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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Deleted member

Pichu's not coming back. I think a better replacement would be Plusle and Minun.

Why Plusle and Minun? Because they were supposed to be in Brawl. They could play just like Pichu, and have the two-characters effect of Ice Climbers.

I give up. I just....give up. It's not you personally, it's just.....I've explained to people that "pra_mai" isn't Plusle and Minun so many times that seeing someone say otherwise just....rustles my jimmies.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I give up. I just....give up. It's not you personally, it's just.....I've explained to people that "pra_mai" isn't Plusle and Minun so many times that seeing someone say otherwise just....rustles my jimmies.
Well...um, I'm sorry? That wasn't really what I wanted everyone to take from that. I just thought that it would be cool and way better than Pichu for may reasons.

Deleted member

Well...um, I'm sorry? That wasn't really what I wanted everyone to take from that. I just thought that it would be cool and way better than Pichu for may reasons.
I'm well aware it wasn't your intention. Hence why I brought up that it's not you personally.

It's just that......


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
My History with Smashboards is a long one. Don't let my join date fool you, I've observed these forums for years.
Optional Post Reading:
So some of my good friends used to go on Smashboards years ago. Eventually, after Brawl, they grew tired of the discussion and quit. But, it was around that time I grew to really love Melee. So I looked around the forums, thought about joining... until I saw the pre-Brawl community. Dear mother of god, it was a mess. Like, horrible. You think the Fire Emblem stuff was bad, those who know what was there know of the horrific tales back then. And the madness that ensued after.

So, I was drawn off from Smashboards. I checked back around 2010 every week or so to see how it was growing, was still drawn off. Though this is mostly because of Project M. Me and my friends started at 1.0. We've played PM a long time since then. So, I begin to go with SmashMods, since they had forums there. 2013 dawns upon us. I decide to take a break from Smash overall, including P:M once I saw that the SmashMods forums were going down. Cue March. I get interested in what users like Shun-One offered in the form of Mods and the like. Then, once Smash 4 was revealed, I decided to eventually join the forums after observing silently in the Nocturne. My first haunts being the Project M forums and the like, I didn't really post much till RTC came around, and then I really got into the community. In the months that have gone, I've became a strange and solid formidable force despite my little post count (Quality over quantity), joined the Smash 4 Speculation Community, and became immersed into this very thread itself. Someday I'll probably make a few threads here or there, but right now, I'm loving where I am in Smashboards. We've got a much better community than many other networks because we use logic and reasoning a lot more. I'm glad to have joined such a wonderful community and will be here for years and years, producing logic and hype, along with many, many Naoto Forum Weapons.


Now that whole song and dance is finished... BACK TO DISCUSSION!
Or well... someone care to explain what exactly I just walked into? Again? I was about to shatter SuperBrawler's dreams by explaining why Pichu has no chance...


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Golden is cooler now because peanuts video.
@ Gunla Gunla Sorry 2 people caught me off guard, sorry. carry on with your stuffs.

Quoting still makes me quote....... smashboards stahp.

(G-S.N) Chicago Ben

Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2013
My History with Smashboards is a long one. Don't let my join date fool you, I've observed these forums for years.
Optional Post Reading:
So some of my good friends used to go on Smashboards years ago. Eventually, after Brawl, they grew tired of the discussion and quit. But, it was around that time I grew to really love Melee. So I looked around the forums, thought about joining... until I saw the pre-Brawl community. Dear mother of god, it was a mess. Like, horrible. You think the Fire Emblem stuff was bad, those who know what was there know of the horrific tales back then. And the madness that ensued after.

So, I was drawn off from Smashboards. I checked back around 2010 every week or so to see how it was growing, was still drawn off. Though this is mostly because of Project M. Me and my friends started at 1.0. We've played PM a long time since then. So, I begin to go with SmashMods, since they had forums there. 2013 dawns upon us. I decide to take a break from Smash overall, including P:M once I saw that the SmashMods forums were going down. Cue March. I get interested in what users like Shun-One offered in the form of Mods and the like. Then, once Smash 4 was revealed, I decided to eventually join the forums after observing silently in the Nocturne. My first haunts being the Project M forums and the like, I didn't really post much till RTC came around, and then I really got into the community. In the months that have gone, I've became a strange and solid formidable force despite my little post count (Quality over quantity), joined the Smash 4 Speculation Community, and became immersed into this very thread itself. Someday I'll probably make a few threads here or there, but right now, I'm loving where I am in Smashboards. We've got a much better community than many other networks because we use logic and reasoning a lot more. I'm glad to have joined such a wonderful community and will be here for years and years, producing logic and hype, along with many, many Naoto Forum Weapons.


Now that whole song and dance is finished... BACK TO DISCUSSION!
Or well... someone care to explain what exactly I just walked into? Again? I was about to shatter SuperBrawler's dreams by explaining why Pichu has no chance...

Because you want waddle dee
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wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
If this thead ends up getting locked prematurely, I'm not going to be happy. So much double posting and memes, and we're already way off topic.

Because you want waddle dee
And Chandelure will come spear your head off, courtesy of the Waddle Dee Support Society.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
Now that whole song and dance is finished... BACK TO DISCUSSION!
Or well... someone care to explain what exactly I just walked into? Again? I was about to shatter SuperBrawler's dreams by explaining why Pichu has no chance...
Wow, thanks, friend.

Nah, I'm just messing with you.

Oops, broke the quote. It was from BigAxle.

Deleted member


Alright, alright, let's knock off the insanity. We don't want this thread to be locked away too, do we?

So......Giga Bowser.
An upright version would be hella freaky.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I thought we all fantasized about fictional characters...
I fantasize about Ghirahim...

...In Smash Bros.

Hey! You're Big Green again!

If this thead ends up getting locked prematurely, I'm not going to be happy. So much double posting and memes, and we're already way off topic.
There's so many people talking at once. It's hard for everyone to stay focused.

I think Plusle & Minun as a team would be cute and also a 3rd gen rep!
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