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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Are you forgetting it's furniture in AC:NL? That basically crumbles your declaration that it will never be represented anywhere again because it wasn't a good system. That's complete blashemy...it's still a part of their history.

Easter eggs mean pretty close to nothing and a lot of them happened post brawl anyways. And that really doesn't matter because Layton doesn't have a game on any other system. I think maybe iOS though? And for the Pac-man thing, did you even read my post? lol all you responded to was the point that was basically nil. If you don't know that Sakurai the Wizzard could make a moveset for Pac-man, who HAS moveset potential, when he did for R.O.B who had none.....then that's that.
If the furniture was important, Villager would have it in his move set. And again a third-party shouldn't be someone you have to make up a move set for, and you kind of just admitted Pac-Man has no move set potential once you compared him to characters that had to have moves made up for them. Are you even listening to your excuses? This is ridiculous.

Get this, Mr. Game & Watch's move set represents the Game & Watch games, but why don't we have the chef from chef as a playable character? Because you know he has cooking items. I want to see a move set of Tom Nook's furniture that isn't complete silliness. And we don't even need 2 AC reps. :facepalm:

I can make better excuse for Ninten to be a playable character.


Smash Cadet
Oct 27, 2012
I really don't know.
First off, your comparison with Atari makes no sense. Who else would they choose? R.O.B still represents a disastrous era in gaming. Nintendo already references this "failure" in Brawl's chronicle, so its not like its being ignored. I'm not saying its likely or will happen at all, but to deny Harry's inclusion, simply due to the fact that the Virtual Boy failed is not a good reason at all.
He represents the END of a disastrous era in gaming. They may give it an offhand mention, but only to highlight what was gained, not lost.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
Are you forgetting it's furniture in AC:NL? That basically crumbles your declaration that it will never be represented anywhere again because it wasn't a good system. That's complete blashemy...it's still a part of their history.
Doesn't matter what you think... The Virtual Boy is STILL a commercial failure as is the Philips C-DI system. We might as well celebrate that, because clearly, you do even when no one else does, especially not Nintendo. The whole Animal Crossing reference is Simpy an Easter egg, anyways... nothing to get excited about or deeply analyze... because it's pointless. And OF ALL THE CHARACTERS to introduce into the Smashverse... why Virtual Console's Telerobxer? Because its WTF? As Sakurai stated, when he adds characters like Villager and Wii Fit Trainer, its not for shock value - its for gameplay and uniqueness. Considering Teleroboxer is a fighter, and that Sakurai insists on not overflowing the roster with fighters from other games... it's not going to happen. Whetehr you love it or hate it.

Here comes Teleroboxer and King of Hyrule! Oh boy, I wonder what's for dinner?!

First off, your example with Atari makes no sense. Who else would they choose? R.O.B still represents a disastrous era in gaming. Nintendo already references this "failure" in Brawl's chronicle, so its not like its being ignored. I'm not saying its likely or will happen at all, but to deny Harry's inclusion simply due to the fact that the Virtual Boy failed is not a good reason at all.
Here's the thing - they choose to celebrate surviving the crash, not celebrating the crash itself. That's the difference.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
The Atari Video Game Crash is also important to video game history... yet Nintendo chooses to celebrate ROB as the savior, not celebrating the crash itself. Meaning: Nintendo isn't going to go back to commercial failures of enormous embarrassment. Otherwise, why not celebrate the Zelda C-DI games then, huh? ;) Why not? They're also a part of history... Philips C-DI and Nintendo's tag teaming together paved the way for Sony's Playstation. :urg: Bottom line.. not going to happen. Not going to happen.
Bottom line your whole argument is based on the system being a failure, which doesn't matter at all. It still happened, and who knows? They may be super proud of the VB in the way that it helped pave the road to bigger and better things? 'Learn from your mistakes'


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
My goodness you have no idea what you're saying.
1. You don't know that, at all.
2. Horrible comparison, laugable almost. And he wouldn't HAVE to be a clone anyways.
3. You don't, but again that doesn't matter. At all.
4. Of course not. lol
5. what

Maybe pointless, maybe stupid to you, certainly doesn't matter. completely plausible theory, it could happen.
I like how you fail to even justify your arguments, instead making vague assumptions that you just expect people to agree with.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
Bottom line your whole argument is based on the system being a failure, which doesn't matter at all. It still happened, and who knows? They may be super proud of the VB in the way that it helped pave the road to bigger and better things? 'Learn from your mistakes'
Like the Wii U's sales? :urg: It's one thing to 'learn from your mistakes' but another to say 'hey, let's celebrate the disaster itself rather than surviving the disaster'. That's what ROB is for - to celebrate learning from your mistakes, as you say. NOT celebrating the crash itself, but surviving it. With the Virtual BOy, all you get is nothing more than a reminder of past failures.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
Doesn't matter what you think... The Virtual Boy is STILL a commercial failure as is the Philips C-DI system. We might as well celebrate that, because clearly, you do even when no one else does, especially not Nintendo. The whole Animal Crossing reference is Simpy an Easter egg, anyways... nothing to get excited about or deeply analyze... because it's pointless. And OF ALL THE CHARACTERS to introduce into the Smashverse... why Virtual Console's Telerobxer? Because its WTF? As Sakurai stated, when he adds characters like Villager and Wii Fit Trainer, its not for shock value - its for gameplay and uniqueness. Considering Teleroboxer is a fighter, and that Sakurai insists on not overflowing the roster with fighters from other games... it's not going to happen. Whetehr you love it or hate it.

Here comes Teleroboxer and King of Hyrule! Oh boy, I wonder what's for dinner?!
An easter egg....but why on earth would that put such a terrible embarrassment in that game? Oh idk maybe because it happened. And I didn't write any oppinions buddy. And I guess that disconfirms little mac aww man.

Who is this guy? lol Where did he come from?


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
How would you guys feel if Pokemon Trainer's new Final Smash was...

He would act like a Giga-Type character.

At the end of his rampage (controlled by the player of course), Snorlax would yawn, and fall asleep. Then PT in embarrassment commands him to return to the Pokeball, and resumes with the last Pokemon on the field before the was activated Final Smash.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
An easter egg....but why on earth would that put such a terrible embarrassment in that game A look back to previous generations, it doesn't mean they endorse it? Oh idk maybe because it happened. And I didn't write any oppinions buddy. And I guess that disconfirms little mac aww man HUH?! That makes NO sense.

Who is this guy? lol Where did he come from?
What ARE you rambling about?


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Yeah, Harry... that's not happening. Not at all. If anything, Nintendo would not only want THEMSELVES to forget about the Virtual Boy, but would also want EVERYBODY ELSE to forget about Virtual Boy. So no, there is no way in Hell that Nintendo will want to represent a VIRTUAL BOY universe on a popular Nintendo series. And besides, Sakurai doesn't make WTF characters for no reason - Game and Watch, ROB, and even Wii Fit Trainer have all represented important cornerstones of Nintendo history. Harry, on the other hand, represents the most embarrassing commercial failures.
Why would you think that they would WANT to forget the Virtual Boy if they still show it in their video games.
I'm not saying Harry is likely, but I wouldn't throw out the idea of him either (However I would much prefer Sukapon to be the limbless competitor).
First off, that wasn't a prediction video and I never suggested the possibility of Baby Yoshi, only how cool it would be. Gooey hasn't shown up since Dreamland 3 on Super Nintendo and we already have all the characters we need from Kirby. Even Waddle Dee is unlikely and works better as part of King Dedede.
Never said another one was likely. But Gooey was commonly referred to as the most likely next Kirby character before Return to Dreamland was released.
Third-Parties aren't usually just well received games that appear recently on a Nintendo console. Sonic, Snake, Bomberman, and Pac-Man have all been around for ages and had more installments and impact on people. Having Prof. Layton seems kind of random. If you add him you could add any Nintendo Exclusive Third-Party that was well received. Why don't you add Chase McCain from Lego City: Undercover?
Considering that there have only been three third-party characters placed into Smash Brothers (and that this is the second game to feature them), using the term "usually" is not the best word to argue your point. Layton has had a very large impact on people, it's one of the best selling DS franchises in and out of Japan. You're not thinking much of him because he wasn't conceived in the 80s, but I assure you that you're underestimating Layton's popularity.
On Chase McCain, let's not forget that Layton's creator would want to see Layton in games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers. That alone makes Layton a much larger potential Smash character than the likes of Bomberman and Pac-Man. From what I can either, nobody from either company has openly stated seeing interest in seeing either character make it into Smash Brothers (I might be wrong on Pac-Man though). That being said, Layton has a much larger chance being included in comparison to the competition he faces.
As for Duck Hunt Dog, it could work, but it's still unlikely and weird. I think he works better as a dud Assist Trophy. Nobody really suggested moves outside an NES Zapper and Ducks as a jump. Other than that it's just Dog toys, I think it's a pretty bizarre move set. I just don't see the priority of him being playable.
Considering that the Dog already could utilize the NES Zapper, what could stop Sakurai from having the Dog utilize other NES Products? (Power Glove, etc.)
The point is to add characters that bring something new to the table, which the Duck Hunt Dog can do in several ways (Duck centric moveset, Nintendo peripherals moveset, mix of both, etc.).
You didn't know about the Nintendo easter eggs in that Metal Gear game and that Snake has more installments on Nintendo consoles than Prof. Layton does?
The Metal Gear franchise only has 5 games on Nintendo Systems (Unless you count the two virtual console titles, which then make it 7).
Whilst Layton has 7 games on Nintendo systems.
Curious Village, Diabolical Box, Unwound Future, Last Specter, Miracle Mask, Azran Legacises, and Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
How would you guys feel if Pokemon Trainer's new Final Smash was...

He would act like a Giga-Type character.

At the end of his rampage (controlled by the player of course), Snorlax would yawn, and fall asleep. Then PT in embarrassment commands him to return to the Pokeball, and resumes with the last Pokemon on the field before the was activated Final Smash.
I would totally be up for it I love me some snorlax.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
Like the Wii U's sales? :urg: It's one thing to 'learn from your mistakes' but another to say 'hey, let's celebrate the disaster itself rather than surviving the disaster'. That's what ROB is for - to celebrate learning from your mistakes, as you say. NOT celebrating the crash itself, but surviving it. With the Virtual BOy, all you get is nothing more than a reminder of past failures.
"With the Virtual BOy, all you get is nothing more than a reminder of past failures"
Ones that still happened. You're argument is so personified towards you. You have nothing but the fact that you say they look at something this way, so they won't do this. And that's incredibly flawed.

I'm done


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
You're missing my point, clearly.
What point? You referenced the Wii U's sales as if it's already a failure, and insist that a console must be ignored due to its failure, when that is not the case. Nintendo still references it and acknowledges that it exists. No one's saying it WILL happen, but your argument for why it won't is empty.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
"With the Virtual BOy, all you get is nothing more than a reminder of past failures"
Ones that still happened. You're argument is so personified towards you. You have nothing but the fact that you say they look at something this way, so they won't do this. And that's incredibly flawed.

I'm done
The only thing blasphemous about this entire discussion is that you chose to name yourself after God Almighty, and there is only ONE Creator of this universe, mind you, and its not yourself. :glare: Other than your anti-religious disrespect to Christians, by the way, all you've done is ramble about off-topic subjects and make vague assumptions about others - you have yet to provide a coherent argument explaining your logic, which is flawed beyond reason. And now that I've confronted you with this, you say you're 'done'. Well then, GOOD.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Wolf ain't no damn semi-clone bub. People really need to get that through their thick headed skulls. Oh woohoo he has simmilar Specials, well guess what those simmilar Specials have different animations and work different from Fox, his blaster deals actual contact damage and the lazer is completly differen't from Fox's, his illusion angles him upwards has a far different animation, his jetpack doesn't cover him in fire and he kicks at the end of it and he can't move to either side right when it finishes, even his reflector looks different. .-.
Wolf is very much based off of Fox. Yes, he works differently, but not as much as Luigi works differently from Mario for example. I still consider him a semi-clone because he's based off of Fox so much, such small alterations don't change that for me.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Wait. How is Punch-Out! a puzzle game? Really?

Also, why the huge discussion on Virtual Boy? Whoever brought up Harry even admitted it was just an attempt at a WTF character, and conceded it was a long-shot and stuff like Sheriff was probably more fitting for that category.

No need to wake up the Virtual Boy from its eternal slumber over that.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
Nothing to say to any of the other points?
Little Mac is from a puzzle game - fighters like Goku, Ryu, and Scorpion are just fighters from a fighting game, which is awfully redundant in Sakurai's vision for this game. Little Mac can work because his moveset is not just button-mashing trash, but rather clever puzzles to solve for the player. He would fit right in, whereas the aforementioned trio above will not.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
The only thing blasphemous about this entire discussion is that you chose to name yourself after God Almighty, and there is only ONE Creator of this universe, mind you, and its not yourself. :glare: Other than your anti-religious disrespect to Christians, by the way, all you've done is ramble about off-topic subjects and make vague assumptions about others - you have yet to provide a coherent argument explaining your logic, which is flawed beyond reason. And now that I've confronted you with this, you say you're 'done'. Well then, GOOD.
I'm assuming this is really good sarcasm because your name is "TheDivineDeity".


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
Wait. How is Punch-Out! a puzzle game? Really?

Play Punch-Out, yourself. It's not like any other boxing game - it's strategy and timing.
I'm assuming this is really good sarcasm because your name is "TheDivineDeity".
The difference is that it's not specific towards a single God, like The Creator, which obviously refers to Christianity's God, but rather a vague statement, like 'angels' or 'heavenly people', which can apply to anything without being offensive (many religions have these concepts), because it's just that - a vague statement, not a specific one. I can assure you in the Bible, God is not revered to as a 'divine deity', because it admittedly redundant, but rather as a Creator, among other titles. That, I find offensive personally, because it seems like blasphemous mockery. I honor my God - he insults Him.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
Wolf is very much based off of Fox. Yes, he works differently, but not as much as Luigi works differently from Mario for example. I still consider him a semi-clone because he's based off of Fox so much, such small alterations don't change that for me.
To answer your question from before, you really need to cut anyone else. Wolf and Lucas have enough reason to stay, and 47 isn't too large of a roster size. I do somewhat doubt inclusions like K. Rool and Ridley, but I can tell you're not cutting them.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
To answer your question from before, you really need to cut anyone else. Wolf and Lucas have enough reason to stay, and 47 isn't too large of a roster size. I do somewhat doubt inclusions like K. Rool and Ridley, but I can tell you're not cutting them.
Lucas is a one-time offering, no more. He's getting cut.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
To answer your question from before, you really need to cut anyone else. Wolf and Lucas have enough reason to stay, and 47 isn't too large of a roster size. I do somewhat doubt inclusions like K. Rool and Ridley, but I can tell you're not cutting them.
I'm not expecting anything over 45, I think a roster of 40 characters is very reasonable, Sakurai seems to try and keep expectations low, and I'll roll with that. Also, K. Rool and Ridley are the two most hyped and popular choices for newcomers, besides that most of the other options are humanoid characters, we need more variety than that, so it's a no-brainer to include at least one of them. Whether both will get in, only time will tell.

Also, I'm not cutting characters like R.O.B and Pokémon Trainer for semi-clones, they're not worth that much, not even in importance. As I said, I love playing Lucas, and I think Mother 3 was a pretty good game, so it kind of saddens me to put him on the list, but I try to not show bias. Sorry if I sound hostile, not really my intention, but I can't really explain myself in another way as tired as I am now, which means I'm headed towards bed.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
You don't like Mother we get it, but don't let bias get in the way of your judgement. You can't "confirm" anyone's getting cut 100%
I can just as easily accuse YOU of bias - AKA fanboy bias towards a particularly loved series - whenever you justify Lucas staying JUST BECAUSE he's an Earthbound character. He's as expendable as Wolf or Ike.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Speaking generally, fighting games = two conventionally capable though not always necessarily balanced opponents fighting with mixed martial arts/whatever means necessary to incapacitate the other side. Typically allows for both sides to be controlled, free movement and fight settings.

Punch-Out!!! is a rhythmic puzzle game in the guise of a boxing game. You remain stationary (for the most part) whilst having to outthink/pace your opponent, wait for an opening to punish them in brief attack bursts, and continue defending/dodging. This is true even for the versus mode in the Wii version.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
I can just as easily accuse YOU of bias - AKA fanboy bias towards a particularly loved series - whenever you justify Lucas staying JUST BECAUSE he's an Earthbound character. He's as expendable as Wolf or Ike.
He isn't. You obviously know nothing about Lucas, and the popularity of his game in Japan. I really don't want to get into this argument with you, as you've brought this up countless times before, and this thread has already turned into a trainwreck. But I will say he isn't staying because he's an earthbound character, but because he's important to the Mother series, one you know too little about to make such a statement anyway. Also Wolf is not expendable as he's an important villain to the Starfox franchise. I can't see why so many people want him cut.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Whoa whoa whoa, who dissing Punch Out around here. >:(

A game that even the Nintendo higher ups consider a puzzle-reaction game.

It may not be a puzzle game per-se, but it definitely has a lot of puzzle elements.
Like, getting the correct combination to perform an infinite on opponents, for example.
There are such things as memorization puzzles too. Punch Out provides a lot of these moments.

Like when Don Flamenco starts counting while clapping, you KNOW he's going to throw the equivalent number of hooks to match what he's counting (... if you knew Spanish, lol).

Or just the fact that there are MANY ways of obtaining a Star, you just have to figure out when and where to land a hit.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
He isn't. You obviously know nothing about Lucas, and the popularity of his game in Japan. I really don't want to get into this argument with you, as you've brought this up countless times before, and this thread has already turned into a trainwreck. But I will say he isn't staying because he's an earthbound character, but because he's important to the Mother series, one you know too little about to make such a statement anyway.
Let me ask you this - have you ever played Ice Climbers? No? Well then, how about ROB's games? Again, no? Hmmm..... :) Oh wait, do you see the point... because if not, let me clarify. Just because you've never played a game, it doesn't mean you can't make judgments about the characters in this game. We don't have to have played Ice Climbers or ROB's games to talk about them in THIS game. ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
The difference is that it's not specific towards a single God, like The Creator, which obviously refers to Christianity's God, but rather a vague statement, like 'angels' or 'heavenly people', which can apply to anything without being offensive (many religions have these concepts), because it's just that - a vague statement, not a specific one. I can assure you in the Bible, God is not revered to as a 'divine deity', because it admittedly redundant, but rather as a Creator, among other titles. That, I find offensive personally, because it seems like blasphemous mockery. I honor my God - he insults Him.

Does this offend you, friend?

Also your remarks about Lucas seem to be way off base. What, exactly, makes him so easily replaceable? Unlike, say, Fire Emblem, Mother has not had a newest installment for them to take a replacement character from. Why would they replace Lucas when they have nothing viable from the same series to replace him with?


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth

Does this offend you, friend? I'm going to laugh SO HARD when you burn in Hell. :laugh: Whatever our personal beliefs are, you don't go disrespecting it. This is going on report, now.

Also your remarks about Lucas seem to be way off base. What, exactly, makes him so easily replaceable? Unlike, say, Fire Emblem, Mother has not had a newest installment for them to take a replacement character from. Why would they replace Lucas when they have nothing viable from the same series to replace him with?
Earthbound series isn't big enough to warrant a slot, unlike, let's say, Pacman or Takamaru.

Hold up! Wolf and Ike are not expendable. Lucas also has a pretty good chance at returning too.
Arguments? No? Well then, don't make false assumptions. They are as expendable as anybody else.
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