Oh I agree wholeheartedly that Kyurem has potential, what I don't agree with is giving him priority due to the movie status or Gen V popularity. What exactly is making a compelling case between it, Xerneas/Yveltal, or any other recently promoted/boss-like Pokemon? Hell, I'd argue the Genesect Squad would make an awesome boss battle if I didn't know I'd be stepping on a lot of toes in this thread/wasn't too lazy to write it up. Rayquaza got in due to the requests/mentions he got before in a pre-Brawl poll I believe, as well as representing the 3rd Gen of Pokemon rather than the 4th (for which got Spear Pillar/Lucario, obviously) which hadn't been represented up until that point. I'd go as far to as to argue they'd probably pick N with both Zekrom or Reshiram before just Kyurem alone, even if it had "stages"