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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
There's gonna be a New Moon at the first of January. Which signifies changes, and ****.

Apperantly, this is big business.

2013 is important for me, cause after all, I became father this year and made quite some personal changes to myself, as well as doing a lot of awesome things. Am gonna make 2014 even better though!


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Video game-wise I don't think 2013 has been too good, at least for me. I'm missing my favorite franchises like Metroid and Kirby, and X & Y were just decent entries into the Pokémon series. The announcements in 2013 have been great, but the things that came out haven't really caught my interest. 2014 is going to kill though, and that's not only on the video game department for me.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
There's gonna be a New Moon at the first of January. Which signifies changes, and ****.

Apperantly, this is big business.

2013 is important for me, cause after all, I became father this year and made quite some personal changes to myself, as well as doing a lot of awesome things. Am gonna make 2014 even better though!
2013 was big for me as well, as much as I hate to admit it, all of the stuff that happened to me this year really changed my perspective on things, so I would say I'm grateful for this year, but it's more of a love-hate.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Hey Cobalsh, cut Marth and add Sir Daniel Fortesque. :troll:

2013 is important for me, cause after all, I became father this year and made quite some personal changes to myself, as well as doing a lot of awesome things. Am gonna make 2014 even better though!
Is your child named Impa by any chance? Congratulations, btw.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Hey Cobalsh, cut Marth and add Sir Daniel Fortesque. :troll:

Is your child named Impa by any chance?
Finally, someone remembers Sir Daniel Fortesque. Where's my Medi Evil 3 at? Huh Sony? Surely the PS4 can handle the technology.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
So, people. When do you all believe we will see the next random character? And who do you think it will be? I mean a character like Marth, which no one expected at all.

I expect late January or late February for the Ice Climbers for some reason.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
So, people. When do you all believe we will see the next random character? And who do you think it will be? I mean a character like Marth, which no one expected at all.

I expect late January or late February for the Ice Climbers for some reason.
After the obvious Dedede/Meta Knight for the Kirby game, I'd say either Ness or R.O.B. for no good reason the following month. I'm expecting Ganondorf and Sheik to pop up somewhere eventually before our next newcomer reveal as well.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
So, people. When do you all believe we will see the next random character? And who do you think it will be? I mean a character like Marth, which no one expected at all.

I expect late January or late February for the Ice Climbers for some reason.
Unexpected characters? I can see Mr. Game and Watch being shown. Maybe Ike or Falco. But I want to see Ganondorf as soon as possible, I'm interested in what changes he could have.

But If we're doing serious guessing, I'd say King Dedede or Meta-Knight for January. And Diddy Kong or another DK character for February.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
So, since the new year is coming up and all, I may as well post my updated roster, I'll go a bit more in-depth for my choices this time as well.

Dixie Kong: Had unfinished data in Brawl and is "relevant" again with Tropical Freeze, a good character with a similar frame to Diddy.

King K. Rool: One of the most requested characters, and the old nemesis of DK. I think it's fully possibly for both him and Dixie, it wouldn't be the first time a series got more than one character at once - Mario and Zelda in Melee, Kirby in Brawl.

Happy Mask Salesman: Placeholder for a potential Zelda character, or just another WTF choice. Though he would make a very fun and unique character.

Ridley: Like K. Rool, one of the more requested characters, and the Metroid series is in dire need of someone other than Samus in and out of her suit.

Palutena: Recently popular with the success of Uprising, she would be the first choice for a second Kid Icarus character. Sakurai's modesty might not hold her back, considering he only made Uprising and didn't actually make the franchise himself.

Krystal: Rosalina's inclusion has given me a bit of hope in this regard, as another character that isn't particularly important to her franchise and one that isn't as old as most other choices, but would be included for the sake of a unique moveset. Krystal's staff would add a much appreciated breather from the blasters.

Isaac: Placeholder for possible Assist Trophy promotion, with Isaac being one of the most popular choices (along with Little Mac).

Mewtwo and Roy: The two most requested Melee cuts. Mewtwo has a very high chance of returning this time, with many requests and his "recency" in the movies and his new Mega Forms. Roy can also possibly return, though his spot is also a placeholder for potential new Fire Emblem characters.

Takamaru: Token retro character that Sakurai is fond of adding, he also had a game in Nintendo Land, which has brought him more into the spotlight. Though knowing Sakraui, he could also pick a completely different character entirely, so this spot is also a placeholder for whichever retro we may get.

Pac-Man: With Namco helping with development of the game, it seems likely that their most iconic character would be the first choice of another third party. Though with Sakurai saying they won't get any priority, this doesn't mean they can't get one character, and it's pretty likely that they would ask him.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
So, since the new year is coming up and all, I may as well post my updated roster, I'll go a bit more in-depth for my choices this time as well.
I like this roster. My only thoughts is that if DK and Fox are getting 4 slots, why can't Kirby? Most of the other franchises are getting new slots, so why is that the odd man out?

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

Version 6 of my Killer Roster with Vaati, Lip, and Chrom x Lucina duo (to satisfy both Fire Emblem fans and Smash fans alike). I'm still staying at the 48 roster limit for a good reason.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I believe that, if a character like Tingle was introduced, Smash would be getting a lot of attention. Think back to VGX. Although everyone was heavily disappointed by Cranky Kong's official reveal, it was the most popular thing at that awards show. Cranky Kong trended on Google for at least a day or so. Now, imagine TINGLE, a rather hated character in the West, appear. Smash Bros. would get so much attention, everybody would be talking about it. Casuals, hardcores, even Xbox fans would be talking about Tingle.
*dreams of casuals, hardcores, and Xbox fans talking about Duck Hunt Dog if he is playable* :awesome:


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I like this roster. My only thoughts is that if DK and Fox are getting 4 slots, why can't Kirby? Most of the other franchises are getting new slots, so why is that the odd man out?
Yoshi, Wario, F-Zero, Pikmin, Kirby, and Mother. Also technically, if Mewtwo and Roy do return, Pokemon and Fire Emblem wouldn't have "new" reps either.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013

Version 6 of my Killer Roster with Vaati, Lip, and Chrom x Lucina duo (to satisfy both Fire Emblem fans and Smash fans alike). I'm still staying at the 48 roster limit for a good reason.
I like the roster alot, though maybe either remove Lip or Isaac for a historical WTF.
Either way I like the roster alot.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Yoshi, Wario, F-Zero, Pikmin, Kirby, and Mother. Also technically, if Mewtwo and Roy do return, Pokemon and Fire Emblem wouldn't have "new" reps either.
I'm speaking on terms of the "Big" Nintendo Franchises. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Kirby, DK and Star Fox, those I consider the big 6. Furthermore, my arguements aren't on newcomers or reps, it's about the slots.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I like this roster. My only thoughts is that if DK and Fox are getting 4 slots, why can't Kirby? Most of the other franchises are getting new slots, so why is that the odd man out?

No, the modesty card is bull****. Half the people here are expecting Palutena. Who made Palutena into the interesting character people actually want to see? Sakurai. Even if he didn't design the character he's the one who GAVE her character.

Also, please see the SSE where Kirby, MetaKnight and Dedede have the largest roles that actually affect the plot.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Anyone else think that it's a little strange that the Mario representation for Smash 4 is complete, yet Pokémon only has Pikachu so far?
Maybe Sakurai is focusing on franchises to complete before he moves on into other characters?
Maybe there's a 6th Mario character who's unlockable... and it's definitely NOT Toad.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
I'm speaking on terms of the "Big" Nintendo Franchises. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Kirby, DK and Metroid, those I consider the big 6. Furthermore, my arguements aren't on newcomers or reps, it's about the slots.
Fixed for truth. Star Fox is probably 7, and Fire Emblem 8.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux

No, the modesty card is bull****. Half the people here are expecting Palutena. Who made Palutena into the interesting character people actually want to see? Sakurai. Even if he didn't design the character he's the one who GAVE her character.

Also, please see the SSE where Kirby, MetaKnight and Dedede have the largest roles that actually affect the plot.
...What plot? :troll:
Fixed for truth. Star Fox is probably 7, and Fire Emblem 8.
He was correct, actually. Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, DK, Kirby. Metroid is surprisingly low, in terms of sales.

Actually, Metroid beats out Star Fox in terms of sales.
My mistake, it's only off by a bit. I'm actually surprised that Kirby is that high.

It also looks like Rayman has more sales than Smash Bros, he's right under Mega Man too, Rayman for Smash!
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
...What plot? :troll:
He was correct, actually. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, DK, Kirby, Star Fox. Metroid is surprisingly low, in terms of sales.
Actually, Metroid beats out Star Fox in terms of sales, both are on the low end of the scale compared to other Nintendo franchises of course, but Metroid is the victor in that category between the two.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

Added Wario and I'm basically following the trend of most official Super Smash Bros. rosters having an odd numbered roster. :troll:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Can you blame them though?
Oh cool, replies carry over when you go to a new page.
Can't blame them for making a joke. Blame them for not having the decency of at least saying 'congratulations' before involving my child in any form of a joke.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
Prediction Roster 3.0!
Prediction Roster.png

Changes since 2.0:
Medusa replaced by Palutena
Solid Snake replaced by Layton
Re-added Red instead of Togepi
Cut Krystal for Goroh

Basically, playing it safe while still having fun. Has all the fan favorites, no cuts from Brawl, and Mewtwo added. The "problems" with the roster, though, might be the inclusions of 4th Kirby character, Professor Layton and Saki. Rest assured, I have these covered.
  • Kirby deserves four reps if DK gets four reps. Kirby is just as important as Donkey Kong, so if you have a problem, take it up with Dixie or K.Rool.
  • Saki's game series, Sin and Punishment, might be obscure, but it's straight-up action. He fights like a Smash fighter, and combining laser sword with blaster makes for a great fighter.
  • Professor Layton is indeed third-party, at least in America. In Japan, it is made by Nintendo, while in America it is taken over by Level-5. This may bring up copyright issues, but like Suda-51, Level-5 seems interested in the idea of Layton being in Smash Bros., it just might not happen yet. Or, he could be a placeholder for Snake or Bomberman, depending on what you want.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2013
Here is my prediction roster:

Definitely not what you consider "safe", so here are a few explanations.
  • Firstly, we have Palutena. No real explaining needed for her.
  • The first real controversial is Diskun. He's obviously the "historical" character, and he's the only real competitor besides Daitoryo (who I feel is a Smashboards-created concept Sakurai never thought of) and Sheriff (who uses guns which Sakurai wouldn't do). So yeah, Diskun is probably getting in.
  • Little Mac, Pac-Man and Mii are as good as confirmed. That leak made it pretty obvious that they all are getting in. Besides, every character has a little evidence. Little Mac has the boxing ring, Pac-Man has Namco-Bandai, and the Mii has that Find Mii stage. Naysayers say that the guy posted it as a "prediction", but really, they're just in denial because they don't want Mii or Pac-Man in the game.
  • Cutting PT and Lucario is a pretty controversial move, but Sakurai did say not all characters would return. Besides, every Melee cut 2 Pokémon in Brawl, that's what might happen here.
  • Victini is probably just me being biased, but Victini is Junichi Masuda's favorite, a trait shared with Pichu during Melee's release, and you know how that turned out. As well, he had 2 movies while Zoroark only had 1 (even though they were practically the same). And besides, even though he is a Mew-like Pokémon, there is a hacker who found a Gen 6 event legend, Hoopa, who could take that spot. He may not be guaranteed, but I'd say he has a pretty solid shot.
  • Chrom is replacing Ike because of recency, just like Ike replaced Roy. And speaking of Roy, why would he get in over Chrom? He has little to no importance in recent FE games.
  • Takamaru is really just a placeholder for a retro. He is the most likely as of now due to Nintendo Land, but who knows what Sakurai will pick?
So, what do you think? *prepares for flame shield*
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Here is my prediction roster:

Definitely not what you consider "safe", so here are a few explanations.
  • Firstly, we have Palutena. No real explaining needed for her.
  • The first real controversial is Diskun. He's obviously the "historical" character, and he's the only real competitor besides Daitoryo (who I feel is a Smashboards-created concept Sakurai never thought of) and Sheriff (who uses guns which Sakurai wouldn't do). So yeah, Diskun is probably getting in.
  • Little Mac, Pac-Man and Mii are as good as confirmed. That leak made it pretty obvious that they all are getting in. Besides, every character has a little evidence. Little Mac has the boxing ring, Pac-Man has Namco-Bandai, and the Mii has that Find Mii stage. Naysayers say that the guy posted it as a "prediction", but really, they're just in denial because they don't want Mii or Pac-Man in the game.
  • Cutting PT and Lucario is a pretty controversial move, but Sakurai did say not all characters would return. Besides, every Melee cut 2 Pokémon in Brawl, that's what might happen here.
  • Victini is probably just me being biased, but since Victini is Junichi Masuda's favorite, a trait shared with Pichu during Melee's release, and you know how that turned out. As well, he had 2 movies while Zoroark only had 1 (even though they were practically the same). And besides, even though he is a Mew-like Pokémon, there is a hacker who found a Gen 6 event legend, Hoopa, who could take that spot. He may not be guaranteed, but I'd say he has a pretty solid shot.
  • Chrom is replacing Ike because of recency, just like Ike replaced Roy. And speaking of Roy, why would he get in over Chrom? He has little to no importance in recent FE games.
  • Takamaru is really just a placeholder for a retro. He is the most likely as of now due to Nintendo Land, but who knows what Sakurai will pick?
So, what do you think? *prepares for flame shield*
I really like the choice of Diskun, the only gripe I have is Victini, if we were to get a 5th gen. Pokemon, we'll most likely get Zoroark.
Overall no bad choices here, I could live with that as the final roster.
Maybe you could add Cranky Kong to that roster too, just to give the cast more charm.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2013
Yeah, I know. But even though it's a popular series, it's still a spin-off of Mario, and I'm not sure that would be top priority.

I really like the choice of Diskun, the only gripe I have is Victini, if we were to get a 5th gen. Pokemon, we'll most likely get Zoroark.
Overall no bad choices here, I could live with that as the final roster.
Maybe you could add Cranky Kong to that roster too, just to give the cast more charm.
Zoroark and Victini are both helped by Rosalina, but being Junichi's favorite really helps it along, I think.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Here is my prediction roster:

Definitely not what you consider "safe", so here are a few explanations.
  • Firstly, we have Palutena. No real explaining needed for her.
  • The first real controversial is Diskun. He's obviously the "historical" character, and he's the only real competitor besides Daitoryo (who I feel is a Smashboards-created concept Sakurai never thought of) and Sheriff (who uses guns which Sakurai wouldn't do). So yeah, Diskun is probably getting in.
  • Little Mac, Pac-Man and Mii are as good as confirmed. That leak made it pretty obvious that they all are getting in. Besides, every character has a little evidence. Little Mac has the boxing ring, Pac-Man has Namco-Bandai, and the Mii has that Find Mii stage. Naysayers say that the guy posted it as a "prediction", but really, they're just in denial because they don't want Mii or Pac-Man in the game.
  • Cutting PT and Lucario is a pretty controversial move, but Sakurai did say not all characters would return. Besides, every Melee cut 2 Pokémon in Brawl, that's what might happen here.
  • Victini is probably just me being biased, but Victini is Junichi Masuda's favorite, a trait shared with Pichu during Melee's release, and you know how that turned out. As well, he had 2 movies while Zoroark only had 1 (even though they were practically the same). And besides, even though he is a Mew-like Pokémon, there is a hacker who found a Gen 6 event legend, Hoopa, who could take that spot. He may not be guaranteed, but I'd say he has a pretty solid shot.
  • Chrom is replacing Ike because of recency, just like Ike replaced Roy. And speaking of Roy, why would he get in over Chrom? He has little to no importance in recent FE games.
  • Takamaru is really just a placeholder for a retro. He is the most likely as of now due to Nintendo Land, but who knows what Sakurai will pick?
So, what do you think? *prepares for flame shield*
Your arguments are really, really weak. They mainly follow "patterns", which do not exist at all: for example, we had two cut Pokemon characters in Brawl, so the same will happen in 4. Ike replaced Roy, so Chrom will replace Ike. We've gotten historical characters in Brawl and Melee so we will obviously get one in this game.

It's a really weak argument. I like some of the choices, but there should be a better argument than "patterns".


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Here is my prediction roster:

Definitely not what you consider "safe", so here are a few explanations.
  • Firstly, we have Palutena. No real explaining needed for her.
  • The first real controversial is Diskun. He's obviously the "historical" character, and he's the only real competitor besides Daitoryo (who I feel is a Smashboards-created concept Sakurai never thought of) and Sheriff (who uses guns which Sakurai wouldn't do). So yeah, Diskun is probably getting in.
  • Little Mac, Pac-Man and Mii are as good as confirmed. That leak made it pretty obvious that they all are getting in. Besides, every character has a little evidence. Little Mac has the boxing ring, Pac-Man has Namco-Bandai, and the Mii has that Find Mii stage. Naysayers say that the guy posted it as a "prediction", but really, they're just in denial because they don't want Mii or Pac-Man in the game.
  • Cutting PT and Lucario is a pretty controversial move, but Sakurai did say not all characters would return. Besides, every Melee cut 2 Pokémon in Brawl, that's what might happen here.
  • Victini is probably just me being biased, but since Victini is Junichi Masuda's favorite, a trait shared with Pichu during Melee's release, and you know how that turned out. As well, he had 2 movies while Zoroark only had 1 (even though they were practically the same). And besides, even though he is a Mew-like Pokémon, there is a hacker who found a Gen 6 event legend, Hoopa, who could take that spot. He may not be guaranteed, but I'd say he has a pretty solid shot.
  • Chrom is replacing Ike because of recency, just like Ike replaced Roy. And speaking of Roy, why would he get in over Chrom? He has little to no importance in recent FE games.
  • Takamaru is really just a placeholder for a retro. He is the most likely as of now due to Nintendo Land, but who knows what Sakurai will pick?
So, what do you think? *prepares for flame shield*

-You just used... MUHRECENCY. How. How can you do this. No. It's not a valid arguement. Ike and Chrom can coexist.
-Diskun is Retro, yes... but why do people think that retros are shoo-ins? Only certain ones are. I can see Daitoryo because he's far more integral to Nintendo. It seems like some people are just picking things out of a hat.
-I'm sorry, but there's some bias in this roster. You've got Victini. Granted, it's Masuda's favorite... but that's not really a shoo-in factor.
-Furthermore, you are seemingly placing complete faith in a rumor that has changed its story many times now. I don't believe in rumors because they have no ground to stand on.
-No DK Newcomer? 2 FE Slots? No 5th Zelda Slot? PRIORITY? 1/10 for having Little Mac, but that's about all I like about this roster. Too few Newcomers, too weak arguements.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yeah, I know. But even though it's a popular series, it's still a spin-off of Mario, and I'm not sure that would be top priority.

Exactly what major role has Mario played in any of Donkey Kong's game past 1994?

Donkey Kong Country is it's own series, and had cut ties with Mario completely unlike the Yoshi and Wario series.

It's worthy of it's own cast of characters.

Also, I wanna slap you.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Here is my prediction roster:

Definitely not what you consider "safe", so here are a few explanations.
  • Firstly, we have Palutena. No real explaining needed for her.
  • The first real controversial is Diskun. He's obviously the "historical" character, and he's the only real competitor besides Daitoryo (who I feel is a Smashboards-created concept Sakurai never thought of) and Sheriff (who uses guns which Sakurai wouldn't do). So yeah, Diskun is probably getting in.
  • Little Mac, Pac-Man and Mii are as good as confirmed. That leak made it pretty obvious that they all are getting in. Besides, every character has a little evidence. Little Mac has the boxing ring, Pac-Man has Namco-Bandai, and the Mii has that Find Mii stage. Naysayers say that the guy posted it as a "prediction", but really, they're just in denial because they don't want Mii or Pac-Man in the game.
  • Cutting PT and Lucario is a pretty controversial move, but Sakurai did say not all characters would return. Besides, every Melee cut 2 Pokémon in Brawl, that's what might happen here.
  • Victini is probably just me being biased, but Victini is Junichi Masuda's favorite, a trait shared with Pichu during Melee's release, and you know how that turned out. As well, he had 2 movies while Zoroark only had 1 (even though they were practically the same). And besides, even though he is a Mew-like Pokémon, there is a hacker who found a Gen 6 event legend, Hoopa, who could take that spot. He may not be guaranteed, but I'd say he has a pretty solid shot.
  • Chrom is replacing Ike because of recency, just like Ike replaced Roy. And speaking of Roy, why would he get in over Chrom? He has little to no importance in recent FE games.
  • Takamaru is really just a placeholder for a retro. He is the most likely as of now due to Nintendo Land, but who knows what Sakurai will pick?
So, what do you think? *prepares for flame shield*

not going to state why, mainly because everyone else already has 0/10


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
-You just used... MUHRECENCY. How. How can you do this. No. It's not a valid arguement. Ike and Chrom can coexist.
-Diskun is Retro, yes... but why do people think that retros are shoo-ins? Only certain ones are. I can see Daitoryo because he's far more integral to Nintendo. It seems like some people are just picking things out of a hat.
-I'm sorry, but there's some bias in this roster. You've got Victini. Granted, it's Masuda's favorite... but that's not really a shoo-in factor.
-Furthermore, you are seemingly placing complete faith in a rumor that has changed its story many times now. I don't believe in rumors because they have no ground to stand on.
-No DK Newcomer? 2 FE Slots? No 5th Zelda Slot? PRIORITY? 1/10 for having Little Mac, but that's about all I like about this roster. Too few Newcomers, too weak arguements.
  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. Yes.
  4. Eh, I don't believe in the rumor either, but I can see the other three characters having really good chances.
  5. We need a new DK rep, a FE slot isn't overly necessary (Marth and Ike are fine, but it's likely to have 3), and I doubt we'll have a Zelda newcomer.
The arguments are weak, but there are 11 newcomers and Mewtwo, that's pretty solid.
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