Because in video games, everything must serve a purpose in order to be enjoyable. Why don't we just have ONE character in every Mario Kart, but give him different physics to select from that change nothing aesthetically. Because you know, having different characters that don't do anything different is a pointless waste of time.
Let's not have music either. It's not like it changes the game play. Get rid of that too, it's a pointless waste of time. And those unlockables? Don't get me started! What kind of game requires you to accomplish tasks and be rewarded for it? Ugh!
You know what I can't stand? TOON LINK! That little ******* has to be in Smash just because he's one of the most popular and beloved Zelda characters and incarnations of Link. I don't want to play as loveable characters in Smash! I want to play as their move set! You wasted all that time implementing Marth's model into the game when you could have just let as play as his sword!? Jeez, Sakurai! What's wrong with you?
It's not like the concept of Super Smash Brothers was to fight as your favorite Nintendo characters!