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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Yeah, but there's a problem with getting the AI on duo characters to work properly on the 3DS version. Some believe the IC won't return cause of that (myself included).
Do not assume anything. Especially because if I recall right people got Smash 64 running on stuff close to the DS, people got PSABR perfectly working, and Melee's being working on portable. There's NOTHING special that makes the 3DS version say "LOL IT DOESNT WORK WITH ___"

I made a point somewhere earlier in this thread about how I know how the 3DS runs.

As for Diddy and Dixie tag team, maybe partially like Sheik/Zelda, partially like Ice Climbers? Only problem is it's reallllllly breakable. You'd have to think of how to work it.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2013
Hey guys, let's get rid of 2 of the most iconic and popular Pokemon and replace them with less iconic and popular Pokemon! 10/10 idea.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Zelda HD will likely just have Ganondorf. And you kill him with the Master Sword. Also, Sheik will not get in, and she never will be unless it's yet another Ocarina of Time port.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Just like how for a gen and a half, they've stopped making multiplayer Zeldas. I'm not saying Zelda HD is going to have Vaati, but they've gone out and said that Zelda HD will have some form of multiplayer play. The fact is that Vaati has many parallels with King K. Rool, the only difference being that K. Rool came first in his own series while Vaati has to share screen-time with a much larger pool of characters.
Yeah, pretty much. Though one thing with K. Rool as well is he's pretty much been in almost EVERYTHING that isn't DKCR (And he hasn't been ruled out completely out of Tropical Freeze either). I guess so we'll have to see. If Vaati returns, at least playable or a villain, I'd like that.

I'm probably one of the few people that liked Zant.

Deleted member

We already have a Diddy and Dixie duo, it's called Ice Climbers. They even come completely packaged with game breaking chain grabs that make the majority of the roster irrelevant.
Nah man, DiddyxDixie wouldn't work like that.

It's be more like DKC where you can tap out the lead to change their playstyle. Kinda like a mix of Shielda and IC.

I'd be up for it if it could work.

So... your argument for replacing Pokemon Trainer is basically 'muh recency'? Okay, say no more. I don't think I'm even going to debate this one, it's not worth my time.

I would however suggest Jigglypuff's removal over Red's. People may not like it since Jigglypuff is a three-time vet, but Pokemon Trainer is quite simply more important than Jiggles, as much as people may hate to admit it.

I can see Jiggs not coming back, and I doubt many would really care that much. I think she was a last minute addition to Brawl akaik.

Just like how for a gen and a half, they've stopped making multiplayer Zeldas. I'm not saying Zelda HD is going to have Vaati, but they've gone out and said that Zelda HD will have some form of multiplayer play. The fact is that Vaati has many parallels with King K. Rool, the only difference being that K. Rool came first in his own series while Vaati has to share screen-time with a much larger pool of characters.
I don't quite follow what you're saying, mind elaborating?

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
Are we basically on the same topics as the last time I was on? :awesome:

But as far as what characters seem to stand the best chances for certain franchises, I guess I will throw my thoughts in the matter.

For Mario, it is obviously between Bowser Jr and Toad. As for Zelda I feel it is a three way fight between Ghirahim, Impa, and Tetra/Zelda. For Donkey Kong it will be K. Rool vs Dixie Kong. The only Star Fox one that makes sense at this point is Krystal. No other F-Zero character should be in.....yet again (although top choices are Samurai Goroh, Pico, Dr. Stewart, and Black Shadow). Yoshi and Wario are basically going to be by themselves again. However if they did get another rep Kamek would be the only choice for for the Yoshi series while the WarioWare/WarioLand rep is basically between Ashley, Captain Syrup, and Mona. When it comes to Pokemon that is a hard one to decide on. Top choices for the franchise would be a new trainer, Zoroark, Mega-Mewtwo, and Genesect.

The Metroid franchise would basically have Ridley, Melissa, Anthony Higgs, or Adam Malkovich to go along with the fact Samus is Other M based. The next Kid Icarus rep is a major battle between Magnus, Palutena, and Medusa. Hades and Phosphora could be there too but they may make more sense as a boss and AT respectively. Kirby doesn't really need another rep but if there was one it is between Prince Fluff and Bandanna Dee. Mother/Earthbound doesn't need one either but if there was one it would most likely be from Earthbound/Mother 2 since they put that on the VC. Out of that team it can be any of them (Paula, Poo, and Jeff). They might want to go for a Mother 3 rep though and I feel the only one from there for the job would be Kumatora.

Fire Emblem is one big hassle when it comes to reps, there are a lot of possible good ones. And we may see more than just one new one. This possible list is a battle between Robin, Chrom, Lucina, Micaiah, Roy, Sothe, and Lyn. A few of them could be teams too (like Robin/Chrom, Lucina/Chrom, and Micaiah/Sothe). The Retro section would have a few possible reps in Takamaru, Sheriff, Prince Sable, Mach Rider, and Balloon Fighter. When it comes to 3rd parties other good choices fighting for that spot/those spots would be Bomberman, Travis Touchdown, Simon/Trevor Belmont, Lloyd Irving or Cress Albane, Bayonetta, Rayman, Pac-Man, and Sora (to name a few).

As for other misc franchises yet to be repped, six easily come to mind. Those six being Sin & Punishment, Golden Sun, Punchout, Custom Robo, Xenoblade, and Advance Wars.

As for who would rep each franchise, I say:

Sin & Punishment - A battle between Isa Jo, Saki, and Kachi (I still think Isa is the best choice though)
Golden Sun - Battle between "Adult" Isaac and Matthew
Punchout - Obviously Little Mac
Custom Robo - The latest Ray, Ray MkIII
Xenoblade - Shulk obviously, but if there was a second rep (for some reason) I say it is a battle between Dunban, Alvis, Reyn, Melia, and Mechon Fiora
Advance Wars - Between Andy and Will

Other franchises like Dillon's Rolling Western might be possible, but I am not sure.
Hello, TB. :troll:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Jigglypuff could be replaced, but I think it'll cause backlash and she'll get heavily supported for Smash 5.

Deleted member

>Hoenn confirmed

Not this **** again...

Look, I loved gen 3 as much as every other person out there, but people need to stop with that. Also, Smash doesn't care about 'balanced representation' of franchises, it just picks characters that would make neat popular fighters and tosses them in.
Dude, do not think I've put those characters in a random way. I take a significative amount of time for considering them.

Also, it's just an update of my roster, it's not like I won't change my mind until the game's release.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
Also, I'll just repost this:

Say what you want about Pokemon Trainer, but let the facts be clear. Ash was based on Red. Charizard was one of the most-wanted playable Pokemon characters in the series if polls are anything to go by, although Red himself showed up in the polls too. Red was even named after Pokemon's creator in the Japanese versions. Not only that, Pokemon Trainer is the most recognizable of all the trainers in all the games, has the most recognizable three starters, and if we want to get technical, he's appeared in every generation of Pokemon (thanks to Black & White 2). Between Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen he's had the most playable appearances (more if you count the Pokemon Stadiums, where your avatar resembles Red heavily), and is the "original" Pokemon champion - to this day, his appearance on top of Mount Silver is the highest level NPC Pokemon battle in any main series Pokemon game, and his actions in Red/Blue/Yellow inspire nearly every event to take place in Gold/Silver/Crystal. Removing Red for some other trainer would be like removing Marth for some other Fire Emblem lord, or removing Solid Snake to put in Raiden. He may not be playable in every Pokemon game, but make no mistake that his legacy is greater and further-reaching than any other Pokemon trainer to currently appear in the canon series.
Pikachu and Pokemon Trainer Red are pretty much the only dead certs as far as the Pokemon roster goes. If I get proven wrong later down the line I'll happily eat my words, but yeah - him getting replaced is not a likely scenario.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I agree with you Callum my G. Charizard ain't going nowhere now he's in.

Deleted member

Do not assume anything. Especially because if I recall right people got Smash 64 running on stuff close to the DS, people got PSABR perfectly working, and Melee's being working on portable. There's NOTHING special that makes the 3DS version say "LOL IT DOESNT WORK WITH ___"

I made a point somewhere earlier in this thread about how I know how the 3DS runs.

As for Diddy and Dixie tag team, maybe partially like Sheik/Zelda, partially like Ice Climbers? Only problem is it's reallllllly breakable. You'd have to think of how to work it.
I\m pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that the CPU of the 3DS isn't as powerful as the once on the GCN, mostly since most of the power of the integrated chip goes to GPU to push the 3D effect.

I think that's the main problem.

It might also have something to do with the architecture of the 3DS. I mean, sure, if you work with it long enough, you'll eventually find a work around, but it's a case of cost vs. value, how much time is it worth it to bring back ONE character. This was the main reason DiddyxDixie didn't happen in Brawl imo.

Just keep it like Zelda/Sheik, only Dixie is in the back of the stage like Pokemon Trainer waiting to be switched.
I don't like that idea. It should pay homage to DKC with the two working in tandem.

Jigglypuff could be replaced, but I think it'll cause backlash and she'll get heavily supported for Smash 5.
Yeah, cause the Smash fanbase is really mature... hahaha.

Cut one measly character, and everyone throws a fit, boy...

Dude, do not think I've put those characters in a random way. I take a significative amount of time for considering them.

Also, it's just an update of my roster, it's not like I won't change my mind until the game's release.
Oh, I haven't seen your roster, mind posting it again'?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
It might also have something to do with the architecture of the 3DS. I mean, sure, if you work with it long enough, you'll eventually find a work around, but it's a case of cost vs. value, how much time is it worth it to bring back ONE character. This was the main reason DiddyxDixie didn't happen in Brawl imo.

Everyone will hate me for saying this but...

I think this may very well be a reason why we won't see a Zelda / Sheik transformation in this game.

You can all come at me now.

Also, I LOVE that The Origin trailer.


Speaking of, the style looks quite different from the mainstream anime. Is this made by the same people? I'm guessing not. Oak, 'Green' and Brock all look so different. And even Charmander doesn't quite look like the Charmanders we've seen in the anime.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I\m pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that the CPU of the 3DS isn't as powerful as the once on the GCN, mostly since most of the power of the integrated chip goes to GPU to push the 3D effect.

I think that's the main problem.

It might also have something to do with the architecture of the 3DS. I mean, sure, if you work with it long enough, you'll eventually find a work around, but it's a case of cost vs. value, how much time is it worth it to bring back ONE character. This was the main reason DiddyxDixie didn't happen in Brawl imo.

I don't like that idea. It should pay homage to DKC with the two working in tandem.
That might be broken competitive wise.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I\m pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that the CPU of the 3DS isn't as powerful as the once on the GCN, mostly since most of the power of the integrated chip goes to GPU to push the 3D effect.

I think that's the main problem.
Thta changes the CPU, not the ability of what it can do.

It might also have something to do with the architecture of the 3DS. I mean, sure, if you work with it long enough, you'll eventually find a work around, but it's a case of cost vs. value, how much time is it worth it to bring back ONE character. This was the main reason DiddyxDixie didn't happen in Brawl imo.
We really don't know when it comes to that, but it all is a dependancy on value
Everyone will hate me for saying this but...

I think this may very well be a reason why we won't see a Zelda / Sheik transformation in this game.

You can all come at me now.
No that's totally possible.

Deleted member

Everyone will hate me for saying this but...

I think this may very well be a reason why we won't see a Zelda / Sheik transformation in this game.

You can all come at me now.
As much as I side with you on wanting Impa over Sheik and making Zelda a solo character, I don't see that being the excuse, afaik, it affects the processing for the AI in duo characters, not the loading for transforming characters.

Otherwise it'd also mean we won't get a MegaMewtwo transformation.

Still, Sheik can go, and the naysayers can whine. I'll await their delicious tears.


Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I never really thought a Mega Mewtwo transformation was that likely. I mean, it seems like an obvious Final Smash now...


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
I don't think transforming characters will be an issue in any way. I could be wrong, but from what I gather, transforming characters are loaded on-demand in Smash Bros. (or in Brawl at least) when you choose to transform into them, which is why Down-B transform moves are often long, and sometimes bring a few lag frames with them. So if anything, being able to load the transformation character straight from solid-state memory (rather than the significantly slower disc-based media) means it'd be easier if anything to load character transformations on the fly.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Fire Emblem is one big hassle when it comes to reps, there are a lot of possible good ones. And we may see more than just one new one. This possible list is a battle between Robin, Chrom, Lucina, Micaiah, Roy, Sothe, and Lyn. A few of them could be teams too (like Robin/Chrom, Lucina/Chrom, and Micaiah/Sothe).
Oh, wait, I forgot who I'm talking to.

Deleted member

I never really thought a Mega Mewtwo transformation was that likely. I mean, it seems like an obvious Final Smash now...
Yeah, NOW it's an obvious FS, which is lame cause I wanted this:

On-the-fly fluid transformations between a longer ranged slower mewtwo and a quicker more beatdown/rushdown mewtwo... One that can easily execute combos, between the two.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Sothe / Micaiah is the ONLY sensable Fire Emblem duo character(s).

Haters will be branded as witches, and be burned at stakes.


Not that they are likely but Chrom / Lucina is just SO STUPID


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
I thought about something recently. The way people pull for certain characters, hate others, deem certain ones as retro or outdated, prefer certain generations of pokemon or have limited knowledge of the history of certain franchises made me consider something:


Was Smash Bros. always an established part of the video game world over your lifetime or were you one of those proud people who stumbled upon to the work of genius when it was new and unexplored territory? Can you only say that Melee was your first experience with Smash? Or Brawl even? The games are something we all share, but the way they became a part of our lives is different for each of us. I think this really sheds light on how each of us make roster predictions and how others appreciate/ argue with our choices. I think it also makes everyone's opinion valid.
I was 1.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
In 1999? I was either 8 or 9, depends on wether the date is before July 28th or not.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
What if Smash had 1 character per series? I'd have:
Donkey Kong
Tom Nook
Little Mac
Captain Falcon

Any others?
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