Well, consider how things were at the time of Melee compared to now. Mario was their big flagship franchise, easily shown to be their most important franchise. Zelda was doing very well from the still recent success of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and Pokemon was just three years old, still at the beginning of its life. Now, both Mario and Pokemon are almost tied for being the biggest franchise in the world, and they have no competitors for that position either, of course they're going to keep even. Zelda is still a hugely successful franchise, basically Nintendo's equivalent of Metal Gear Solid in the fact that a new game doesn't come out very often, but when one does, it's always very highly acclaimed and considered one of the best games of its time. As of now, Pokemon is celebrating its 15 year anniversary here in North America, Mario is still going on strong with a new title on the way, and the Legend of Zelda's new title, most hinted to be a sequel to Twilight Princess, is going to be a huge hit when it comes out like every other 3D Zelda game before it. Sure Zelda doesn't need to be tied with Mario and Pokemon, but Mario and Pokemon should not exceed each other, especially Pokemon exceeding Mario.