As much as Lloyd would fit as a Tales character, he's not the only option. And arguably not exactly the most likely one, though that's a separate issue entirely.
There's Cless, the original protagonist and the character used for the logo of the series.
There's Luke, the main character of the latest game in the series to be on a Nintendo system (even if it's just a port of an older game).
There's Shing, main character of the last original game in the series (as in, not a port) to be on a Nintendo system. It used to be a Nintendo exclusive, though recently it got a PSP remake.
There's Yuri, the voted fan-favorite of the series who has made a few Nintendo appearances despite the game he comes only being on 360 and PS3.
There's also Emil and Luca, but they are hardly significant (and given that Emil is from Symphonia's sequel, Lloyd would easily be chosen over him).