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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Cutting Snake, ROB, Wolf, Ike, Pokemon Trainer, and Lucario... we will not get that many cuts from all of those very unique characters.

First Column: Okay
Second: I doubt we'll see Kat/Ana. If we get a WarioWare rep, it'll be Mona, Ashley, or Jimmy T.
Third: Nope nope nope nope. Eight Zelda characters? Hell no. We'll be lucky just to have the five we had in Brawl.
Fourth: Sylux? Ridley or no one.
Fifth/Sixth: Okay.
Seventh: You cut Wolf, yet put in Krystal... and ****ing Panther? Seriously?
Eighth: Don't think Ike's getting cut... but I don't wanna talk about FE.
Ninth: May and Zoroark missed the boat. Zoroark is not as likely as everyone believed, and we are getting the regular Pokemon Trainer in Brawl or no Trainer at all.
Tenth: No Alph. I guess it'd be cool with him having Winged/Rock, but it's pretty redundant.
Eleventh: Meh.
Twelfth: I don't think we'll see Wonder Red, but it's slightly possible.
Thirteenth: You cut Snake... and added Lloyd Irving, who isn't even Namco's mascot. Really?


Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Do tell, how exactly is the concept too broken to fix? Meta Knight was just an example, he isn't the only character that needs fixing, obviously.
The concept of Sheik being the swift one with safe attacks, but no killer moves and Zelda being the slow, unsafe but 'glasscannon' character that's good for finishing should be a start to understand why. All Zelda's attacks are pretty much terrible. So bad in fact, that Rosalina uses a few of them now but had need of a Nana / Pikmin like duo system to make it worth anything but ****.

Sakurai has already stated that duo characters will be a problem this time around to implement on the 3DS version. So now you want a character that actually frequently changes mid-battle? Just to make an outdated character fit in?

Why you think they gave Zelda the Phantom as an attack? She needs a distraction on the field to actually be useful, to make it worth the risk of her attacks since if the enemy is gonna focus on her alone, she's gonna be screwed. :rolleyes:

Like I said, it was an example, of course those three need fixing, there are a few characters that need to be fixed.
And that right there is another issue, stop with the relevancy bull****. When is the last time Impa was relevant? Skyward Sword, which isn't even relevant anymore.

At the time of Smash's development, Skyward Sword was relevant however. And it's not like I argue relevance alone :rolleyes: Impa is most likely gonna be playable in Hyrule Warriors, given the nature of Dynasty Warriors. Alike, Impa has appeared, or cameo'd in all recent Zelda games to date. Even Wind Waker had a Impa cameo, and Twilight Princess had a mention, as well as a descendant of Impa appearing.

Love how you are acting up however. Seems like I won't be convincing you, but I'm gonna do so anyway. :reverse:

Then why wasn't Impa added back in Brawl's time?
Why didn't she even get a trophy?
This quote wasn't even directed at you in the first place, you don't have to get pissy and insult the Happy Mask Salesman. I'm not even seriously supporting him in the first place, I'm just having a bit of fun with him. Besides, calling a character laughable, Game & Watch, R.O.B., Wii ****ing Trainer.
Ok explanations here:

Why Impa didn't got into Brawl: Her last appearance at that given time was Ocarina of Time. And Sheik was still planned for Twilight Princess in 2005, most likely.
No Trophy: All Zelda trophies are model rips from either Twilight Princess or Wind Waker. Except for Sheik's ironically :rolleyes: But she was a playable character.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Why on Earth would Panther replace Wolf?
Panther didn't replace Wolf! They only share one special move, and Wolf was planned but cut due to time constraints! They will coexist in the next game I'm tellin' you!

Richard Nixon

Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2013
Watergate Hotel and Office Building
Hyrule Warriors probably won't have much if any impact on Smash 4. It's like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon of the Zelda Series; being a crossover and a spinoff makes it kind of irrelevant to the main series Smash is pulling from.

That's also assuming Sakurai would have even known about it when he was deciding on the roster.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 24, 2013
I tried making a new, plausible roster, but it just started looking like everyone else's, so I decided to not be redundant and put it to rest. :-/

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I just wish we can all agree that Zelda doesn't need anyone: Brawl's Zelda cast, please.

Hyrule Warriors probably won't have much if any impact on Smash 4. It's like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon of the Zelda Series; being a crossover and a spinoff makes it kind of irrelevant to the main series Smash is pulling from.
And how is that so if it's the first Zelda game that actually uses a lot of it's cast as playable characters?


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
The concept of Sheik being the swift one with safe attacks, but no killer moves and Zelda being the slow, unsafe but 'glasscannon' character that's good for finishing should be a start to understand why. All Zelda's attacks are pretty much terrible. So bad in fact, that Rosalina uses a few of them now but had need of a Nana / Pikmin like duo system to make it worth anything but ****.

Sakurai has already stated that duo characters will be a problem this time around to implement on the 3DS version. So now you want a character that actually frequently changes mid-battle? Just to make an outdated character fit in?
You defeated your own point here, saying that Zelda won't work because of being two characters in one, then mentioning Rosalina who is confirmed to be two characters in one. The 3DS isn't as weak as people seem to think it is.

Why you think they gave Zelda the Phantom as an attack? She needs a distraction on the field to actually be useful, to make it worth the risk of her attacks since if the enemy is gonna focus on her alone, she's gonna be screwed. :rolleyes:
I'm pretty sure Fox must have an attack involving Rush, because Rush is in one of the pictures on Fox's page. Luigi looks pretty good at using trees and Pikmin too.

At the time of Smash's development, Skyward Sword was relevant however. And it's not like I argue relevance alone :rolleyes: Impa is most likely gonna be playable in Hyrule Warriors, given the nature of Dynasty Warriors. Alike, Impa has appeared, or cameo'd in all recent Zelda games to date. Even Wind Waker had a Impa cameo, and Twilight Princess had a mention, as well as a descendant of Impa appearing.
Smash is still in development, Skyward Sword is old news. Hyrule Warriors is just Dynasty Warriors with Zelda slapped on it, it's about as "relevant" as Link's Crossbow Training, a spin-off that means **** in the long run.

Ok explanations here:

Why Impa didn't got into Brawl: Her last appearance at that given time was Ocarina of Time. And Sheik was still planned for Twilight Princess in 2005, most likely.
No Trophy: All Zelda trophies are model rips from either Twilight Princess or Wind Waker. Except for Sheik's ironically :rolleyes: But she was a playable character.
So you're saying that Sakurai should cut a character he clearly put effort into bringing over, in order to bring in a character that he didn't care enough to even give a trophy to. Another fun fact, Impa didn't even get a sticker, guess who did though?


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
better, but its still bad in some parts,
first off is that there is 6 Zelda slots/8zelda characters, having the most is representation through playability, this will never happen, seeing the ones that will do that are either Mario or pokemon,
next is sylux, which as everyone stated before, the only plausible Metroid character is ridley, its either him or no one, sylux will have no chance
next is ike being cut, he is cut but yet you have chrom AND roy in? that will not work no matter what, its either marth, ike, and chrom/ marth, ike, and roy, or marth and ike, there will not be a fire embelm lineup that does not include ike, he will be back
may and zoroark have missed their boat, but even then may would have no chance, they would not go out of their way to delete the gen 1 starters just so they have to do all their work over again, for the gen 3 starters, its either red or no other trainer,
snake is not likely to be cut, end story
and then there is alph, and I do not see (and probably no one) pikmin having 2 slots for their characters,
and that's the gist of it for my rant . . .


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Good evening all, hope you're all doing well as I'm now developing the Flu, ****ing wonderful. Anyways, new roster time:

I decided to just go with a simple 45 character roster, a nice size and each newcomer is important in their own rights as both being able to be unique and possibly necessary. Yeah, enjoy. (In B4 WHERE'S PALUTENA?!)

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You defeated your own point here, saying that Zelda won't work because of being two characters in one, then mentioning Rosalina who is confirmed to be two characters in one. The 3DS isn't as weak as people seem to think it is.
Pray tell me how Rosalina is anything like Zelda and Sheik? If anything, her style looks more like Olimar's and Ice Climber's. Duo character is quite a large concept.

I'm pretty sure Fox must have an attack involving Rush, because Rush is in one of the pictures on Fox's page. Luigi looks pretty good at using trees and Pikmin too.
Rush was already confirmed and Fox shows a lot more in his Dojo page besides that.

Smash is still in development, Skyward Sword is old news. Hyrule Warriors is just Dynasty Warriors with Zelda slapped on it, it's about as "relevant" as Link's Crossbow Training, a spin-off that means **** in the long run.
Who's to tell? I think people will play it fondly, if only for the fact that other characters beside Link are playable.

I love how you argue Hyrule Warriors is a spin-off, making Impa less likely. But would probably justify Vaati, who only appears in Four Sword spin-offs, or Tingle, who's more likely BECAUSE of his own spin-offs. :smirk:

So you're saying that Sakurai should cut a character he clearly put effort into bringing over, in order to bring in a character that he didn't care enough to even give a trophy to. Another fun fact, Impa didn't even get a sticker, guess who did though?
Wow, stickers... :rolleyes:

Diddy Kong, R.O.B. and Ivysaur didn't even got trophies in Melee. Now what?


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2013
Good evening all, hope you're all doing well as I'm now developing the Flu, ****ing wonderful. Anyways, new roster time:

I decided to just go with a simple 45 character roster, a nice size and each newcomer is important in their own rights as both being able to be unique and possibly necessary. Yeah, enjoy. (In B4 WHERE'S PALUTENA?!)

Alright, taking a look at this I don't see many problems. Assuming you still have Sheik with Zelda, there isn't much I can point out besides perhaps the lack of a third FE character. Good roster. 9/10

edit: completely forgot to say this, hope you get better :)


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Good evening all, hope you're all doing well as I'm now developing the Flu, ****ing wonderful. Anyways, new roster time:

I decided to just go with a simple 45 character roster, a nice size and each newcomer is important in their own rights as both being able to be unique and possibly necessary. Yeah, enjoy. (In B4 WHERE'S PALUTENA?!)


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Good evening all, hope you're all doing well as I'm now developing the Flu, ****ing wonderful. Anyways, new roster time:

I decided to just go with a simple 45 character roster, a nice size and each newcomer is important in their own rights as both being able to be unique and possibly necessary. Yeah, enjoy. (In B4 WHERE'S PALUTENA?!)
Meh, I think you could remove Shulk or Takamaru for Palutena.
It's pretty bland, IMO.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Good evening all, hope you're all doing well as I'm now developing the Flu, ****ing wonderful. Anyways, new roster time:

I decided to just go with a simple 45 character roster, a nice size and each newcomer is important in their own rights as both being able to be unique and possibly necessary. Yeah, enjoy. (In B4 WHERE'S PALUTENA?!)
I like it, it has nothing extra to interest me, but it deserves my approval
wolf approves.png


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Good evening all, hope you're all doing well as I'm now developing the Flu, ****ing wonderful. Anyways, new roster time:

I decided to just go with a simple 45 character roster, a nice size and each newcomer is important in their own rights as both being able to be unique and possibly necessary. Yeah, enjoy. (In B4 WHERE'S PALUTENA?!)

edit: talk about ninjas


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Meh, I think you could remove Shulk or Takamaru for Palutena.
It's pretty bland, IMO.
I've made unbland rosters...you all complained about one character...I don't even care. Besides, giving a franchise with representation already unneeded extra representation over giving a new franchise a rep? Not gonna happen.


Alright, taking a look at this I don't see many problems. Assuming you still have Sheik with Zelda, there isn't much I can point out besides perhaps the lack of a third FE character. Good roster. 9/10

edit: completely forgot to say this, hope you get better :)
Yes, Sheik is still there, and I would have Tactician but I felt as if more franchises being represented meant more to the game overall. And thank you.

She went to sign up for Super Bash Sisters, new franchise, created by TellTale games, so you know it'll be good.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
So, since there are more people here than there were yesterday seeing my roster (I think) what do you guys think of it? I also made a small visual update to Zelda.

If I were to cut anyone, it'd probably be Cranky, Palutena, Bandana Dee and Nintendouji.
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