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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Feb 18, 2009
its Fire Emblem: until that barrier is broken (which I don't think is happening in this game), its still Lords only. If Anna was to get in Smash, it's AT, sticker, trophy for sure.
You acknowledge it's possible, at least, but the simple fact that there hasn't been anyone but does nothing to preclude the possibility. You say the impossible will not happen until it happens, then shouldn't you instead say that it's literally not possible for anyone besides Lords to get in at all, ever?
What exactly does she do as a "trickster" I Know its supposed to be unique and all but we have at least 3 other people who are tricksters also.
Staffs and the Levin sword, my friend, but that's just a small part of Anna. As we know, Anna can be pretty much everything and anything. The Anna we (at least I) propose to put in smash is like Pikachu or Toad or Yoshi, in that she is distinct, yet she represents all of her sisters, and to whatever degree can express their abilities and classes, most notably the Merchant class with its lance.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Yes. A priority in making a sequel is to include various things from the original source material. Getting rid of one of the original 12 would be a horrendous mistake now. If they got rid of Jiggs or Captain Falcon in Melee? It would have been natural, perhaps even a good decision. It would have felt awkward and unnecessary if they decided to throw one of the 12 out in Brawl. However, it would be detrimental to the continuity of the series to throw out characters that people have been playing for a decade. They might not be important to Nintendo anymore, they might not be important to their own franchise anymore, but they ARE important to Smash. That is relevance at its finest. That is the only relevance that should be used to determine who makes the cut. Who is relevant to Smash? Not who is relevant to Fire Emblem (just an example)!
Yep. I hate cuts, as well as Sakurai also saying he doesn't like to do it either. I think in a perfect world, there wouldn't be any, however, this world of ours is not perfect. I think Original 12 are at least immune due to their relevance to Smash itself, not relevance to anything else. Melee vets should all be pretty much safe due to Smash relevance as well, however, I wouldn't be nearly as upset if one of them missed the boat as opposed to the 12. 3 out of 3 appearances should be a lock. 2/3 is still pretty solid. Brawl cuts wouldn't bug me at all very much (though they'd still hurt a tiny bit).


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
Sakurai loves his WTF. He's already revealed one at E3, so there's probably one left in the game.

After you get around the main characters, Sakurai goes for recurring side characters. Anna is the most recurring of all.

The chances are low, but not impossible.

Trickster is a class from Fire Emblem. It's promoted from thief class, which mean it retains the skill of steal (or lockpicking in fire emblem). They rely on high luck, speed, and are acrobat who are unaffected by the changes in the stage.
all the main characters? At this point it'll take about 20 Smash games before all of them are in


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
all the main characters? At this point it'll take about 20 Smash games before all of them are in
I think he means main to the series. Not main to any specific game. Essentially, Marth would suffice. Of course, we then need to consider the notion that Ike and Roy are going to have some form of priority simply because they were once in a Smash game. After that, he will most likely consider a newcomer. If we even get one that is.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Jigglypuff & Roy are popular because of Smash. They serve such little importance to their respective games and I don't think we should focus on prioritizing them before more deserving people just because they were great Smash Characters.

People seem to think that 64 & Melee characters are purely immune when there is no direct statement for Smash 64 characters and not a slight implication that Melee veterans won't get removed.

If I were to cut a few out of my roster, I could easily get 45 without counting sheik, zss, etc... However, the only characters I would be alright with cutting really are Jigglypuff and Toon Link. Everyone else is pretty much justified in staying if you ask me. Maybe one of either Falco or Wolf along with them.
On my 45 character roster, I cut Jigglypuff and Falco. I think Toon Link is way too important to the series and his clone status does not interfere with that. Toon Link on the train is literally the ONLY thing I see that makes Toon Link getting cut a possibility. But, as Sakurai said he is going to get as many characters in as possible. There's no way he'd cut a character from the start without knowing if he'd have time to add said character.

If I were to cut a few out of my roster, I could easily get 45 without counting sheik, zss, etc... However, the only characters I would be alright with cutting really are Jigglypuff and Toon Link. Everyone else is pretty much justified in staying if you ask me. Maybe one of either Falco or Wolf along with them.
On my 45 character roster, I cut Jigglypuff and Falco. I think Toon Link is way too important to the series and his clone status does not interfere with that. Toon Link on the train is literally the ONLY thing I see that makes Toon Link getting cut a possibility. But, as Sakurai said he is going to get as many characters in as possible. There's no way he'd cut a character from the start without knowing if he'd have time to add said character.

Here's a roster with 47 characters:

Wolf was a risky cut for me though.
Although I feel it's a little big for some reason, maybe I should go back to 45.
Wolf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Prof. Layton, Harry, Pac-Man, Prince Sable, Tom Nook


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA
Jigglypuff & Roy are popular because of Smash. They serve such little importance to their respective games and I don't think we should focus on prioritizing them before more deserving people just because they were great Smash Characters.

Roy is the main character in his game, how does he have little importance?


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
all the main characters? At this point it'll take about 20 Smash games before all of them are in
FE really only needs two main characters represented in the grand scheme of things. Marth, and whoever IS chooses. The third spot can be whoever IS wants. There are no rules to what IS picks. Just rules we have inferred from their decisions.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Jigglypuff & Roy are popular because of Smash. They serve such little importance to their respective games and I don't think we should focus on prioritizing them before more deserving people just because they were great Smash Characters.

People seem to think that 64 & Melee characters are purely immune when there is no direct statement for Smash 64 characters and not a slight implication that Melee veterans won't get removed.
Why would you ignore a character's relevance to Smash itself? Cutting an original character/moveset that has appeared in every game of the series to date, is not a wise move. It's a slap in the face.
You're also wrong about Jiggs popularity. She was popular from the anime when Smash 64 and even when Melee was out. Thus why she was in both games. She had relevance at that time. Not anymore, but she is too classic to just leave out of the 4th game in the series.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA
Whoops, messed up the quote. I meant to say that Roy is the main character of his game how is he unimportant exactly?


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Jigglypuff & Roy are popular because of Smash. They serve such little importance to their respective games and I don't think we should focus on prioritizing them before more deserving people just because they were great Smash Characters.

People seem to think that 64 & Melee characters are purely immune when there is no direct statement for Smash 64 characters and not a slight implication that Melee veterans won't get removed.

On my 45 character roster, I cut Jigglypuff and Falco. I think Toon Link is way too important to the series and his clone status does not interfere with that. Toon Link on the train is literally the ONLY thing I see that makes Toon Link getting cut a possibility. But, as Sakurai said he is going to get as many characters in as possible. There's no way he'd cut a character from the start without knowing if he'd have time to add said character.

On my 45 character roster, I cut Jigglypuff and Falco. I think Toon Link is way too important to the series and his clone status does not interfere with that. Toon Link on the train is literally the ONLY thing I see that makes Toon Link getting cut a possibility. But, as Sakurai said he is going to get as many characters in as possible. There's no way he'd cut a character from the start without knowing if he'd have time to add said character.

Wolf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Prof. Layton, Harry, Pac-Man, Prince Sable, Tom Nook
We shouldn't prioritize great Smash characters who have been with the series from the beginning. Who do you propose we prioritize then? I don't think Melee characters are immune. I just think it would awkward and/or unnecessary to cut some of them at this point. The 64 characters? Yes. I think they are immune. It isn't like they are staples of the series or anything. I am not advocating that we give them the highest priority. However, Sakurai would be a fool to launch the game without them (unless he had express intent to create DLC for the game).

I will ask you again, who should we prioritize over dedicated Smash veterans that gamers have been maining for a decade? What are you proposing?

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Yep. I hate cuts, as well as Sakurai also saying he doesn't like to do it either. I think in a perfect world, there wouldn't be any, however, this world of ours is not perfect. I think Original 12 are at least immune due to their relevance to Smash itself, not relevance to anything else. Melee vets should all be pretty much safe due to Smash relevance as well, however, I wouldn't be nearly as upset if one of them missed the boat as opposed to the 12. 3 out of 3 appearances should be a lock. 2/3 is still pretty solid. Brawl cuts wouldn't bug me at all very much (though they'd still hurt a tiny bit).
I still don't see enough evidence to really suggest there will be cuts this time. Sakurai saying there'll be less newcomers, that he hates cuts, that he's striving for DLC/patches, etc... The only basis we have for cuts is subjectivity (Mewtwo vs Lucario, Ike vs Chrom, etc.) or going off Brawl's priority list. The thing about the latter that people love to use as a basis for discrediting Jigglypuff is that we have zero proof that Brawl's character priority list will be the same as SSB4's. We had Villager as our first reveal, despite Sakurai having used him as the exact example of a character that wouldn't work in Smash Bros. during the time period of Brawl. If he's going to do a complete 180 turn over something as blatant as that, can you seriously say you know Sakurai is going to hold his characters in the exact same regard as he did in Brawl?

I'm not saying folks like Jiggs, Toon Link, and Wolf are safe because the Villager is a character. I am saying, however, that there is not sufficient evidence to say that Jigglypuff and Wolf will be considered low-priority this time. Between Jigglypuff having the same attendance as Luigi and Captain Falcon, Wolf having one of the highest character requests in Japan, and Toon Link having a playstyle that spiritually predecesses back into Melee, there's more going for them than against them.

We may as well be clamoring for Mew's addition as well if we're to rely on Brawl's known character priority, since Mew was supposed to be in the original Smash Bros. After all, the priority in previous games will dictate SSB4's, right?


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
We shouldn't prioritize great Smash characters who have been with the series from the beginning. Who do you propose we prioritize then? I don't think Melee characters are immune. I just think it would awkward and/or unnecessary to cut some of them at this point. The 64 characters? Yes. I think they are immune. It isn't like they are staples of the series or anything. I am not advocating that we give them the highest priority. However, Sakurai would be a fool to launch the game without them (unless he had express intent to create DLC for the game).

I will ask you again, who should we prioritize over dedicated Smash veterans that gamers have been maining for a decade? What are you proposing?
Exactly. The 12 should be safe for the series' sake. They are a massive part of Smash history. It's like getting Soul Caliber without having Mitsurugi, Kilik, Siegfried/Nightmare. It is unwarranted and awkward. The Melee vets, while important, aren't near as important as opposed to the classics. If they were cut, it would be strange and awkward, butt not unwarranted.
Also seeing as Sakurai stated he isn't planning DLC form the start, there really is no reason to suggest any of the Original 12's removal.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I still don't see enough relevance to really suggest there will be cuts this time. Sakurai saying there'll be less newcomers, that he hates cuts, that he's striving for DLC/patches, etc... The only basis we have for cuts is subjectivity (Mewtwo vs Lucario, Ike vs Chrom, etc.) or going off Brawl's priority list. The thing about the latter that people love to use as a basis for discrediting Jigglypuff is that we have zero proof that Brawl's character priority list will be the same as SSB4's. We had Villager as our first reveal, despite Sakurai having used him as the exact example of a character that wouldn't work in Smash Bros. during the time period of Brawl. If he's going to do a complete 180 turn over something as blatant as that, can you seriously say you know Sakurai is going to hold his characters in the exact same regard as he did in Brawl?

I'm not saying folks like Jiggs, Toon Link, and Wolf are safe because the Villager is a character. I am saying, however, that there is not sufficient evidence to say that Jigglypuff and Wolf will be considered low-priority this time. Between Jigglypuff having the same attendance as Luigi and Captain Falcon, Wolf having one of the highest character requests in Japan, and Toon Link having a playstyle that spiritually predecesses back into Melee, there's more going for them than against them.

We may as well be clamoring for Mew's addition as well since it was supposed to be in the original Smash Bros. if we're to rely on Brawl's known character priority. After all, the priority in previous games will dictate SSB4's, right?
That is a valid point. I almost forgot about the Villager fiasco. In essence, Sakurai's intent has changed from Brawls development (and collectively all precedent should be discarded). This example alone alludes to that. So we cannot be entirely sure what his criteria is this time around until we have more information. Discrediting ANYONE at this point would be fallacious (although there are some characters that just wont happen, we have to be realistic). Similarly to how stating that someone is a lock might not necessarily be true, no one is a lock until confirmed.

Thanks for that inference.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I could argue why Mewtwo was a slap in the face to remove for maybe more reasons than removing veterans. I think Sakurai takes WAY more consideration in removing characters besides just "Veteran! slap him in and cut that other guy". Almost every character has reasons for staying and people don't want them gone, but does that stop them from getting cut?


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I don't really think Roy being planned for Brawl makes him a lock. Would that make Dr. Mario a lock as well? Either that, or I am not catching your sarcasm (which could be the case). I can't really be too hypocritical though. I also believe Mewtwo is a lock due to mostly arbitrary reasons.
Yes, that was tongue-in-cheek. The statement "planned for Brawl" tends to whip users into a gut feeling-laden fervor regarding some cut characters, but not others...even when Dr. Mario had a DSiWare game as recent as Punch-Out Wii!!

Another point in relation to the "Nintendo's business agenda = putting in characters I deem relevant" discussion...we've already been given clues as to how Sakurai is advertising new games, and it's not with newcomers. Olimar, a veteran, was used to promote Pikmin 3 at its launch, not Charlie/Alph/Brittany. Luigi was used to promote Dream Team at its launch, not Starlow or Antasma. Truth is, as much as people want to pretend only newcomers can promote new games, that's contradictory to what we know thus far.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I still don't see enough relevance to really suggest there will be cuts this time. Sakurai saying there'll be less newcomers, that he hates cuts, that he's striving for DLC/patches, etc... The only basis we have for cuts is subjectivity (Mewtwo vs Lucario, Ike vs Chrom, etc.) or going off Brawl's priority list. The thing about the latter that people love to use as a basis for discrediting Jigglypuff is that we have zero proof that Brawl's character priority list will be the same as SSB4's. We had Villager as our first reveal, despite Sakurai having used him as the exact example of a character that wouldn't work in Smash Bros. during the time period of Brawl. If he's going to do a complete 180 turn over something as blatant as that, can you seriously say you know Sakurai is going to hold his characters in the exact same regard as he did in Brawl?

I'm not saying folks like Jiggs, Toon Link, and Wolf are safe because the Villager is a character. I am saying, however, that there is not sufficient evidence to say that Jigglypuff and Wolf will be considered low-priority this time. Between Jigglypuff having the same attendance as Luigi and Captain Falcon, Wolf having one of the highest character requests in Japan, and Toon Link having a playstyle that spiritually predecesses back into Melee, there's more going for them than against them.

We may as well be clamoring for Mew's addition as well since it was supposed to be in the original Smash Bros. if we're to rely on Brawl's known character priority. After all, the priority in previous games will dictate SSB4's, right?
Everything Sakurai has said in interviews up until now about characters has been about managing people's expectations.
Less characters than we expect: "There is a certain charm to games that have huge casts of playable characters, but they tend to have issues with game balance and it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and have them all feel distinctive…"
Gameplay direction focus over adding characters: "In terms of quantity, we’ve probably already reached the limit of what’s feasible. I think a change of direction may be what’s needed."

On roster size and cuts:
Limited roster: "On the topic of the roster, Sakurai noted that the 3DS version of the game, with its hardware’s technical limitations, would likely keep the volume of the roster in check,
The no cuts line has been horribly misread: "though no characters had been cut so far, and any determination to that effect is a ways away."
And not every one is coming back: "I can answer that: no. We don’t have the time to fully recreate every single character who’s been in Smash Bros at this point."
Some people read this one as applying more to Melee veterans, but I would think it seems to indicate possible cuts to Brawl characters.

It depends on how you want to read it. My guess if he is says cutting a character is equivalent the pain of death, that means he's probably experiencing that pain. Hence, why he's saying that. Meaning that there will be a cut.

It's better to manage expectations. Sakurai has been clearly trying to do this in all his interviews.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I could argue why Mewtwo was a slap in the face to remove for maybe more reasons than removing veterans.
Similar arguments could be made for ALMOST any veteran of Smash. I already know where you are going with this one. However, it is important to note that Sakurai cut Mewtwo before he was established as a "true" Smash veteran. He was only in ONE game, regardless of the premise that he was planned for the 64 version or Brawl. Plans are simply plans.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
I could argue why Mewtwo was a slap in the face to remove for maybe more reasons than removing veterans. I think Sakurai takes WAY more consideration in removing characters besides just "Veteran, slap him in and cut that other guy".
Mewtwo showed up to 1 game out of a series with a total of 2 games at the time. Cutting Melee characters going into Brawl is no where near the same thing as cutting a classic 12 vet from the 4th. Especially since all the 12 vets showed up in Brawl. Jiggs time to be cut would've been Melee or even Brawl. But after appearing in 3 games? Not likely.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
@Jaytalk: The fact that he didn't say "We won't have time to recreated every character that's been in Brawl at this point." should suggest that whatever installment you were in does not make you immune.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Mewtwo showed up to 1 game out of a series with a total of 2 games at the time. Cutting Melee characters going into Brawl is no where near the same thing as cutting a classic vet. Especially since all the 12 vets showed up in Brawl. Jiggs time to be cut would've been Melee or even Brawl. But after appearing in 3 games? Not likely.
Actually, Mewtwo was planned for the first title in the franchise but was cut due to hardware constraints, was an obvious shoe-in for Melee, and was the most completed character that didn't make the cut in Brawl, in a way, he's been a perfect attendee in one way or another. The same can be said for Bowser, who was planned for the N64 title but cut and then being playable in the other 3 titles, and King Dedede, who was planned for both Smash 64 AND Melee.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Mewtwo showed up to 1 game out of a series with a total of 2 games at the time. Cutting Melee characters going into Brawl is no where near the same thing as cutting a classic vet. Especially since all the 12 vets showed up in Brawl. Jiggs time to be cut would've been Melee or even Brawl. But after appearing in 3 games? Not likely.
Characters can be extremely unlikely to be cut, but nothing suggests they are immune. Being a 3 time veteran doesn't really make you immune, it makes you deeply prioritized. I love the way you guys suggest Mewtwo was an easy cut just because he wasn't a veteran.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Actually, Mewtwo was planned for the first title in the franchise but was cut due to hardware constraints, was an obvious shoe-in for Melee, and was the most completed character that didn't make the cut in Brawl, in a way, he's been a perfect attendee in one way or another.
Yeah I know those things but that's really stretching for straws. I believe he'll be back for 4. I'm just arguing it's stupid to liken Mewtwo's cut from Melee-Brawl to being anywhere similar to cutting an Original 12, Jiggs in this argument, from Brawl to 4.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Yeah I know those things but that's really stretching for straws. I believe he'll be back for 4. I'm just arguing it's stupid to liken Mewtwo's cut from Melee-Brawl to being anywhere similar to cutting an Original 12, Jiggs in this argument, from Brawl to 4.
Not really, he was a main to many just like Jigglypuff and every one was pissed when he got removed. He was more important to Pokemon then Jiggs was and I can't imagine people would be as pissed about Jigglypuff last time or this time nearly as much as Mewtwo.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Yeah I know those things but that's really stretching for straws. I believe he'll be back for 4. I'm just arguing it's stupid to liken Mewtwo's cut from Melee-Brawl to being anywhere similar to cutting an Original 12, Jiggs in this argument, from Brawl to 4.
Considering how big a character Mewtwo is in his own franchise, being the second most popular pokemon, most popular legendary, and the pokemon with the most movie appearances, that his cut was definitely a tough choice, and most likely would have never happened if there was more time to develop him. Sakurai has shown that he really likes Mewtwo as a character for this series, because even if he doesn't make it, he's usually the one who was most complete of the cut characters, although I'm not sure if that is the case with Smash 64's three lost characters.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
@Jaytalk: The fact that he didn't say "We won't have time to recreated every character that's been in Brawl at this point." should suggest that whatever installment you were in does not make you immune.
Yes, the statement does allude to such a notion. However, as we already stated time and time again, it isn't rational to assume that a veteran would be cut before a Newcomer that just made an appearance in Brawl. Not only that, but the quote is taken out of the context of the entire paragraph. It is difficult to discern what he truly meant, especially with language barriers. Watch as I manipulate the quote. See? It doesn't really mean much to pull random phrases out of context.

From a game development stand point, be honest. Would you rather keep the original 12 that made your series what it was? The original 12 that have been admired and loved by millions for a decade? Or would you rather cut a similar character that has only been in one Smash game?

I think it is more logical to assume that Lucas would be cut WAY before Sakurai even considers cutting Ness. That is really all I am saying. I think Captain Falcon would return before Sakurai considers replacing him. Jigglypuff is sadly the most likely to go. However, I still think it is more rational to presume that he will cut Pokemon Trainer (one game and 3 characters in one) before he attempts to cut the easy to develop veteran.

Are the original 12 immune? NO. Do I think they are immune? YES. It is my opinion. I would also be willing to bet money that it is Sakurai's opinion as well. Am I stating that it is his opinion? NO. I am making an assumption.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
@Jaytalk: The fact that he didn't say "We won't have time to recreated every character that's been in Brawl at this point." should suggest that whatever installment you were in does not make you immune.
Huh? If I'm following this argument, I'm guessing I agree with you. By Melee veterans, I meant the ones that have been cut.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Not really, he was a main to many just like Jigglypuff and every one was pissed when he got removed. He was more important to Pokemon then Jiggs was and I can't imagine people would be as pissed about Jigglypuff last time or this time nearly as much as Mewtwo.
You're missing the point so badly. I'm not, nor have I been, citing these characters' relevance to Pokemon. I'm talking about Smash relevance as I clearly stated.
Jigglypuff has appeared in 3 Smash games.
Mewtwo has popped up in 1.
Jigglypuff is relevant to Smash, more than Mewtwo is.
Thus removing Jiggs is a slap in the face, unlike cutting a character who popped up 1 time.
No where am I discussing how important they are to Pokemon. Obviously Mewtwo is a bigger deal in the world of Pokemon and Jiggs glory days are over. But that's not even what I'm arguing.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Not really, he was a main to many just like Jigglypuff and every one was pissed when he got removed. He was more important to Pokemon then Jiggs was and I can't imagine people would be as pissed about Jigglypuff last time or this time nearly as much as Mewtwo.
Between Jigglypuff being playable in the first game, Jigglypuff being both an early and high-tiered character in Melee, and Mewtwo being both the second-to-last or last character unlocked and in the complete bottom of the tier-list, I couldn't imagine more people main Mewtwo than Jigglypuff. Did you mean something different? I otherwise think the movesets themselves not being available to use again are what upsets people, not objective things like Mewtwo being better known and a better mon than Jiggs.
You're missing the point so badly. I'm not, nor have I been, citing these characters' relevance to Pokemon. I'm talking about Smash relevance as I clearly stated.
Jigglypuff has appeared in 3 Smash games.
Mewtwo has popped up in 1.
Jigglypuff is relevant to Smash, more than Mewtwo is.
Thus removing Jiggs is a slap in the face, unlike cutting a character who popped up 1 time.
No where am I discussing how important they are to Pokemon. Obviously Mewtwo is a bigger deal in the world of Pokemon and Jiggs glory days are over. But that's not even what I'm arguing.
This actually. Bajef's got it right.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
@Jaytalk: The fact that he didn't say "We won't have time to recreated every character that's been in Brawl at this point." should suggest that whatever installment you were in does not make you immune.
I'm agreeing with you. We don't know Sakurai's approach to cutting. Everything is guess work.

Yes, the statement does allude to such a notion. However, as we already stated time and time again, it isn't rational to assume that a veteran would be cut before a Newcomer that just made an appearance in Brawl. Not only that, but the quote is taken out of the context of the entire paragraph. It is difficult to discern what he truly meant, especially with language barriers. Watch as I manipulate the quote. See? It doesn't really mean much to pull random phrases out of context.
Here's the full context:
"I can answer that: no. We don’t have the time to fully recreate every single character who’s been in Smash Bros at this point," Sakurai explained.
"Adding new characters is not a simple addition – it’s really multiplication. The amount of work, adding a character is multiplied and becomes bigger and bigger as you go. We can’t because of the amount of work it takes. However, I do believe I understand that each character has its own set of fans out there who really like that character.
"So we’re not going to cut characters out of the way, we’re going to put in as many characters as we can, we really want to do that, because it's good for the fans and good for all of us. But in the event that we do have to cut some characters, I’d like to apologise in advance to those fans."


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
FE really only needs two main characters represented in the grand scheme of things. Marth, and whoever IS chooses. The third spot can be whoever IS wants. There are no rules to what IS picks. Just rules we have inferred from their decisions.
Ike/or chrom if IS chooses

They are all iconic and have refreshing movesets that's how it could go down.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I'm agreeing with you. We don't know Sakurai's approach to cutting. Everything is guess work.

Here's the full context:
"I can answer that: no. We don’t have the time to fully recreate every single character who’s been in Smash Bros at this point," Sakurai explained.
"Adding new characters is not a simple addition – it’s really multiplication. The amount of work, adding a character is multiplied and becomes bigger and bigger as you go. We can’t because of the amount of work it takes. However, I do believe I understand that each character has its own set of fans out there who really like that character.
"So we’re not going to cut characters out of the way, we’re going to put in as many characters as we can, we really want to do that, because it's good for the fans and good for all of us. But in the event that we do have to cut some characters, I’d like to apologise in advance to those fans."
See? That is an entirely different quote. My point still stands. People are interpreting the article differently and we cannot perceive what might have been lost in translation. Thanks though.

You're missing the point so badly. I'm not, nor have I been, citing these characters' relevance to Pokemon. I'm talking about Smash relevance as I clearly stated.
Jigglypuff has appeared in 3 Smash games.
Mewtwo has popped up in 1.
Jigglypuff is relevant to Smash, more than Mewtwo is.
Thus removing Jiggs is a slap in the face, unlike cutting a character who popped up 1 time.
No where am I discussing how important they are to Pokemon. Obviously Mewtwo is a bigger deal in the world of Pokemon and Jiggs glory days are over. But that's not even what I'm arguing.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Characters can be extremely unlikely to be cut, but nothing suggests they are immune. Being a 3 time veteran doesn't really make you immune, it makes you deeply prioritized. I love the way you guys suggest Mewtwo was an easy cut just because he wasn't a veteran.
Also, although Morbid stated this already, I'll repeat myself as well. They aren't immune. We don't know if they are. All I said was they should be, because they're classic, massive history to the franchise.
The Mewtwo statement also couldn't be more wrong haha. I think he was the only unjustifiable cut from Melee to Brawl.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Also, although Morbid stated this already, I'll repeat myself as well. They aren't immune. We don't know if they are. All I said was they should be, because they're classic, massive history to the franchise.
The Mewtwo statement also couldn't be more wrong haha. I think he was the only unjustifiable cut from Melee to Brawl.
Agreed. He was the only unjustifiable cut from Melee to Brawl. I am actually extremely excited at the notion of him coming back. He is definitely one of my favorites.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Also, although Morbid stated this already, I'll repeat myself as well. They aren't immune. We don't know if they are. All I said was they should be, because they're classic, massive history to the franchise.
The Mewtwo statement also couldn't be more wrong haha. I think he was the only unjustifiable cut from Melee to Brawl.
See that's what I'm saying too. But you every one states their supposed immunity as pure fact.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
See that's what I'm saying too. But you every one states their supposed immunity as pure fact.
How did we state that as pure fact? You were simply perceiving our words incorrectly. The very notion is subjective to begin with, that should have been your first clue that our statements were highly opinionated. If you can find a quote where we actually stated or alluded to their immunity being fact and not simply an opinion, I promise to close my account and never come back. :awesome:


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Ike/or chrom if IS chooses

They are all iconic and have refreshing movesets that's how it could go down.
Huh? Yeah that's a possibility. So is Anna. Every character in Smash goes through IS. they can recommend whoever they want. That's my point.

See? That is an entirely different quote. My point still stands. People are interpreting the article differently and we cannot perceive what might have been lost in translation. Thanks though.
SaturnGamer made the quote sound different. He changed it. My points cuts are possible and Sakurai has prepared us all for cuts. So if there are cuts, he said it right there. He said cuts are possible.

But the lost in translation point is very weak. If you think like that, then there is no point in reading translated interviews. Sakurai's intentions are very clear. Questioning the translation undermines the work of translator.

I thinks cuts are possible and likely consider the size the roster is now. Even just one cut. I think it is possible Jigglypuff can be cut. I do not think Jiggly puff will be cut.

It's easier to determine what characters won't be cut than what characters will be cut. Under no circumstance.
Diddy Kong
King Dedede
Meta Knight
Pikmin & Olimar,
Captain Falcon
Donkey Kong
Fox McCloud
Ganondorf (or Ganon)
Ice Climbers,
Mr. Game & Watch
Princess Peach
Princess Zelda
Pokemon Trainer (some form)?
Samus Aran

The Chopping Block
Pokemon Trainer's Starters
Solid Snake
Sonic the Hedgehog
Toon Link
Falco Lombardi

We have only seen one round of cuts. Hardly enough to determine Sakurai's approach. Any of the bottom can happen. Even if there's a 99% chance it won't.

I don't think Jiggly, Falco, ROB and Sonic will be cut. But that it's base on a limited amount of information.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
View attachment 2495
Think he'll make it back in?
The deal with Nintendo seems incredibly reminiscent of the deal of SEGA and Nintendo working together before Sonic's debut in Brawl back in 2007, so I'll say he'll easily return. I'll also vouch for Naked Snake to come in Solid's place.
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