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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
oh okay.
should i just avoid those thread then?
Besides the occasional Fire Emblem wackiness (And a few *uhum* silly people) these threads are just fine for the most part. If you are really concerned, avoid them when there is a news drought (such as on weekends). The thing is that the discussions made tend to be quite repetitive so you wind up hearing the same stories repeated over and over again like a broken record so it tends to get to some people.

But for the rest, don't worry, most people are cool and enjoy having a friendly discussion with you if you wish. ^_^


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
I just come into this thread to feel good about myself.

although I don't think everyone feels the same way when they come here.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
First I wanted to remind everyone about this contest in doing http://smashboards.com/threads/thre...-if-everyone-had-an-alternate-costume.344295/ and I need at least 16 rosters to start, so please enter your alternates costume roster once you read this.

Second, I realized something while observing newcomers for each smash bros game.
Sakurai seem to have. A different approach/gaol when chooses newcomers.
Allow me to ellborate.

Smash 64:
Newcomers/First characters-
Mario- :mario64:
Luigi- :luigi64:
Donkey Kong- :dk64:
Yoshi- :yoshi64:
Link- :link64:
Kirby- :kirby64:
Fox- :fox64:
Samus- :samus64:
Captain Falcon- :falcon64:
Ness- :ness64:
Pikachu- :pikachu64:
Jigglypuff- :jigglypuff64:

Obviously Sakurais goal is to put in the single main character of each main Nintendo series, and adding a second character to the two most popular series.

Dr. Mario- :drmario:
Bowser- :bowsermelee:
Peach- :peachmelee:
Falco- :falcomelee:
Zelda/Sheik- :zeldamelee::sheikmelee:
Ganondorf- :ganondorfmelee:
Young Link- :younglinkmelee:
Pichu- :pichumelee:
Mewtwo- :mewtwomelee:
Marth- :marthmelee:
Roy- :roymelee:
Mr. Game & Watch- :gawmelee:

Now it seems like Sakurai is trying to get the rest of the necessary characters or main characters, with no concern if they are clones or not, as seen in Falco and especially Ganondorf.

I'll type a Brawl and 4 one later.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Beating a dead horse again, are we?

I'll change the topic then. Seeing that all of the newcomers revealed till now have completely new movesets, would it be wrong to say is uniqueness THE most important factor for a newcomer? That kind of seems to be the case about Rosalina. She is a minor character compared to Toad or Bowser Jr, yet Sakurai figured out a unique way to use Lumas in her moveset, and she made it in before them.

If it is the case, this is bad for a Fire Emblem newcomer, or looking at the current topic, Impa.
Yeah. I think we've all undervalued uniqueness as a factor, thinking it was importance to the main franchise or popularity as the most important factors.

I think it's still possible to have unique Fire Emblem characters though. I do think Lucina could be made unique with a moveset using the time portals from Awakening in. Even beyond her, each Fire Emblem character is a blank slate, as they really only have around 4 animations in the game. Ike has 4 animations in his games. Marth did too. Look at how different they are.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
So we're going for unique newcomers? I'd say Lyndis is the most likely Fire Emblem newcomer in that case.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I did bring up something for Bowser Jr., which could make him very unique from the other fighters. I call it the "Graffiti" mechanic.

Following my special move inputs, I have a lot more to bring up for Bowser Jr....

Bowser Jr. possesses a very unique mechanic that none of the other playable characters have, and it's known as the "Graffiti" mechanic. Much like how Ness uses PK, Zelda uses Magic, Lucario uses Aura, and Ganondorf uses Darkness, Bowser Jr. utilizes Graffiti for most of his attacks. This is especially due to the fact that he uses his magic brush for almost all of his standard attacks.

In terms of how the Graffiti mechanic works, it basically involves Bowser Jr. utilizing his magic brush to directly attack opponents. Whenever the magic brush damages opponents, it'll leave behind damaging graffiti, which is represented by rainbow paint. If Bowser Jr. delivers any powerful hits with his brush, the amount of graffiti that gets layered onto the opponents will increase. However, Bowser Jr. can only put up to three layers of graffiti on the opponent. The layer effects go as follows...

One layer: Player takes 1% damage for every two seconds that pass. Lasts for two seconds if the player hasn't been damaged by any more graffiti attacks. Weak brush attacks tend to offer this result.

Two layers: Player takes 1% damage for every 1.5 seconds that pass, and his/her movement speed gets reduced by 25%. Downgrades to one layer after two seconds have passed without being damaged by graffiti attacks. Moderately strong brush attacks often offer this result.

Three layers: Player takes 1% damage for every second that passes, and his/her movement speed gets reduced by 50%. Downgrades to two layers after two seconds have passed without being damaged by graffiti attacks. Fully charged smash attacks are very likely to offer this result.

On an additional note, Bowser Jr.'s up special, the Brush Propeller, also utilizes the Graffiti mechanic, as it does has offensive properties. Also, his Final Smash, Jr. Clown Car, also utilizes graffiti, as the boxing gloves that are equipped onto his Koopa Clown Car will have graffiti painted onto them; this graffiti will always place three layers of graffiti onto anyone who gets hit. The Bob-ombs, however, do not utilize graffiti at all.

Because of the nature of Bowser Jr.'s Graffiti mechanics, players need to be careful not to get overwhelmed by Bowser Jr.'s brush attacks.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I'm excited to see what this uniqueness brings to other series. I'd really like to see what he can do with K. Rool or Dixie.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Ganondorf is biggest villain of Zelda in human form.
Zelda is the namesake of the series, Sheik was her alter-ego at that given time of inclusion.

Impa is playable in Hyrule Warriors.

Last time I checked that was a pretty damn popular Zelda subseries. Besides Vaati has a more important role than Impa even if he isn't playable. And your role in Zelda is way more important than that.
Vaati is not even the most important villain. Impa is by far the most important supporter character.

When the **** was Impa playable? And what recent Zelda games? You mean Skyward Sword, Skyward Sword, and Skyward Sword? Not to mention the only other one she was in besides Skyward Sword was the one where she was overshadowed by Sheik.
When the **** she was playable? Whenever the **** Hyrule Warriors gets released. :rolleyes:

Funny you say overshadowed, when Impa is Sheik's tutor. Without Impa, no Sheik. That's another thing to consider eh? ;)

Explain right now why she likely won't be.
As apposed to everyone else who already is.
Barriers. Magic attacks. Deku Nuts. Material arts similar to kung fu. A big ass long sword in Hyrule Warriors. How the hell does this NOT make her viable for an unique moveset? Unless you like to play dumb to suit your own arguements, which wouldn't surprise me.

Proof? Also was Lucas a late addition? I don't think so. Nor was Ganondorf in Brawl.
Proof? This is common knowlegde by now. :smirk: Lucas wasn't a late addition, but he's fine the way he is. He's probably the least similar semi-clone. Ganondorf was still changed to being a semi-clone in Brawl opposed to a full clone in Melee. It's not much, but still changes.

Because nobody will feel alienated by the piss poor moves you suggested which only appear like 5 seconds in cutscenes.
:laugh: Whatever dude. Continue to preach how Mii and Waluigi are good choices okay? That cutscene is the most famous and popular one from Skyward Sword btw, and not nearly 5 seconds you biased *******.

Yet you still seem to think things will be different for Impa for no reason.
Not for no reason. Reason: Impa has abilities of her own. Deny or talk **** whatever you like, it's facts.

That does not explain why he became a semi-clone and why Impa wouldn't become one.
Semi-clone how exactly? For having 4 similar moves? Bat, PK Fire, PK Thunder, PSI Magnet. For the record, Ness and DK already share 3 of their aerials. Jigglypuff and Kirby have even more similarities. Are they semi-clones to? Play the actual game on some decent level or something man, you clearly don't know much about this.

For some reason I think Zoroark would have an Uzi. So he's a much better choice to consider.
For some reason, Zoroark never had an Uzi. I know you're just a kid, just try and not be so childish ok?

If by can, you mean physically can. Not would likely happen in any way of the definition considering it makes literally no sense at all.
Says the one who said he literally blasts things off as a bad idea cause he doesn't understand them :laugh: Good one! Fact: Impa is Zelda's bodyguard, and always by her side. It'd be an extremely creative idea to make both Zelda and Sheik's movesets on screen at the same time. With tweaks of course. Then again, I guess you have no creativity. Sad.

I can come up with a million options for Dark Pit to go by. But, until I explain why it makes any sense or bring up any patterns pointing towards it, they aren't valid options.
By all means explain how Dark Pit is a better choice than Palutena then?

You still have yet to explain why Impa would use the moves you suggested as apposed to being a clone of Sheik. You have also yet to explain why a tag team between Zelda & Impa makes sense.
First: Why the hell would she be a clone of a character who's considered 'the other half of the moveset'? We won't see say, a Squirtle clone on the roster either. Also, she has actual moves of her own and doesn't NEED to be a clone unlike Sheik who had NOTHING.
Second: Why it makes sence? Explained before, Impa is Zelda's bodyguard. Leads her through dungeons, the 'world below', and basically told her all about her 'mission'. She also fought of all enemies for Zelda as seen in cutscenes and the ending of Skyward Sword. I think the whole purpose of being a bodyguard is to guard the body you are supposed to be guarding right?

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Ganondorf is biggest villain of Zelda in human form.
Zelda is the namesake of the series, Sheik was her alter-ego at that given time of inclusion.

Impa is playable in Hyrule Warriors.
That's not confirmed yet. She could just be a partner, like the soldiers were.

Vaati is not even the most important villain. Impa is by far the most important supporter character.
Shall I say 2nd most important? Nobody was arguing he was the most important.

When the **** she was playable? Whenever the **** Hyrule Warriors gets released. :rolleyes:
Again, not confirmed.
Funny you say overshadowed, when Impa is Sheik's tutor. Without Impa, no Sheik. That's another thing to consider eh? ;)
Without TwinRova, there is no Ganondorf.
Just had to get that over with.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC

Just to piss off the Waluigi fanboys some more. :troll:

Just had to get that over with.
Partner or not, she's in there still. Zelda characters outside of Link are never playable anyway. Outside of... Kafei and Link's mask transformations? The statues in Wind Waker which you mind-control? Medli and the Kokiri-descendant tree dude? Have I named everyone yet..?

2nd most important? Could be close with Ghirahim actually. Just that Vaati was the boss of Minish Cap, and chosen to be the villain of a sub-series in Zelda, the Four Swords doesn't mean much at all if he isn't appearing outside of those games. Vaati's excistance didn't stand in the way of Nintendo creating other sub-villains to the 'big bad' as Ghirahim, Zant and that mage-guy from ALBW.

Ganondorf has also appeared without Twinrova being there. Sheik has never appeared without Impa not being there. Impa being the solo survivor of the Sheikah, and Zelda needing a Sheikah to train her to become one to become Sheik effectively makes it impossible for Sheik to be in a Zelda game without Impa being there in the first place.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
I'm going to ask this question for about the 1,000,000th time.
If you could choose one fourth party character to be in a smash game, who would it be?

I'd normally choose SuperMan because why the hell not.

But since I am making my own Smash Bros Fan Game (Project Bidoof, in my sig) I guess I could choose whoever I want for that, I could even Old Gir here.

I bet Diddy Kong would choose an Impa Cosplayer as his :troll:

Deleted member

I'm seeing Phantom Zelda stronger now.
-First legitimate playable incarnation of Zelda (the CD-i games are not legitimate)
-Aesthetically blends with Toon Link
-Spirit Tracks stage featured
-A "Toon Zelda" was planned for Brawl, and Phantom Zelda is for all intents and purposes a "Toon Zelda"
-Is nothing like the Smash Zelda cast as of yet, being a living suit of armor
-Offers unique style of abilities Phantoms are capable of as well as the possibility of having Spirit Zelda dispossess the Phantom body to escape and/or get to a location faster (while the Phantom attacks on its own)
-The Spirit Zelda is featured as a "Nintendo Starlet" on Puzzle Swap alongside Peach, Rosalina, regular Zelda, and Pauline (not a strong case, but still; shows the little ghost girl is recognized by Nintendo despite Spirit Tracks being released back in 2009)

I'm honestly going to be surprised if Phantom Zelda is not the 5th Zelda character now. Unless Tingle is added and doesn't get his own series label.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I'm seeing Phantom Zelda stronger now.
-First legitimate playable incarnation of Zelda (the CD-i games are not legitimate)
-Aesthetically blends with Toon Link
-Spirit Tracks stage featured
-A "Toon Zelda" was planned for Brawl, and Phantom Zelda is for all intents and purposes a "Toon Zelda"
-Is nothing like the Smash Zelda cast as of yet, being a living suit of armor
-Offers unique style of abilities Phantoms are capable of as well as the possibility of having Spirit Zelda dispossess the Phantom body to escape and/or get to a location faster (while the Phantom attacks on its own)
-The Spirit Zelda is featured as a "Nintendo Starlet" on Puzzle Swap alongside Peach, Rosalina, regular Zelda, and Pauline (not a strong case, but still; shows the little ghost girl is recognized by Nintendo despite Spirit Tracks being released back in 2009)

I'm honestly going to be surprised if Phantom Zelda is not the 5th Zelda character now. Unless Tingle is added and doesn't get his own series label.



Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
This is my last post. He's clearly in denial.

Ganondorf is biggest villain of Zelda in human form, Zelda is the namesake of the series, Impa is playable in Hyrule Warriors.
Wait, I thought you were listing important roles. Also you do realize this playability was revealed YESTERDAY. Why should it hold significance this far into development?

Vaati is not even the most important villain. Impa is by far the most important supporter character.
Vaati is the second most important Zelda villian. And how is Impa a more important supporting character than Tingle? Also how is a supporting character more important than the Villian?

When the **** she was playable? Whenever the **** Hyrule Warriors gets released. :rolleyes:
Again, this was yesterday. Smash began development like a year ago.

Funny you say overshadowed, when Impa is Sheik's tutor. Without Impa, no Sheik. That's another thing to consider eh? ;)
The Goddesses created Link and Hyrule. Clearly Link and the entire Zelda cast is overshadowed by them.

Barriers. Magic attacks. Deku Nuts. Material arts similar to kung fu. A big *** long sword in Hyrule Warriors. How the hell does this NOT make her viable for an unique moveset?
Skull Hammer, Deku Leaf, and Fire Rod? PK Teleport, Beam, Brainshock, and Counter? How the hell does this NOT make Toon Link and Lucas viable for a unique move set? :rolleyes:

Do you see why you're argument failed now?

Proof? This is common knowlegde by now. :smirk:
If you don't prove it, I have reason to believe it's not true and you're stalling by being ********.

Lucas wasn't a late addition, but he's fine the way he is. He's probably the least similar semi-clone. Ganondorf was still changed to being a semi-clone in Brawl opposed to a full clone in Melee. It's not much, but still changes.
This does not explain why they are clones and Impa wouldn't be. All you said was that you're okay with them being clones. That's your own biased opinion that doesn't affect Sakurai's criteria.

You're clearly refusing to explain yourself and thus I have reason to believe you aren't going to get any better.

Not for no reason. Reason: Impa has abilities of her own.
Again, so do Toon Link, Impa, and Ganondorf. SO WHY WOULD IMPA!? You keep responding with the same **** you used before I proved why that doesn't work. Repeating something doesn't make it right. How stupid are you?

Semi-clone how exactly? For having 4 similar moves? Bat, PK Fire, PK Thunder, PSI Magnet.
That would define him as "Semi-Clone"

Actually Lucas shares 5 similar moves. All of which are specials plus a side smash. So what basis do you have for saying Impa wouldn't share all specials plus smash attacks. If the fact that she has unique abilities didn't work for Lucas, Toon Link, and Ganondorf then it's not going to work for Impa.

If you seriously can't comprehend that then I think we can all confirm you are in denial. Or just stupid. Either one is believable.

I know you're just a kid, just try and not be so childish ok?
How ironic

Says the one who said he literally blasts things off as a bad idea cause he doesn't understand them :laugh:
Actually I clarified that I simply didn't understand why you were so stupid as to believe the concept makes sense. But, I forgot you have amesia considering you forget everything I say and just repeat the same ****.

The problem is that you're idea makes no sense. That's why you're the ONLY one who understands it. The only person who can understand it is someone who's mind is as crazy as yours. So you have no reason to criticize me for not being as stupid as you.

I do however understand why it DOESN'T work. You don't. And that's sad.

Impa is Zelda's bodyguard, and always by her side.
Define: "Always"

It'd be an extremely creative idea to make both Zelda and Sheik's movesets on screen at the same time.
Creative and stupid.

You clearly are ignoring all evidence that destroys the arguments you mindlessly repeat like a ******** parrot. I have no reason to continue this with you. I know fully sympathize with the plethora of complaints about you and your boner for Impa as well as how horrid and hilarious everyone described your arguments.

I'm simply done trying to educate you, and if you're twisted mind does mental gymnastics to make you think I'm just pussing out, that's fine with me. Considering everyone here agrees with me on this and not a single person takes your futile and bias attempts to justify Impa seriously.

If you want to deny that last part go ahead, it wouldn't surprise me. But, anyone you ask isn't going to side with you. ;)

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Wait, I thought you were listing important roles. Also you do realize this playability was revealed YESTERDAY. Why should it hold significance this far into development?
Learn2quote plz
Jeez ladies, get a room.

I'm sure we can all agree Vaati is the best Zelda newcomer.
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