as well!? THEY'RE ALL DIFFERENT PEOPLE!? Like my mind = blown right now.

Well, then... Elbert, Eliwood, and Roy trio team for Smash!

Deleted member

You're right.

Walhart has white hair.
No one else in Smash has white hair.

Ergo, Walhart is best choice.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA
He's appeared twice in a game unlike Chrom (technically it was his father, but the fact that he was just Roy with a different name is why I count it) just the fact that Roy's family is an important part of fire emblem and Chrom's family is already represented. Because of this I think
Roy is more deserving and that all Chrom brings to the table is recency. Didn't IS say something about a remake of Roy's game? If so they may suggest him to Sakurai.
Technically he appears in 3 FE games. (Unless you're not counting the DLC.)

Deleted member

OK here's my new roster, I'm kind of combining my ideals with realism... So basically when my ideal spot is somewhat conceivable that's the choice I'll make. So yeah, I don't actually expect 50 characters but ****ing whatever man.
View attachment 2812
Again I'll try to justify some things people might point out
  • No I didn't cut anyone. Not even Snake this time. Truth is I liked playing as Snake but I would not feel that bad if he left. But I had no cuts because I felt like it and it's 50 characters K?
  • Waddle ****ing Dee. I know he's probably not happening but whatever man.
  • Robin, I had him on my minimalist roster and I'm having him now.
  • Starfy, I ummm... Support Starfy.
  • Shulk? I had to come up with the 50th guy so hello Shulk =D
  • OK do you want me to cut someone? FINE! I'll cut Ike and Lucario and lick Saturn and Gune's and whoever else has Lucario as their favorite pokemon for some bull**** reason's tears =D
Thoughts? =P
I would all be for this roster. Don't really care about an Awakening rep, but I don't mind as long as one isn't a semi-clone (in which case I'd much rather have Roy back).


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Eliwood is just Roy with a different name?

.....I may not play the series, but I know that's a ******** thing to say.
Last I checked, Roy doesn't ride a horse and swing a large broadsword or lance, nor does Eliwood have a sword that conjures fire.
The important part is that he resembles Roy, which is what I was trying to get across. He's next in line in terms of importance to the series' overall history, but I can't speak in certainty that this will get him in over Chromy McRecency.

Deleted member

Roy isn't honestly that important.

No seriously, the only two lords that can be considered "important" at this point are Marth and Ike.
After them is anyone's game.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Roy isn't honestly that important.

No seriously, the only two lords that can be considered "important" at this point are Marth and Ike.
After them is anyone's game.
How so? I don't recall any other Lords who had a more recurring family than Roy that wasn't already represented. Care to explain how this doesn't make Roy more important than other lords? (without claiming that he's irrelevant which is completely invalid)

Toon Zelda
We can't really confirm that Toon Sheik was Tetra and not literally Toon Sheik.

Here is my new roster

I visually screwed up a little though.
I really don't see any problems besides 4 Third-Parties and Toon Zelda just bein plain unnecessary.

But otherwise:

Less forced in what sense? The sense that red hair adds MUH VARIETY? =P
Less forced meaning Sakurai doesn't really have to try super hard to make him unique from Marth. And now that you mentioned it he does add variety.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
The important part is that he resembles Roy, which is what I was trying to get across. He's next in line in terms of importance to the series' overall history, but I can't speak in certainty that this will get him in over Chromy McRecency.
What importance? He was one Lord in one game of the series, like Chrom. As was Roy. Chrom is at least related to Marth, who is obviously the main lord and therefore part of the most important family. If you're going to bull**** things like Roy being overall more important to the series, you better back it up, because you are literally just saying Roy and Eliwood are more important despite not explaining why. All you're doing is fanboying over Roy and dismissing Chrom's advantage over Roy as a weakness, somehow. Seriously, what? One is more recent to the series, the other was a Smash Bros. character. Quit acting like Chrom is an inferior Roy. He's not.

Ugh, he still has me on ignore. Why bother.

Deleted member

Roy isn't honestly that important.

No seriously, the only two lords that can be considered "important" at this point are Marth and Ike.
After them is anyone's game.
This is a big reason why I feel Ike is very likely to return. Outside of Marth, no one can really compare to Ike in importance in regards to the Fire Emblem series, at least if we're taking into account that both were lords for more than one game. The really interesting part is what Sakurai is going to do with the third Fire Emblem character. Crossing all of my fingers for Roy or if not, at least Chrom/Lucina with an unique move set.

I actually made a big post containing my last predictions I plan on making due to my decreasing interest in speculation, but considering the Chrono vs. Shortie flame war as well as the Fire Emblem debates, last thing I want to do is spark more flames.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
The important part is that he resembles Roy, which is what I was trying to get across. He's next in line in terms of importance to the series' overall history, but I can't speak in certainty that this will get him in over Chromy McRecency.
If Roy is that "important to the series," then why was he not a bigger priority for SSBB? Don't you think that would have made sense, seeing as he could have been a "symbol" to the international release of Fire Emblem, since he looks so similar to Eliwood?

Obviously, the power that be do not think that Roy is all that important. At the VERY least, it means they believe he is less important than Marth, Ike, and every other character in SSBB. The boy didn't even get a trophy.

And Ike, during Brawl's development, would have had BARELY any more priority over Roy than Chrom does right now by these standards; Ike had Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, which was released less than a year before SSBB. Not to mention Roy's initial inclusion was out of nothing BUT recency; his game hadn't even been released.

What has Roy done to earn being a playable again since Melee? Why should I care about this character?


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
The way I see it:

+ Appeared in 1 game and then got a prequel where the new protagonist resembled and was related to him (making his representation recurring)
+ Son of Lyn (a popular Fire Emblem Character)
+ Brings variety
+ Veteran Status in Super Smash Brothers which made him even more popular and recognized
+ Appeared as DLC in the most recent Fire Emblem
(+ Supposedly having a planned remake)

+ Most Recent lord
- Represents an already represented family

Deleted member

How so? I don't recall any other Lords who had a more recurring family than Roy that wasn't already represented. Care to explain how this doesn't make Roy more important than other lords? (without claiming that he's irrelevant which is completely invalid)
"More recurring family"
Ok, so because Roy had a game and his father had a game, it magically makes him more important than any other Lord? Even Leif, who appeared in two consecutive games (though one he wasn't a Lord in).
I don't buy it.

We can't really confirm that Toon Sheik was Tetra and not literally Toon Sheik.
We can't, but it's very unlikely to have been Tetra. Sakurai doesn't give completely misleading codenames for characters if he does give them a codename.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
imo, Marth and Chrom don't contrast well at all. They both look to be around the same height with very similar body features, especially with the hair. Not even going to get into the "but their related duh" argument, but it's painfully obvious that Marth and Chrom would look much more similar than any two characters in Smash have before. Pichu and Young Link were different sizes from Pikachu and Link. Dr. Mario had a different color outfit, as did Roy (and the red hair). The only difference between the Marth and Chrom at first glance is the cape. Chrom's is white. Marth's is blue.

And Sakurai does look at how characters compliment and contrast each other when looking at them, according to an interview post-E3 this year. I believe it was the one about how adding newcomers is so stressful.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
If Roy is that "important to the series," then why was he not a bigger priority for SSBB? Don't you think that would have made sense, seeing as he could have been a "symbol" to the international release of Fire Emblem, since he looks so similar to Eliwood?
Oh, well then I guess Mewtwo wasn't that important to Pokemon. Mewtwo deconfirmed for Smash 4.

Obviously, the power that be do not think that Roy is all that important. At the VERY least, it means they believe he is less important than Marth, Ike, and every other character in SSBB. The boy didn't even get a trophy.

Of course he's less important than Ike & Marth isn't that obvious. And again Mewtwo was less important than every other Smash Character. Is he no longer important?

And Ike, during Brawl's development, would have had BARELY any more priority over Roy than Chrom does right now by these standards; Ike had Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, which was released less than a year before SSBB. Not to mention Roy's initial inclusion was out of nothing BUT recency; his game hadn't even been released.
For Melee yes, but he still got a prequel and was one of the most finished of the 7.

What has Roy done to earn being a playable again since Melee? Why should I care about this character?
I already posted 6 reasons why above this reply. Go check it out.

"More recurring family"
Ok, so because Roy had a game and his father had a game, it magically makes him more important than any other Lord? Even Leif, who appeared in two consecutive games (though one he wasn't a Lord in).
I don't buy it.
Magically, no. But, logically yes. and Leif did not appear in Melee and was not planned for Brawl, these things kind of add to Roy's importance and last time I checked Leif is almost a pallete swap of Marth with the exception of a light sword. So that kind of defeats your Leif defense.

Deleted member

+ Son of Lyn (a popular Fire Emblem Character)
+ Brings variety
(+ Supposedly having a planned remake
-Lyn is only one of Roy's possible mothers. And if alternate media is to be considered, the one who is considered to be Roy's canon mother is Ninian.
-"Variety" is subjective. Roy was just a Marth with a fire sword. Chrom may be rather bland in the variety department, but Roy's not that much better.
-Rumors don't count for valid arguing points.

- Represents an already represented family
Not a valid point.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
The way I see it:

+ Appeared in 1 game and then got a prequel where the new protagonist resembled and was related to him (making his representation recurring)
+ Son of Lyn (a popular Fire Emblem Character)
+ Brings variety
+ Veteran Status in Super Smash Brothers which made him even more popular and recognized
+ Appeared as DLC in the most recent Fire Emblem
(+ Supposedly having a planned remake)

+ Most Recent lord
- Represents an already represented family
Oi, He's not the son of Lyn! The secret ending hints at Ninian being her mother.

Representing a family should not effect a character's chances or Luigi would be doomed

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
The way I see it:

+ Appeared in 1 game and then got a prequel where the new protagonist resembled and was related to him (making his representation recurring) Your dad is not you, his representation is not recurring.
+ Son of Lyn (a popular Fire Emblem Character) Popular compared to who? Marth? Ike? Chrom? I think you're overrating her, budd.
+ Brings variety Red hair and a sword on fire. What variety!
+ Veteran Status in Super Smash Brothers which made him even more popular and recognized Even more, as in, what gave him any in the first place considering he had no appearance prior to Smash Bros.
+ Appeared as DLC in the most recent Fire Emblem Ephraim has the same priority as Roy by that logic.
(+ Supposedly having a planned remake) Unconfirmed, not a reason for a character addition.
- Not currently relevant to the series

+ Most Recent lord And one of the most popular ones from the most successful game in the series at that.
- Represents an already represented family Who the hell cares, Noah?
+ Has access to spears and arrows, unlike Roy.
+ Makes people want to play the game, something Roy does not do on part of how anyone who even knows him would already be getting Smash Bros. in the first place.
+ Is set to play a major role in the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem crossover, marking an appearance in more than one game.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
"More recurring family"
Ok, so because Roy had a game and his father had a game, it magically makes him more important than any other Lord? Even Leif, who appeared in two consecutive games (though one he wasn't a Lord in).
I don't buy it.
Magically, no. But, logically yes. and Leif did not appear in Melee and was not planned for Brawl, these things kind of add to Roy's importance and last time I checked Leif is almost a pallete swap of Marth with the exception of a light sword. So that kind of defeats your Leif defense.

Representing a family should not affect your chances [/quote]
Why? What do you base this off of?


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
The way I see it:

+ Appeared in 1 game and then got a prequel where the new protagonist resembled and was related to him (making his representation recurring)
+ Son of Lyn (a popular Fire Emblem Character)
+ Brings variety
+ Veteran Status in Super Smash Brothers which made him even more popular and recognized
+ Appeared as DLC in the most recent Fire Emblem
(+ Supposedly having a planned remake)

+ Most Recent lord
- Represents an already represented family
Well, if I could add what I see...

-Already removed from SSB
-Hasn't been featured in a game since his creation
+ Appeared as DLC in the most recent Fire Emblem
Above statement is a moot point since the same can be said for many characters

+ Represents the most successful game of the franchise
+ Descendant of Marth (a popular Fire Emblem Character)
+ Brings variety (you could say this about anybody)
+ Representing the most successful game in the series made him even more popular and recognized
+ Appeared as the main character in the most recent Fire Emblem

...a lot of your points can be interpreted to other characters.

EDIT: One more thing. You bring up Mewtwo in your argument against me. I never would have anticipated the return of Mewtwo, never even included him in my rosters, UNTIL the new stuff that came about of him in Pokemon X & Y. That gave him a clear reason to return. Roy doesn't have that.

Deleted member

And Ike, during Brawl's development, would have had BARELY any more priority over Roy than Chrom does right now by these standards; Ike had Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, which was released less than a year before SSBB. Not to mention Roy's initial inclusion was out of nothing BUT recency; his game hadn't even been released.

Roy was not included for just recency sake. According to this, Roy was included primarily so that it would promote the entire franchise, so Sakurai did factor in importance when including Roy. There is also this unconfirmed source by cednym that highlighted that Sakurai also included Roy because fire properties made him stand out.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Well, if I could add what I see...

-Already removed from SSB
-Hasn't been featured in a game since his creation
+ Appeared as DLC in the most recent Fire Emblem
Above statement is a moot point since the same can be said for many characters

+ Represents the most successful game of the franchise
+ Descendant of Marth (a popular Fire Emblem Character)
+ Brings variety (you could say this about anybody)
+ Representing the most successful game in the series made him even more popular and recognized
+ Appeared as the main character in the most recent Fire Emblem

...a lot of your points can be interpreted to other characters.
I see we've resulted in simply choosing what does and doesn't count based alone on whether we care or not. :facepalm:


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Back to FE again, huh? Roy, more specifically?

The "family" argument I don't understand doesn't seem to be convincing anyone, which lead me to believe that it's rather unimportant (at least to the forum). That leaves his popularity and the fact that he represents the most popular era (which also isn't a huge argument). Yeah, doesn't look good for him. Chrom has a much better shot, as much as I dislike the idea.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
EDIT: One more thing. You bring up Mewtwo in your argument against me. I never would have anticipated the return of Mewtwo, never even included him in my rosters, UNTIL the new stuff that came about of him in Pokemon X & Y. That gave him a clear reason to return. Roy doesn't have that.
A: Mewtwo had every reason to return even without X & Y

B: Oh, but Roy does!!! :troll:
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