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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
60-70 characters.
Also, use these hypothetical events in addition to the ones I said.
* A new Startopics game came out for thrii
* Nintendo land 2 comes out and is a major game for the thrii
* Captain n comes back
* Nintendo vs Capcom is a thing
* Takumaru gets a new game
* Nintendo either buys Sega, or becomes EXTREMELEY CLOSE.
* nintendo brings out a kart racer with lots of nintendo heroes
* New kid icarus game with Magnus as a major character.
* Daisy is in the new mario games as a major recurring character, and impa is in the new zelda games as a major, Skyward Sword like role.
* New mischef makers for wiiu
* New zelda "toonverse" game

OH! Because this thread is ALWAYS REALLY RELEVENT!
But seriously, it's just New Years Eve celebration.
As for MY SSB5 roster, I'll make it tonight and post it later.
Alright, I've decided!

No cuts, as everything's become rather important to Nintendo. And, slight mistake on my part, replace Conker with Nintendog.


Toad (Super Mario Bros. series)
Waluigi (WarioWare series)
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong series)
Skull Kid (Legend of Zelda series)
Deoxys (Pokemon series)
Dark Samus (Metroid series)
Medusa (Kid Icarus series)
Roy (Fire Emblem series)
Kamek (Yoshi's Island series)
Marina (Mischief Makers series)
Mike Jones (StarTropics series)
Porky Minch (EarthBound series)
Samurai Goroh (F-Zero series)
Krystal (Star Fox series)
Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
Banjo & Kazooie (Rareware series)
Nintendog (Nintendogs series)
Rayman (Rayman series)

E3 2020 starts off with Mario, Link, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Samus, Pikachu, Fox, Ice Climbers, Pit and Villager shown off as veterans. Then, we see a yo-yo smack Mario in the face, revealed to be Mike Jones. The trailer shows off gameplay, then "ends", only to show off Banjo-Kazooie in their full glory. We also get Nintendog later that day.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
what are you guys favorite totally unlikely pokemon you want in smash?
Why not I do that from roster maker? Better yet, make it Brawl-style based on the roster maker currently:

Halucha and Geninja would be two others I would add in though

I really hope for more of the controversial veterans would be revealed like Wolf, Lucario, and my main man Ike. Mostly to shut up the people who say they should be cut.
Very much agree here

So here's an alt to my current roster. Version 7.4 X. Oooooh, yeah! It's got an X in it.
View attachment 5622
The alternate is Lyn. I still support Roy because he's the next most important and popular and is supposedly getting a remake. But, I wanted to try one with Lyn just in case Sakurai goes for the more unique character. It wouldn't be implausible considering he picked Rosalina over Paper Mario and Bowser Jr.
While I'm disappointed Roy isn't on there, I would 100% play that roster.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
So I was thinking of the possibility of having Banjo in Smash.
I realized that there actually is a possibility, but only under one condition,
if Nintendo is going to buy back Rare.

I could really see Nintendo buying back RareWare.
They seem to need it with the WiiU not being a success.

So let's say Nintendo is buying back RareWare.
IATA or someone else high up probably said to Sakurai, "Work on programming Banjo for smash bros for WiiU/3DS
Alright, I've decided!

No cuts, as everything's become rather important to Nintendo. And, slight mistake on my part, replace Conker with Nintendog.


Toad (Super Mario Bros. series)
Waluigi (WarioWare series)
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong series)
Skull Kid (Legend of Zelda series)
Deoxys (Pokemon series)
Dark Samus (Metroid series)
Medusa (Kid Icarus series)
Roy (Fire Emblem series)
Kamek (Yoshi's Island series)
Marina (Mischief Makers series)
Mike Jones (StarTropics series)
Porky Minch (EarthBound series)
Samurai Goroh (F-Zero series)
Krystal (Star Fox series)
Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
Banjo & Kazooie (Rareware series)
Nintendog (Nintendogs series)
Rayman (Rayman series)

E3 2020 starts off with Mario, Link, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Samus, Pikachu, Fox, Ice Climbers, Pit and Villager shown off as veterans. Then, we see a yo-yo smack Mario in the face, revealed to be Mike Jones. The trailer shows off gameplay, then "ends", only to show off Banjo-Kazooie in their full glory. We also get Nintendog later that day.
My only comments on this are:
Krystal, as Marcus and the new Starfox are the main character of the next SF game
Porky Minch, since there is a new main Mother character, and I forgot to mention Giygas is the main villain of that Earthbound game.

Everything else seems pretty good!


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hmm I guess you guys look cute-ish.

I swear if you guys are messing around I'll hunt you down. :evil:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2013
New York City
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hmm I guess you guys look cute-ish.

I swear if you guys are messing around I'll hunt you down. :evil:
Yeah, well, as long as they're cute I guess it's okay for them to stay. Otherwise it's simply not fair.

After all, first thing I do when I see a guy on the internet is check for a six-pack and perfect teeth. Ain't nobody but models on the internet.

(G-S.N) Chicago Ben

Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2013
Alright, I've decided!

No to waddle dee.....
Tails isn't the worst choice but a longshot
Tingle just ****ing scares me he kinda is a stalker.
Why the hell would skull kid be in it? He hasn't been a new major release since i was in preschool?

You got like 6-10 characters there that make no sense or have no possibility of making it

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Alright, I've decided!

No cuts, as everything's become rather important to Nintendo. And, slight mistake on my part, replace Conker with Nintendog.


Toad (Super Mario Bros. series)
Waluigi (WarioWare series)
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong series)
Skull Kid (Legend of Zelda series)
Deoxys (Pokemon series)
Dark Samus (Metroid series)
Medusa (Kid Icarus series)
Roy (Fire Emblem series)
Kamek (Yoshi's Island series)
Marina (Mischief Makers series)
Mike Jones (StarTropics series)
Porky Minch (EarthBound series)
Samurai Goroh (F-Zero series)
Krystal (Star Fox series)
Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
Banjo & Kazooie (Rareware series)
Nintendog (Nintendogs series)
Rayman (Rayman series)

E3 2020 starts off with Mario, Link, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Samus, Pikachu, Fox, Ice Climbers, Pit and Villager shown off as veterans. Then, we see a yo-yo smack Mario in the face, revealed to be Mike Jones. The trailer shows off gameplay, then "ends", only to show off Banjo-Kazooie in their full glory. We also get Nintendog later that day.
Conker and Banjo make me Happy and sad at the same time. I'm happy to see them on the roster, but sad at the realization of how unlikely it is. I'm just going to call it a bittersweet roster.

Anyways, weird topic, I'm surprised Saturn is all riled up, when it's normal to see females on the internet.

Deleted member

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hmm I guess you guys look cute-ish.

I swear if you guys are messing around I'll hunt you down. :evil:


me at the last Expo-manga

Yeah, well, as long as they're cute I guess it's okay for them to stay. Otherwise it's simply not fair.

After all, first thing I do when I see a guy on the internet is check for a six-pack and perfect teeth. Ain't nobody but models on the internet.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
No to waddle dee.....
Tails isn't the worst choice but a longshot
Tingle just ****ing scares me he kinda is a stalker.
Why the **** skull kid? He hasn't been a new major release since i was in preschool?

You got like 6-10 characters there that make no sense or have no possibility of making it
This is for a forum game, not the real SSB4...

But what do you have against Waddle Dee and Tingle, my "friend"?
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