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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
[collapse="This **** is why my boss list is the perfect boss rush"]

Ghost-based/explosive-based boss. Token head and two-hands boss that's everywhere in Nintendo games. Throw bombs at him to make his body break and attack his dangly floating core.

Mook-based boss. Giant frickin' spider that summons smaller Gohmas to attack you, that's all that needs to be said. Do meteor smashes on the "eye" on its back to inflict some nasty damage.

Ice-based boss. Can shift forms mid-fight to either pound the living crap out of you or nuke you with an entire tundra being shot right at you. Weak to Fire-based attacks and Jigglypuff because lol Fairy-type.

Projectile based boss. Shoots an entire bullet-hell of lasers, spikes, and bombs at you, before doing real knockback with physical attacks. The head is the weakest point, obviously.

Electricity-based boss. One of the only bosses to not be absolutely enormous and the only one to really fly around the entire time. Doesn't take a lot of hits, but actually hitting Kracko is hard.

Underwater boss. Your movements are slower and your jumps are higher as you attack the various weak-spots on its shell, eventually attacking its eye when the shell opens. Also, search "Star Fox Bacoon" in google. You will not find any images remotely related to Star Fox, it's hilarious.

All elemental boss. Breaths fire, whips up tornados, zaps you with electricity, and splashes water on you. Moves around a lot like how Rayquaza would move, had you actually fought it on the lake rather than next to it.

Fire-based boss. Behaves like the most conventional Brawl-like boss, being a big thing that moves around and attacks you. Weak to Ice-attacks and Water-attacks.

The biggest boss in the game. You attempt to attack its feet to knock it down, then battle on top of its head where it can whip you with its tongue and send you flying off it. A definite colossus climb fight.
I know all of that was off topic, but come on, you have to admit this would be a pretty balanced and fun boss roster for an adventure mode.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I remember back then I used to play around with the rule of only one rep per series, and can easily squeeze in about 20 or 25. The rules were pretty simple, all you had to do was pick characters with the catch being is that he/she would be the only choice per franchise, in other words if you want a character from The Legend of Zelda you can pick Link but only Link. For this rule, every series that is currently considered an individual franchise is applied. Sub-series are only applied if it's treated as such in the Super Smash Bros. series, meaning Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, and Wario are treated as different categories but trying to treat something like Paper Mario or Tingle as such won't work. Characters that are original to Super Smash Bros. (I.E. Master Hand, Tabuu, Primid) are not allowed.

If you want to do this, trying to shoot for at least 20 is a safe number, though you can reduce or increase depending on the demand. You can optionally choose to omit third party characters, but if you do pick third party characters the limit is 3. Optionally, you can explain which characters would be starter or unlockable, and experiment with the layout to figure out which one suits best. You can remove or add whatever you want, just remember the above rules.

And that's basically how it worked out.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
[collapse="This **** is why my boss list is the perfect boss rush"]

Ghost-based/explosive-based boss. Token head and two-hands boss that's everywhere in Nintendo games. Throw bombs at him to make his body break and attack his dangly floating core.

Mook-based boss. Giant frickin' spider that summons smaller Gohmas to attack you, that's all that needs to be said. Do meteor smashes on the "eye" on its back to inflict some nasty damage.

Ice-based boss. Can shift forms mid-fight to either pound the living crap out of you or nuke you with an entire tundra being shot right at you. Weak to Fire-based attacks and Jigglypuff because lol Fairy-type.

Projectile based boss. Shoots an entire bullet-hell of lasers, spikes, and bombs at you, before doing real knockback with physical attacks. The head is the weakest point, obviously.

Electricity-based boss. One of the only bosses to not be absolutely enormous and the only one to really fly around the entire time. Doesn't take a lot of hits, but actually hitting Kracko is hard.

Underwater boss. Your movements are slower and your jumps are higher as you attack the various weak-spots on its shell, eventually attacking its eye when the shell opens. Also, search "Star Fox Bacoon" in google. You will not find any images remotely related to Star Fox, it's hilarious.

All elemental boss. Breaths fire, whips up tornados, zaps you with electricity, and splashes water on you. Moves around a lot like how Rayquaza would move, had you actually fought it on the lake rather than next to it.

Fire-based boss. Behaves like the most conventional Brawl-like boss, being a big thing that moves around and attacks you. Weak to Ice-attacks and Water-attacks.

The biggest boss in the game. You attempt to attack its feet to knock it down, then battle on top of its head where it can whip you with its tongue and send you flying off it. A definite colossus climb fight.
I know all of that was off topic, but come on, you have to admit this would be a pretty balanced and fun boss roster for an adventure mode.
Kyurem wouldn't be weak against fire his dragon type negates that weakness :p Oh and also I HATE that pikmin boss he's almost worse then the final boss!


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
The point is that these aren't issues. And while you compare them to other characters having better versions of these features, it's not better by much at all. I doubt Dixie & Diddy together would have been the case due to Diddy's Rocket Barrel & Peanut Popgun being important, and Dixie's Ponytail being important. Ice Climbers were a duo because they were literally the same thing just with different color. That is not the case with Dixie, not at all. The other thing is that you see King K. Rool as the one he'd pick because that's what you think he should do. I base Dixie being the one he'd pick on what he would do. I think King K. Rool has more stuff to him that would make a more exciting addition, but that doesn't mean Sakurai is gonna pick that. In terms of main characters Dixie does come before King K. Rool unfortunately, that's not to say she'll come before him in SSB4, but I'd be surprised if she didn't. Like I said they are basically the main trio of the Donkey Kong series whether we like it or not, and with Dixie having enough going for her to where it wouldn't be a HUGE deal if she got in over K. Rool, that may very likely be the case.

I'm not saying Dixie surpasses the importance and priority of K. Rool by much, but she does just a little. And the fact that she'd be a semi-clone does not make her any less important or prioritized than K. Rool. It may make her less desirable in our eyes, but not to the point where it would give Sakurai reason to pick K. Rool instead Dixie.

Yes, it would suck to a lot of us to have Dixie instead of the main villian and his more unique move set. But, we don't have much of a say in it. The fact that WE think K. Rool is the better option is going to affect what Sakurai thinks is a better option.

My point being that Dixie's similarities is almost definitely not going into Sakurai's list of reasons to have King K. Rool over Dixie. For now we just have to wait and see which one Sakurai thinks should be the contender.

I should have been more clear, I think they would have been a tag team. Not an Ice Climbers type deal. I don't think that'd work. And yeah...they are pretty much the same thing with a palette swap besides Dixie's hair.

Also, I didn't say K. Rool is the one he'd pick, and I certainly didn't say because I think he should...I guess I could kind of see how you got that though? Kindof
"I think K. Rool has more stuff to him that would make him a more exciting addition, but that doesn't mean Sakurai is gonna pick him."
I get what you're saying obviously, but I think it bodes for the opposite of what you're saying. As in, if Sakurai sits down and says Donkey Kong needs a new character. And he takes a look at two characters. Dixie Kong, and K. Rool right next to each other. When he sees Dixie, he'd probably say..."Hmmm.....Diddy Kong like character?" And when he sees K. Rool, he'd probably say "All new character, no doubt." Now what he'd 'probably' say is totally subjective, but the inference can be made because he has a character almost identical to Dixie Kong on the roster right now. I'm just saying, if he wants DK to have a genuine 'NEW' character, he'll probably not pick somebody that screams clone. Then if he doesn't give a **** about DK, or just wants another character, he could add Dixie. So still, it's pretty even in chances. In terms of main characters, I severely doubt Dixie comes before K. Rool. Like I said, the sidekick's sidekick. Not all that 'main'.

Then, what the heck makes you think Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie are the main DK trio? If anything it's more of a couple, with just DK and Diddy. Before DK's sidekick was given a conceptual update by rare, it was just Donkey and his little sidekick. And it stayed like that in DK cannon for a while. Even on the Wii version is DK and Diddy. I'm saying it's always been about those two. Then if I had to choose another character to go into the trio after the hero and his sidekick, I'd definantly choose K. Rool. He's been in more games and is more important to the series. By default Dixie is not important enough to the DK series to be part of the main trio.

If you're going on her appearance in TF to bode for her, diddy, and donkey being the trio, keep in mind there is another playable character that we aren't aware of yet. Are they too more important than K. Rool?

"My point being that Dixie's similarities is almost definitely not going into Sakurai's list of reasons to have King K. Rool over Dixie. For now we just have to wait and see which one Sakurai thinks should be the contender."

Yes I agree completely.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Kyurem wouldn't be weak against fire his dragon type negates that weakness :p Oh and also I HATE that pikmin boss he's almost worse then the final boss!
In canon, yes. It'd be for the sake of balance however to give him that fire-weakness. The idea is that with this wide variety of bosses, some characters have a harder time fighting them than others. It's more dynamic that way than fighting all generically challenged boss fights that require no change in strategy beyond use aerials, dodge, and move when the boss moves. It's just poor game design if bosses all feel the same with each character you fight them as. I'd rather see more hypotheticals like where Game & Watch would be good at absorbing Duon's projectile half whilst having problems fending from the physical half.

So making Captain Falcon good at killing Kyurem while having issues against the Kraken would make for a more memorable set of bosses, imo.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Diddy Tag Teamed with Dixie : Yup or Nope ?
Absolutely not. You can't combine Dixie's Helicopter Hair with Diddy's Rocket Barrel and they can't share the Peanut Popgun. They each have their own abilities unlike Popo & Nana.

I honestly don't believe Sakurai would make them a duo.

why seven? xblade doesn't seem like the kinda thing that'd get two reps (then again, neither does mother)
yeah it kind of does deserve 2 reps. :laugh:


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Because it would have too much representation of the 1st generation of Pokémon.
And as a Hoenn remake is pretty likely to come out on 3DS, he/she would make a good hint for it.
Hoenn remake is not likely in the slightest. Gen one and Gen two were remade because Gamefreak felt that Red / Blue and Gold / Silver weren't balanced games. So they remade them so they could be experienced in a more balanced environment.
Also I forgot to mention that the 3rd gen of Pokemon is not yet represented in a Smash game.

I hope Kyurem is a boss then. :awesome:
Essentially this.
Best way to represent Gen 5 imo.
Yeah, NOW it's an obvious FS, which is lame cause I wanted this:
On-the-fly fluid transformations between a longer ranged slower mewtwo and a quicker more beatdown/rushdown mewtwo... One that can easily execute combos, between the two.
This is what I always imagined having Mewtwo being able to mega evolve and switch back.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Hoenn remake is not likely in the slightest. Gen one and Gen two were remade because Gamefreak felt that Red / Blue and Gold / Silver weren't balanced games. So they remade them so they could be experienced in a more balanced environment.
Really? I though it was because you couldn't transfer your pokemon from the first two generations to the third, rendering a number of pokemon not being possible to get access to (besides event legendaries)... Guess I must have gotten my info wrong then. :/


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
By a playable character, I meant. :glare:
Well being represented isn't limited to being a playable character.
Really? I though it was because you couldn't transfer your pokemon from the first two generations to the third, rendering a number of pokemon not being possible to get access to (except event legendaries)... Guess I must have gotten my info wrong then. :/
Could've been both then.
Regardless a Gen three remake, as sad as it is, isn't likely unless Gamefreak succumbs to fan demand.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I kinda want Walhart to be the boss for FE.
That'd be cool, but I'd like to see Validar more so.

Mainly because I get a really cool Jafar vibe from him, and he could summon Grima midway through the battle (or have his boss battle take place on Grima, either one. :p ).


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Ooh, boss talk, this just got more interesting. Bosses I definitely want:

Ghetsis for Pokemon
- No pokemon is evil, but this guy definitely is. Boss battle in the two Gen V games, epic music, and it could be a system where you have to defeat each of his pokemon one by one, ending with Kyurem Black or Kyurem White.

Hades for Kid Icarus
- This guy exudes personality and is so gigantically evil and destructive I can't help but see him as close to final boss. I definitely want him in the game.

Apart from those two, I don't care much about any other bosses, but I imagine the likes of Gamma (Mega Man), Demise (Zelda), King Boo (Mario/Luigi's Mansion), Tiki Tong (Donkey Kong), King Hippo (Punch-Out!), Mother Brain (Metroid), The Condor (Ice Climber), Andross (Star Fox) and Early Onset Diabetes (Wii Fit)


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2013
Cave of the Past
Salutations, fine users of this forum. Anyways, as per customary procedure of newcomers posting their roster presuppositions, I will post mine. I welcome commentary, whether it's compliments or criticisms or both, as long as it is constructive. I send my appreciations.

Green Outline = Newcomers

* I am unaware as to what Mewtwo's status would technically be, if he were to return, although I might suggest a "Veteran" status.



Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Salutations, fine users of this forum. Anyways, as per customary procedure of newcomers posting their roster presuppositions, I will post mine. I welcome commentary, whether it's compliments or criticisms or both, as long as it is constructive. I send my appreciations.

View attachment 2222
I have never seen such a beautiful roster. The only criticism I would have is Robin. I don't want to start and Ike/Roy/Chrom debate though. Well that... and the hideous, foul, repugnant, and decadent square to the bottom right. That is disgusting.

Also, welcome to the forums. :awesome:


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I should have been more clear, I think they would have been a tag team. Not an Ice Climbers type deal. I don't think that'd work. And yeah...they are pretty much the same thing with a palette swap besides Dixie's hair.
Not.........really... (Also she's been given more differences in Tropical Freeze. Her eyes and mouth differ from Diddy's.)

Then, what the heck makes you think Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie are the main DK trio?
The reason is that the 3 are the most recurring and are seen together a lot in advertising, Mario Sports Titles, and titles like Donkey Konga, Diddy Kong Racing, and Donkey Kong Country 2-3

If anything it's more of a couple, with just DK and Diddy. Before DK's sidekick was given a conceptual update by rare, it was just Donkey and his little sidekick. And it stayed like that in DK cannon for a while.
It only stayed like that for 3 games if you don't count the GB ports. And K. Rool was only in 1 of those 3 games.

Even on the Wii version is DK and Diddy. I'm saying it's always been about those two. Then if I had to choose another character to go into the trio after the hero and his sidekick, I'd definantly choose K. Rool.
Unfortunately, that's not the case :ohwell:

He's been in more games and is more important to the series.
That's not true either. She's made several more appearances.

By default Dixie is not important enough to the DK series to be part of the main trio.
She is though, and more than K. Rool.

If you're going on her appearance in TF to bode for her, diddy, and donkey being the trio, keep in mind there is another playable character that we aren't aware of yet. Are they too more important than K. Rool?
The roster was finalized before the reveal of TF so it has no influence on any character. Keep that in mind next time you run into some douche bag says Dixie is more relevant than K. Rool :p

Salutations, fine users of this forum. Anyways, as per customary procedure of newcomers posting their roster presuppositions, I will post mine. I welcome commentary, whether it's compliments or criticisms or both, as long as it is constructive. I send my appreciations.

Green Outline = Newcomers

* I am unaware as to what Mewtwo's status would technically be, if he were to return, although I might suggest a "Veteran" status.

View attachment 2222
I agree with the removal of Snake, but there will be a lot of rage if he's the ONLY character that got removed. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2013
Cave of the Past
I have never seen such a beautiful roster. The only criticism I would have is Robin. I don't want to start and Ike/Roy/Chrom debate though. Well that... and the hideous, foul, repugnant, and decadent square to the bottom right. That is disgusting.

Also, welcome to the forums. :awesome:

I send my thanks as to your kind regards.

As for having Porky being on my signature, it's not so much a prediction as it is a list of characters I would enjoy the most playing as if they were available for SSB4. Rather, it is showing my support for the character, in the same sense one would support Simon Belmont, Kumatora, or Lyndis, even when their chances are improbable to begin with.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Salutations, fine users of this forum. Anyways, as per customary procedure of newcomers posting their roster presuppositions, I will post mine. I welcome commentary, whether it's compliments or criticisms or both, as long as it is constructive. I send my appreciations.

Green Outline = Newcomers

* I am unaware as to what Mewtwo's status would technically be, if he were to return, although I might suggest a "Veteran" status.

View attachment 2222
This is actually surprisingly close to an earlier version I had of my roster, the only exception being that I had K.Rool instead of Dixie and instead of Toad I have Porky. That said, yours is more reasonably likely.

So yea, I really like this roster.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I send my thanks as to your kind regards.

As for having Porky being on my signature, it's not so much a prediction as it is a list of characters I would enjoy the most playing as if they were available for SSB4. Rather, it is showing my support for the character, in the same sense one would support Simon Belmont, Kumatora, or Lyndis, even when their chances are improbable to begin with.
I meant the Mii slot. :rotfl:


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2013
Cave of the Past
I agree with the removal of Snake, but there will be a lot of rage if he's the ONLY character that got removed. :laugh:
Indeed, without a shadow of a doubt this is a controversial subject, one where red-hot sparks will fly rather precariously like bursting lava from a volcano. Snake seems to be a uniquely special sort of case of a character, in that he was a third-party character of approved consideration by Sakurai, as he was requested by Kojima himself in due part to their friendly relationship. So technically speaking, it is not so much Snake's third-party status but rather his unusual request, which to me seems to be a one-time offer. Kojima would be asking for quite a considerable service for Snake to retain a "Veteran" status for Super Smash Brothers series. Now, I do recognize Snake's particularly special traits as a character within Sakurai's project, so there are a certain set of variables that would favor Snake's return in SSB4, and perhaps solidify his status as a permanent placement within all future rosters. We'll have to wait and see.

That said, I would rather return Snake than have Pacman on the roster, but that's just my subjective opinion among a sea of subjective opinions.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Salutations, fine users of this forum. Anyways, as per customary procedure of newcomers posting their roster presuppositions, I will post mine. I welcome commentary, whether it's compliments or criticisms or both, as long as it is constructive. I send my appreciations.

Green Outline = Newcomers

* I am unaware as to what Mewtwo's status would technically be, if he were to return, although I might suggest a "Veteran" status.

View attachment 2222

I immediately thought of this, haha

But seriously, welcome to the forums! :b:

Over all, I'd enjoy your roster. Thirty-nine veterans are included, with Snake being the only Brawl cut. In addition, we get Toad, Dixie, Takamaru, Little Mac, Ridley, Palutena, Robin, Mii, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Man and Pac-Man. Over all, very good. I'd just change three things, in particular. Personally, I'd keep Snake, as I feel he'd be easier to keep (since Sakurai's friends with Kojima and all), and Sakurai felt he'd be a good addition. Secondly, I'd definitely add K. Rool before Dixie, due to his much larger fanbase, importance to the series, and higher chance of uniqueness. Plus, he's one of the characters that's really popular both internationally and in Japan. Thirdly, I'm a bit iffy on Robin. Personally, I'd rather see Chrom or Roy and think both have better chances, but Robin's a fine pick, either way.

So yeah, I'd definitely give it an 8.5/10. :p
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