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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I really do like Wii Fit, and it's a very strong franchise for Nintendo. I thought that it would be one of the early reveals, but then again, I believed that Smash would get revealed BEFORE E3. And I thought it would be the male trainer alongside someone else, not "Miss Fit". I didn't call Megaman, and was shocked he got in.
For the record, I'm not trying to say that you're an outright liar, but...well, on the internet, people lie. Especially when it suits their needs for an argument.

Then again, I guess a few people might have predicted it, I just have a hard time believing that someone with a good reputation (that site owner who said he was tipped off) would say something that would put said reputation on the line. I think it makes perfect sense that he got part of that right in his "guess" and he felt like he was obligated to share the information.
I'd be perfectly fine with that rumor if Pac-Man wasn't involved.

Let's put in the Pong Paddle and Centipede while we're at it, because they were all good for the same amount of time.
Whether you like it or not, he has a very real chance of making it in. Don't let your personal bias make you blind to that.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Whether you like it or not, he has a very real chance of making it in. Don't let your personal bias make you blind to that.
I didn't say that he wouldn't.

I'm just saying that he hasn't been good since ****ing Ms. Pac Man and he's about as relevant to video games as Bugs Bunny is these days.

Deleted member

Discussing the Little Pac-Mii thing again?

As far as I'm concerned, it's the only "leak" we've got that's actually true.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I didn't say that he wouldn't.

I'm just saying that he hasn't been good since ****ing Ms. Pac Man and he's about as relevant to video games as Mickey Mouse is these days.
You're entitled to your opinion. But don't dismiss the possibility of the leak being real because you don't want it to be real. That's what I was getting from your post
Then you and I got no problem.

If ya like Impa and want her in Smash, all power to ya.
But no using "relevancy" as reason for Impa replacing Sheik.
I use the importance argument myself. As Sheik was added primarily due to recency (and because of Sakurai's desire to include a character with a "ninja" moveset), it feels more fitting to use a character that's staying consistently important in the Zelda universe which could fulfill the same role. That, combined with the fact that Skyward Sword was in just the right timeframe to be considered for the roster (and had Impa with her major role), and the possibility of Sakurai wanting to buff the roster (since it would look larger with the Sheik moveset in a different slot), makes me predict Impa.

I do disagree with Diddy on Impa being anything close to a lock, however.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
It's a bad idea to look at Miis as bad because of looks.
Very true.

I mean, there are legitimate reasons to dislike them, but the Miis are only as ugly as you make them.

I'm going with Mii-Mac-Pac were just added to make it realistic.
The funny thing is that the leak would have been considered more legitimate if they were left out and the guy predicted all three of them perfectly.


wow, gaming!
Writing Team
Aug 18, 2013
Very true.

I mean, there are legitimate reasons to dislike them, but the Miis are only as ugly as you make them.

The funny thing is that the leak would have been considered more legitimate if they were left out and the guy predicted all three of them perfectly.
My personal reason for disliking Miis is their lack of tangible arms or feet sometimes. It's outright creepy.


wow, gaming!
Writing Team
Aug 18, 2013
And also, I could give my logic bullet whole arguement to as why I managed to predict Wii Fit Trainer if anyone wants to hear it.

Deleted member

I use the importance argument myself. As Sheik was added primarily due to recency (and because of Sakurai's desire to include a character with a "ninja" moveset), it feels more fitting to use a character that's staying consistently important in the Zelda universe which could fulfill the same role. That, combined with the fact the Skyward Sword was in just the right timeframe to be considered for the roster (and had Impa with her major role), and the possibility of Sakurai wanting to buff the roster (since it would look larger with the Sheik moveset in a different slot), makes me predict Impa.

I do disagree with Diddy on Impa being anything close to a lock, however.
Sheik wasn't added due to recency.
By Melee, Ocarina of Time was behind Majora's Mask and even the Oracle games, neither of which incorporated Sheik.
But....even if Ocarina was most recent, there's still the fact that Impa was in the same game.

So no, Sheik's inclusion had everything to do with the concept of a transforming character with two separate styles and the fact that Sheik is Zelda.
Replace Sheik with Impa.....and that breaks that whole concept. Which is acceptable for some people, since they think making Zelda completely standalone is somehow going to make her a better character. People will believe what they want to believe, I guess.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2013
Crocodile Isle
Very true.

I mean, there are legitimate reasons to dislike them, but the Miis are only as ugly as you make them.
You mean as ugly as other people make them. Personally, I don't want to face those abominations in online matches or the single player modes. The game is supposed to be about Nintendo all-stars, not yourself or Jesus or Hitler.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
You mean as ugly as other people make them. Personally, I don't want to face those abominations in online matches or the single player modes. The game is supposed to be about Nintendo all-stars, not yourself or Jesus or Hitler.
Well TOO BAD because it's probably happening.

This is a ****ing stupid argument. People aren't going to use Miis online just to go "Haha look I drawed a penis do u see i drawed a penis and now im hilarious because penis". If they do, then that's all the more reason for you to beat them into the ground with whoever you're using.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
And also, I could give my logic bullet whole arguement to as why I managed to predict Wii Fit Trainer if anyone wants to hear it.
I believe you, but I don't think anyone else does, so yeah, let's hear it.

I'm saying that Pac-Man is as relevant to video games as Bugs Bunny is to video games.

Also lol@badCNopinions
Oh, well, then, I guess you're right. Sort of. Though I don't necessarily agree with how you phrase it.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I'm saying that Pac-Man is as relevant to video games as Bugs Bunny is to video games.

Also lol@badCNopinions
Well Bugs has had quite a few games, but...

Pac-Man is relevant to video games in the way that he was the first commercially successful mascot. Pac-Man is always going to be relevant to video games. He might not be recent, but Pac-Man paved the way for video game mascots everywhere. I'd say that's pretty damn relevant.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Sheik wasn't added due to recency.
By Melee, Ocarina of Time was behind Majora's Mask and even the Oracle games, neither of which incorporated Sheik.
But....even if Ocarina was most recent, there's still the fact that Impa was in the same game.

So no, Sheik's inclusion had everything to do with the concept of a transforming character with two separate styles and the fact that Sheik is Zelda.
Replace Sheik with Impa.....and that breaks that whole concept. Which is acceptable for some people, since they think making Zelda completely standalone is somehow going to make her a better character. People will believe what they want to believe, I guess.
Did he actually state that his intent was to have a character that is a character in transformation style? Is that just an assumption on your part? I mean that seems like a fan-interpreted intention.

It seems like Zero-Suit Samus or Pokemon Trainer were more cohesive as they have mechanics to dictate the play-style. I am just wondering if he actually stated that he wanted Zelda to transform into herself. I feel as though, even if it was true, that his intentions greatly differ almost 10 years down the line where Impa is WAY more important and relevant. It would be an efficient way of maintaining a play-style whilst adding a Newcomer.

If Zelda is indeed a separate character from Sheik this time around, that would only serve to prove that he no longer values what he valued 10 years ago. The developers haven't done anything with Sheik, she was in Brawl mostly because it became a part of her character, now she is considered a main-stay.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
My personal reason for disliking Miis is their lack of tangible arms or feet sometimes. It's outright creepy.
I get that. Psychology has determined that the brain makes this distinction between things that look similar to humans as being either cute or being creepy, depending on certain things, and different people have different lines that are drawn for that.
And also, I could give my logic bullet whole arguement to as why I managed to predict Wii Fit Trainer if anyone wants to hear it.
I'm listening.
Sheik wasn't added due to recency.
By Melee, Ocarina of Time was behind Majora's Mask and even the Oracle games, neither of which incorporated Sheik.
But....even if Ocarina was most recent, there's still the fact that Impa was in the same game.

So no, Sheik's inclusion had everything to do with the concept of a transforming character with two separate styles and the fact that Sheik is Zelda.
Replace Sheik with Impa.....and that breaks that whole concept. Which is acceptable for some people, since they think making Zelda completely standalone is somehow going to make her a better character. People will believe what they want to believe, I guess.
My mistake on the relevancy thing, certainly. Probably had more to do with OoT's ridiculous success more than anything, then.

Impa was, admittedly, not as important as Sheik was in OoT. Sheik appeared several times throughout the course of the game, while Impa appeared like, two times.

I believe I saw that Sakurai said he was just looking for a character to fit a ninja archetype in an interview, but I'll need to dig it up, as I don't remember where it was.

And, even if that was the case, we have Pokemon Trainer to fill the transforming archetype now. And he has three different characters to switch between. If the concept never worked terribly well for Sheilda, why not split them and just keep Pokemon Trainer in that role?

You mean as ugly as other people make them. Personally, I don't want to face those abominations in online matches or the single player modes. The game is supposed to be about Nintendo all-stars, not yourself or Jesus or Hitler.
Well, the Miis are in a special case of being both Nintendo All-Stars and actual people. They are the faces of a very successful franchise of Nintendo's, in a way.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 24, 2013
I was gonna ask you guys what you think of Crono's chances, but then I realized something: Square.
Oh well! I guess I'll just have to use this as an excuse to show off my fan art. It's not like the was my plan in the first place.


wow, gaming!
Writing Team
Aug 18, 2013
I'll have it ready to show in a bit. Meaning I'm typing it now.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
You mean as ugly as other people make them. Personally, I don't want to face those abominations in online matches or the single player modes. The game is supposed to be about Nintendo all-stars, not yourself or Jesus or Hitler.
It is about yourself, it is about embracing the notion that the consumers are important to Smash. That is the only reason the game exists, if that wasn't enough, Miis have become Nintendo's mascot. I think you may have forgotten. It isn't Mario-verse. They have become iconic and they are featured in most of the top-selling Nintendo games. Don't even try to deny that they are an important aspect of Nintendo. Casual-Cat Nip.

And also, I could give my logic bullet whole arguement to as why I managed to predict Wii Fit Trainer if anyone wants to hear it.
I don't know about predict, perhaps you mean to say open to the notion? No offense, I think you are entirely delusional if you actually thought she was a lock; if you thought she had a decent chance, that is a different story. She is a very plausible representative in hind-sight, but it was honestly absurd to actually legitimately proclaim that she was feasible during the time. Especially the way they implemented Yoga-esque moves into her fighting style, that is very antithetical to the purpose of Yoga (obviously).
Last edited:


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
The irony of course is that the people adoring the Miis in the varies Wii titles aren't the same people that are interested in Super Smash Bros.

Deleted member

I've decided to raise the stakes for myself.

I am going to put my reputation on the line to say this.

Ridley will be playable in Super Smash Bros. 3DS & Wii U

I pick Ridley for the character I risk my reputation on for various reasons (aside from the fact that I feel like taking a risk).

One is that Ridley has been one of the most prominent characters in discussions for potential SSB characters; he has been a popular request ever since pre-Melee and has been among the most wanted since pre-Brawl. Now the fourth most wanted character (counting the already confirmed Mega Man), Ridley has been a big part of the SSB speculation scene for a long time. After all, R.I.D.L.E.Y. is one of the most notorious groups of Smash fan bases that had ever been created and Ridley is a very heated topic himself to this day. We haven't achieved 13K+ posts for no reason, y'know?

Secondly, it is because I believe that Ridley will be playable in the game. While he's not Mewtwo-level of super obvious shoe-in, I feel confident enough that with all the things going for Ridley, that Sakurai will finally make him playable in this game. It has been a long wait for Ridley supporters, but I think that it will finally come to an end on a good note and since I believe that it is now or never for Ridley, I feel that a risky bet is worth it. Beside, I've always seen Ridley as more likely than Mega Man and he's in, so why not?

If I am wrong, I will reveal a very dark secret that will shock everyone. The only hint that I will give is that it is not Ridley or Pikmin-related. Otherwise, I am keeping you entirely in the dark here. I am not afraid to tell it should Ridley be disconfirmed (the only condition is that Ridley is not playable in SSB 3DS & Wii U). If Ridley is in as a playable character, I will come back to celebrate with all of you when the longest fight for a character is finally over.

And with this I fly away from Smashboards. It has been fantastic (if sometimes frustrating) to be part of this forum and one that I will never forget going into the future. This will be my last post on this forum until we learn of Ridley's fate. For now, I have other things I wish to accomplish in my life and for the moment, it is time to put video game forums behind. So, might as well leave with an interesting post.

Make sure to hold me to this. By that I mean if I were to somehow come back, remind me of this post and I will again leave. And if Ridley does get disconfirmed, make sure to remind me of what I will reveal on that faithful day.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I've decided to raise the stakes for myself.

I am going to put my reputation on the line to say this.

Ridley will be playable in Super Smash Bros. 3DS & Wii U

I pick Ridley for the character I risk my reputation on for various reasons (aside from the fact that I feel like taking a risk).

One is that Ridley has been one of the most prominent characters in discussions for potential SSB characters; he has been a popular request ever since pre-Melee and has been among the most wanted since pre-Brawl. Now the fourth most wanted character (counting the already confirmed Mega Man), Ridley has been a big part of the SSB speculation scene for a long time. After all, R.I.D.L.E.Y. is one of the most notorious groups of Smash fan bases that had ever been created and Ridley is a very heated topic himself to this day. We haven't achieved 13K+ posts for no reason, y'know?

Secondly, it is because I believe that Ridley will be playable in the game. While he's not Mewtwo-level of super obvious shoe-in, I feel confident enough that with all the things going for Ridley, that Sakurai will finally make him playable in this game. It has been a long wait for Ridley supporters, but I think that it will finally come to an end on a good note and since I believe that it is now or never for Ridley, I feel that a risky bet is worth it. Beside, I've always seen Ridley as more likely than Mega Man and he's in, so why not?

If I am wrong, I will reveal a very dark secret that will shock everyone. The only hint that I will give is that it is not Ridley or Pikmin-related. Otherwise, I am keeping you entirely in the dark here. I am not afraid to tell it should Ridley be disconfirmed (the only condition is that Ridley is not playable in SSB 3DS & Wii U). If Ridley is in as a playable character, I will come back to celebrate with all of you when the longest fight for a character is finally over.

And with this I fly away from Smashboards. It has been fantastic (if sometimes frustrating) to be part of this forum and one that I will never forget going into the future. This will be my last post on this forum until we learn of Ridley's fate. For now, I have other things I wish to accomplish in my life and for the moment, it is time to put video game forums behind. So, might as well leave with an interesting post.

Make sure to hold me to this. By that I mean if I were to somehow come back, remind me of this post and I will again leave. And if Ridley does get disconfirmed, make sure to remind me of what I will reveal on that faithful day.
Whoa.... Though I'm tempted to ask, what exactly made you do this?


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I've decided to raise the stakes for myself.

I am going to put my reputation on the line to say this.

Ridley will be playable in Super Smash Bros. 3DS & Wii U

I pick Ridley for the character I risk my reputation on for various reasons (aside from the fact that I feel like taking a risk).

One is that Ridley has been one of the most prominent characters in discussions for potential SSB characters; he has been a popular request ever since pre-Melee and has been among the most wanted since pre-Brawl. Now the fourth most wanted character (counting the already confirmed Mega Man), Ridley has been a big part of the SSB speculation scene for a long time. After all, R.I.D.L.E.Y. is one of the most notorious groups of Smash fan bases that had ever been created and Ridley is a very heated topic himself to this day. We haven't achieved 13K+ posts for no reason, y'know?

Secondly, it is because I believe that Ridley will be playable in the game. While he's not Mewtwo-level of super obvious shoe-in, I feel confident enough that with all the things going for Ridley, that Sakurai will finally make him playable in this game. It has been a long wait for Ridley supporters, but I think that it will finally come to an end on a good note and since I believe that it is now or never for Ridley, I feel that a risky bet is worth it. Beside, I've always seen Ridley as more likely than Mega Man and he's in, so why not?

If I am wrong, I will reveal a very dark secret that will shock everyone. The only hint that I will give is that it is not Ridley or Pikmin-related. Otherwise, I am keeping you entirely in the dark here. I am not afraid to tell it should Ridley be disconfirmed (the only condition is that Ridley is not playable in SSB 3DS & Wii U). If Ridley is in as a playable character, I will come back to celebrate with all of you when the longest fight for a character is finally over.

And with this I fly away from Smashboards. It has been fantastic (if sometimes frustrating) to be part of this forum and one that I will never forget going into the future. This will be my last post on this forum until we learn of Ridley's fate. For now, I have other things I wish to accomplish in my life and for the moment, it is time to put video game forums behind. So, might as well leave with an interesting post.

Make sure to hold me to this. By that I mean if I were to somehow come back, remind me of this post and I will again leave. And if Ridley does get disconfirmed, make sure to remind me of what I will reveal on that faithful day.
How is Ridley a risky character though? Everyone and their grandmother is predicting that it is his time.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I'll continue looking for that interview about Sheik, but I read it so long ago that I don't know if I'll find it again. Perhaps I was dreaming, I don't know.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
I've decided to raise the stakes for myself.

I am going to put my reputation on the line to say this.

Ridley will be playable in Super Smash Bros. 3DS & Wii U

I pick Ridley for the character I risk my reputation on for various reasons (aside from the fact that I feel like taking a risk).

One is that Ridley has been one of the most prominent characters in discussions for potential SSB characters; he has been a popular request ever since pre-Melee and has been among the most wanted since pre-Brawl. Now the fourth most wanted character (counting the already confirmed Mega Man), Ridley has been a big part of the SSB speculation scene for a long time. After all, R.I.D.L.E.Y. is one of the most notorious groups of Smash fan bases that had ever been created and Ridley is a very heated topic himself to this day. We haven't achieved 13K+ posts for no reason, y'know?

Secondly, it is because I believe that Ridley will be playable in the game. While he's not Mewtwo-level of super obvious shoe-in, I feel confident enough that with all the things going for Ridley, that Sakurai will finally make him playable in this game. It has been a long wait for Ridley supporters, but I think that it will finally come to an end on a good note and since I believe that it is now or never for Ridley, I feel that a risky bet is worth it. Beside, I've always seen Ridley as more likely than Mega Man and he's in, so why not?

If I am wrong, I will reveal a very dark secret that will shock everyone. The only hint that I will give is that it is not Ridley or Pikmin-related. Otherwise, I am keeping you entirely in the dark here. I am not afraid to tell it should Ridley be disconfirmed (the only condition is that Ridley is not playable in SSB 3DS & Wii U). If Ridley is in as a playable character, I will come back to celebrate with all of you when the longest fight for a character is finally over.

And with this I fly away from Smashboards. It has been fantastic (if sometimes frustrating) to be part of this forum and one that I will never forget going into the future. This will be my last post on this forum until we learn of Ridley's fate. For now, I have other things I wish to accomplish in my life and for the moment, it is time to put video game forums behind. So, might as well leave with an interesting post.

Make sure to hold me to this. By that I mean if I were to somehow come back, remind me of this post and I will again leave. And if Ridley does get disconfirmed, make sure to remind me of what I will reveal on that faithful day.
Well, it was nice seeing you here while it lasted.

How is Ridley a risky character though? Everyone and their grandmother is predicting that it is his time.
Really now? I see plenty of people saying Ridley won't be in.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Can we talk about how the assertion that, "Sheik and OoT aren't relevant" is a bad argument because of the OoT content in Smash 4?

Gerudo Valley stage, A trophy revealed today that is likely one of many from that game...

I'd say that kills any advantage Impa had by Smashboards standards anyway.
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