This is the most recent picture of the Pyrosphere we've gotten. This, in specific, is the hole we all believe to be where Ridley comes from. I merely have two questions for if this really does mean Ridley is a stage hazard:
1.) Of all things, what sense does it make to get everyone riled up and talking about Ridley by refusing to show a single screenshot with him in it? Sakurai knows he's drawing attention to Ridley by doing this. What point is there to doing this if he's just going to be a part of the stage? If he wanted to build all this tension regarding Ridley
before unveiling him to be playable, that would make perfect sense on part of how Ridley would gather attention and make SSB4 that much more of a hot topic in the gaming communities and media alike. We would have otherwise seen Ridley long ago if he was just a stage hazard, like Yellow Devil is in Wily's Castle and the Nintendog is in its stage.
2.) If this is supposedly a hole Ridley makes, why does it look so well structured, as in, intentionally man-made? The whole idea surrounding Ridley being a stage hazard is that he comes bursting out of the hole in the wall to attack the fighters. From a design standpoint, there's no reason why a structured hallway would lead to a dead-end like this that could only be taken advantage of via inhuman methods. If Ridley really did make this hole that he escapes into and comes out of, it would be more crude and broken apart, not a passageway that looks like it will lead to the friggin' Bottle Ship's cafeteria.