I feel Lucas should get in over Ness, but Ness just seems more popular. Mother 3 is a huge hit and anybody who hasn't played it needs to RIGHT NOW! IT'S F***ING AWESOME!
Here is a link to an emulator and the Mother 3 Translation.
Link Removed
Only downside to Mother 3 is you don't play as Lucas until Chapter 4 and the only time you get PSI before that is the awesome Kutamora (My favorite Mother Character.)
THE ULTIMATE SATURNGAMER64 EXCUSE: If you agree with anything TheDivineDeity says, it's because you're a fanboy and anything you agree with TheDivineDeity is bias because you're a fanboy.
Not really sure what makes sense about that statement. When have I ever even called somebody a fan boy. And what does fanboyness have to do with DivineDeity's opinions other than that if it's not his it's fanboy bias. The other thing that doesn't make sense about this statement is hardly anybody agrees with you. Also a game doing bad in NA doesn't mean anything if it does well in Japan, the country it descends from. Fire Emblem wasn't even released in NA and it's one of the most deserving franchises.
Here's the thing. If a franchise is discontinued, that means 100% N-O-T-H-I-N-G! It's a cross over between Nintendo's greatest, not Nintendo's latest.
There is no logical reason for Ness or Lucas to go at this point other than possible time restraints.
Even then, we may still see them with DLC.
Sakurai wants to make it the fullest experience so I wouldn't PLAN DLC.