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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
But Dixie should make it alongside K.Rool. And **** it, so should Cranky.

Wario counts as both a Hero and Villain though, and so should MetaKnight. Anti Heroes baby. And while we're speaking, Mewtwo to.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
In a franchise like Mario where it doesn't really matter what fifth character you pick, we should have known Sakurai would pick the newer one. Rosalina was probably the second most likely and we didn't even realize it. Because "muh importance".


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
In a franchise like Mario where it doesn't really matter what fifth character you pick, we should have known Sakurai would pick a newer one. Rosalina was probably the second most likely and we didn't even realize it. Because "muh importance".
>constantly against being recent.
>supporting being recent being the reason Rosalina got in.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
But Dixie should make it alongside K.Rool. And **** it, so should Cranky.

Wario counts as both a Hero and Villain though, and so should MetaKnight. Anti Heroes baby. And while we're speaking, Mewtwo to.

Just realized what a free gun Wario is...
So made a special category just for him, lol.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yoshi acts as a sidekick and hero to. Not lesser so than Diddy at least.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
In a franchise like Mario where it doesn't really matter what fifth character you pick, we should have known Sakurai would pick the newer one. Rosalina was probably the second most likely and we didn't even realize it. Because "muh importance".

Lucario: The youngest playable fighter in Super Smash Bros. Brawl; all the other playables existed long before it became present.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Yoshi acts as a sidekick and hero to. Not lesser so than Diddy at least.

Yeah, but Yoshi has like... 5 games (if we now include Yarn Yoshi) so it's safe to say he is a main character. He supports Mario and company from time to time.. but if we're talking about THIS particular Yoshi who represents the Yoshi series... then he's a main hero too, mostly. :p

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Path of Radiance came before the Diamond and Pearl versions, so Lucario was the youngest fighter at that time.
Second youngest I meant also.

Vaati > Impa > Toon Zelda/Tetra > Tingle > Ghirahim :smirk:
Vaati's last appearance was Minish Cap. He won't be in, simply as that.

You know guys, sorry for the Impa **** but let's be reasonable now.
You forgot Ike, Isaac, Anthony Higgs, and Blastoise.
I also actually like Mewtwo.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
And nobody mentions that the biggest difference is that Marth is a MAIN character while K.Rool is the villain.
The ratio between HERO vs Sidekick/Villain has never been 50/50. If anything, for every sidekick/villain that gets included, we get TWO Heroes in SSB.

HEROES (27) (not even counting 3rd parties, which would add the numbers to 30 so far)
Link/Toon Link/Young Link
Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers

ROB (Real life sidekick?)


Just by this factor alone, I consider Dixie a MUCH more probable candidate than K.Rool.
And just in case I need to say it, I'm indifferent on DKC. Donkey is my favorite DK character, so I'm eager awaiting new franchises now.

(P.D. Some may consider Diddy a sidekick, but he has actually SHARED the spotlight with Donkey, and has starred a few games of his own. Or at least 2 come to mind, which is why I consider him a main character, or at least as much as Luigi).
Uh, this has nothing to do with what we were talking about, being relevance / recency.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
As far as likelihood goes, I put it at:
Toon Zelda > Tingle > Impa > Ghirahim > Vaati

As far as personal want, it's almost the opposite. :laugh:


I personally don't think Toon Zelda is likely anymore. Think a Zelda newcomer, like a Mario newcomer, would rather be an unique addtion. Also, I can't see Toon Zelda AND Tetra making it if Zelda and Sheik stay. 4 Zelda's...? That's a little too much. So much in fact, it would stress her caretaker Impa too much if they would be in and she couldn't... DON'T MAKE POOR IMPA'S JOB ANY WORSE! She already has to deal with her Goddess now being a mere mortal and a slow hero, you can't burden her even more now. :c

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
We wish you a merry Impa, we wish you a merry Impa, we wish you a merry Impa, and happy new Bandanna Dee!
EDIT: 1000TH POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWER LEVEL OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
As far as likelihood goes, I put it at:
Toon Zelda > Tingle > Impa > Ghirahim > Vaati

As far as personal want, it's almost the opposite. :laugh:

I have a question in regards to Toon Zelda. How different can she be compared to the real Zelda other than the whole Tetra transformation sequence? I used to be an avid supporter of her, but I don't think Sakurai would outright add more characters from Toon Link's saga. Even with Rosalina's inclusion in the game.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
What's up, bros! Oh, all Impa and Dk roster, recency arguments and Zelda reps. Opinions:
  1. It sucks.
  2. It means nothing. Muh recency doesn't exist because retros and Fox.
  3. The perfect Zelda rep is Tetra. Duh.
Goodbye, and merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza/X-Mas!


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I personally don't think Toon Zelda is likely anymore. Think a Zelda newcomer, like a Mario newcomer, would rather be an unique addtion. Also, I can't see Toon Zelda AND Tetra making it if Zelda and Sheik stay. 4 Zelda's...? That's a little too much. So much in fact, it would stress her caretaker Impa too much if they would be in and she couldn't... DON'T MAKE POOR IMPA'S JOB ANY WORSE! She already has to deal with her Goddess now being a mere mortal and a slow hero, you can't burden her even more now. :c
Honestly I don't find her that likely either, it's more just personally not finding any other specific Zelda character more likely than her. Especially since unless we really do get Toon Sheik, which would be pretty dumb, imo we'd either get a unique solo TZ, or more likely, Toon Zelda/Tetra, with Tetra being original. Which I guess might be a little odd, but I can't see her being a semi-clone. Though I would've said the same about Ganondorf. :rolleyes:

I'd much rather we get an original Ganondorf (or even Ganondorf being scrapped for a unique Ganon) above any Zelda newcomer though.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
As far as likelihood goes, I put it at:
Toon Zelda > Tingle > Impa > Ghirahim > Vaati
Ghirahim and Impa before Vaati? Let alone Ghiriham at all?

Also, I personally think Toon Zelda is way less likely than Dr. Mario was.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I have a question in regards to Toon Zelda. How different can she be compared to the real Zelda other than the whole Tetra transformation sequence? I used to be an avid supporter of her, but I don't think Sakurai would outright add more characters from Toon Link's saga. Even with Rosalina's inclusion in the game.
I don't think Sakurai would be against adding more Toon characters, he did have them planned for Brawl, but I'm not trying to say Toon Zelda is super likely or anything. I just think she's more likely than the other four. I can't say I find any Zelda character overly likely.

There are human beings that are still believing in this crap?
Yeah, how unprecedented it is to think we might get a veteran revealed due to promotion when it's only happened over half of the time since E3. :rolleyes:
What crap.

Ghirahim and Impa before Vaati? Let alone Ghiriham at all?.
Yes. Considering Vaati got literally nothing in Brawl when he was hot off his two last appearances and still had a large fanbase, and since then has done nothing, I'd put many characters before him in terms of likelihood. Why exactly would he get in at this point? Other characters are more popular, other characters have as much potential, other characters were actually planned, other characters are more important to the series. Vaati is cool, but he's not likely. Like at all.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013

Let's have a look:
6 Super Mario characters.
5 Pokémon characters.
4 Legend of Zelda characters.
4 Donkey Kong characters.
3 Kirby characters.
3 Starfox characters.
3 Wario characters.
2 Kid Icarus characters.
2 Earthbound/Mother characters.
2 Yoshi characters.
2 Fire Emblem characters.
2 Metroid characters.
and some One Representant series.

This is the roster I can imagine to be the one of SSB4.

First off a few questions I'll answer to give you an image of why I consider this or that franchise being represented by x characters. I'll also put in some numbers to illustrate some arguments.

Why does the Donkey Kong franchise deserve 4 spots?
The Donkey Kong franchise counts 11 games of the main series(DKC, DK Arcade and DK64) and 13 spinoffs which makes a total amount of 24 games. The Legend of Zelda counts 25 games.(17 from the main series, 7 spinoffs)
DKCR has sold 6,30 million times on the Wii while Skyward Sword only sold 3,67 million times. (comparing the most recent games of the main series and not considering A Link Between Worlds which has around 0,86 million sold copies until now and is only out for a month yet)
I could also take examples from the last official Kirby game from the main series (or from Metroid, Fire Emblem,...); we would get even a huger difference in terms of sold copies. Therefore 4 spots would be absolutely plausible.
Also we have to consider the fact Brawl came out before DKCR. Nintendo couldn't know already right from the beginning that DKCR would sell that well.
One representant may be a tribute to the old games(King K.Rool) while the other would be used to promote DKC:Tropical Freeze which is released before SSB4. (Cranky or Dixie, but to me Cranky seems more interesting as character)

Why 3 Wario characters, 2 Yoshi characters and 2 Kid Icarus characters?
From Melee to Brawl we had a few One Representant series like Kirby, Donkey Kong, Metroid and Earthbound/Mother that got a 2nd representant (and Kirby even got a 3rd too), so it is pretty likely that we will have more One Representant series that may get a 2nd representant. The only ones that could offer enough characters would be the Yoshi series, the Wario series, the Kid Icarus series and the F-Zero series. However talking of F-Zero, a pretty inactive series until now and maybe even for some time in the future too, there is no character from F-Zero who would be a good reason to buy SSB4 or vice-versa buy an F-Zero game beside Captain Falcon. Captain Falcon stays THE face of F-Zero and there is no second one. (no Samurai Goroh, no Black Shadow and no Judy Foster)

The Wario series sells quite well, even though Game&Wario is until now not on the same level as most other Wario games. The Wario series also counts many games and even has two main series: Wario Land and WarioWare. In order to not give the priority to either Wario Land or either WarioWare, it makes sense to give a Wario Land character a spot in the roster and a WarioWare character a spot too. While Captain Syrup seems to be the most important character besides Wario in Wario Land(considering her appearances), for WarioWare there are a few characters that could be added. However as we got already a Fitness trainer, why wouldn't Sakurai want to add a blue-afro-wearing dancer as unique as Jimmy T. is? And I go with Kamek for the Yoshi series so a witch like Ashley wouldn't be a good addition when we get already Kamek. And Mona,... Well. I can't think of any interesting moveset that could work and comparing Mona to Jimmy T., Jimmy looks more interesting ;)

Now let's come to the Yoshi series. The last game from the main series, Yoshi's Island DS sold 2,71 million copies which is better than the last Kirby game sold. Therefore a 2nd representant should be taken into account. Who would be the best option for the 2nd spot of the series? Baby Bowser? Well... Kamek makes more appearances in the games and seems to be the main villain, so it seems more logical to put in the real nemesis of Yoshi: Kamek!

Now let's come to Kid Icarus. It's a franchise reborn thanks to Sakurai on the 3DS with the title Kid Icarus: Uprising. In order to push the game with the release of SSB4, he will need to add another character. Otherwise some SSB-player may think Pit is still a retro-character and so they won't really notice that there is a new game of the series out. Why Medusa? While most people here think the new character will be Palutena, I totally disagree as I feel Medusa being more interesting and being nearly as important as Palutena. Of course, the japanese name of the franchise contains Palutena in it, just as The Legend of Zelda contains the name of Zelda. However I don't think this is an argument that can eliminate Medusa right away. Remember Kid Icarus: Uprising? Medusa will come back, so don't think you have left her behind you ;)

Why did you cut Ike and Snake?
Well, if Sakurai likes Ikes moveset, he can transfer it to Chrom. However 3 bluehaired swordsmen from the same franchise looks a bit strange, doesn't it? Also I think two characters are pretty representative for Fire Emblem. One being the legendary Marth who is the most important lord of the series anyway. And the other being always a character, most likely the lord, of the most recent Fire Emblem game. This is a good way to avoid adding too many swordsmen over more interesting characters and still the recent FE games get supported by SSB4.
Why I've cut Snake? Well, Metal Gear is barely present on Nintendo consoles, so I don't see a need to keep him in the roster anymore. As a guest character for one game he was okay, but that's it.

Punch-Out!, Dillon's Rolling Western and Takamaru?
Punch-Out! reborn on the Wii needs to get more attention if Nintendo wants to release in the future again another Punch-Out! game. To keep the attention on the protagonist of the series, Sakurai has to put Little Mac in the roster. Also we saw already a stage being a boxing arena and this perfectly fits for Little Mac, just as the Galaxy stage hinted Rosalina. Beside that, Little Mac is one of the most wanted newcomers, he is on so many lists and in so many rosters. Even Sakurai can't miss this wish to get Little Mac in SSB4.

In the Super Smash Bros universe, we have no character who symbolizes the japanese history: the samurai. Nintendo has an eShop title called Sakura Samurai which has the historical japanese setting of samurais. Beside that one, Nintendo has Takamaru, a good retro option for SSB4. In Nintendoland there is even a game called Takamaru's Castle. We can be sure Nintendo hasn't forgotten who Takamaru is/was and therefore he seems also a possible character choice for the samurai representing the samurais of the East.

Speaking of East, let's got to the West. Dillon's Rolling Western plays in the Cowboy/Ranger setting we haven't seen yet in SSB4. The eShop franchise counts two games in almost 2-3 years and is even supported by Nintendo by sharing a Mii plaza puzzle on the topic of Dillon's Rolling Western. Nintendo has all the rights for the game and the characters and therefore there are no real obstacles that could stop the rolling armadillo from entering the roster. I feel like Dillon would be a good addition because of the setting, but also because he has moveset potential and can be very unique.

I think I've talked now on the topic of every newcomer I've added and on the topic of every cut I've made. I'm fine with my roster. I like it as it has many different characters from different franchises.
I like this roster a lot, then again I don't.
Your reason for cutting Snake and Ike are a tad confounding to me.
Simply saying Snake has no presence is rather strange: Konami has a good presence with the 3DS, having titles like MGS3D or Castlevania: LoS: Mirror of Fate.
You also seem to view it as that Chrom is absolutely getting in no matter the case. There's a good shot that he's not going to be added, as Ike is still very popular, he's what Marth is to Japan. (In other words, a big deal.

Other than not having a 4th Kirby Rep, which is to me, the one outlying questionable aspect of the roster, this has good additions. Props for adding Kamek and Medusa!

I need to apologize, asthis post was off topic and a tad outdated, but it didn't send for a very long time and I wasn't recieving any notifications for a while. :p
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