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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
So now I have 60 bucks in my pocket. Planning on getting Y tomorrow, but that still leaves 30 - 20 dollars... doubt I'd get anything else with that much, but my mom said she's giving us some money soon. When I do get that money, what should I get: ALBW, FE: A, SLW, or M+L: DT?


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
So now I have 60 bucks in my pocket. Planning on getting Y tomorrow, but that still leaves 30 - 20 dollars... doubt I'd get anything else with that much, but my mom said she's giving us some money soon. When I do get that money, what should I get: ALBW, FE: A, SLW, or M+L: DT?
I saw future shop had star fox 64 3D for 10$, but I guess that's only if you live near me.

EDIT: and to answer your question, I'd say FE:A or M+L DT


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
So now I have 60 bucks in my pocket. Planning on getting Y tomorrow, but that still leaves 30 - 20 dollars... doubt I'd get anything else with that much, but my mom said she's giving us some money soon. When I do get that money, what should I get: ALBW, FE: A, SLW, or M+L: DT?

I don't think you'll be into FE, and the ALBW is a better buy than the others imo. But get whatever you feel like getting in the end though.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I'm surprised this is even happening, considering Wii U's poor sales overall. I knew something, was up, thankfully, it doesn't look like a recurring problem.

Anyway, I spent the afternoon playing Pikmin 3. Really love this game so far and I look forward to spending many more hours on it. Still need to get to The Wonderful 101.
Oh my god... I love Pikmin 3 too!!! It's so beautiful in HD!!! I'm reminded why I loved playing the original Pikmin on the Gamecube 12 years ago. I wish Nintendo would remake Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 in HD with GamePad support... I would definitely buy Pikmin 1+2 HD on day one.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
So now I have 60 bucks in my pocket. Planning on getting Y tomorrow, but that still leaves 30 - 20 dollars... doubt I'd get anything else with that much, but my mom said she's giving us some money soon. When I do get that money, what should I get: ALBW, FE: A, SLW, or M+L: DT?
That all depends on if you have KI:U, So you can fight me.

If not, get it. Then get FE:A.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
I wish I had a Wii U.

I really want to get Pikmin 3.

There's plenty of games that are worth the Wii U so far:

Super Mario 3D World
Pikmin 3
Wind Waker HD (if you don't own the original)
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U

I'd also say that other enjoyable games are Sonic Lost World, Nintendo Land and Scribblenauts Unlimited/Unmasked, but the ones above are the main reasons we chose a Wii U.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
There's plenty of games that are worth the Wii U so far:

Super Mario 3D World
Pikmin 3
Wind Waker HD (if you don't own the original)
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U

I'd also say that other enjoyable games are Sonic Lost World, Nintendo Land and Scribblenauts Unlimited/Unmasked, but the ones above are the main reasons we chose a Wii U.

Well what about the Wonderful 101? That game seems pretty good. And Donkey Kong is about to come out. Wii U's Tekken Tag 2 has the most content as well.

But I almost always wait a couple years to buy any consoles. Get them cheap. And you'll snag a couple games with the extra change in you pocket.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Well what about the Wonderful 101? That game seems pretty good. And Donkey Kong is about to come out. Wii U's Tekken Tag 2 has the most content as well.

But I almost always wait a couple years to buy any consoles. Get them cheap. And you'll snag a couple games with the extra change in you pocket.

I haven't got Wonderful 101 yet (or Tekken Tag 2, or Rayman Legends) and I didn't put on Tropical Freeze, since it's not one of the main games I wanted, plus it's not out yet. My parents chose a Wii U for my little brother because my Wii started having problems, and he's hyped as sh*t for SSB4.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Explain why?
The general idea is that we need another toon character to "balance the zelda representation", 4 realistic and 1 toon doesnt sounds too nice considering who is the likely fourth.

I dont think we are going to get SS Zelda, she was an exception talking about personallity, a "resume" of all the adorable princess in the games, but the "realistic series" aproach to the character is always a more serious and mature image, being the happy and adorable zelda the Toon Zelda / Tetra character.

Impa will not only be like sheik, she also will be like realistic zelda, is just redundant considering this is a crossover. Zelda is even portrayed as a mother image in some smash screenshots, there is no room for her, again, talking about the realistic aproach to the series (although, she has a sword, so.... ).

The toon series could have Vaaty, Linebeck and that guy with the claw of spirit tracks and everybody will love it, there is more variety to choose characters

Not considering how giant, iconic and important to the series are Tingle and Tetra, the biggest wall this characters needs to climb, just talking about the characters chances alone.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Oh, also, for those who celebrate it, like myself, Merry Christmas

The general idea is that we need another toon character to "balance the zelda representation", 4 realistic and 1 toon doesnt sounds too nice considering who is the likely fourth.

I dont think we are going to get SS Zelda, she was an exception talking about personallity, a "resume" of all the adorable princess in the games, but the "realistic series" aproach to the character is always a more serious and mature image, being the happy and adorable zelda the Toon Zelda / Tetra character.

Impa will not only be like sheik, she also will be like realistic zelda, is just redundant considering this is a crossover. Zelda is even portrayed as a mother image in some smash screenshots, there is no room for her, again, talking about the realistic aproach to the series (although, she has a sword, so.... ).

The toon series could have Vaaty, Linebeck and that guy with the claw of spirit tracks and everybody will love it, there is more variety to choose characters

Not considering how giant, iconic and important to the series are Tingle and Tetra, the biggest wall this characters needs to climb, just talking about the characters chances alone.
Yeah and with Tingle's hate-base and most likely reprising role as AT, I would say Tetra is most likely.

Deleted member

Oh my god... I love Pikmin 3 too!!! It's so beautiful in HD!!! I'm reminded why I loved playing the original Pikmin on the Gamecube 12 years ago. I wish Nintendo would remake Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 in HD with GamePad support... I would definitely buy Pikmin 1+2 HD on day one.
The way that game looks is just... wow. I had never played on a HDTV for an extensive period of time and now seeing it the game, it just looks so gorgeous. Now I understand why people love it so much.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Well, I highly doubt this one looking at the sold copies of Punch-Out! for Wii. http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Punch-Out&publisher=&platform=&genre=&minSales=0&results=200
If Little Mac and his franchise were still as popular, why do they only have around 0,24 million sold copies of the latest game for Wii?

Due to Piracy (the game came out when Wii piracy was at its prime). Don't know how they did it, but it somehow got revealed that piracy payed a big toll on Punch Out Wii.
And I don't know about VG chartz, but back in the day I read sales reached 0,5 million.

Besides, popularity =/= sales. Little Mac's been popular since the NES days, and the original VC title is always a launch title, and stays on the top 20 most downloaded titles for a long time. (It would stay longer if there weren't so many Mario and Zelda games)


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Sakurai gave me the perfect Christmas present, huh? :rolleyes:

Anyway today I got:
  • Super Mario 3D World (**** YEAH!!!)
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
  • Sonic Lost World for 3DS (Trust me the 3DS Version is superior by a long shot in so many ways)
  • A new SEGA 32X with Virtua Racing Deluxe
  • Gamecube USB Port
  • Wii U Pro Controller
  • A Red MOTHER Logo T-Shirt

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I got Link Between Worlds, Animal Crossing New Leaf, DKC Returns 3D, Xenoblade, and Metroid Prime Trilogy video game wise.
I also got Angry Beavers complete series, Animaniacs volume 1 and Pinky and the Brain volume 1, if you are interested in my life outside of video games (cartoons).
I also got a brand new keyboard.
So this Christmas was pretty great.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Sakurai gave me the perfect Christmas present, huh? :rolleyes:

Anyway today I got:
  • Super Mario 3D World (**** YEAH!!!)
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
  • Sonic Lost World for 3DS (Trust me the 3DS Version is superior by a long shot in so many ways)
  • A new SEGA 32X with Virtua Racing Deluxe
  • Gamecube USB Port
  • Wii U Pro Controller
  • A Red MOTHER Logo T-Shirt
So jelly about that last one.

I didn't really get much since most of my friends and family knew that no games I would want, that I didn't already, yet were out, yet. So I mostly got cash (for when those games come out) and some clothes, nothing that exciting, but still nice.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2013
4 shirts(That I will never wear), rechargeable batteries, new blanket, candy, Super Mario 3D World, $150, deconfirmation of Starfy, and 16 pairs of socks.

Yeah, the shirts were the low point, but a gift is a gift, and you should be thankful regardless.

Deleted member

Well, I highly doubt this one looking at the sold copies of Punch-Out! for Wii. http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Punch-Out&publisher=&platform=&genre=&minSales=0&results=200
If Little Mac and his franchise were still as popular, why do they only have around 0,24 million sold copies of the latest game for Wii?
Pit from Kid Icarus can be considered popular after a good comeback with Kid Icarus:Uprising having sold already 1,08 million copies. So after all, the comeback from Pit was way better than the comeback of Little Mac back in 2007.
Little Mac however can be considered popular because of his appearance in Brawl as an assist trophy making him with many rumours one of the most expected newcomers for SSB4.

About the roster itself:
I like that you consider Medusa over Palutena. No newcomer for the Yoshi series or the Wario series is however a bit disappointing. You consider an F-Zero newcomer while the series hasn't the same importance nowadays. However the Yoshi series and Wario series sell pretty well and there are even two Yoshi games on the way to come in 2014. These are just my two points on this one as I don't expect an F-Zero newcomer anymore and as I think a Yoshi or Wario newcomer could be more likely. It's pretty easy referring to sell numbers to explain why these two series could get a 2nd rep before F-Zero. Also the Yoshi series is in the roster since SSB64, same as for F-Zero.
I'm also surprised you expect the return of Roy and consider even Ike to stay. Beside that, you seem to pretty ignore the worldwide well received game Fire Emblem: Awakening.

I also don't see Tetra/ToonZelda coming. I feel like Impa may have a better chance if there were ever anyone of the development team considering a 5th representant.
Just going to say this, DON'T use VGChartz. That site is not known for accurate numbers. On NeoGAF, you would get banned for this.

Deleted member

On Neogaf, you would get banned for talking ill of Sony
Yeah, that place seems to be filled with Sony fanboys (though there are certainly Microsoft fanboys on there as well). I don't think you would get banned for talking ill of Sony, though.

Still, no one should post sales from VGChartz. Not because NeoGAF bans you for it, but because these sales data are not reliable.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Sorry about that...
I enjoy bad games simply because they are retro. As long as they are playable and are fun in some way. Virtua Racing is a piece of ****, but It's almost playable and has that cool FX like chip. That's why I was so interested in Super Mario Kart. Anyway, I usually use my 32X to play Doom, Star Wars, and Knuckles Chaotix. All of which are games I find very enjoyable. Did I mention I'm also a fan of Sonic R? Yeah, not even kidding. I'm good at it, but that's the problem. It gets too easy. In fact 2 years ago I got my Sega Saturn for christmas with Sonic R, Sonic 3D Blast, and Sonic Jam. Along with a USB controller. :glare:

But, let that sink in...

"I personally think Sonic R is somewhat FUN, but too EASY."
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