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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
Let me ask you this - have you ever played Ice Climbers? No? Well then, how about ROB's games? Again, no? Hmmm..... :) Oh wait, do you see the point... because if not, let me clarify. Just because you've never played a game, it doesn't mean you can't make judgments about the characters in this game. We don't have to have played Ice Climbers or ROB's games to talk about them in THIS game. ;)
Ice Climbers yes, but I've never owned the R.O.B accessory, but you're right. You can make judgments about the characters without playing their respective games, but it makes your judgement limited and baseless as you've clearly shown, and Mother is one of those series you have to play to fully understand their inclusion. You've still given no justification to why Lucas should be cut, or Wolf for that matter, so I must ask what exactly are you trying to convince me of here? You're really just trying to subtly insult me at this point. If so, we can just be done with this now.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
Ice Climbers yes, but I've never owned the. R.O.B accessory. You're right. You can make judgments about the characters without playing their respective games, but it makes your judgement limited and baseless as you've clearly shown, and Mother is one of those series you have to play to fully understand their inclusion. You've still given no justification to why Lucas should be cut, or Wolf for that matter, so I must ask what exactly are you trying to convince me of here? You're really just trying to subtly insult me at this point. If so, we can just be done with this now.
This is why Lucas should be cut - he seems like low-priority in comparison to other characters. All he is is a clone of Ness, which obviously means not much thought was put into Lucas' inclusion other than bringing in stages and music. Lucas just doesn't have the priority as the likes of ZZS, ROB, Snake, and others. :ohwell: And by low priority, I'm judging by his moveset in comparison to others (Sonic doesn't count, time constraints).

Am I the only one who's unsure if DivineDeity is trolling here?
I'm not, whether you like it or not. I may have some controversial opinions, and I may be a bit confrontational, but that doesn't mean I'm a troll. Far worse people have been strolling through these forums.

I'll come back later when the discussions cool down from this heat...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
This is why Lucas should be cut - he seems like low-priority in comparison to other characters. All he is is a clone of Ness, which obviously means not much thought was put into Lucas' inclusion other than bringing in stages and music. Lucas just doesn't have the priority as the likes of ZZS, ROB, Snake, and others. :ohwell:
If we go by the game's data, Lucas is one of the higher priority newcomers, not to mention being a starter character. Lucas is not a clone. All of his normals are completely different, that being said, thought was put into Lucas as all his normals were intended to look like his attack from Mother 3. Going by your logic, Falco and Luigi should be cut as well. Explain these examples you gave, and why Lucas is lower priority than Snake, a third party inclusion? You must misunderstand what priority actually means in smash if you believe this is the case. What makes Lucas' priority lower than these characters anyway? You've yet to explain.

EDIT: He seems to unintentionally cause trouble, then flee the scene once he's seen the mess he's made.:glare:


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Great, we got a religious nutjob in the thread, absolutely wonderful. Oh no, I have Demon sisters in my avatar, guess I'm going to hell too and not just showing respect to a series I like. :p

I may have used this already once today, but seeing what's going on with Noah, Deity and others, I have to play this again...

All aboard the Train Wreck, because this argument is going to hell in a handbasket. Also, when the going gets tough, he turns tail and runs away. He's not a troll, no sir, not at all, he's a coward.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Sometimes I wish I didn't step out of the backroom.

The Roster Discussion Thread used to be awesome.....


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Sometimes I wish I didn't step out of the backroom.

The Roster Discussion Thread used to be awesome.....
Can't find Habanero's signature so this will have to do:



Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
There's one thing that Meowth has that Eevee will never have, at this point..

Meowth has been in TWO SSBs.
Just like Charizard was in both SSB64 and SSBM before becoming a full-fledged character.

So if there's another Gen 1 Pokemon getting in, you can bet your tail fur it's going to be Meowth, both for anime importance, and twice SSB pokeball-veteran status.

These are my arguments. In the end I'd gladly receive either Meowth or Eevee, but I just see Meowth a bit more likely.

EDIT: Oh sh... I just recalled SNORLAX has been in all 3 SSB games.... New PT Final Smash?:troll:
That does not effect Meowth. You know Bonsly was a pokeball and he appeared in the Lucario Movie. Let's make him playable.

My goodness you have no idea what you're saying.
1. You don't know that, at all.
2. Horrible comparison, laugable almost. And he wouldn't HAVE to be a clone anyways.
3. You don't, but again that doesn't matter. At all.
4. Of course not. lol
5. what

Maybe pointless, maybe stupid to you, certainly doesn't matter. completely plausible theory, it could happen.
The only person who doesn't know what there saying here is you. You actually think Tom Nook has a chance and this is why? And Mr. Game & Watch is actually a perfect example. Just because somebody isn't 100% impossible doesn't mean you should avoid logic. It's not even remotely plausible, several other people agree Tom Nook is completely pointless for these reasons.

Like, I said I've come up with better excuses to have Ninten as a playable character.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Considering that the Dog already could utilize the NES Zapper, what could stop Sakurai from having the Dog utilize other NES Products? (Power Glove, etc.)
The point is to add characters that bring something new to the table, which the Duck Hunt Dog can do in several ways (Duck centric moveset, Nintendo peripherals moveset, mix of both, etc.).
I think other characters using NES accesories would fit better.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I like how you fail to even justify your arguments, instead making vague assumptions that you just expect people to agree with.
You're right about that, however it is a hypocritical statement for you to make

Speaking of which:
Lucas is a one-time offering, no more. He's getting cut.
Will you stop being a jerk and quit acting like you're Sakurai. You have no basis for Lucas getting cut other then you're own ignorance on the status of EarthBound's love and impact. P****s people off when somebody with such a terrible roster goes around acting like he knows what's going to happen when he clearly has nothing good to back it up. And fails everybody for being logical.

You have nothing to prove Lucas would ever be considered for removal besides your own preference and bias.

I can just as easily accuse YOU of bias - AKA fanboy bias towards a particularly loved series - whenever you justify Lucas staying JUST BECAUSE he's an Earthbound character. He's as expendable as Wolf or Ike.
There's no hope for you

THE ULTIMATE DIVINE DEITY EXCUSE: If you agree with a character that I don't like, it's because you're a fanboy and anything you say to promote a character is bias because you're a fanboy!


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Gah to many people quoting me. Q_Q Just going to tackle one of the people who quoted me due to laziness. lol

If I'm not mistaken the Diddy and Dixie duo was planned for both Melee and Brawl, what my memory recalls from reading. And dixie really is wanted more in Japan then Rool.


This is true. Sakurai is aware of what is popular in the west as well, heck he said the west was the reason Sonic got in Brawl.

He's also aware of Ridley (thanks to Nintendo Power), and Little Mac is commonly demanded. Can't say much about K Rool though, reports on the old Wii U thread have him as universally wanted (though in Japan Dixie is wanted more).
I'm not sure how reliable you find him but from what I ahve seen he seems pretty reliable from what I have seen.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Just because a character technically works or has a move set, doesn't mean it works well at all or that the move set is good at all.

Ninten technically works. He technically has a moveset that works. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Done with my roster. So here it is:
View attachment 1900

Blue= Default Character Red= Unlockable Character Green= DLC Character

I don't believe tiers, that was more of a joke on my end.
You can't have Lyndis over Ike, make Lyndis DLC or just add Ike back. Also replace Johto Trainer with Kalos Trainer. Only problem is you removed Charizard :p

Earthbound series isn't big enough to warrant a slot, unlike, let's say, Pacman or Takamaru.
Pac-Man and Nazo No Murasame more prioritzed than Mother?


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2013
maybe deity's issue with mother is that it involves prayer to someone other than god


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
This is why Lucas should be cut - he seems like low-priority in comparison to other characters. All he is is a clone of Ness, which obviously means not much thought was put into Lucas' inclusion other than bringing in stages and music. Lucas just doesn't have the priority as the likes of ZZS, ROB, Snake, and others. :ohwell: And by low priority, I'm judging by his moveset in comparison to others (Sonic doesn't count, time constraints).
Have you considered the possibility that perhaps Lucas was added in Brawl first before Sakurai decided to re-add Ness back to Brawl to make the roster bigger... Sakurai did originally plan to have Lucas replace Ness in Melee... so it is no wonder Lucas's moveset is similar to Ness's moveset but with some changes... like PK Freeze instead of PK Flash... and PK Fire that knocks enemies away instead of burning them... and PK Thunder that goes through platforms and hits enemies multiple times instead of stopping at platforms and hitting enemies only once... it is almost as if Lucas is an updated Ness.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Have you considered the possibility that perhaps Lucas was added in Brawl first before Sakurai decided to re-add Ness back to Brawl to make the roster bigger... Sakurai did originally plan to have Lucas replace Ness in Melee... so it is no wonder Lucas's moveset is similar to Ness's moveset but with some changes... like PK Freeze instead of PK Flash... and PK Fire that knocks enemies away instead of burning them... and PK Thunder that goes through platforms and hits enemies multiple times instead of stopping at platforms and hitting enemies only once... it is almost as if Lucas is an updated Ness.
Lucas isn't important to DivineDeity and thus it's not important to Sakurai or anyone else.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Can we not bash anyone's beliefs simply because one person is being a jerk?
None of us are trying to bash anyone's beliefs. The point is religious beliefs or disbelief should not be brought up in a forum about Super Smash Brothers Predictions.

Boo-hoo for yo precious Chary and I'll choose Lyndis over Ike whenever I dang please :p
Fine with me, just post it here instead: http://www.smashboards.com/threads/wishlist-roster-thread.336020/


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
If I'm not mistaken the Diddy and Dixie duo was planned for both Melee and Brawl, what my memory recalls from reading. And dixie really is wanted more in Japan then Rool.


I'm not sure how reliable you find him but from what I ahve seen he seems pretty reliable from what I have seen.
I am basing my popularity gauge off of this post by ChronoBound until further notice (aka Shortie/SmashChu spreading that Japanese poll). I would appreciate a source on the Melee bit as well.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I don't usually rate DREAM rosters, because.. well, they're like wishlists.

But just going to do it because it's the thing to do in this thread. :D


Not TOO fond of Johto replacing Kanto trainer. But... Johto's kinda good too. (Don't see it happening though)

I'm still astonished by the lack of Saki love around here... But whatever rows you guys' boats, lol.
Betcha if you guys played S&P you'd definitely find him more interesting than Stafy for a Japan only character...
But since the roster is full of sword-users, Stafy would be a bit more unique.

I can't help but think "Filler" when I look at Grihaim, Paper Mario, and Samurai Goroh.

Maybe I'm the only one who noticed that Goroh, Lyndis, and Takamaru all have the EXACT same weapon?
At least Ike and Marth have different type of western swords. :p

Bomberman is cool, but realistically semi-farfetched. Being a Hudson character that's now owned by Konami... I don't know, I have a feeling Konami might want to represent something from THEIR side. Like a Belmont to advertise the new Castlevania games, or Snake just for the veteran factor.

Well, that's all I got. I'm cool with L.M., Saki, and Mega Man, to be honest.

--BTW just having finished Lyndis' story in the GBA Fire Emblem... I'd really like to see her. But I don't see Sakurai giving her a unique moveset. :/


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I don't usually rate DREAM rosters, because.. well, they're like wishlists.

But just going to do it because it's the thing to do in this thread. :D


Not TOO fond of Johto replacing Kanto trainer. But... Johto's kinda good too. (Don't see it happening though)

I'm still astonished by the lack of Saki love around here... But whatever rows you guys' boats, lol.
Betcha if you guys played S&P you'd definitely find him more interesting than Stafy for a Japan only character...
But since the roster is full of sword-users, Stafy would be a bit more unique.

I can't help but think "Filler" when I look at Grihaim, Paper Mario, and Samurai Goroh.

Maybe I'm the only one who noticed that Goroh, Lyndis, and Takamaru all have the EXACT same weapon?
At least Ike and Marth have different type of western swords. :p

Bomberman is cool, but realistically semi-farfetched. Being a Hudson character that's now owned by Konami... I don't know, I have a feeling Konami might want to represent something from THEIR side. Like a Belmont to advertise the new Castlevania games, or Snake just for the veteran factor.

Well, that's all I got. I'm cool with L.M., Saki, and Mega Man, to be honest.
I think Konami acquiring Freaking Bomberman would result in them wanting to exploit it. And how is Paper Mario FILLER???


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I'm not sure how reliable you find him but from what I ahve seen he seems pretty reliable from what I have seen.
In this particular case and with that particular post, I wouldn't say I'm a reputable resource. I really only remember a few things in regards to popularity:

1. Sakurai does pay attention to western popularity (Ex. Sonic)
2. Ridley and Little Mac are more highly demanded in the West.
3. K. Rool is universally popular.
4. Dixie Kong is more popular in Japan than in the West.

I lost my links to Chronobound's Japanese reports so I cannot back up my claims in that particular post. That said looking back at it I think I may messed up on what I wanted to say there (may have meant to say #4) , I don't really remember. This is something you should go ask the expert (Chronobound) about rather than myself or using a post I made from June 2012.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
In this particular case and with that particular post, I wouldn't say I'm a reputable resource. I really only remember a few things in regards to popularity:

1. Sakurai does pay attention to western popularity (Ex. Sonic)
2. Ridley and Little Mac are more highly demanded in the West.
3. K. Rool is universally popular.
4. Dixie Kong is more popular in Japan than in the West.

I lost my links to Chronobound's Japanese reports so I cannot back up my claims in that particular post. That said looking back at it I think I may messed up on what I wanted to say there (may have meant to say #4) , I don't really remember. This is something you should go ask the expert (Chronobound) about rather than myself or using a post I made from June 2012.
Ah my mistkae, I didn't notice that topic was necroposted by people. lol


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Not TOO fond of Johto replacing Kanto trainer. But... Johto's kinda good too. (Don't see it happening though)

I'm still astonished by the lack of Saki love around here... But whatever rows you guys' boats, lol.
Betcha if you guys played S&P you'd definitely find him more interesting than Stafy for a Japan only character...
But since the roster is full of sword-users, Stafy would be a bit more unique.

Maybe I'm the only one who noticed that Goroh, Lyndis, and Takamaru all have the EXACT same weapon?
At least Ike and Marth have different type of western swords. :p

Bomberman is cool, but realistically semi-farfetched. Being a Hudson character that's now owned by Konami... I don't know, I have a feeling Konami might want to represent something from THEIR side. Like a Belmont to advertise the new Castlevania games, or Snake just for the veteran factor.
I would love to see Pokémon Trainer Gold! Maybe he would have Feraligatr, Quilava, and Chikorita! It kinda makes sense since Gold would be Red's rival at the Mt. Silver battle... and Feraligatr beats Charizard (water-type is stronger than fire-type), Quilava beats Ivysaur (fire-type is stronger than grass-type), and Chikorita beats Squirtle (grass-type is stronger than water-type)...

I am kinda fatigued with sword fighters in Smash... so I would welcome Starfy over Saki for that reason... and I think Starfy could be pretty unique with a playstyle that centers around spinning.

You are correct about Samurai Goroh, Lyn, and Takamaru using the same weapon... but this is why I would rather see Takamaru get in... since he would be bringing in a whole franchise to Smash... especially a stage from Mysterious Murasame Castle.... whereas Captain Falcon already represents F-Zero and has F-Zero stages... and Marth already represents Fire Emblem and has Fire Emblem stages.

With Mega Man in Smash.... Simon Belmont is now my most-wanted third-party newcomer alongside Pac-Man. :awesome:

Hank Hill

Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
Arlen, Texas
I can't help but think "Filler" when I look at Grihaim, Paper Mario, and Samurai Goroh.

Maybe I'm the only one who noticed that Goroh, Lyndis, and Takamaru all have the EXACT same weapon?

--BTW just having finished Lyndis' story in the GBA Fire Emblem... I'd really like to see her. But I don't see Sakurai giving her a unique moveset. :/
I wouldn't call Paper Mario filler considering although he is Mario, his games are quite different than the mainstream Mario games to warrant a unique moveset for him. Paper Mario is successful as well to at least be considered. Goroh is also one of the very few reps I think F-Zero can get.

I don't think Goroh and Takamaru use the Mani Katti :troll:

I think Konami acquiring Freaking Bomberman would result in them wanting to exploit it.
Konami may want to expolit Bomberman, but I agree they would probably rather represent a Konami original before Bomberman.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I wouldn't call Paper Mario filler considering although he is Mario, his games are quite different than the mainstream Mario games to warrant a unique moveset for him. Paper Mario is successful as well to at least be considered. Goroh is also one of the very few reps I think F-Zero can get.

I don't think Goroh and Takamaru use the Mani Katti :troll:
Samurai Goroh is just the bland version of the more likely Takamaru. Samurai Goroh and Roy's abilities can be implemented in to Takamaru because he has a flaming katti. Also Takamaru has Shurikens and other fire abilities. Goroh just has the katti.

Konami may want to expolit Bomberman, but I agree they would probably rather represent a Konami original before Bomberman.
Why? They already represented Snake, How about somebody that's not entirely Konami.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Eh, I just hate characters playable twice.

This goes for all of them, Link-Toon Link, Mario-Paper Mario, Ryu-Evil Ryu, Cole-Evil Cole, Ben 10-Young Ben 10, Rabbid-NinjaRabbid-SplinterRabbid, etc.

I don't see why we have to represent the very same character more than once. Even if their playstyles are different. (Let's also add: Mario&Luigi Mario, Meroid Prime Samus, Pokemon Mistery Dungeon Pikachu, Classic Sonic, Megaman Starforce, Cel-Shaded Donkey Kong from Jungle Beat, Retro Donkey Kong...

Well you get the idea by now. XD
Alternate playstyle = not a very good reason IMHO.

*rant over*
*Activate flame shield*
*Activate flame shield again*
*Casts Life 3*
*Casts Wall*
*Casts Regen*
*Runs away safely*


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
There's one thing that Meowth has that Eevee will never have, at this point..

Meowth has been in TWO SSBs.
Just like Charizard was in both SSB64 and SSBM before becoming a full-fledged character.

So if there's another Gen 1 Pokemon getting in, you can bet your tail fur it's going to be Meowth, both for anime importance, and twice SSB pokeball-veteran status.

These are my arguments. In the end I'd gladly receive either Meowth or Eevee, but I just see Meowth a bit more likely.

EDIT: Oh sh... I just recalled SNORLAX has been in all 3 SSB games.... New PT Final Smash?:troll:
Meowth is still not playable in Smash. :cry: Meowth is actually my most-wanted Pokémon... but I guess I will have to settle with Mewtwo and/or a new flavor of the month again. :ohwell:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
Have you considered the possibility that perhaps Lucas was added in Brawl first before Sakurai decided to re-add Ness back to Brawl to make the roster bigger... Sakurai did originally plan to have Lucas replace Ness in Melee... so it is no wonder Lucas's moveset is similar to Ness's moveset but with some changes... like PK Freeze instead of PK Flash... and PK Fire that knocks enemies away instead of burning them... and PK Thunder that goes through platforms and hits enemies multiple times instead of stopping at platforms and hitting enemies only once... it is almost as if Lucas is an updated Ness.
Lucas was added alongside Ness per Japanese request/popularity. If anyone was added to make the roster bigger, it would be the lower priority characters. (Toon Link, Jigglypuff, Wolf) Ness and Lucas also have entirely different normal attacks aside from Uair. Specials are really where their similarities end, and It's the same case with Fox/Falco Ganon/Falcon, and Mario/Luigi.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Katti? The correct name is katana. Katti is just a made up name used for Lyn's signature weapons, the Mani Katti and Sol Katti.
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