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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Since when did Sakurai start picking characters by relevance? Also, where did you find out that Ganondorf will still be a clone next round? I respect your opinion, but I doubt those kinds of reasons hold any value to a guy like Sakurai.
Since the begining of Smash itself, the only exception I can think of is the Ice Climbers. We haven't, but I'd rather him start working on an unique Ganondorf than a completely new one.

No Control

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2013
United Kingdom
Probably falco and jigglypuff, I think anyone who has been in melee/64 till brawl is most likely coming back
I wouldn't put Falco at 100% though just in case for some reason Sakurai chooses to make 3 SF characters low priority and chooses Wolf over him (don't get me wrong he's still very likely, just not 100% definite).

I also wouldn't put Jiggs at 100%, more like 90% cos there's a small chance it'll get replaced by other Pokemon (once again, a small one. I like Jiggs and hope it returns).


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
This is what I would expect to get from Sakurai. A bunch of weird decisions that don't make sense in our perspective, but he has his reasons for. A typical final roster that won't meet expectations but isn't that bad in the end.

And with that, I'm done with making rosters for quite a while. Please feel free to rate and comment on any of them. :)
(+) are good, (-) are bad, (0) are neutral

1 new mario rep I believe could happen, but isn't quite as likely as 2 new reps. It is the most popular franchise didn't get any new reps in Brawl. Rosalina is an odd choice there for I will say 2 reps has a slight advantage, but only 1 rep isn't unlikely to happen at all (0)

Mewtwo's addition makes a lot of sense and keep lucario does as well. Megas (+)

Dixie may be in the new game, but Sakurai made his list before it was announced. I see K. Rool has priority over a second side kick. BUT she is another female character and was a forbidden 7 so I won't count it against you (0)

Palutena. Sakurai worked on the new one being what to expect from Sakurai list this is a must (+)

T. Zelda/Tetra is the most likely newcomer for Zelda IF the series gets one. Sorry Groose/Tingle fans (+)

T. Ganondorf won't happen. Unlike T. Zelda he has been in only 1 game. Remaking the Wind Waker would mean Zelda/Tetra AT MOST (-)

The Return of Roy is in the air, but he was very similar to Marth in Melee and Chrom has higher priority since his game is the newest. (-)

Ridley noooooo (0)

Little Mac is a fan favorite and old assist trophy so it could happen (+)

Chibi-Robo I have always seen as an odd ball with no reason for Smash unless someone can prove me otherwise it's a (-)

Shulk is a good choice (+)

Keeping Snake is in the air as well but he can't be out prioritized seeing as he is the main character of his series. (0)

Klonoa would be put out by a more likely Pac-Man (-)

The Decision:
All together you scored a solid +1 Congrats! I would be happy with it, but some of the pics are odd balls that for sure. I guess its pretty Sakurai like in that regard.

5 by 10 is fine (+)

Wario and Yoshi not being in line or next to the other Mario characters is a bit odd, even if they have their own games (-)

Pokemon trainer before Jiggly Puff and Mewtwo being last won't happen, maybe one of the two (-)

I'm diggin the blocks of 3's in the middle (talkin bout Zelda, FE and SF) (+)

Retro's are kind of together (0)

3rd Party's (+)

Misc. Characters are kind of together (0)

The Decision:
All together you scored a solid +1 nice job! But seriously why are Wario and Yoshi where they are?

The Result: Not a bad list, but some of it is boggling to me. The formatting is ok.
You scored a +2 congrats it's positive!

Can you do that with my roster


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Since I see more Roy fans in the audience, I'm just going to repost my Roy/Chrom movesets in case they missed it:

Gameplay Ability: Burning Touch (Roy’s blade, like Marth and Ike’s, has a sweet spot, but instead of dealing extra damage, the sweet spot will set the opponent on fire, leaving them easier to combo and juggle. The sweet spot differs depending on the attack, so knowing which attacks are best for each situation is best. The attacks, if the opponent is set on fire, will still do the same amount of damage, but deliver it in more than one hit to hold the opponent in place longer and allow for follow-up attacks easier)
Standard A Combo: Sealed Slash (x1, 7% total, deals fire damage)

Forward + A: Blazing Pierce (A thrust attack, middle of blade will ignite opponents and cause a burning effect, 11%)

Up + A: Sealed Arch (Will slash in an upward arch, the tip of the blade at the beginning of the slash will ignite opponents on contact, 10%)

Down + A: Heel Poke (Will strike the opponent low with a jabbing poke, same as in Melee. The sword’s lower blade, near the hilt, will ignite the opponent if hit, 9%)

Dash Attack: Sealed Crescent (The same dash attack as in Melee, this attack cannot ignite the opponent. 12%)

Aerial Attacks:
Neutral A: Ignition Circlet (Will spin around in the air, swinging his blade twice. This blade will ignite the opponent on the second hit, 13% total)

Forward + A: Blazing Seal (An arching slash downward, the entire slash being able to engulf the opponent in fire. 11%)

Up + A: Fiery Flip (Will do a backflip in the air with his blade extended, the middle of the blade being able to ignite the opponent. 10%)

Backward + A: Thrusting Fire (Will turn around in the air and thrust his blade forward, the tip able to ignite the opponent in fire, 11%)

Down + A: Sealed Meteor (A powerful slash downward, being able to meteor smash the opponent. The entire attack can ignite the opponent, but does not hold the opponent in place and hits all at once. 13%)

Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash: Fiery Blade (Taken from his original Standard special, Roy will do a hard slash attack forward, the attack being able to release a burst of fire when it hits the ground, if the smash attack is charged up all at once. Can not insta-KO like the original Fiery Blade. 27%)

Up Smash: Heroic Blaze (Will kneel down, blade in sheath, before leaping up into the air and coming back down. Can hit opponents both up in the air or below him mid-attack, cannot meteor smash opponents over edges. 24% total)

Down Smash: Blazing Circlet (Will spin around, sword ignited, and deal damage on both sides of him. Gains extra reach thanks to fire surrounding the blade. 28%)


Grab: Grabs the opponent with his free hand

Pummel: Knees the opponent (3% per pummel)

Front Throw: Throws the opponent over his shoulder (8%)

Up Throw: Throws the opponent upward and slashes them (9%)

Back Throw: Throws the opponent behind him (5%)

Down Throw: Throws the opponent onto the floor (5%)

Special Moves:
Standard Special: Sol

Roy’s new Standard special is the sol ability, which allows Roy to charge up the power of his blade while kneeling and sword sheathed. Once the attack stops charging, Roy will unsheathe his blade and deliver a powerful Horizontal slice with his sword encased in fire. If the attack is fully charged, Roy will be able to heal 15% damage upon contact, much like the actual Sol ability in Fire Emblem. 30% max, heals 15% at maximum charge

Side Special: Blazing Strike
A new side special, almost in the same vein as Ike’s side special, Roy will get into a battle stance with his blade facing behind him. With this attack, Roy can do a lunging strike that can deal fire damage upon contact with the ground, creating a quick flame burst. Roy will lunge farther depending on how long the B button is held. Roy can also use this attack to horizontally recover while in the air. 18% max

Up Special: Blazer

Roy’s up special returns to Smash Bros, but gets a couple of upgrades to differ itself from Marth’s Dolphin Slash. Instead of being a quick slash upwards, this attack is now a spinning ascension as Roy cloaks himself in fire on the way up, rapidly damaging opponents. This attack still mostly goes upward instead of to the side, making Roy better at recovering from a vertical distance than a horizontal distance. 15% total

Down Special: Counter

The counter is a staple of Fire Emblem, and Roy can do it as well like Marth and Ike. Roy’s counter will ignite the opponent on fire to leave them open for combos, making it overall more useful than Marth or Ike’s counter, although slower overall. 10% total.

Final Smash: Sealed Inferno

A quick final smash, Roy will raise his blade above his head as it becomes engulfed in fire, the fire becoming twice as long as the blade before Roy slashes down onto the ground, a huge wave of fire racing forward to deal damage to opponents in front of him. This huge blast of fire will do huge amounts of damage quickly and can very easily KO opponents. 50% total

Color Scheme:

#1: Navy Blue/Black/White (Awakening Roy Standard)

#2: Blue/Gold (Classic Roy)

#3: Red/Black/Gold (Classic Alternate Roy)

#4: Green/Black/Gold (Classic Alternate Roy #2)

#1: Raises blade upward, embers flying off the blade

#2: Original Taunt from Super Smash Bros Melee

#3: Swings and sheaths blade

Victory Circle:
#1: Roy will release do a couple of swings with his blade, giving one of his quotes from Super Smash Bros Melee

#2: Roy will Sheath his sword and cross his arms, giving one of his quotes from Super Smash Bros Melee

#3: Roy will brush his cape aside, his sword becoming ignited as he gives one of his quotes from Super Smash Bros Melee

Gameplay Ability: Exalt’s Blade (Chrom’s Blade, the Falchion, wields the special ability to be cloaked in a mystical blue light, almost as if catching the wind itself, and with this, some of Chrom’s attacks can have push and vacuum effects to push away or pull in opponents. Attacks that can pull in opponents will be marked with # and attacks that will push opponents away are marked with $)

Standard A Combo: Exalt scissors (x2, 10% total, strikes twice with a pair of horizontal slices, the second one reaching slightly farther than the first)

Forward + A: Arching Falchion (Will swing his blade in an upward vertical arch, dealing damage with decent range. 10% $)

Up + A: Piercing Strike (Will thrust upward into the air, cloaked in light. 11% #)

Down + A: Ankle Slice (A wide horizontal slice while crouching, range is above average for crouching attacks. 9%)

Dash Attack: Exalted Thrust (A quick piercing thrust while dashing, does high damage against shields. 9% #)

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral A: Blinding Falchion (A spinning aerial attack, striking on both sides and hitting twice, the light from the blade giving a bit extra range. 14% total $)

Forward + A: Piercing Lance (Switches to Lance, reaches forward to strike with better range, 13%)

Up + A: Arching Slash (Swings vertically and strikes in an arch. 11%)

Backward + A: Reversing Lance (Swings around and strikes behind with lance, giving very good range. 13%)

Down + A: Exalted Comet (Swings downward in an arch, able to meteor smash opponent, 12%)

Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash: Exalt’s Slash (Will kneel down with blade gaining energy, then do a small dash forward to then do a long horizontal slash. 28%)

Up Smash: Luna (Wielding a Lance, will do a powerful thrusting strike up into the air. Has good range, 25%)

Down Smash: Falchion Circlet (Will strike on both sides, dealing more damage behind then in front. 25% $)

Grab: Grabs with free hand

Pummel: Knees the opponent (3%)

Front Throw: Slashes the opponent away (9%)

Down Throw: Hits the opponent onto the ground with the blunt of his sword’s handle (7%)

Back Throw: Will go behind opponent and slash them away (10%)

Up Throw: Tosses the opponent upward (5%)

Special Moves:
Standard Special: Aether

Ike may already wield the aether ability, but Chrom uses it very differently. Chrom’s use of Aether is that of a charge attack which can allow Chrom to do a long dashing slash attack, being able to pierce right through opponents. This attack is also capable of healing 10% damage if charged to its maximum level, and since it can pierce through opponents, can possibly heal up to 30% damage per attack, making it very effective. 28% max, heals 10% per slash at maximum charge.

Side Special: Falchion Eagle

A move seen in the cutscene battle against Chrom and Marth, Chrom will leap up into the air and perform a spinning slash down into the ground, damaging opponents on the way down. By holding the B button during the attack’s start-up, Chrom can hold himself in the air, which can give him a moment to change his trajectory. This attack moves fast, so it’s very good at breaking into crowds of already battling opponents. 17% max

Up Special: Ascension Blade

His blade cloaked in light, Chrom will do a high slashing jump into the air then come down with a piercing blow, which can catch opponents under it to deal damage. This attack acts as a two part attack, but unlike Ike’s Aether, it cannot catch the opponent in one state and continue until the end of the attack. 15% total

Down Special: Counter

The other members of the Fire Emblem series use this stapled move, and since it’s a staple, Chrom uses it as well. Chrom’s counter gives the best responsive range, getting a bit extra distance thanks to his blade being cloaked in light, but has the lowest overall knockback, which can also be an advantage as it is easier to follow up with more attacks. 10%

Final Smash: The Twin Falchions

Fire Emblem Awakening introduced many new mechanics to the Fire Emblem franchise, but the most important one was the ability to fight in pairs, and Chrom’s final smash takes advantage of this. Chrom will do a dashing slash forward to stun an opponent(s) to set up his final smash. If Chrom’s attack hits, he will summon his daughter, Lucina to the field, who will assist Chrom in a sword combo before delivering a final blow to blast the opponent away. Upon finishing their combo, Lucina will disappear. 45% total, high knockback

Color Scheme:

#1: Navy Blue/White, Blue Hair (Standard Chrom)

#2: Dark Red/White, Red hair (Sully)
#3: Dark Green/White, Brown Hair (Stahl)

#4: Golden Yellow/White, Blonde Hair (Lissa)

#5: Aqua Blue/Grey, Brown Hair (Fredrick)

#6: Great Lord Chrom


#1: Will spin his sword in his hand

#2: Will sheath his sword, saying “You fight well”

#3: Falchion will gleam with light, saying “This fight isn’t over yet”

Victory Circle:
#1: Chrom will spin his blade, then plant in the ground as he says “I will protect Ylisse, no what!”

#2: Chrom will Cross his arms, his blade already sheathed, as he says “Well fought, warrior”.

#3: Chrom will put his hand on his blade’s handle, looking up as he says “I cannot afford to lose, I’m sorry.”

And for some reason the spoiler tag is glitching today...don't know why. :p


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Sakurai on Jigglypuff as a joke character.
Sakurai says that Jigglypuff was seen as the joke character untill Pichu was added, but now Pichu is gone, so he probably sees Jigglypuff as the joke character again. http://forum.starmen.net/forum/Stor...ing-a-comprehensive-list-of-unused-characters
I stand corrected. Everything else still stands (including her overt popularity in Japan at the time). Not only that, but Jigglypuff was never intended to play like a joke character (at least not to the extent that Pichu was, especially considering that she takes inspiration from Kirby, who I highly doubt was meant to be a joke character), neither was she a clone. Her inclusion in Smash 64 also gives her a decent amount of precedent.

I think it is safe to assume that these were two VERY different joke characters, intended to fulfill very different roles.
Last edited:

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters

These characters were pretty irrelevant. Falco is only on there as he was essentially a replacement for Wolf, if I recall correctly. If not, whatever, take him off the list.
Captain Falcon represents F-Zero, Ness represents EarthBound/Mother, which were both pretty big back in Smash 64. Pichu represents the 2nd generation, Mr.G&W represents Nintendo's first handheld and I believe their first system, if I'm not mistaken. Ice Climbers I already said was an exception, Roy represented the newest Fire Emblem, Falco represented the partners in Star Fox, ROB saved the gaming industry, Pit was more or less fan demand, Sheik was pretty big during Melee's time and gave Zelda a unique concept along with representing OoT, and Dr.Mario represented the Dr.Mario franchise.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Captain Falcon represents F-Zero, Ness represents EarthBound/Mother, which were both pretty big back in Smash 64. Pichu represents the 2nd generation, Mr.G&W represents Nintendo's first handheld and I believe their first system, if I'm not mistaken. Ice Climbers I already said was an exception, Roy represented the newest Fire Emblem, Falco represented the partners in Star Fox, ROB saved the gaming industry, Pit was more or less fan demand, Sheik was pretty big during Melee's time and gave Zelda a unique concept along with representing OoT, and Dr.Mario represented the Dr.Mario franchise.
Just because they represent something doesn't mean that they are relevant. I thought we were solely alluding to characters that were added for another reason aside from relevancy.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Well, this started as just a graphical update, but I wanted to run these by you guys. I have three rosters here. The first one is my current one with a graphical update.
[Collapse=Roster 1]

The next roster is a "we get a more surprising retro" situation (a la Melee, where the Ice Climbers were chosen due to gameplay potential, unlike when Pit was picked for popularity).

[Collapse=Roster 2]

The next is a less likely scenario: what if Sakurai feels that Little Mac (a pseudo-retro a la Pit) and Mega Man (who deliberately used a retro look) are enough, and doesn't add a new retro? This roster follows this scenario.

[Collapse=Roster 3]

Basically, which do you find the most/least likely? Which is your favorite/least favorite?


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I believe the reason Jigglypuff got in was because she was easy to make, since her model was very simlar to Kirby's. I think she was added as a way of getting one last character in without having to worry about time, and of course her popularity at the time is probably what made him choose her over another easy to make character. This is why I think she got in over Mewtwo in the first game as well as Brawl, because they wouldn't have enough time to add Mewtwo, but they did have enough time to add Jigglypuff.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy

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Here's an interesting topic I'd like to know everybody's opinion on. Is there anything you disagree with on the tier list? I mainly think that Kirby and Zelda should be higher. Thoughts?

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
(+) are good, (-) are bad, (0) are neutral

Paper Mario, highly requested and had a recent new game, pretty good pick (+)

King K. Rool, requested and a villan which smash needs more of. DK and Falcon are the only two original 8 that still do not have a villan. Him and Dixie are pretty close, but I'd say he's got a better shot (+)

Shulk is likely based on his games response (+)

Micaiah, I think only the die-hard players are going to know who she is. A pretty good choice since it's a girl character which smash needs more of, but it is highly unlikey that FE will get two new reps and even more unlikely that it isn't a more popular character (-)

Chrom is a good choice based off of the FE Awakening stage reveal and a new FE rep (+)

Mewtwo is VERY likely to come back, I can't think of another gen 6 besides megalucario (+)

Lucario's cut could very well happen, but is more like a 50/50 with Mewtwo (0)

Hoenn Trainer, sorry you're a few gens short and the original 3 are the most iconic. (-)

0/No Ridley again, but its fair to exclude him I guess (0)

Lucas's cut could happen, but based on Mother 3's popularity in japan and Ness being one of the orignal 8 it is unlikely that Lucas will be cut reducing earthbound to 1. (-)

Takamaru is the most likely retro IMO, unless you count little Mac as a retro (+)

Palutena is obviously a good choice (+)

Layton is interesting. I can see him happening, but It's not all that likely that he would get in over Little Mac or Isaac (-)

R.O.B. as an alternative is ok, but I don't think they would cut any retros especially since his play-style is so original (-)

Snake's cut (0)

The Decision:
All together you scored a solid +2 congrats! Generally you're characters are very likely to get in minus a few odd balls, but hey everyone has hopes right?

5 by 9 block is is too bulky to happen. They have been horizontal ever since 64. (-)

Paper Mario before Mario in the row is odd and probably wouldn't happen (-), same with young link (-), but they are in the same Column and are technically both major characters (0)

Putting all Retros together (+)

Putting all 3rd Parties Together (+)

Shulk with FE (+)

Putting Olimar with SF (+), Captain Falcon with SF (-), not putting Samus with SF, but next to megaman (0), she looks cramped there (0)

The DK row looks like it should be moved down to the 2nd to last row. Ness would look better near villager and Pokemon/Kirby/Metroid has much more priority than DK/FE (-)

Wii Fit and Villager have good spots but Shulk and Olimar should have been rearrenged to be near them since they are Nintendo solo reps. (-)

The Decision:
All together you scored a solid 0. Although it is not on a horizontal basis you have clearly put some effort into the formatting of who goes into each row and the smart placement of most misc. characters.

The Result: Not a bad list, but some of it is too hopeful. The formatting needs just a little bit of work
You scored a +2 congrats it's positive!
Thanks, and yeah for Toon Link I didn't even realize he was the first in the row. I was thinking of it like Melee I guess where Dr. Mario was on the edge, so I put Paper Mario like that. I thought the way I designed it resembled more of a melee look. Thanks for the feedback.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom

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Here's an interesting topic I'd like to know everybody's opinion on. Is there anything you disagree with on the tier list? I mainly think that Kirby and Zelda should be higher. Thoughts?
This doesn't belong here. Take this topic over to the Brawl forums.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
SSBB Tiers
SS S A+ A- B
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31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Here's an interesting topic I'd like to know everybody's opinion on. Is there anything you disagree with on the tier list? I mainly think that Kirby and Zelda should be higher. Thoughts?
I don't agree with any tier list really.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
I'm trying to state that each character has relevancy, despite being added specifically for it or not.
For such an avid Roy supporter, you've surprisingly said nothing on my design for a unique Roy. :p

SSBB Tiers
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Here's an interesting topic I'd like to know everybody's opinion on. Is there anything you disagree with on the tier list? I mainly think that Kirby and Zelda should be higher. Thoughts?
I guarantee that with the combos returning that Sonic will definitely be higher tiered in Smash 4. I also feel Game & Watch could be a bit higher, he's such a good character in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
Can you do that with my roster
Diggin the physical look BTW

(+) are good, (-) are bad, (0) are neutral

Only Rosalina is possible fo sho (0)

Same with the Dixie K.Rool mix up (0)

Impa I would say is the second most likely new Zelda rep after T. Zelda/Tetra. Still kind of a weird pic IMO though. I will admit the character of Impa has been important in several games so putting her in over T. Zelda/Tetra is ok (0)

That Ridley though/It's Over 9000 (+), but if I have to be real with these he gets a (0)

Yes to Palutena. I'd be quite surprised to not see her in Smash 4. (+)

Shulk as another sensible one. Xenoblade did very well. (+)

MewtwoOooooooooooOOOOOoooo (+)

I liked you're arguement for him, but you can't honestly put in Tactician over Chrom/Roy/That assist trophy whose name I forget. (-)

Little Mac is a fan fav (+)

Takamaru is the most fitting retro IMO (+)

Pac-Man is super likely because of Namco Bandai (+)

Snake belongs in Slitherin, not Hufflepuff you silly kid. (0)

The Decision:
All together you scored an amazing +5 "very nice!" -Borat. I would be very happy with your character choices and many of them are likely.

5 x 10 is the most likely (+)

Takamaru should be with his retro buddies/Retro's are in different spots (-)

3rd Party's are together (+)

Villager and Wii Fit should be with Olimar (-)

I would like ness/lucas to be with kirby cast as they are more imaginary and less violent (-)

The Decision:
All together you scored a paper cut of a -1. You did well placing most of you're cast, but need to re-look at some alternate placements.

The Result: Great Character list, but you're formatting needs some work.
You scored a +4 congrats it's positive!


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I'm not quite as avid as I used to be, although I still find him a very good choice. For your design, I probably wasn't here for that, let me go find it.
Yeah, when I first joined, everyone was going crazy with "Roy's our boy," now it seems like most people have accepted the utter importance of Fire Emblem: Awakening, so in spite of Chrom, they support Robin instead. Seems like a fairly new trend. Lyn has also resurfaced in hopes of a different Fire Emblem character. :awesome:


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2014
Diggin the physical look BTW

(+) are good, (-) are bad, (0) are neutral

Only Rosalina is possible fo sho (0)

Same with the Dixie K.Rool mix up (0)

Impa I would say is the second most likely new Zelda rep after T. Zelda/Tetra. Still kind of a weird pic IMO though. I will admit the character of Impa has been important in several games so putting her in over T. Zelda/Tetra is ok (0)

That Ridley though/It's Over 9000 (+), but if I have to be real with these he gets a (0)

Yes to Palutena. I'd be quite surprised to not see her in Smash 4. (+)

Shulk as another sensible one. Xenoblade did very well. (+)

MewtwoOooooooooooOOOOOoooo (+)

I liked you're arguement for him, but you can't honestly put in Tactician over Chrom/Roy/That assist trophy whose name I forget. (-)

Little Mac is a fan fav (+)

Takamaru is the most fitting retro IMO (+)

Pac-Man is super likely because of Namco Bandai (+)

Snake belongs in Slitherin, not Hufflepuff you silly kid. (0)

The Decision:
All together you scored an amazing +5 "very nice!" -Borat. I would be very happy with your character choices and many of them are likely.

5 x 10 is the most likely (+)

Takamaru should be with his retro buddies/Retro's are in different spots (-)

3rd Party's are together (+)

Villager and Wii Fit should be with Olimar (-)

I would like ness/lucas to be with kirby cast as they are more imaginary and less violent (-)

The Decision:
All together you scored a paper cut of a -1. You did well placing most of you're cast, but Need to re-look at some alternate placements.

The Result: Great Character list, but you're formatting needs some work.
You scored a +4 congrats it's positive!
With ness and lucas I put them with FE like in brawl and as I placed Ice climbers/R.O.B. near the metroid row like they were in brawl I just stuck takamaru with little mac. also why villager and WFT with olimar?

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
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Here's an interesting topic I'd like to know everybody's opinion on. Is there anything you disagree with on the tier list? I mainly think that Kirby and Zelda should be higher. Thoughts?
Yeah, Kirby and Zelda (mostly Kirby though.) Lucas should also be lower.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
With ness and lucas I put them with FE like in brawl and as I placed Ice climbers/R.O.B. near the metroid row like they were in brawl I just stuck takamaru with little mac. also why villager and WFT with olimar?
Ice Climbers and R.O.B. should be with all their Retro buddies IMO.

Villager and Wii Fit with Olimar because they are lone reps that are not Retro or 3rd Party. Captain Falcon could go with them, but he is an original 8 so I think it's less likely.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I never got why Lucas was seen as such a bad character, he's my best character. Then again my best character in UMvC3 is Arthur, so I guess I'm just weird.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
The one thing I despise from the Brawl Wifi are the TAUNTERS.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
But Arthur ain't that bad a character, he's hella good on the keep-away. Although that lack of a dash can be really painful. :p
Well I don't even use him as a keep away character unless I feel like I have to. I actually perform combos with him, which many find weird. Arthur for Smash Bros.
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