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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Something I've never got is why isn't Sakurai trying to do a roster with around 50 characters total(with or without transformations)? I think someone in this thread earlier stated that he and his team weren't interested in doing DLC, but then why?

Because they need to be balanced? Isn't that what the Wii U updates would inevitably be for? Or am I just assuming there'd be balance patches anyway?

In a way it'd make more sense to make the original roster larger than if(and it's a BIG if) he did decide to release DLC from a work point of view, (albeit not from a monetary view; I know 90% of us would pay for a pack or two) as he'd still need to rebalance all the other characters alongside whatever characters got released.

Am I crazy or isn't the main point of this game to see your favourite Nintendo characters beating the living snot out of one another? Surely a larger roster ensures more worldwide satisfaction than a smaller one? Yes, it'd be more work, yes it may take a little longer, but wouldn't you prefer a larger roster yourselves either with or without potential DLC packs?

Thoughts, feelings, opinions?
(I am fully expecting to get blasted here for this.)

For the sake of a secondary subject here; what kind of packs would you have liked to have seen?
People will still hate the idea of DLC, which allows to expand the roster with cut characters.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Would throw out Sherrif for Mach Rider and Toon Zelda for Impa. And Sonic or PacMan for Dixie, cause I can. Rather would see Toad or Paper Mario instead of Bowser Jr. to, but could live with his inclusion.

Still don't like Sheik.


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2012
Why do I get the feeling that Toon Link might stay? No no no. Toon Link needs to go. They should add a different ally from Zelda or something.

As for Toon Zelda......ehh I don't care. If you add her or not, I'm fine by both.
Then again, if they add Toon Zelda, then Toon Link needs to stay lol


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2013
I'm fine with Toon Zelda if we get Tetra, not only does it make more sense than a toon sheik but I think she'll provide a level sass that's been lacking thus far in Smash.


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2012
Perhaps Toon Zelda for Palutena, because really Zelda doesn't need more than 5 reps.

What's up with you and Palutena?
Yes I do agree that she's most likely gonna appear but it seems like you want her so bad in the game. Toon Zelda could be important since they're making a remake of Wind Waker. Bowser Jr. could be important also. But I go for Toad personally.

I'm fine with Toon Zelda if we get Tetra, not only does it make more sense than a toon sheik but I think she'll provide a level sass that's been lacking thus far in Smash.

Haha I don't think there's such thing as a Toon Shiek.
Yes, Tetra needs to be there too if Toon Zelda is added. Agreed.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2013
That one's more of a maybe. If I remove anyone that this point, it's most likely to be Pac-man than anything.
(Also, did we happen to meet somewhere else? Your name's starting to ring a bell...)
Off topic: I think they used to discuss Smash on IGN

On topic: Don't have that many problems with your roster. It may be a little big, but overall, no bad choices.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2013
I'd rather have Toon Zelda with Tetra as she'd be different enough from normal Zelda/Sheik to warrant inclusion. I'd rather just have Tetra than just Toon Zelda. She's less likely to be cloned and visually different enough. Plus she better represents the Toon series as she originated from it. If we're going to have two links and two zeldas it'd be a wasted opportunity unless Toon Zelda has a Tetra transformation.


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2012
There isn't, by Sakurai ACTUALLY intended to ADD this "Toon Sheik" with Toon Zelda in Brawl.

Thank god he didn't.

Well I don't mind Toon Zelda as a single character.
I'm sure Sakurai can come with something for down B.

It could work.

As much I hate to admit it, it does look pretty awesome. But that would be foolish. Silly rabbit.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2013
New Jersey
I'm so iffy about the Zelda franchise, I can't decide whether or not it needs a new character, or if it does. The only new Zelda characters that are suitable in my opinion are Toon Zelda or Impa. I'm on the fence with this one. :(


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2013
Wait, hang on a sec. People would seriously hate getting characters that were left out due to time constraints?

Yeah, okay.

Depends who the cuts are. If it's people we expected to get cut I'd honestly rather have newcomers. Cuts aren't great but I'd rather play as someone completely new then someone who I've already played as on Brawl.

Though the ideal situation is minimal cuts, if DLC is people like Roy, Lucario, Toon Link (anyone who gets cut basically) I'd be a bit disappointed.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I'm so iffy about the Zelda franchise, I can't decide whether or not it needs a new character, or if it does. The only new Zelda characters that are suitable in my opinion are Toon Zelda or Impa. I'm on the fence with this one. :(
I honestly believe that Ghirahim has a great chance. People may argue this, but he is the number 1 most requested new Zelda character in Japan (source: Chronobound's Japan poll post). Also, he is in fact relevant (although not a great point), and he has lots of moveset potential. Not to mention he would be the only non-heavyweight villain.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I wouldn't mind Impa, but I would rather have Toon Link with a new moveset or a new villain as a new Zelda rep. Nothing against Toon Zelda or Impa, just saying.

This is what I hear all the time. People are cool with Impa, but rather have a very unlikely character before her.

I get the appeal behind characters as Skull Kid, Ghirahim, Midna, Vaati, Masked Link, Zant or Wolf Link. I really do. All of them are cool characters, but thing is they are hugely irrelevant to the series overall. Also, many of them missed their chances majorly.

Skull Kid and Masked Link missed their big chance in Melee (Masked Link could work as the transformation character instead of Sheik).
Midna, Vaati, Zant and Wolf Link missed their big chance in Brawl.
Ghirahim will likely follow their example.

It's honestly only Impa who's important in more than 1 game out of all characters that have a fighting chance. That or Toon Zelda, however uninspired that would be. If anything, I'd rather have a solo Tetra to accompany Toon Link. Also, the potential of there being FOUR playable versions of Zelda is a bit... much. Zelda, Sheik, Toon Zelda, Tetra. Rather crowded. Rather have it be, Zelda, Tetra and Impa as all standalones.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
This is what I hear all the time. People are cool with Impa, but rather have a very unlikely character before her.

I get the appeal behind characters as Skull Kid, Ghirahim, Midna, Vaati, Masked Link, Zant or Wolf Link. I really do. All of them are cool characters, but thing is they are hugely irrelevant to the series overall. Also, many of them missed their chances majorly.

Skull Kid and Masked Link missed their big chance in Melee (Masked Link could work as the transformation character instead of Sheik).
Midna, Vaati, Zant and Wolf Link missed their big chance in Brawl.
Ghirahim will likely follow their example.

It's honestly only Impa who's important in more than 1 game out of all characters that have a fighting chance. That or Toon Zelda, however uninspired that would be. If anything, I'd rather have a solo Tetra to accompany Toon Link. Also, the potential of there being FOUR playable versions of Zelda is a bit... much. Zelda, Sheik, Toon Zelda, Tetra. Rather crowded. Rather have it be, Zelda, Tetra and Impa as all standalones.
I understand what you mean, and I agree. Although when it gets down to the game itself, I think that Ghirahim and Classic Link have the best chances of a Zelda newcomer. I know you support Impa a lot, I just don't see it happening this time around.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2013
New Jersey
I understand what you mean, and I agree. Although when it gets down to the game itself, I think that Ghirahim and Classic Link have the best chances of a Zelda newcomer. I know you support Impa a lot, I just don't see it happening this time around.
I'm not so sure about Classic Link, but Ghirahim definitely has a chance. If he were announced I wouldn't be thrilled, but I wouldn't complain either. Nor would I be thrilled or upset if no new Zelda character was announced.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
If they like no cuts, then surely adding back the old characters via DLC would actually be fine? I don't follow the thought pattern.
It's not the cuts persay sometimes its the person the character is being cut for, in some instances the newcomer who took the veterans spot while the veteran became DLC is better being the DLC while the veteran should have just stayed in. It's all about the cuts choosen and the character put it.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I'm not so sure about Classic Link, but Ghirahim definitely has a chance. If he were announced I wouldn't be thrilled, but I wouldn't complain either. Nor would I be thrilled or upset if no new Zelda character was announced.
Classic Link has relevance on his side I guess. He could easily be the Young Link or Toon Link of Smash 4. I would prefer Ghirahim though, as he can be unique and have a good moveset. And I just really want to block attacks with 2 fingers. :awesome:


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2013
New Jersey
Classic Link has relevance on his side I guess. He could easily be the Young Link or Toon Link of Smash 4. I would prefer Ghirahim though, as he can be unique and have a good moveset. And I just really want to block attacks with 2 fingers. :awesome:
Blocking with two fingers would be pretty cool, I do have to admit.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I understand what you mean, and I agree. Although when it gets down to the game itself, I think that Ghirahim and Classic Link have the best chances of a Zelda newcomer. I know you support Impa a lot, I just don't see it happening this time around.

Ah well, if it doesn't happen, and Impa gets yet another role as she had in Skyward Sword that makes her all the more likely for the next game. :awesome:

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I honestly would love to see Skull Kid (or would I just love to send the moon crashing down on everyone...) as the next Zelda rep, I just don't see it happening. Ghirahim is probably most likely for a villain, right over Vaati.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2013
New Jersey
I honestly would love to see Skull Kid (or would I just love to send the moon crashing down on everyone...) as the next Zelda rep, I just don't see it happening. Ghirahim is probably most likely for a villain, right over Vaati.
Yeah, Skull Kid would be awesome with that moon crashing down.


If only Majora's Mask 3D came out :(
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