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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
How would you guys react if we got another Sonic rep?
If it were Knuckles I would flip, anyone else I'd be kinda angry about (Tails not so much).
Not that I think it will happen, just wondering.
I would hate having another Sonic rep but if we had to get one I would want Eggman for he is the walrus


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
So I suggest if you're going to step into the lion's den while the lion's been particularly riled up, you get your facts straight first.
Oooooh scary :eek:Yeah... if Toon Link is here to stay, so is Jigglypuff, like it or not. i guess Wolf too. I don't know, this changes EVERYHTING.

So... to those spectators that considered Toon Link nonviable for this iteration of Super Smash Brothers, solely because of the Spirit Tracks stage..... they are wrong. So very wrong. I must say, it is quite enjoyable for me to watch them be ever so very wrong. It's gratifyingly delicious.
you know there are other reasons everybody thought toon Link was a goner.. the Spirit Tracks stage wasn't the ONLYreason.... smh :facepalm:



:urg: Honestly, I may be the only one but I'm REALLY disappointed that we're STILL stuck with a clone character... I thought Sakurai would cut them all out this time. Guess I was wrong :glare:

Seriosuly, is there ANY and I mean ANY reason why we need 2 different Links? Seriously, like WHY does Sakurai think having 2 of the same character works? :confused: I mean come on... why not just have Dr. Mario or Pichu return? Why do we still need clones, or better yet why do we need 2 of the SAME character in the game? I just dont get it at all........... :urg: Can someone explain?


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
How would you guys react if we got another Sonic rep?
If it were Knuckles I would flip, anyone else I'd be kinda angry about (Tails not so much).
Not that I think it will happen, just wondering.
Sonic and Shadow would be PRETTY COOL :) Kinda like having Mewtwo and Lucario fight each other, or Megaman and Mario. Chaos, Amy Rose, and Eggman would be nice too. But why does nobody like Tails? :urg:

WOAH sorry, misread your paragraph there. :facepalm: yeah, Knuckles and Tails would be awesome. Too bad it will never happen... WHY CANT SEGA BE WITH NINTENDO?!


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Sonic and Shadow would be PRETTY COOL :) Kinda like having Mewtwo and Lucario fight each other, or Megaman and Mario. Chaos, Amy Rose, and Eggman would be nice too. But why does nobody like Tails? :urg:
shouldn't Tails be every ones favorite when ever I played Sonic games he was the best character just fly over every thing


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Considering they're the most important to both Pokemon and Smash Bros on an even level, yes I can. The only reason you're denying that because, to you, all Gen 1 = Sin against humanity.
Again, you have nothing to prove that. You say Mewtwo is more important to smash bros and he got cut. You say jiggs is more important to smash bros and she was pretty low priority in Brawl, not even appearing in the SSE (Hmmm, Lucario appeared in SSE and not Jigglypuff, clearly she's more important to smash on EVERY level.) I'm not denying it Hotfeet, I'm giving detailed reasons that support my side. It seems every time someone has a point that contradicts yours you instantly take the easy way out: Accusing one of denial. The fact that instead of counter arguing my point you simply restated the same claim as your last post shows who is in denial. Also did Pokemon and Sakurai come out and say Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard were the most important and Lucario wasn't. No they did not.

And you ask me for proof? Let me pull a you and give it never.
This leads me to believe you based your "bigger on charts" claim on absolutely nothing as you refuse to give me a source to a single one of them. Also I've given you much proof of this debate, a whole ****ing paragraph on it. Or are you done declaring what doesn't count and are now switching back to ignoring stuff entirely?

Well, it's okay, I could never measure up to your arrogance, but at least I tried. :3
You know let me explain something. There are 2 types of smart asses on this site. Those who act like a smartass in response to others being a smart ass and those who act like a smart ass because somebody disagrees with them. Guess which one you are.

I never even said anything about how Sakurai establishes priority, where are you pulling this out of?!
I base this off of you constantly claiming "Sakurai WILL prioritize these characters over Lucario" Did you forget your own comment? That's going to discredit the consistency of your side of the debate. EDIT: Hold on you're about to do it more in the following quotes of yourself :)
And yes, I know Mewtwo will be prioritized over Lucario.
<---- THERE IT IS!!!!​
So you admit you know how Sakurai prioritizes characters after you JUST lied about how you didn't. So yes, we know Mewtwo is a bit more popular than Lucario, why don't you prove to us with evidence why this WILL Prioritize him more as appose to last time rather than simply claiming it again. Claimin something a second time doesn't make it any more credible than the first time unless you back it up, sir.
And no, I'm not judging it because of Sakurai's views, I'm judging it based on the Pokemon series as it is right now, where Mewtwo is the big thing.
And what does this have to do with him being more prioritized than Lucario or more so Lucario being dead last in importance? Surely in a roster with cuts Lucario can simply take the spot of Jiggs. And while Mewtwo is the big thing you must acknowledge that other Pokemon are big right now too.
And also, insignificantly small percentage?! :joyful:

Yes, why don't you repeat that claim with a question mark rather than even attempting to prove it wrong. Then proceed to copy and paste the exact same gif I posted. When I say he's more popular by an insignificant amount it means that while he MAY be more popular it's not by much. Between 1-5 of Popularity Mewtwo is on 5 & Lucario is on 4. You're sitting here acting like we're comparing Pikachu & Magikarp when in actuality their levels of popularity are just BARELY that far apart from each other.
I KNOW it would be less since more people care about Mewtwo than Lucario, and that's for both sides of the world.
Prove this. Bring me a list of numbers representing the amount of Pokemon Fans that like Lucario and who like Mewtwo. Then bring me an official poll of Smash Fans who prefer Lucario and an official poll of Smash Fans who prefer Mewtwo. All of these polls have to major meaning they have up to as many people participating as possible and it has to be relevant and recent.

Again with the smartass comments, then again, it's you. Jiggs is important to Smash Bros, whether or not you want to accept that that means anything is up to you, but it does.
I'm beginning to think you're paranoid because anything that is not perfectly formal is instantly "Smart ass". Anyway, putting your bull **** aside, You once again re claim the same statement without backing it up. THIS is a sign of denial, not bringing up actual stuff to contradict a point as you always convince yourself.

It's not bad representation if the four pokemon represent the franchise as a whole
You need to understand that representing stuff like Fire Emblem & Pokemon is different from representing other franchises. A lot of franchises are represented in different methods. Pokemon is one of them. Proof of this is the series keeps expanding and is about meeting more and more characters (Pokemon). These aren't the 4 main characters of Pokemon.
you're just butthurt that there's a possibility that there may be only Gen 1 Pokemon this time around, that or you can't just stand the sight of Lucario going since you talked about it so much.
FYI, I'm actually "Hard Gen". This means I hate basically anything past Gen 2 with the exception of some Pokemon now and then. Anyway, what you are doing now is what we like to call "The Divine Deity Mentality" When you run out of things to back up your point you simply result in claiming that whatever character the opponent supports is only supported because they like that character. I'm a fan of Lucario, but I'm not ****ing Gune. I'm simply in favor of representing another generation because it's the best way to represent Pokemon regardless that I hate any gen past gen 2. While I am in favor of this I also greatly predict this will happen for several reasons I have already stated.

You mean like Lucario represents nothing that can't be represented by other Pokemon with more importance to Smash Bros?
Actually he can in case you forgot who he is. He represents Gen 4 Pokemon (the others can't do that) .He represents the Aura Pokemon (the others can't do that). He represents newer Pokemon (the others can't do that). He also represents the fighter types. So yeah he does. Go google him.

Of course, it's always the other person's fault, never yours.
Yes, it's always ME who's the Jackass. It's always ME who's wrong. Oh, wait you were suggesting it in vice versa. My bad I thought you finally came to terms with yourself.
The fact is that Toon Link was thought of as low priority and the main character for the chopping block, and yet here he is, the fourth veteran revealed. Who's to say Jigglypuff isn't the same? Who's to say that Jigglypuff isn't higher priority? You're basically saying that Lucario is higher than Jigglypuff because she was low priority in Brawl, and you have nothing else to go off of other than that, which was broken by Toon Link's reveal.
Oh, but I do, just you wait: In case you've been living in a cave Lucario has been the one more recurring in Anime, Movies, Games, X & Y Advertisements & Artwork, and finally is more popular and iconic. I pray for what intelligence you have left that you acknoledget that. So yeah, I'm not going off nothing. As for jiggs There aren't 5 Zelda characters to choose from so Toon Link fits in without trouble not to mention he's supposedly easier to program than Jigglypuff.

How mature of you.
How hypocritical of you as always
Oh, well then let me start over :
  • Several appearances in the anime (over 7 appearances, that's more than Mewtwo, don't forget the mangas as well)
  • Got his own Mega Form
  • Almost every trailer for X & Y
  • The cover of Pokemon Rumble U along with Mewtwo, Zoroark, and Genesect.
  • There is official Artwork of Mewtwo & Lucario in Mega Forms duking out! Yeah, Mewtwo and Lucario's popularity are definitely not even close :troll:. I'm sure this has nothing to do with how Pokemon feels about them being present in SSB4 together too.
  • Riolu's role in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Yes, I'm counting that)
And no, his popularity isn't close to Mewtwo's, go check polls for yourself and just watch how wrong you are.
Which poles speciffically? You've yet to show them to me AGAIN. Also WHEN were these polls taken might I ask, because that's VERY important. If you want me to see how wrong I am then stop refusing to show me how wrong I am.

His pokemon are the three most iconic starters
Most iconic starters or most iconic Pokemon (there's a difference) And remember it's they who are playable not the trainer.
His pokemon are still relevant thanks to being obtainable in Gen 6 and their mega forms and E.) Pokemon Origins
Lucario is still relevant thanks to being in Gen 6. Guess we can't remove him either :troll:
No, common sense told me that
You say it's common sense yet can't seem to prove this. Seems more like common naivety. Why don't you respond with proof instead of pure contradiction for a change?

Because both Pichu and Lucario were representatives of their current generation.
THAT'S HOW YOU CAME TO THAT CONCLUSION!? ummmm okay? Also wasn't Lucario a new idea? Anyway, Toon Link is the only character to ever replace anyone directly.

In short, tone down the sarcasm, I'd prefer to actually reply to a comment, not wade through a sea of arrogant ****. All this is is you acting like you know more about what Sakurai's thinking than me, and to be honest, since you know as much as anyone else (Jack ****) it's a waste of my time.
You're the one who didn't accept the peace offering and continued to be rude even out of context. So don't blame me.

Anyway if you're going to respond this time at least TRY to prove me wrong, It takes a while to respond to all that so it would be a huge relief if I knew I wasn't wasting my time with someone who is simply in denial.



Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
How would you guys react if we got another Sonic rep?
If it were Knuckles I would flip, anyone else I'd be kinda angry about (Tails not so much).
Not that I think it will happen, just wondering.
More Sonic reps, hmm? Well...

Eggman for second Sonic rep I would choose if someone had me at gunpoint and told me to choose or else I would die.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Sonic and Shadow would be PRETTY COOL :) Kinda like having Mewtwo and Lucario fight each other, or Megaman and Mario. Chaos, Amy Rose, and Eggman would be nice too. But why does nobody like Tails? :urg:
I'm pretty sure Tails is one of the few Sonic characters people could bare here (the others being Eggman, Shadow and Knuckles).

Not sure where you got people hating him. It's not the case, happily.

Tails is my favorite sonic character by the way! :D

Seriosuly, is there ANY and I mean ANY reason why we need 2 different Links? Seriously, like WHY does Sakurai think having 2 of the same character works? :confused: I mean come on... why not just have Dr. Mario or Pichu return? Why do we still need clones, or better yet why do we need 2 of the SAME character in the game? I just dont get it at all........... :urg: Can someone explain?
Sakurai has stated that he thinks having a "child" Link is important. Something about properly representing the series or something along those lines. I guess that would be your reason.

And if we had to have a "child" Link, I think we can both agree that Toon Link is better than Young Link.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Again, you have nothing to prove that. You say Mewtwo is more important to smash bros and he got cut. You say jiggs is more important to smash bros and she was pretty low priority in Brawl, not even appearing in the SSE (Hmmm, Lucario appeared in SSE and not Jigglypuff, clearly she's more important to smash on EVERY level.) I'm not denying it Hotfeet, I'm giving detailed reasons that support my side. It seems every time someone has a point that contradicts yours you instantly take the easy way out: Accusing one of denial. The fact that instead of counter arguing my point you simply restated the same claim as your last post shows who is in denial. Also did Pokemon and Sakurai come out and say Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard were the most important and Lucario wasn't. No they did not.
This leads me to believe you based your "bigger on charts" claim on absolutely nothing as you refuse to give me a source to a single one of them. Also I've given you much proof of this debate, a whole ****ing paragraph on it. Or are you done declaring what doesn't count and are now switching back to ignoring stuff entirely?​
You know let me explain something. There are 2 types of smart ***** on this site. Those who act like a smartass in response to others being a smart *** and those who act like a smart *** because somebody disagrees with them. Guess which one you are.
I base this off of you constantly claiming "Sakurai WILL prioritize these characters over Lucario" Did you forget your own comment? That's going to discredit the consistency of your side of the debate. EDIT: Hold on you're about to do it more in the following quotes of yourself :)
<---- THERE IT IS!!!!​
So you admit you know how Sakurai prioritizes characters after you JUST lied about how you didn't. So yes, we know Mewtwo is a bit more popular than Lucario, why don't you prove to us with evidence why this WILL Prioritize him more as appose to last time rather than simply claiming it again. Claimin something a second time doesn't make it any more credible than the first time unless you back it up, sir.
And what does this have to do with him being more prioritized than Lucario or more so Lucario being dead last in importance? Surely in a roster with cuts Lucario can simply take the spot of Jiggs. And while Mewtwo is the big thing you must acknowledge that other Pokemon are big right now too.
Yes, why don't you repeat that claim with a question mark rather than even attempting to prove it wrong. Then proceed to copy and paste the exact same gif I posted. When I say he's more popular by an insignificant amount it means that while he MAY be more popular it's not by much. Between 1-5 of Popularity Mewtwo is on 5 & Lucario is on 4. You're sitting here acting like we're comparing Pikachu & Magikarp when in actuality their levels of popularity are just BARELY that far apart from each other.
Prove this. Bring me a list of numbers representing the amount of Pokemon Fans that like Lucario and who like Mewtwo. Then bring me an official poll of Smash Fans who prefer Lucario and an official poll of Smash Fans who prefer Mewtwo. All of these polls have to major meaning they have up to as many people participating as possible and it has to be relevant and recent.
I'm beginning to think you're paranoid because anything that is not perfectly formal is instantly "Smart ***". Anyway, putting your bull **** aside, You once again re claim the same statement without backing it up. THIS is a sign of denial, not bringing up actual stuff to contradict a point as you always convince yourself.
You need to understand that representing stuff like Fire Emblem & Pokemon is different from representing other franchises. A lot of franchises are represented in different methods. Pokemon is one of them. Proof of this is the series keeps expanding and is about meeting more and more characters (Pokemon). These aren't the 4 main characters of Pokemon.
FYI, I'm actually "Hard Gen". This means I hate basically anything past Gen 2 with the exception of some Pokemon now and then. Anyway, what you are doing now is what we like to call "The Divine Deity Mentality" When you run out of things to back up your point you simply result in claiming that whatever character the opponent supports is only supported because they like that character. I'm a fan of Lucario, but I'm not ****ing Gune. I'm simply in favor of representing another generation because it's the best way to represent Pokemon regardless that I hate any gen past gen 2. While I am in favor of this I also greatly predict this will happen for several reasons I have already stated.
Actually he can in case you forgot who he is. He represents Gen 4 Pokemon (the others can't do that) .He represents the Aura Pokemon (the others can't do that). He represents newer Pokemon (the others can't do that). He also represents the fighter types. So yeah he does. Go google him.
Yes, it's always ME who's the *******. It's always ME who's wrong. Oh, wait you were suggesting it in vice versa. My bad I thought you finally came to terms with yourself.
Oh, but I do, just you wait: In case you've been living in a cave Lucario has been the one more recurring in Anime, Movies, Games, X & Y Advertisements & Artwork, and finally is more popular and iconic. I pray for what intelligence you have left that you acknoledget that. So yeah, I'm not going off nothing. As for jiggs There aren't 5 Zelda characters to choose from so Toon Link fits in without trouble not to mention he's supposedly easier to program than Jigglypuff.
How hypocritical of you as always
Oh, well then let me start over :
  • Several appearances in the anime (over 7 appearances, that's more than Mewtwo, don't forget the mangas as well)
  • Got his own Mega Form
  • Almost every trailer for X & Y
  • The cover of Pokemon Rumble U along with Mewtwo, Zoroark, and Genesect.
  • There is official Artwork of Mewtwo & Lucario in Mega Forms duking out! Yeah, Mewtwo and Lucario's popularity are definitely not even close :troll:. I'm sure this has nothing to do with how Pokemon feels about them being present in SSB4 together too.
  • Riolu's role in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Yes, I'm counting that)
Which poles speciffically? You've yet to show them to me AGAIN. Also WHEN were these polls taken might I ask, because that's VERY important. If you want me to see how wrong I am then stop refusing to show me how wrong I am.
Most iconic starters or most iconic Pokemon (there's a difference) And remember it's they who are playable not the trainer.
Lucario is still relevant thanks to being in Gen 6. Guess we can't remove him either :troll:
You say it's common sense yet can't seem to prove this. Seems more like common naivety. Why don't you respond with proof instead of pure contradiction for a change?
THAT'S HOW YOU CAME TO THAT CONCLUSION!? ummmm okay? Also wasn't Lucario a new idea? Anyway, Toon Link is the only character to ever replace anyone directly.
You're the one who didn't accept the peace offering and continued to be rude even out of context. So don't blame me.​
Anyway if you're going to respond this time at least TRY to prove me wrong, It takes a while to respond to all that so it would be a huge relief if I knew I wasn't wasting my time with someone who is simply in denial.​
how long did it take you to write this? It's craaazzzy long.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
:urg: Honestly, I may be the only one but I'm REALLY disappointed that we're STILL stuck with a clone character... I thought Sakurai would cut them all out this time. Guess I was wrong :glare:

Seriosuly, is there ANY and I mean ANY reason why we need 2 different Links? Seriously, like WHY does Sakurai think having 2 of the same character works? :confused: I mean come on... why not just have Dr. Mario or Pichu return? Why do we still need clones, or better yet why do we need 2 of the SAME character in the game? I just dont get it at all........... :urg: Can someone explain?
I've never gotten a chance to ask this, but:

Why do you care? Are you not happy with the amount of characters sakurai ever gives you? Do you care about moves more than characters? Why does it REALLY bother you so much when we are going to get more newcomers anyway? It's better than none. If anything Sakurai is offering variety by adding versions of characters we'd prefer to play as rather than just limiting us. I'm just asking out of curiosity. I mean there is a limit to how many characters Sakurai will offer.

Also they are NOT the same person.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Waste of Space
You literally spewed that ****storm and literally went against everything I said, which happened over three hours ago. I want to reply to a COMMENT, not wade in a sea of arrogant ****, which is what that is.

PS: I'm also glad you only answered half of the points because you had no answer for them, thank you, stop wasting my time, and when you reply, leave the arrogance at home. Seriously, when someone says "Actually TRY proving me wrong" (like he's ever won an argument on this site) they're just begging to be brushed aside.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Hotfeet. Saturn.

Can you two like not get into an arguement like this for one day?

It seems like this happens all the time. It's ridiculous. You dislike each other's opinions that much?


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
You literally spewed that ****storm and literally went against everything I said, which happened over three hours ago. I want to reply to a COMMENT, not wade in a sea of arrogant ****, which is what that is.

PS: I'm also glad you only answered half of the points because you had no answer for them, thank you, stop wasting my time, and when you reply, leave the arrogance at home. Seriously, when someone says "Actually TRY proving me wrong" (like he's ever won an argument on this site) they're just begging to be brushed aside.
So what if I just declared every thing you said to be a waste of space, does that make it a waste of space? Exactly what do you base this off of? Why don't you tell me in detail what's so wrong about my evidence and counter arguments if it's so wrong?

This is exactly what you would say if you were unable to counter an argument. No person would be that pissed off if they so clearly won. Yes, Hotfeet by declaring something a waste of space with absolutely no merit, it instantly shoots down every point made in the reply. OH, WAIT! NO it doesn't, proving it wrong with actual evidence does.

I'll just accept that you refused to prove wrong with hardcore evidence a single statement on BOTH of my replies. Unless you want to explain to me WHY it's a waste of space I'm going to hold this against you and your credibility.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Seriosuly, is there ANY and I mean ANY reason why we need 2 different Links? Seriously, like WHY does Sakurai think having 2 of the same character works? :confused: I mean come on... why not just have Dr. Mario or Pichu return? Why do we still need clones, or better yet why do we need 2 of the SAME character in the game? I just dont get it at all........... :urg: Can someone explain?
Well, as a Toon Link main and enthusiast, I'd be happy to inform.

Sakurai finds a second, child Link very important to the game. He views the child Link as the "true" Link, in fact. That's why we've had a child Link for the 3 out of the 4 games so far.

And Toon Link isn't that bad. You have to admit, he certainly gives the roster some personality. And plus, Wind Waker HD coming out, with WW being one of the best Zelda games created, he's a pretty solid choice as a character.

The reason he is still cloney is what Sakurai showed on his page in Brawl. He said, almost as a rule, the other version of Link has to have the same moves. Granted, he could just be talking of specials, but who knows? He could change up his fighting style quite a bit in this game, we'll have to wait and see.

And Toon Link is beloved by many people on these threads, regardless being a "clone" (he doesn't play ANYTHING like Link)... don't piss off the Wind Wakers, we will get angry.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I've seen people say that they should cut out Sonic and put in Shadow...I don't think this is too far out of the realm of a possibility.

Shadow hasn't had a playable role in a non-spinoff Sonic game for 7 years now. There's absolutely no way he's got a chance of replacing Sonic.

Heck, before him, there's Knuckles, Tails, and even AMY who all have been more recurring than Shadow. XD (Yeah, I actually counted every single Sonic character to be playable in every single Sonic game)


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
There are people who say Captain Falcon is gone?
Are they the same ones who think that Ness, Diddy Kong, and King Dedede are gone too?
Okay, even I've seen some Dedede haters, but who the hell thinks Diddy's going to go anywhere!? :O


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
These arguments are about as entertaining as that new "Sleepy Hollow" show on FOX.

Did I mention I love that new take on the Headless Horseman in "Sleepy Hollow" on FOX??? :awesome:


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
I've never gotten a chance to ask this, but:

Why do you care? Because I don't want anymore clones. I'm sort of fine with semi-clones, but I'm NOT fine with clones. I like having characters with diversity, uniqueness, and balance - having 2 of the SAME Links, with almost the exact SAME moves, almost the SAME looks, and SAME abilities... it makes NO SENSE. Why not just bring in Dr. Mario, or Pichu, if we're going to bring in Toon Link/ If Sakurai said he's going to take out the clones, then why doesn't he take out the clones like he promised? Are you not happy with the amount of characters sakurai ever gives you? Do you care about moves more than characters? I care about characters having DIFFERENT moves from each other. That's what I like about the N64 Smash. Everybody is DIFFERENT. :) In later games, a lot of slots get taken up by clonish or semi-clonish characters, like Dr. Mario and Pichu (I like Roy, though). The roster loses its uniqueness and diversity, because so many people are the SAME. :( Why does it REALLY bother you so much when we are going to get more newcomers anyway? Because I dont know WHICH newcomers we're going to get? For all I know we'll get something pretty ****ing stupid like Sakurai, Angry Birds, or Roger Rabbit. That's why I want GOOD veterans in addition to GOOD newcomers. I just want a GOOD roster. :urg: It's better than none. If anything Sakurai is offering variety by adding versions of characters we'd prefer to play as rather than just limiting us. Again, why not just return Dr. Mario or pichu? They're variations of character aren't they? :troll: I'm just asking out of curiosity. I mean there is a limit to how many characters Sakurai will offer. There is, but still... why add 2 of the SAME characters if the roster is that limited!?! :confused:

Also they are NOT the same person. They're both Link. I don't care that they're from a different timeline, THEY'RE STILL LINK. That's like bringing in Link from SS and Link from Zelda CD-I together, or Link from OoT and Link from Soul Caliber. I mean, they're both Links, but they're different Links. :troll:

I just want DIVERSITY.
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