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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2013
As long as Ridley isn't playable, some people will argue that his size is the issue. Even if its a non-issue. I want to plays Ridley more than any other Nintendo newcomer. The only one I wanted more is Mega Man. I can't say that he's 100% likely. But I feel that Ridley will always have a shot in Smash. And that his chances are pretty good this time around, just that he isn't a guarantee.

But despite that being the case, I recognize he would have issues getting into Smash. I posted my reasoning for Ridley possibly not getting the previous games in the support thread. I could paste it over here.
I'd like to see them.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
As much as I know Noah would spite it because it came from me, I do indeed have a Pac-Man moveset:

Pac-Man is an all-round character that is designed to be a cross between classic Pac-Man and Modern Pac-Man, wielding almost every ability he possesses in all the game’s he’s appeared in. He can utilize the use of pellets, rolls, bounces, and more to take on opponents, and as you’d expect, everything Pac-Man says is backed by his classic 8-bit sound effects, as he does not outright talk.

Pac-Man, being an all-round character, is also of an average size and an average weight, being almost equal to Mario in said category, although his special moves allow for him to stand out from the super-balanced plumber in terms of overall effective use. To play Pac-Man, you just need to learn to go with the flow, just like you would Mario, making Pac-Man one of the more beginner-friendly characters in the game.

Standard A Combo: Twin Pac-Punch (x2, 7% total) (Two punch combo, second punch has better range)

Forward + A: Pac-Kick (9%) (A forward kick with the underside of his shoe)

Up + A: Jump Punch (9%) (Short jump upward, delivering a punch)

Down + A: Low Punch (8%) (Kneels down, striking at the opponent's feet)

Dash Attack: Pac-Roll (8%) (Spins along and comes to a stop, goes through opponents)

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral A: Spin Roll (12%) (Spins around to attack)

Forward + A: Pellet Punch (14%) (With a pellet in hand, delivers a powerful forward punch)

Up + A: Upper Kick (10%) (Does a flipping kick in the air)

Backward + A: Backward Kick (12%) (Turns around and delivers a Sobat kick behind him)

Down + A: Steel Body (Drops out of air) (10%) (Body turns to steel, enabling the ability to drop out of the air)

Smash Attacks:

Forward Smash: Pac-Chomp (24%) (Performs a chomp attack in front of him)

Down Smash: Roll Shock (21%) (Rolls into a ball, spinning in place to create electric shock)

Up Smash: Flip Kick (21%) (Does a high flip kick, similar in look to Jon Talbain's Climb Laser)


Grab: Pac-Man grabs the opponent

Pummel: Pac-Man punches the opponent with his other hand (2%)

Forward Throw: Pac-Man chomps for a Pellet, striking the opponent in the process (10%)

Up Throw: Pac-Man does a lunging uppercut to knock the opponent into the air (9%)

Down Throw: Pac-Man will run around the opponent, activating his Ribbon Ring ability to damage the opponent (12%)

Back Throw: Pac-Man will toss the opponent behind him (9%)

Standard Special: Pac-Dot Shoot (Charge attack, hold B Button charge up pellet, release for more damage, 8-23%)

Side Special: Rev Roll (Runs in place, then rolls forward. Bounces off opponents, can attack afterwards to continue or start combos 9-15%)

Up Special: Pac-Dot Line (A line of pac-dots appear, Pac-Man flying through the air and chomping on them. Can control trajectory of pac-dot line to increase recovery success. 9% on contact)

Down Special: Butt Bounce (Bounce on the ground, holding the B button will allow you to bounce multiple times, enabling for possible recovery, continuing combos, and being able to bounce off opponents and OTG downed opponents. Can be used as a strong combo continuer

Final Smash: Power Pellet (Eats Power Pellet, becomes classic arcade Pac-Man. Snack on opponents for an insta-KO, lasts a short amount of time)


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I can't stand the thought of him in this game anyway. Not in place of Snake. It's such an uncreative choice for a character.
Pac-Man is probably the most dull and bland choice available. No offense to Pac-Man fans, but this guy is a joke. Maybe it's the god awful reboot of him that makes me hat him, but when you get down to it he's an unappealing character to begin with.

I can come up with better moves for Diskun.

And yeah, Sakurai will replace Snake with Pac-Man when he replaces Mewtwo with Cleffa.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
The only one I've seen is the one where he eats people like Wario, shoot pellets like Mega Man (I'll assume that one was phoned in), and does a short roll like a poor man's version of Sonic.

Again, these seem phoned in assuming this isn't actually from Pac-Man World. I've never played it. The only interesting one was the pellet chain as an upward B and the Power Pellet for Final Smash.

Seriously, though. What does he do in Pac-Man World.
Here's stuff from the Pac-Man World games I can remember.

Ground Pound, Pellet Chain, Electric Powers, Rev-Roll, and a Metal Suit. So all in all, basic platformer powers. Which can make a decent moveset, but not a great one.

He also had this weird laser thing where he runs around the enemy and causes a Firey Explosion of Death.

In Pac-Man 2, he can use a Slingshot.

In his new Pac-Man game, he can use Fire, Ice, Magnet, and Chameleon powers.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
It'd be much easier to stomach a potential Pac-Man inclusion if his inclusion were for literally any other reason than him being in the right place at the right time.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Not in place of Snake. It's such an uncreative choice for a character.
This I CAN NOT STAND. He's only uncreative if you don't try to make a moveset for him which apparently no one tries to because "oh, pac-man deserves hate, he's a hasbin, no potential anywhere besides boring world games, waaah." Also, how would he be taking snake's spot? Did we all forget Scolosis Jones' post on how they won't go back on third party contracts for anther 3rd party? We can have both. Its not impossible. Im sorry for the rude tone, but pac-man supporters have been getting this sort of bull**** since the game was announced. Sorry in advance..


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Here's stuff from the Pac-Man World games I can remember.

Ground Pound, Pellet Chain, Electric Powers, Rev-Roll, and a Metal Suit. So all in all, basic platformer powers. Which can make a decent moveset, but not a great one.

He also had this weird laser thing where he runs around the enemy and causes a Firey Explosion of Death.

In Pac-Man 2, he can use a Slingshot.

In his new Pac-Man game, he can use Fire, Ice, Magnet, and Chameleon powers.
I don't know it doesn't feel right. I mean Mega Man and Sonic's moves were from classic games. And I can't even imagine Sakurai acknowledging the Ghostly Adventures.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
Such a polite man! Yes, I shall post my moveset now.

[collapse="APC99's Homemade Pac-Man Moveset!)"]

Jab: Shockwave Punches. Pac-Man punches twice with alternating hands, and then with a blow that sends a shockwave forward.
F-Tilt: Chomp. Pac-Man chomps forward. This move can deal combos, similar to Fox and Captain Falcon’s jab, with never-ending chomping as long as you mash the button.
U-Tilt: Dig Dug. He lifts up a Pooka into the air as it inflates and explodes above him. Occasionally he’ll pull out a Fygar, which will breathe fire as it inflates.
D-Tilt: Blazing Kick. Pac-Man performs Lee Chaolan’s Blazing Kick from Tekken, with fiery blasts surrounding his leg as he performs it.
Dash Attack: Pac-Mode. Pac-Man chomps forward as you are now in Pac-Mode. This means, like the game, you can input to a side to change direction, and you chomp neverendingly. The only way to escape Pac-Mode is to either hit a ledge or input another move (jump, special, grab, etc.).
N-Air: Enemies. the 4 Ghosts (Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde) materialize around him in a defensive barrier and then spread out in separate directions, similar to Leaf Shield from MM2.
F-Air: Flip Kick. Pac-Man performs his Flip Kick from the Pac-Man World series.
B-Air: Pac and Pal. Pac-Man spins around as a card from Pac & Pal appears and he chomps it as it begins to spin around continuously in the spot it was generated in for about 5 seconds.
U-Air: Rally-X. He spins in the air as a Rally-X car appears and drives straight into the sky above Pac-Man.
D-Air: Super Ball. Pac-Man retracts his arms & legs and enters his Super Ball Form, he bounces downwards like a meteor smash but now can bounce off of platforms or footstool immediately as well as do aerials to stop his form. If you input this again while in Super Ball Form, Pac-Man can now roll across the stage and chomp. This too, can easily be reverted back to normal using another input.
F-Smash: Demon Fang. Like the classic move in Tales of Symphonia, Pac-Man slams his fist into the ground as a shock wave travels through the ground.
U-Smash: Uppercut. Pac-Man performs his infamous uppercut.
D-Smash: Super Pac-Dot Shoot. Pac-Man spins around as he releases Pac-Dots all around him.
Grab: Hungry Bite. Pac-Man lunges forward with an arm and a primed mouth, as he pulls the opponent into his mouth.
Pummel: Quick Crunch. He continually chomps the opponent.
F-Throw: Pac-Dot Shoot. Pac-Man pushes the opponent forward as several Pac-Dots follow after them.
B-Throw: Xevious. Pac-Man throws the Xevious Ship with the opponent on it as the ship blasts them with lasers.
U-Throw: Wind Bullet. Pac-Man pulls out Klonoa’s Wind Ring and uses it to push the opponent upwards with a gust of wind.
D-Throw: Galaxian. Pac-Man waves his hand as the Galaxian Flagship pixelates onto the screen and blasts a laser down onto the opponent.
N-Special: Pac-Dot. Pac-Man pulls out his pellet container and eats a Pac-Dot. This Pac-Dot can have random effects on Pac-Man, including:
  • Mega Pellet: Pac-Man burps out the pac-dot as it grows into a Mega Pellet and is now thrown at an angle like Mega Man’s Metal Blade. It ricochets off platforms, shields, opponents or items twice before it falls helplessly and fades away.
  • Cherry: This heals 5% of Pac-Man’s damage as he rubs his stomach and enjoys the well-deserved taste of a cherry.
  • Accidental Eyeballs: He’ll burp out a pair of eyes as it materializes into one of the 4 ghosts. They fly forward until they hit off-stage. Only difference between ghosts is the hitboxes; Clyde’s is a lot bigger than the others.
  • Cyan Pill: Pac-Man will gain a duplicate copy that lasts for 7 seconds as it does everything Pac-Man does, but reversed.
  • Metal Pac: Pac-Man gains the effects of a Metal Box.
  • Shrink Pellet: Pac-Man will accidentally shrink in size as if a Poison Mushroom hit him.
  • Red Ribbon: When Pac-Man dashes, a trail of red energy follows him that deals damage for a limited time.
  • Electro-Shock: Pac-Man releases a blast of electricity from his palms that stuns opponents.
Although this move has a bit of start-up lag, it’s results allow it to have a variety of attacks to make sure he has balanced gameplay.
F-Special: Rev Roll. Pac-Man dashes forward similarly to Squirtle’s Forward Special, allowing him to be more maneuverable than other rev attacks by other characters.
U-Special: Pac-Chain. A trail of dots (about 5) appear in whatever formation you tilt the control stick. Pac-Man follows these dots and then enters helpless, hoping you reach a platform or ledge.
D-Special: Butt Bounce. Pac-Man bounces down using his butt, and can bounce back upwards 3 times before the move ends.

Final Smash: Super Pac-Man. Pac-Man swallows a Power Pellet as he increases in size and becomes the original arcade sprite of Pac-Man, except bigger. All opponents assume a blue shade as Pac-Man is invincible and can now go multi-directional and chomp them, landing an instant KO. [/collapse]

The reason Pac-Man uses other Namco-Bandai arcade games as move references, as well as other Namco references, is because he is, essentially, the arcade rep. With several other games, Pac-Man can represent the history of video games itself. Although R.O.B. doesn't use other abilities, how does that mean Pac-Man shouldn't? Is it against some rule that characters have to use moves originating from them? Besides, Pac-Man HAS used several of these before. In Pac and Pal, Pac-Man can use the Galaxian Flagship and Rally-X Car. In his crossovers with Mario Kart, Pac-Man uses a Pooka from Dig Dug. Pac-Man was a character in a Tekken game, and has ties to Klonoa and SoulCalibur. So, just for you guys, I've also prepared "spare" moves to show that Pac-Man is possible without such moves.

[collapse="APC99's Spare Replacement Moves (for a non-Namco referencing moveset)"]

D-Throw: Pac-Man body slams the opponent under the effects of a Power Stomp.
U-Throw: Pac-Man jumps as a B-Doing appears below him and he bounces upward with the opponent, spinning in their face.
B-Throw: Pac-Man goes into Pac-Mode and pushes the opponent backwards with his incessant chomping.
U-Tilt: Pac-Man breathes icy cold breath above him, like in Pac and Pal, as it freezes opponents above him.
F-Smash: Pac-Man releases several tiny Pac-Men (from Pac and Pal) as they home in on the opponent and bite a few times before “dying”.
U-Air: Pac-Man does a spin similar to Kirby, but it ends with him burping eyeballs upwards.
D-Tilt: Pac-Man throws a cherry which bounces up and down in an arc in front of him. [/collapse]


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
I don't know it doesn't feel right. I mean Mega Man and Sonic's moves were from classic games. And I can't even imagine Sakurai acknowledging the Ghostly Adventures.
That's because platforming characters always have their moves set for them on a silver platter. For arcade characters, it requires actual thought and creativity.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
As much as I know Noah would spite it because it came from me, I do indeed have a Pac-Man moveset:

Pac-Man is an all-round character that is designed to be a cross between classic Pac-Man and Modern Pac-Man, wielding almost every ability he possesses in all the game’s he’s appeared in. He can utilize the use of pellets, rolls, bounces, and more to take on opponents, and as you’d expect, everything Pac-Man says is backed by his classic 8-bit sound effects, as he does not outright talk.

Pac-Man, being an all-round character, is also of an average size and an average weight, being almost equal to Mario in said category, although his special moves allow for him to stand out from the super-balanced plumber in terms of overall effective use. To play Pac-Man, you just need to learn to go with the flow, just like you would Mario, making Pac-Man one of the more beginner-friendly characters in the game.

Standard A Combo: Twin Pac-Punch (x2, 7% total) (Two punch combo, second punch has better range)

Forward + A: Pac-Kick (9%) (A forward kick with the underside of his shoe)

Up + A: Jump Punch (9%) (Short jump upward, delivering a punch)

Down + A: Low Punch (8%) (Kneels down, striking at the opponent's feet)

Dash Attack: Pac-Roll (8%) (Spins along and comes to a stop, goes through opponents)

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral A: Spin Roll (12%) (Spins around to attack)

Forward + A: Pellet Punch (14%) (With a pellet in hand, delivers a powerful forward punch)

Up + A: Upper Kick (10%) (Does a flipping kick in the air)

Backward + A: Backward Kick (12%) (Turns around and delivers a Sobat kick behind him)

Down + A: Steel Body (Drops out of air) (10%) (Body turns to steel, enabling the ability to drop out of the air)

Smash Attacks:

Forward Smash: Pac-Chomp (24%) (Performs a chomp attack in front of him)

Down Smash: Roll Shock (21%) (Rolls into a ball, spinning in place to create electric shock)

Up Smash: Flip Kick (21%) (Does a high flip kick, similar in look to Jon Talbain's Climb Laser)


Grab: Pac-Man grabs the opponent

Pummel: Pac-Man punches the opponent with his other hand (2%)

Forward Throw: Pac-Man chomps for a Pellet, striking the opponent in the process (10%)

Up Throw: Pac-Man does a lunging uppercut to knock the opponent into the air (9%)

Down Throw: Pac-Man will run around the opponent, activating his Ribbon Ring ability to damage the opponent (12%)

Back Throw: Pac-Man will toss the opponent behind him (9%)

Standard Special: Pac-Dot Shoot (Charge attack, hold B Button charge up pellet, release for more damage, 8-23%)

Side Special: Rev Roll (Runs in place, then rolls forward. Bounces off opponents, can attack afterwards to continue or start combos 9-15%)

Up Special: Pac-Dot Line (A line of pac-dots appear, Pac-Man flying through the air and chomping on them. Can control trajectory of pac-dot line to increase recovery success. 9% on contact)

Down Special: Butt Bounce (Bounce on the ground, holding the B button will allow you to bounce multiple times, enabling for possible recovery, continuing combos, and being able to bounce off opponents and OTG downed opponents. Can be used as a strong combo continuer

Final Smash: Power Pellet (Eats Power Pellet, becomes classic arcade Pac-Man. Snack on opponents for an insta-KO, lasts a short amount of time)
You know as much as I hate to admit it this is actually a pretty cool moveset. I like that he doesn't talk the most.

Pac-Man is probably the most dull and bland choice available. No offense to Pac-Man fans, but this guy is a joke. Maybe it's the god awful reboot of him that makes me hat him, but when you get down to it he's an unappealing character to begin with.

I can come up with better moves for Diskun.

And yeah, Sakurai will replace Snake with Pac-Man when he replaces Mewtwo with Cleffa.
I don't hate the characters necessarily, but the new Reboot is the worst thing ever. All of the characters are ugly and PacMan's voice is the most annoying voice I've ever heard. The only noteworthy thing about that show's that it has Applejack and Rainbow Dash's voice actress on it.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I'd like to see them.
Ok here you go. Let me just say, I would really like it if Ridley was playable. But he isn't a lock.

You would think that Smash being a non-canon game to every series present would be enough, but it isn't.

I think the reason for Ridley not being added in previous installments has to do with balance. In the Metroid series, he's actually one of the smaller bosses. Mostly being a speedy fighter in the air. But he is still comparable to Bowser and Beast Ganon in size, in that they are considerably larger than their rivals. Sakurai and the other devs likes to get the characters personalities and abilities accurately. This is why Falco kicks his reflector in a cocky manner. Or why Mega Man is mostly a ranged fighter, though why Mega Man doesn't smile is weird, since he can in his series.

Why this could hurt Ridley's chances has to do with one of those quotes. Sakurai said something along the lines of this "With our best efforts, Ridley can work, but he would be a little slow. Is that OK?" Forgive me if the quote isn't 100% accurate. I'm going off of memory.

In the Metroid series, Ridley is big, fast and powerful. This works as he is an enemy to overcome. But in Smash, he would need to axe one of these traits to be playable. But that isn't completely correctly representing the character, something that the devs care about deeply in this series. It would make the most sense for bigger characters like Ridley to deal a lot of damage when put into a playable role. But not so much if they can out run characters like Link or Mario.

I feel that Ridley would need to be a slow character to get into Smash. Re-sizing him is of no issue. But making the character feel like they are playing the same Ridley from the Metroid series is an issue.

I still have my hopes for seeing him playable in Smash, he's a cool villain. And no one can convince me not to root for him. But like all characters, certain changes will need to be made to mesh in well with the rest of the cast. In this case, making him slow so that he isn't as cheap as Meta-Knight was in Brawl.

Sorry for the wall of text. Heh.
Anyway, That's why I think Ridley wasn't in Melee or Brawl. He'll hopefully be in Smash 4, he deserves it.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
These Pac-Man move sets don't seem to have anything to do with the original Pac-Man nor do they seem to be iconic to him. This is like trivial source material. I don't think Sakurai will add a third-party character if he has to dig THIS deep into obscurity in order to make him the least bit feasible.

And before you say anything, I don't like to compare First Party Criteria to Third Party Criteria. So I wouldn't use "Oh, Captain Falcon had no moves" as a defense.

What happened to Pac-Man?


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
These Pac-Man move sets don't seem to have anything to do with the original Pac-Man nor do they seem to be iconic to him. This is like trivial source material. I don't think Sakurai will add a third-party character if he has to dig THIS deep into obscurity in order to make him the least bit feasible.

What happened to Pac-Man?
Toru Iwata quit, and then Namco tried to revive him by stuffing him into everything...
At least the pacman world games were fun :)
Okay, its official. When my headache disappears after some much-needed rest, i'll make an ICONIC pac-man moveset because I feel like it is my sole obligation to show that pac-man is not just a washed up hasbin and that he can be in ssb4 as a truly unique character that everyone can come to love, as I do...

Well now that I just spilled out my undying admiration for pac-man, i'll leave you with that and see you after my rest.
That's all folks.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
It's just all the ones suggested are generic or pathetic. I mean shooting pellets and rolling? Really? People say he's got Pac-Man World ****, but I don't even know what that stuff is or if it's good. Nobody ever suggests anything specific from it.
Here's a little something that just came to mind. Granted, it's not an entire moveset.
How 'bout Pac-Man's neutral special would drop a pellet at the position where he currently is. He would be able to do this a total of five times before pellets start being replaced.
When another button combination, such as side-special, is pressed over a previously placed pellet, and if another pellet was placed close enough to the one he starts at, Pac-Man would start chain-eating them like in Pac-Man World.
Here's footage that kind of shows what I'm talking about:
When Pac-Man hits another fighter while riding the chain, they'll get hit with some average knockback and damage. In order to avoid punishment from finishing the move, (since where the attack ends will be very predictable) Pac would move fairly fast while riding the chain and would end the chain with little lag.
As I said, it's not an entire moveset, but it's a little somethin'! Granted, I don't personally support Pac-Man, but that's not to say I see no potential.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I really try to see this from others point of view. But, I simply don't think Pac-Man is deserving or meant for Smash Brothers. Best spotlight him in racing games like Mario Kart and Sonic & SE- oh, wait I forgot they're only doing 4th Parties now.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2013
These Pac-Man move sets don't seem to have anything to do with the original Pac-Man nor do they seem to be iconic to him. This is like trivial source material. I don't think Sakurai will add a third-party character if he has to dig THIS deep into obscurity in order to make him the least bit feasible.

And before you say anything, I don't like to compare First Party Criteria to Third Party Criteria. So I wouldn't use "Oh, Captain Falcon had no moves" as a defense.

What happened to Pac-Man?
The original Pac-Man did one thing- Chomp.

I really try to see this from others point of view. But, I simply don't think Pac-Man is deserving or meant for Smash Brothers. Best spotlight him in racing games like Mario Kart and Sonic & SE- oh, wait I forgot they're only doing 4th Parties now.
Well, he has been in two Mario Kart games, not retail releases though. Arcade games.
Last edited by a moderator:


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Here's a little something that just came to mind. Granted, it's not an entire moveset.
How 'bout Pac-Man's neutral special would drop a pellet at the position where he currently is. He would be able to do this a total of five times before pellets start being replaced.
When another button combination, such as side-special, is pressed over a previously placed pellet, and if another pellet was placed close enough to the one he starts at, Pac-Man would start chain-eating them like in Pac-Man World.
Here's footage that kind of shows what I'm talking about:
When Pac-Man hits another fighter while riding the chain, they'll get hit with some average knockback and damage. In order to avoid punishment from finishing the move, (since where the attack ends will be very predictable) Pac would move fairly fast while riding the chain and would end the chain with little lag.
As I said, it's not an entire moveset, but it's a little somethin'! Granted, I don't personally support Pac-Man, but that's not to say I see no potential.
I read move sets where Tom Nook threw furniture and Diskun swung on a Famicom Controller cord. And those were the most desperate, phoned in move sets I heard until I read this.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
These Pac-Man move sets don't seem to have anything to do with the original Pac-Man nor do they seem to be iconic to him. This is like trivial source material. I don't think Sakurai will add a third-party character if he has to dig THIS deep into obscurity in order to make him the least bit feasible.

And before you say anything, I don't like to compare First Party Criteria to Third Party Criteria. So I wouldn't use "Oh, Captain Falcon had no moves" as a defense.

What happened to Pac-Man?
I wouldn't say that Pac-Man World is digging all that deep. They were sort of his main games in the PS2/Gamecube days. He's a character that has a lot of history, and the Pac-Man World games were considered pretty good by most. Not to say that those games need to be in his moveset though.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
What does he do in Pac-Man World.
-Eating, which automatically happens when Pac-Man gets near a ghost or items.
-Butt Bounce, where Pac-Man bounces like a rubberball that activates buttons and defeats small enemies.
-Rev-roll, where similar to Sonic's Spin Dash, Pac-Man starts jogging in place then flings himself forward in a ball. Used to get across gaps and can be used as an attack to defeat most enemies.
-A flip kick, designed for destroying enemies and objects above Pac-Man.
-A move where Pac-Man follows a trail of pac-dots if Pac-Man eats a red one, similar in concept to Sonic's Light Speed Dash.
-A metal pac-dot that turns him into metal, allowing him to walk on the bottom of a pool of water.
-A tiny pac-dot that shrinks Pac-Man in size.
-Shooting Pac-dots as a projectile, called the Pac-Dot Shoot. A more powerful variation also exists called the Super Pac-Dot Shoot.
-Shooting electricity called Electro Shock.
-Creating weird ribbons called Ribbon Ring Power.
-Generic punches


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
It's okay to not like it, Pac-Man is basically the the Nickelback of Smash Bros characters at this point.
No, I do like it. Sure, it's mostly just basic melee attacks, but its not much more creative than Sonic or the potential Little Mac. And nobody would notice Pacman's moveset is boring because of the novelty of playing as Pacman in Super Smash Bros.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Yeah, even after hearing all this. I'm still not convinced that Pac-Man can be anything, but bland or silly.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
No, I do like it. Sure, it's mostly just basic melee attacks, but its not much more creative than Sonic or the potential Little Mac. And nobody would notice Pacman's moveset is boring because of the novelty of playing as Pacman in Super Smash Bros.
Well, I do plan to design a new moveset for Pac-Man soon, so I'll try to not make it boring. As for Little Mac, I actually designed Little Mac to be very unique.



Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Yeah, even after hearing all this. I'm still not convinced that Pac-Man can be anything, but bland or silly.
Ah, don't be so hard on the guy. It's not like there any better Namco newcomers that are likely.
Also, what is Pacman doing in your signature on the far right? Is it for the irony?


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Yeah, even after hearing all this. I'm still not convinced that Pac-Man can be anything, but bland or silly.
My main problem is that people are kind of playing it way too safe with the idea of Pac-Man, often thinking very straight forward with what he could do instead trying to expand beyond what they can see. Not even a play style is suggested, from what I've seen.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
why is their company relevant?

In case he actually does get in. I'm not denying it's remotely likely.
Many people do like their games. But it's mostly due to Namco helping out with making Smash 4. None of their characters are really as iconic as Pac-Man though. Their other big franchises are Tekken, Tales, Soul Calibur, and Klonoa just to name a few.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
My main problem is that people are kind of playing it way too safe with the idea of Pac-Man, often thinking very straight forward with what he could do instead trying to expand beyond what they can see. Not even a play style is suggested, from what I've seen.
I suppose that is the problem with all of our analysis. We can think up a million different movesets but we can't think of a way that they would all work together.

why is their company relevant?

In case he actually does get in. I'm not denying it's remotely likely.
If he does get in, my only hope is that they do like they did with Megaman and go with the classic design as opposed to his hideous new design. If they do this then I would warmly welcome him into Smash Bros. But they won't, so I won't.

But if we're being hopeful here I would much rather have Lloyd as a Namco representative


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Try looking at APCs moveset above.
I already did.

If he does get in, my only hope is that they do like they did with Megaman and go with the classic design as opposed to his hideous new design. If they do this then I would warmly welcome him into Smash Bros. But they won't, so I won't.
Why wouldn't he use his classic design?


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
A playstyle for Pac-Man is actually alot harder to think of because he does alot of things and doesn't just excel at one or two skills. He's got combat, he's got pellets, he's got power berries, he's got Pac-World abilities, he's very well-encompassed and balanced at what he does. It hard to think of anything that goes beyond being a strongly balanced character.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I would say Zoroark and Genesect are in the same position as Debbie; popular for a time; but less so now. I'm confident Lucario, Mewtwo, and all the Pokes from Brawl will return.
New topic: if there was a new Pokemon(s) representing the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, or 6th gen of Pokemon, who would it be?
For second, I choose a Johto Trainer with Totodile, Bayleef and Typhlosion. For third, I choose Plusle & Minun as a semi clone of Pikachu. For 6th, I pick Hawlucha, obviously.
And nobody likes B/W.
2nd: Scizor or Pichu
3rd: Deoxys
5th: Genesect, Zoroark, or some form of legendary duo.
6th: Hawlucha or Gen 6 trainer with Chespin, Braixen and Greninja

And I love B/W, it and B2W2 form one of my favorite generations alongside 2.
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