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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
I meant Tingle, Isaac, Saki, Little Mac, Devil, Kuririn (with Helrin as final smash), Ray, Jeff, Kat and Ana, Lyn, Knuckle Joe and Waluigi. Sounds like a good roster to me.
Kuririn- WTF Character
Devil, Saki, Little Mac, Ray- Retro
Isaac- New Series
Jeff, Waluigi, Kat and Ana, Lyn, Tingle, Knuckle Joe- Representing existing series


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
I'm inclined to agree with SaturnGamer here. Both Mii's and Animal Crossing characters are heavily-customizable, generic avatar characters which wield a variety of generic items/"weapons" (using that term as loosely as possible), and only show emotions/personality in small bursts (of course somebody would show emotion when stung by a Bee, 99% of people would - if anything that adds to the avatar aspect). Both of them can be either gender, can have varying hairstyles, and a different selection of faces (although you don't get to choose your Villager's face initially, they do have unique features). Heck, you can even put a Mii head on your Villager in Animal Crossing.

I don't want Mii's to be playable in Smash - in fact I'd like them to stay as far away from a playable roster spot as possible - but Animal Crossing villagers hardly have any more 'personality' than Mii's do.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Speaking of new threads, how do you make one?
Just make sure you're in the proper category and click the "Post New Thread" button. Before you create one though make sure there isn't already an existing thread about the same topic and it doesn't break any of the other rules.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Somebody make a Carl Support Thread please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No... please... don't....


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
Thirteen years ago.

Sin and Punishment was thirteen years ago. Is thirteen years all it takes to be classed as retro now?

Everyone here; you're all retro.
Retro is just something that's outdated or otherwise discontinued. In fashion terms, anything older than 10 years is retro.

So yes, 13 years is retro. Although I'd prefer people stopped using the term "retro" reps to be honest because it's a bit limiting - I think "discontinued" reps works a bit better since all of the "retro" reps so far have come from dead franchises. Retro is hard to define and is always changing.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Retro is just something that's outdated or otherwise discontinued. In fashion terms, anything older than 10 years is retro.

So yes, 13 years is retro. Although I'd prefer people stopped using the term "retro" reps to be honest because it's a bit limiting - I think "discontinued" reps works a bit better since all of the "retro" reps so far have come from dead franchises. Retro is hard to define and is always changing.
Only ten years? Wow. I thought at least double that.

I'm up for a name change to classify these characters. Any other suggestions other than discontinued?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Until we see Sakurai include characters post-NES or GB era and dub them "classic characters" like he's done with previous retros, it doesn't really matter what we classify them as. For all we know Sakurai views the "classic characters" as something from a fixed time period, not something that will grow depending on how many years pass like we do. Sakurai may always want the "classic characters" he chooses to come from Nintendo's early days on the system market. There's really no precedent to think otherwise, just because new characters can now be considered "retro" (though I don't really see Saki as retro, or at least not his series), doesn't mean Sakurai's view has changed, especially since he's never described them as "retro" to my knowledge, but instead as "classic".

Ofc I could be wrong, but until we see otherwise, I'm inclined to think Sakurai is viewing things in terms of a specific time period, not one that will eventually expand. Could just be me though. However, since he hasn't even ever referred to SNES characters as ones he's considered along with the NES ones, I think he might be on different terms than we think he is.

Blah blah blah retro. Nothing but playing with double standards in my eyes.
How so?


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
As a fun fact, Ice Climber came out in 1985; Melee came out in 2001. 16 years difference in-between, so if 13 years isn't "retro" then it certainly isn't far off.

But yeah to echo everybody elses sentiments, the 'retro slot' is something we as fans have made up. A lot of people, for example, expect Takamaru to be in on the basis that we need a classic character, but two (Ice Climbers, Pit) does not make a pattern. It wouldn't surprise me if we simply saw more characters like Little Mac and Pac-Man - characters who are remembered for their early appearances but aren't strictly 'retro' in the sense that their franchises are ongoing.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
"This character is going to get in because MUH RECENCY while the others have missed their chance, except for this character because MUH RETRO."
Other than those people thinking recency is the sole reason for a character being included, and thinking any character older than x amount of years can be considered retro to Sakurai, that makes sense to me. Sakurai likes referencing Nintendo's history, and includes aspects of the newer titles as well as the older ones. The real issue, like I said, is people misinterpreting both recency and retro, which then they use to justify whatever character they want, which then creates the double standard.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
I thought about something recently. The way people pull for certain characters, hate others, deem certain ones as retro or outdated, prefer certain generations of pokemon or have limited knowledge of the history of certain franchises made me consider something:


Was Smash Bros. always an established part of the video game world over your lifetime or were you one of those proud people who stumbled upon to the work of genius when it was new and unexplored territory? Can you only say that Melee was your first experience with Smash? Or Brawl even? The games are something we all share, but the way they became a part of our lives is different for each of us. I think this really sheds light on how each of us make roster predictions and how others appreciate/ argue with our choices. I think it also makes everyone's opinion valid.
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