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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
1. Tropical Freeze will most likely have no effect on K. Rool and Dixie's respective chances seeing as how it's being developed at the same time as Smash 4, and with K. Rool being the more requested and more unique character by far, I'd definitely bet on his appearance more than I would Dixie's. Besides, for all we know at this point, K. Rool could very well be in Tropical Freeze. I mean, at the end of DKC 3, he was exploring the Northern Kremisphere. Who knows, maybe he went a little further north and recruited some vikings? Not to say I don't like Dixie nor do I consider her a non-factor in terms of likelihood; I very much would appreciate her being added to the game, but K. Rool definitely has seniority in a contest between the two.

2. I actually agree with you on this point, but in shaving as much off of my roster of main wants as I could, I decided that Mii's were some of the least important/appealing additions to me, hence why I dropped them, but I knew they had a pretty darn good chance, hence why I included them on my expanded/DLC roster.

3. I don't dislike Chrom per se, I like him better than a lot of the alternatives (lord knows that I will never understand why Lyn is so popular and requested and all of that jazz), but because of the issue of differentiating him from the others and with Roy's popularity FAR exceeding his own, I decided to include Roy on the initial list and relegate Chrom to DLC. It could honestly go either way with their inclusion on the main roster, but I am definitely convinced that one will be added alongside Marth and Ike in the initial roster and that the other will be added by DLC.

1. Seeing as how some spin on Skyward Zelda is most likely the look we're going to be getting for this game (As the Link we have is Skyward Link with some TP elements), and that Impa fulfills a very Sheik-like role in Skyward Sword, while also having a very similar build to Sheik, I feel that it's pretty likely that Impa will simply adopt Sheik's moveset, and that instead of transforming into one another, Zelda and Impa would simply just switch out in battle ala Pokemon Trainer via some sort of magic switching spell or a portal.

2. Samurai Goroh is on the roster as part of my own (probably stubborn) insistence that F-Zero at least deserves one more playable rep before it dies off as a series, and that hopefully Sakurai realizes that his only real competition is only wanted for very superficial reasons. (his Japanese voice actor, preserving Ganondorf's Melee/Brawl moveset, etc.) And with Goroh being in every F-Zero game to date, having been in Melee's intro, and making the cut as an Assist Trophy (as the first one revealed), gives me hope that he's who Sakurai would choose, and that he's decently likely as well. Even with all of that behind him, he's still probably the least likely character on my main list, but also one I'm not going to surrender on until the bitter end.

3. See my Roy-over-Chrom from above, and on Mewtwo, I figure that Awakening Mewtwo will most likely just be an alternate costume or Final Smash of some sort.
1. I see Link is more of Amalgamation, but I think he design leans more toward TP, at least physical. The main thing he gets from SS is the bright colors. It just seems like a lot of work to make Impa work in a Sheik like role just logistically, when there are two more obvious solutions for the makers to turn to: redesign an SS Sheik or keep Zelda OOT or TP with brighter colors. Zelda can even be more of amalgamation in order to incorporate some SS in there. I'm big fan of mimicking in game mechanics and any sort of switching between Impa and Zelda just wouldn't seem right, since there is no real time they do that in the game (unlike Zelda, Pokemon Trainer, etc). It just seems like a great deal of work to get SS Zelda and a Sheik moveset in the game. It does not seem at all likely to me.
2. Gotcha.
3. I don't think Roy's popularity gives him enough of a boost to boot out an Awakening rep, but that's just me. Lyn gets the boost from being assist trophy, and also being the first playable lord for most North American FE players. Also, her sword styles is different from other lords. And if you catch Mewtwo in awakened form in X and Y, I prefer for him to be in Awakened form for the entire game.

Deleted member

Convince me that Lucario isn't a low priority character. I see nothing that convinces me.

Convince me that he's a higher priority to complete than Toon Link, Ike, Lucas or Pokemon Trainer.
Less of an argument of why Lucario would get priority over those four and more of why I feel he'll return:

- Snake, Sonic and Toon Link are dependent on if they even get planned and there are no guarantees that they will. In contrast, there is no reason why Sakurai wouldn't try to bring back Lucario to this game.

- Things bodes well for Pokemon to get seven characters, transformation included. The franchise has a very diverse cast of characters and each game has increased in character count overall even with two cuts in Brawl. Saying that Pokemon will get seven characters is reasonable to think.

- Aside from Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo and Pokemon Trainer, there is no one that stands up to
Lucario. Even good choices like Zoroark have much less going for him than Lucario does. Should we get seven character, Lucario will almost certainly be among them.

- The Pokemon Company will want him back. He was heavily advertised during the 5th gen, which shows his huge popularity even to this date and his marketing potential. These were especially done during 2012 when the roster was being decided. Compare that to what Mewtwo got during Pre-Brawl; very little, so the Pokemon Company had less incentives to push for him.

- Lucario probably won't be the lowest prioritized character overall. Even if he turns out to be the lowest prioritized Brawl veteran that is planned to return, he's still is not out of the running by any means. At the very least, Lucario will take precedence over Melee veterans not named Mewtwo and probably some very low priority newcomers as well. Since I do believe Sakurai is trying to bring EVERYONE back (and that probably includes Melee veterans) but can't due to time constraints, there will be some characters to cut from the initial roster before Lucario and Lucario being prioritized over certain characters could very well save him. With Namco around that can help with balancing a larger roster and this game going to be assuredly less wasteful than Brawl, we will see less cuts from the initial SSB4 roster than we did in Brawl.

- Brawl's cast is stronger than that of Melee. Pichu was a hated joke character and Young Link was easily replaceable with Toon Link so it's easy to see why they were cut. Dr. Mario was also only popular among competitive gamers; elsewhere he was just seen as a slightly stronger clone of Mario, although its worth noting that he was planned. Roy was made low priority due to being a clone (but an extremely popular one) and Mewtwo likely lost a battle to Jigglypuff due to the latter being easier to plan. Both received a lot of backlash towards their removal (especially Mewtwo) and they're among the Top 5 most wanted characters for SSB 3DS and Wii U (and in Japan, they're considerably more wanted than any newcomer, Mega Man included). Any Nintendo character removed outside of Toon Link will receive more back lash than Roy's removal did and will end up as among the Top 5 most wanted characters for SSB6 (likely Top 3).

- Lucario was a well-received, unique character. For comparison, all Melee cuts except Mewtwo were clones and even then, Mewtwo was not well received in Melee due to being one of the worst characters in the game.

It's for all of these reasons above why I believe Lucario will return. There's not really any reason to cut Lucario (inb4 he's not relevant, over-representation or changing cast argument) and he has a considerably better case for returning than Mewtwo did Pre-Brawl. Granted, he's not a guarantee, but he is more likely than people think.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Oh boy bronies and furries all over the smash speculation thread whoopie my favorite.

To hopefully draw people's attention away from the obvious attention seekers here, I've done a bit of (admittedly painful) fiddling with my roster to get it down to a slot number below 50.

It's got a total of 48 slots and 52 characters, which I think is definitely a possibility, I feel like this is the most concise roster I can make without injuring myself. Newcomers added outside of the three we know are:

1. King K. Rool
2. Ridley
3. Palutena
4. Little Mac
5. Takamaru
6. Saki
7. Isaac
8. Shulk
9. Samurai Goroh

In addition to the 12 newcomers, Mewtwo and Roy make triumphant comebacks. Certain characters are completely reworked, such as Ganondorf and Toon Link, while others, like Falco, Lucas, and Wolf, have some minor changes to Final Smashes and B-moves. Lucario and Sheik are the only two cuts made in this roster, but Sheik lives on in spirit as Impa's moveset, with some slight alterations. And this is where the actual prediction part of this post ends, and the DLC shenanigans begin.

With DLC seemingly being a decently likely prospect this time around, seeing as how Sakurai has expressed interest in it, I took the opportunity to create a potential post-DLC roster for the game as well, as a way to include some of my second tier/more unlikely character desires.

Released in three packs of three, the DLC cast consists of nine more characters, organized into groups of three based on time of origin. These packs are:

The Classic Pack, featuring Dixie Kong, Pac-Man, and Ray.

The Recent Pack, featuring Bowser Jr., Starfy, and Lucario.

And the Modern Pack featuring Chrom, Ghirahim, and Mii.

These characters all stand a chance on their own, and could definitely end up being in the initial roster, but due to priority or other reasons, I decided to bump them down here instead.

And that's really all I have to say about these. Thoughts/comments/why do I hate (Lucario/Waluigi/Chrom/Black Shadow) questions?
I personally think Lucario and chrom could definitly make the initial roster if Ike and especially Toon link made it in also wtf cutting shiek? Dont you dont cut the OG ninja dont care if Impa is a sheikah Sheik is a veteran.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Oh boy bronies and furries all over the smash speculation thread whoopie my favorite.

To hopefully draw people's attention away from the obvious attention seekers here, I've done a bit of (admittedly painful) fiddling with my roster to get it down to a slot number below 50.

Not even considering the DLC add ons, and I already find this roster pretty much perfect, while making up for IMO the "safely played" Brawl roster.

I hope the final roster looks a lot like this. And yeah, Impa would be awesome and fresh too, wouldn't mind if she takes over Sheik´s gameplay, tbh, then again, I'm not a hardcore Zelda fan.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Why do people keep using the no cuts argument. .-. We don't know what he means by no cuts, he could just as easily mean there haven't been any cuts from the already finalized roster they have for ssb4 or something else entirely. .-. If I had to put money on something though it would be that there haven't been cuts on the "finalized" roster yet, we just don't know what the "finalized" roster is yet. But it could just as easily be something else to. Making the argument pretty invalid due to how vague it is. .-.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Why do people keep using the no cuts argument. .-. We don't know what he means by no cuts, he could just as easily mean there haven't been any cuts from the already finalized roster they have for ssb4 or something else entirely. .-. If I had to put money on something though it would be that there haven't been cuts on the "finalized" roster yet, we just don't know what the "finalized" roster is yet. But it could just as easily be something else to. Making the argument pretty invalid due to how vague it is. .-.
this is what I think and makes more sense


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
What I think Sakurai means by "no cuts yet" is...

Say you are working on the character roster... An you have a list of characters to work on, let's say

Donkey Kong
Mega Man
Wii Fit Trainer
Captain Falcon
Pokemon Trainer
Zero Suit Samus
King Dedede

White: Revealed
Yellow: Completed
Red: Planned

This would mean that SO FAR, Yoshi, Zelda, Sheik, Jigglypuff, Falco, Metaknight and Captain Falcon haven't been cut. The roster has not suffered any cuts... so far. But if they have about 60 characters planned (red) there COULD be cuts along the way.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Why do people keep using the no cuts argument. .-. We don't know what he means by no cuts, he could just as easily mean there haven't been any cuts from the already finalized roster they have for ssb4 or something else entirely. .-. If I had to put money on something though it would be that there haven't been cuts on the "finalized" roster yet, we just don't know what the "finalized" roster is yet. But it could just as easily be something else to. Making the argument pretty invalid due to how vague it is. .-.
I do agree on that. Although, I do want to see the article on that. I can't find it, I searched for a little while. Does anyone have a link to the article where he said "no cuts"?


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
What I think Sakurai means by "no cuts yet" is...

Say you are working on the character roster... An you have a list of characters to work on, let's say

Donkey Kong
Mega Man
Wii Fit Trainer
Captain Falcon
Pokemon Trainer
Zero Suit Samus
King Dedede

White: Revealed
Yellow: Completed
Red: Planned

This would mean that SO FAR, Yoshi, Zelda, Sheik, Jigglypuff, Falco, Metaknight and Captain Falcon haven't been cut. The roster has not suffered any cuts... so far. But if they have about 60 characters planned (red) there COULD be cuts along the way.

The biggest clue "no cuts yet" gave us is that sonic and snake are more likely to both return, as in they are both planned and given that no legality type issues get in the way they are on the list of who sakurai is working on getting on the roster along with the other veterans.

besides that "no cuts yet" doesn't mean there won't be cuts its just they have none planned but since priority of characters will differ some might... Lets all hope things go smoothly and we get no cuts + every newcomer character they plan to include finished in time.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
I do agree on that. Although, I do want to see the article on that. I can't find it, I searched for a little while. Does anyone have a link to the article where he said "no cuts"?
FalKoopa posted this a while back: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/03/creating-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u-and-3ds?page=1
What I think Sakurai means by "no cuts yet" is...

Say you are working on the character roster... An you have a list of characters to work on, let's say

Donkey Kong
Mega Man
Wii Fit Trainer
Captain Falcon
Pokemon Trainer
Zero Suit Samus
King Dedede

White: Revealed
Yellow: Completed
Red: Planned

This would mean that SO FAR, Yoshi, Zelda, Sheik, Jigglypuff, Falco, Metaknight and Captain Falcon haven't been cut. The roster has not suffered any cuts... so far. But if they have about 60 characters planned (red) there COULD be cuts along the way.
True. My theory is that the Original twelve/ Melee veterans are being developed/completed first along with the newcomers, and that the veterans from Brawl are to be implemented/tweaked/cut/replaced later. So using the "no cuts" arguments to defend Brawl veterans is rather meaningless.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC

Deleted member

FalKoopa posted this a while back: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/03/creating-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u-and-3ds?page=1
True. My theory is that the Original twelve/ Melee veterans are being developed/completed first along with the newcomers, and that the veterans from Brawl are to be implemented/tweaked/cut/replaced later. So using the "no cuts" arguments to defend Brawl veterans is rather meaningless.
If Jigglypuff was low priority before, she'll be low priority again.
Being "Original 12" isn't an automatic safe haven.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
True. My theory is that the Original twelve/ Melee veterans are being developed/completed first along with the newcomers, and that the veterans from Brawl are to be implemented/tweaked/cut/replaced later. So using the "no cuts" arguments to defend Brawl veterans is rather meaningless.
You can't make it so set in stone like that. As GoldenYuitusin said
If Jigglypuff was low priority before, she'll be low priority again.
Just because Falco was introduced in Melee doesn't mean everyone at the development studio is going to think "Hey, we better get cracking on Falco before we move onto ROB!" If that were true then either A) Pit would not have been revealed. Or B) they're already into the Brawl roster which would mean that they're moving at a surprisingly fast rate. I'm sure you're thinking "but Pit was probably higher priority in Sakurai's mind because of bias." And that's reasonable, but it would also show that this process you think happens in a very organized way isn't set in stone at all and that biases can be in the mix.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Why do people keep using the no cuts argument. .-. We don't know what he means by no cuts, he could just as easily mean there haven't been any cuts from the already finalized roster they have for ssb4 or something else entirely. .-. If I had to put money on something though it would be that there haven't been cuts on the "finalized" roster yet, we just don't know what the "finalized" roster is yet. But it could just as easily be something else to. Making the argument pretty invalid due to how vague it is. .-.
I thinking your thinking into this to hard, why exactly would he anounce no cut's but in turn he already has cut's? I dont think he would just lie to us for no reason.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
theres probably GROUPS of characters and the whole staff works on one group finishes (besides some balancing adjustments etc...) and moves to the next group like:

1.definite veterans
2.definite newcomer
3.probably veterans
4.maybe newcomer / low priority veterans

this has probably been decided out of I dunno maybe a list of like 50-60 characters and they are considering


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Good afternoon everyone. What's the topic this time around?

Well first off...

Here's the three pictures of Ghirahim, Classic Link and Sylveon I said I would have yesterday. And also...for a new roster...

I thought a video method was much simpler. :p


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
If Jigglypuff was low priority before, she'll be low priority again.
Being "Original 12" isn't an automatic safe haven.
I think she would have higher priority this time around. I don't have any proof, but I feel that since she managed to survive the axe in Brawl, her position on Smash Bros. is kind of cemented.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
I want Pokémon Trainer to be named Red.
Also, the Toon Link is from the Spirit Tracks stage is a different Link from the one of Wind Waker in canon and from a game that was released after Brawl. So we haven't got any confirmation if this time Toon Link will also represent Spirit Tracks' Link.
Any link in that art style is Toon Link. Toon Link is a generalization of Cel shaded link. This is fact. And Toon Link is part of a stage. Maybe he's planned a replacement, like Young Link or Classic Link. But I doubt any of you could convince me that toon link has not been removed, or is not likely to go.
Maybe he'll return if they call him Wind Waker link

I picked some Whoopsie Daisies.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2013
Nashville, TN
I thinking your thinking into this to hard, why exactly would he anounce no cut's but in turn he already has cut's? I dont think he would just lie to us for no reason.

I don't think he lied at all. The point is most people are misunderstanding the comment of "no cuts". When he says "no cuts" it could likely mean they haven't had to scale back their planned roster, not that there have been no cuts from previous games.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I have went back several pages, I haven't kept up totally with the thread. Where is the link where Sakurai stated there has been no cuts yet?

I also wonder if his definition of cuts means cuts from his planned list for Smash 4 or if he is reference cuts between Brawl and Smash 4.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
I don't think he lied at all. The point is most people are misunderstanding the comment of "no cuts". When he says "no cuts" it could likely mean they haven't had to scale back their planned roster, not that there have been no cuts from previous games.
Not that it means we are not getting cut's that still is great news to hear seeing as sakurai care's for his fan and he atleast want's to try and implement the characters first before cutting them.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
All we really know for sure, Is that we are nowhere close to sure about knowing what he means.
I believe what Naxek said is pretty much it though.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Good afternoon everyone. What's the topic this time around?

Well first off...

Here's the three pictures of Ghirahim, Classic Link and Sylveon I said I would have yesterday. And also...for a new roster...

I thought a video method was much simpler. :p
I like it. I have a few beefs that I would want to share, if that's all right:
  1. I'm not entirely sold on the inclusion of Classic Link and Ghirahim. I find Ghirahim more likely than Classic, however. I won't deny that we will see another child Link, though. I feel like it'll happen again, but I don't know if we should have Toon or Classic.
  2. I'm not too sure if we'll see Sylveon. It's a personal opinion, for all of us, really, but I feel it should be easier to just keep Lucario instead. Besides, we already will have some form of Fairy representation. :p
  3. Going back to the Zelda series (sorry, it's my favorite franchise), I think that if we would see Impa, it would be as her own character. Sheik and Zelda is one thing, as Zelda is Sheik. I would find it more likely if we see no Impa with Zelda and Sheik returning, or Zelda and Impa in different slots.
Other than those 3 little jives, I think it's a very solid roster. But trust me, no one will ever be happy with the Pokemon or the Zelda series, so it's pretty much impossible to get people in agreement over it. I'd give it an 8.5/10 :bee:

I have went back several pages, I haven't kept up totally with the thread. Where is the link where Sakurai stated there has been no cuts yet?

I also wonder if his definition of cuts means cuts from his planned list for Smash 4 or if he is reference cuts between Brawl and Smash 4.
Here you are, good Sir or Madame: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/03/creating-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u-and-3ds?page=1


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
I don't think he lied at all. The point is most people are misunderstanding the comment of "no cuts". When he says "no cuts" it could likely mean they haven't had to scale back their planned roster, not that there have been no cuts from previous games.
Allow me to try and explain what I think Sakurai means. I've said this before, but I believe to Sakurai it's "I have this large list of characters, and it includes every veteran from Brawl. I'm going to go along this list and add in as many characters as I can, but I can assure you that not every character will make it back. So it's not a case of actually cutting the character, but rather just a lack of time".


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2013
Nashville, TN
Allow me to try and explain what I think Sakurai means. I've said this before, but I believe to Sakurai it's "I have this large list of characters, and it includes every veteran from Brawl. I'm going to go along this list and add in as many characters as I can, but I can assure you that not every character will make it back. So it's not a case of actually cutting the character, but rather just a lack of time".

Potentially, I was just trying to stress that assuming "no cuts" means that no vet has been cut (or will be) is a misinterpretation, because it could mean a lot of different things.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I read that article before but not in depth. I loved everything Sakurai stated. There will be a single player. It will be more like Melee in speed. There will be a new online. Attacks customized in direction sounds nice. It also sounds like we will have more than one character like Ice Climbers. In those hints there is a lot of info. I am also starting to believe that Sakurai is going all out in the roster and we are going to get a large and robust roster. Very good news all around. It also sounded like there is still a lot of development left in the game so it may not come until fall of 2014. I would prefer they delay and make the game great over releasing it early.

I have a lot of faith now in this title and it is making me interested in getting a Wii U for it.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
I like it. I have a few beefs that I would want to share, if that's all right:
  1. I'm not entirely sold on the inclusion of Classic Link and Ghirahim. I find Ghirahim more likely than Classic, however. I won't deny that we will see another child Link, though. I feel like it'll happen again, but I don't know if we should have Toon or Classic.
  2. I'm not too sure if we'll see Sylveon. It's a personal opinion, for all of us, really, but I feel it should be easier to just keep Lucario instead. Besides, we already will have some form of Fairy representation. :p
  3. Going back to the Zelda series (sorry, it's my favorite franchise), I think that if we would see Impa, it would be as her own character. Sheik and Zelda is one thing, as Zelda is Sheik. I would find it more likely if we see no Impa with Zelda and Sheik returning, or Zelda and Impa in different slots.
Other than those 3 little jives, I think it's a very solid roster. But trust me, no one will ever be happy with the Pokemon or the Zelda series, so it's pretty much impossible to get people in agreement over it. I'd give it an 8.5/10 :bee:
Thank you for the review, but I'd like to give my reasons for Sylveon's inclusion if that's okay with you...

#1: The Eevee family is the most popular and famous pokemon family in the entire series, having the most main-pokemon appearances of any pokemon in the franchise. The Eevee family is also the most popular Pokémon that have not been represented properly in Smash Bros. Aside from Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Mewtwo, Eevee is one of the big mascots of the franchise and it deserves to be properly represented through Sylveon.

#2: The biggest issue I can see Sakurai having with an Eeveelution in Smash Bros is because due to they’re solely released in pairs or in a group like the original three evolutions, choosing one over the other is unfair. However, Sylveon has the special case of being the sole new Eeveelution for the new generation, also the representation of a brand new type as well.

#3: Aside from being released in pairs, the problem that probably defied Eevee’s chances as a whole was because it’s a quadruped that, unlike Pikachu, does not have a way of fighting and evening out its issues with being a Quadruped. However, Sylveon’s bows have shown to be under the control of Sylveon, and using them as appendages to help it fight in battle, much like Ivysaur’s use of vines to make up for its lack of functioning appendages to fight.

#4: Many will argue that Mewtwo’s new forme is the big reveal of Gen 6 and that it will count as the Gen 6 pokemon. However, what most people don’t understand is that even with a new forme, it’s still Mewtwo overall, not a brand new pokemon. The inclusion of Awakened Mewtwo does not entirely count as a Gen 6 rep that is an entirely new pokemon overall. However, Sylveon IS a brand new pokemon, is a brand new type, AND is, as stated above, one of the biggest families of Pokémon as a whole.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I do have a question, if push came to shove and Sakurai couldn't get Ice Climbers to work on 3DS version, do you think he would break his rule that the rosters will be the same for both games and stick the Ice Climbers on the Wii U version at least?


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Hey guys, pardon me, but I believe we may have a topic on our hands:

What the hell is that? It looks something like Pikachu's Volt Tackle but is too small. It looks like Light Magic to be honest...a possible Palutena leak perhaps? :p


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Thank you for the review, but I'd like to give my reasons for Sylveon's inclusion if that's okay with you...

#1: The Eevee family is the most popular and famous pokemon family in the entire series, having the most main-pokemon appearances of any pokemon in the franchise. The Eevee family is also the most popular Pokémon that have not been represented properly in Smash Bros. Aside from Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Mewtwo, Eevee is one of the big mascots of the franchise and it deserves to be properly represented through Sylveon.

#2: The biggest issue I can see Sakurai having with an Eeveelution in Smash Bros is because due to they’re solely released in pairs or in a group like the original three evolutions, choosing one over the other is unfair. However, Sylveon has the special case of being the sole new Eeveelution for the new generation, also the representation of a brand new type as well.

#3: Aside from being released in pairs, the problem that probably defied Eevee’s chances as a whole was because it’s a quadruped that, unlike Pikachu, does not have a way of fighting and evening out its issues with being a Quadruped. However, Sylveon’s bows have shown to be under the control of Sylveon, and using them as appendages to help it fight in battle, much like Ivysaur’s use of vines to make up for its lack of functioning appendages to fight.

#4: Many will argue that Mewtwo’s new forme is the big reveal of Gen 6 and that it will count as the Gen 6 pokemon. However, what most people don’t understand is that even with a new forme, it’s still Mewtwo overall, not a brand new pokemon. The inclusion of Awakened Mewtwo does not entirely count as a Gen 6 rep that is an entirely new pokemon overall. However, Sylveon IS a brand new pokemon, is a brand new type, AND is, as stated above, one of the biggest families of Pokémon as a whole.
Okay. Fair enough points. I say I agree with all of them except number 2, simply because it's too early to tell whether or not it is a sole new Eeveelution. For all we know, there's a flying or dragon type, and Sylveon was only shown to advertise the upcoming Fairy type. So, I would say it's too early to use it as an argument until we know that it is the ONLY new Eeveelution. But I do agree that the Eevee family is a huge part of the Pokemon Franchise.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
If Jigglypuff was low priority before, she'll be low priority again.
Being "Original 12" isn't an automatic safe haven.
Low priority =/= definate cut. The reason Jigs is low priority is because it is eseay to create but just because it is low priority doesn't mean it doesn't have one heck of a chance to get into the new game.

I thinking your thinking into this to hard, why exactly would he anounce no cut's but in turn he already has cut's? I dont think he would just lie to us for no reason.
Again, we don't know what he means by no cuts. He could mean that vets haven't been cut, it could mean no one on the Brawl roster has been cut yet, or it could mean that the current roster he has, which is "finalized" I might add, hasn't had any cuts yet. None of those scenarios are him lying and are all very likely. Or he could mean something else with the no cuts. Saying it is a sure thing that it means Brawl roster is currently not cut in anyway is 100% false just like saying any of the other scenarios are 100% true. Making the no cuts argument invalid as we don't know what context he means by no cuts.

Allow me to try and explain what I think Sakurai means. I've said this before, but I believe to Sakurai it's "I have this large list of characters, and it includes every veteran from Brawl. I'm going to go along this list and add in as many characters as I can, but I can assure you that not every character will make it back. So it's not a case of actually cutting the character, but rather just a lack of time".
But again we can't no that for sure, he could just as easily mean something else (like I posted above in this post). Making the whole "no cuts" argument to keep character you really really like from Brawl to stay invalid. That my only problem with that theory or any of the other theories, people trying to use them as concrete evidence that X chacter will stay because Sakruai said "no cuts" and we just assumen he means X when it possibly mean Y or Z to. e_e


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Okay. Fair enough points. I say I agree with all of them except number 2, simply because it's too early to tell whether or not it is a sole new Eeveelution. For all we know, there's a flying or dragon type, and Sylveon was only shown to advertise the upcoming Fairy type. So, I would say it's too early to use it as an argument until we know that it is the ONLY new Eeveelution. But I do agree that the Eevee family is a huge part of the Pokemon Franchise.
Well I'd actually like to say that it isn't out of the realm of possibility, but every other time the new eeveelutions are released at the same time so that they can gain popularity and attention equally instead of having one Favorited over the other. The point I'm trying to say is that if there was a second form, they probably would've released it along with Sylveon. But hey, I could be wrong on that.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Well I'd actually like to say that it isn't out of the realm of possibility, but every other time the new eeveelutions are released at the same time so that they can gain popularity and attention equally instead of having one Favorited over the other. The point I'm trying to say is that if there was a second form, they probably would've released it along with Sylveon. But hey, I could be wrong on that.
That's something to consider. Anyway, I sound like a broken record, but let's get away from Pokemon and roster cut discussions for a long while. Onto the pic of the day. "Mysterious solar power"? Some people say on the Miiverse thread that it's some sort of sun pose called the Sun Salutation, so it could be a taunt or a move we haven't seen. That's my guess. Anyone else?


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
That's something to consider. Anyway, I sound like a broken record, but let's get away from Pokemon and roster cut discussions for a long while. Onto the pic of the day. "Mysterious solar power"? Some people say on the Miiverse thread that it's some sort of sun pose called the Sun Salutation, so it could be a taunt or a move we haven't seen. That's my guess. Anyone else?
Looks like a possible hint to Palutena if you ask me.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Looks like a possible hint to Palutena if you ask me.
I would cry if that was some sort of reveal for Palutena, but I don't think so. It very well could be, but Sakurai said solar power. Solar = sun, so I think the Sun pose mentioned earlier is a special attack of the Wii Fit Trainer. Some sort of Solar Boob Magic.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
Hey guys, pardon me, but I believe we may have a topic on our hands:

What the hell is that? It looks something like Pikachu's Volt Tackle but is too small. It looks like Light Magic to be honest...a possible Palutena leak perhaps? :p
I really want to know what you guys think this is.
Edit: God Damn WFT and her magic yoga bs...


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
I would cry if that was some sort of reveal for Palutena, but I don't think so. It very well could be, but Sakurai said solar power. Solar = sun, so I think the Sun pose mentioned earlier is a special attack of the Wii Fit Trainer. Some sort of Solar Boob Magic.
Dammit...I was hoping it was some kind of light magic. I have no idea what it could be then, especially since it looks really out of place to be used by the Wii Fit Trainer.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2013
Nashville, TN
I think finally divorcing Sheik from Zelda would be the best thing that could happen to her, and the easiest way to do this would be to add Impa in a separate slot as the "new shiek". (And this is coming from a Sheik main.) Zelda finally grew into her own some in brawl, but with Sheik and Zelda attached to a slot I feel like the devs try to balance them against each other, at the same time as balancing the combo of the two against the rest of the cast. Where if they were separated entirely they could be completely focused on as their own entities.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
It's porbably just a taunt or something like that, maybe even some that is part of the background of the stage. I really doubt it's a leak to Palutena. Don't go looking to deep into the pics Sakurai posts.
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