In other news, I think at this point, I can safely say that Shulk is my most wanted newcomer. So let's talk about him.
What is our opinion on the fact that he's the protagonist of a single game? As in, Xenoblade is a standalone game, which may or may not be getting a sequel in "X".
I prefer to think that it isn't that big of a deal, as I see him as a character that represents a new IP (like new. Not just new to Smash. New for Nintendo in general.) who also brings a new type of playstyle for the swordsmen archetype.
Xenoblade Chronicles, while mostly a cult classic game, was originally not supposed to come to the United States, but was localized after Nintendo made that decision. While it had no effect on the decision according to Reggie Fils-Aime, Project Rainfall rallied support in this conquest. Xenoblade was a highly rated game when it was localized, and has essentially become a game to have for the Wii, something that most other main series on Nintendo series cannot claim to have during the Wii generation.
Shulk, according to information from Chronobound and others, is one of Japan's most popularly requested newcomers, something that I very much appreciate. From the information I know, I believe Shulk is in the top 20 most requested newcomers in the west as well. That is huge! For such a small game without much coverage (until it came out I suppose), Xenoblade has quite the following across the world.
As for drawbacks concerning Shulk's chances, there is the fact that he is a protagonist from a single game. We have no idea what "X" has to do with Xenoblade besides gameplay similarities at this point in time. However, because the quality character pool is evaporating, it is possible that Shulk will be chosen (or at the very least I hope).
I'll split the pros and cons of Shulk below:
Presents gameplay possibilities that could easily differentiate him from the current swordsmen archetype
Protagonist of a critically acclaimed RPG
Decently popular worldwide
Possibility that Xenoblade will in a sense be a spiritual successor (at the very least) to X, which seems to be taking quite a bit from the Xenoblade formula
May have some sort of role in X (I have a crackpot theory that I may share)
Fairly new IP that may be a standalone title
May be "just another swordsman" to some
May not reappear, or have any effect on X ( though this may not be a huge deal depending on how you look at it)
I may be a fan of Shulk, and you can call me biased, but I simply cannot think of a lot of flaws in adding him. He has a lot of good things going for him that can be expressed in Smash. Xenoblade Chronicles was a phenomenal game, and I think Shulk has a fair shot in getting in. At least I hope that is the case.
Also, there was that picture Sakurai tweeted of this:
Whether or not he was simply tweeting about it because he thought it itself was cool, or because he had knowledge of it from the playing the game is a mystery, but regardless, it is pretty cool that he acknowledged it.
But that's my schpeil for Shulk at the moment.