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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Oh, and Lucario and Mewtwo share nothing in common but their standard special.
Except nearly identical body design and body part placement. They even have fat hips, similar head, similar eyes, similar tail, and the same toes along with fiery powers. But, other than that...


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010

If i see that, i'm leaving it'll remind me of that dark day..... *shudders*


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Is anybody else anxiously worried others will infer Rosalina's playable inclusion as an indicator of that, always and automatically, "Stage reveals = Character reveals"?
I am not worried about other people's speculation. I do me, they do them. Ya dig?!

At least it changes the dynamics of the fine art of speculation, I am tired of the K. Rool (Dixie)/Palutena/Ridley/Little Mac propaganda. We already know they are likely; it is time to talk about some other characters that we never gave the benefit of the doubt.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA
Is anybody else anxiously worried others will infer Rosalina's playable inclusion as an indicator of that, always and automatically, "Stage reveals = Character reveals"?
Yes, like how WFT's reveal made everyone start to pick the most random characters to be playable.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Look, I'm not mad, I'm simply very serious when I say Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Also, FYI, Lucario was my main until I realized he replaced Mewtwo. That's why I switched to Fox. good grief, I'm may be 12, but I'm a very mature 12 year old. I've played him, and know how similar he is to Mewtwo, so therefore I am entitled to my opinion.
Lucario never replaced he only has 2 moves in commen with mew two and they both work differently and have different properties, and I know your a mature 12 year old you have said that already but my point still stands that you know nothing of Lucario if you think him looking like he is about to float or actually floating for his intrance makes him a mewtwo replacement that being said actually research why he was cut not brood and hate one charecter because you think he replaced him.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Mewtwo was cut is Smash64 due to time constraints, not Brawl. Besides, I'd rather have them delay the game AGAIN just to put Mewtwo in.
Both Lucario and Mewtwo were planned though.

Therefore... not replaced.

I don't believe I mentioned my predictions being under 22 characters + other signature gifs. Don't lol at me when you can't even do math correctly. :shades:

Thank you for your efforts to spend all of your time annoying me today, it was obnoxious while it lasted.
Really, that one collective image (like I specified) had more than 22 character slots? I guess I am bad at math. Either that or you're looking for loopholes...

But no problem, I didn't anticipate you'd resort to such hostility right off the bat, but I guess if nothing else it was telling.

You have fun predicting all the characters from here on out correctly. ;)

Not trying to hate again, but for your own good never say the sentence "I'm a very mature 12 year old" again, it'll only get you into trouble.
I'm thinking someone who would stress that they're twelve and that they're mature knows exactly what kind of repercussions will result, if you know what I mean. ;)



[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Is anybody else anxiously worried others will infer Rosalina's playable inclusion as an indicator of that, always and automatically, "Stage reveals = Character reveals"?
But yeah obviously I know stage doesn't necessarily=character (was just joking with the ridley), but it'd be nice having ridley. Oh and its gonna happen, gamefaqs and miiverse viruses have spread and its only a matter of time before someone here gets it.

Why did I quote you again? I dunno...

Welp there's that video saturn posted, I'm out before this goes into chrom booty mode.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Yes, Yes we are going to talk about the clone thing again. Here it is:
Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Lucario sucks. Lucario doesn't deserve a spot in the next Smash game. Mewtwo is boss. End of story. Bye-bye.:glare:


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Just my brief thoughts on Rosalina:

1. A stupid idea on paper, but executed very well.

2. I really like that she's in, but I doubt I'll main her.

3. Her controlling that AI Luma likely means that we needn't worry about the Ice Climbers being cut from programming issues.

4. 5 Mario characters opens the window to 5 Pokemon, which means we can have both Lucario and Mewtwo.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Well I just watched the direct.
And now I'm going to go cry.

Because Sakurai decided to add one of the only characters that woul make me genuinely upset if they were in!

Because Rosalina is an overused character! She had ONE major role, in Galaxy 1, and then Nintendo decided to put her in every game possible after that! MarioKart Wii! MarioKart 7, Galaxy 2 (which I can actually understand)! And 3D World!
I guess this just goes to show that recency is what meters in the long run!

I guess you can say that Rosalina in the next Bowser Jr. (Who I actually like because he makes sense as a brand new main character, as he is basically a reboot of the Koopalings in one character, until they actually returned that is). She appeared in one 3D Mario game and is now in every Mario game!

I'm just gonna pray that either Bowser Jr. or Paper Mario get in as a 6th rep. I'll even take Waluigi counted as a Wario rep.

When I first saw the begining of the trailer, I thought that it was announcing Kirby as a character in MarioKart. And what is with this connection between Luma and Kirby? Is it just because they are both balls from space? Or is it going to be some sort of thing?


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Except nearly identical body design and body part placement. They even have fat hips, similar head, similar eyes, similar tail, and the same toes along with fiery powers. But, other than that...
I don't know how Mewtwo and Lucario have similar heads and tails, and Mewtwo has much bigger eyes than Lucario too. They have fat hips, sure, but aside from that Mewtwo is a lot taller and much more lean than Lucario. Lucario also moves in a totally different way than Mewtwo. Not to mention the scale of proportions where Lucario has a much smaller body in comparison to Mewtwo. You're simply drawing the comparison because they're both humanoid in appearance.

Yes, Yes we are going to talk about the clone thing again. Here it is:
Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Lucario sucks. Lucario doesn't deserve a spot in the next Smash game. Mewtwo is boss. End of story. Bye-bye.:glare:
Was proven wrong. Leaves thread. I really don't mean to be an asshole, but jesus, where's that maturity that you were advertising?


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Well I just watched the direct.
And now I'm going to go cry.

Because Sakurai decided to add one of the only characters that woul make me genuinely upset if they were in!

Because Rosalina is an overused character! She had ONE major role, in Galaxy 1, and then Nintendo decided to put her in every game possible after that! MarioKart Wii! MarioKart 7, Galaxy 2 (which I can actually understand)! And 3D World!
I guess this just goes to show that recency is what meters in the long run!

I guess you can say that Rosalina in the next Bowser Jr. (Who I actually like because he makes sense as a brand new main character, as he is basically a reboot of the Koopalings in one character, until they actually returned that is). She appeared in one 3D Mario game and is now in every Mario game!

I'm just gonna pray that either Bowser Jr. or Paper Mario get in as a 6th rep. I'll even take Waluigi counted as a Wario rep.

When I first saw the begining of the trailer, I thought that it was announcing Kirby as a character in MarioKart. And what is with this connection between Luma and Kirby? Is it just because they are both balls from space? Or is it going to be some sort of thing?
The Galaxy games are pretty big and important to the Mario series though. :p


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Yes, Yes we are going to talk about the clone thing again. Here it is:
Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Lucario sucks. Lucario doesn't deserve a spot in the next Smash game. Mewtwo is boss. End of story. Bye-bye.:glare:
The only thing is... Lucario is going to return. It is inevitable, it doesn't really matter if the 12 year old Mewtwo fans hate him.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Really, that one collective image (like I specified) had more than 22 characters?
You do realize that more than 22.....is MORE than 22! I haven't even told you how many characters I have and yet you're claiming I can fit in the space when I can't even fit another Luigi gif on my signature. I don't bother to put every character I predict on my signature in fact several times I've swapped them out and put them back in later.

You can be a Christmas troll if you want and pretend I'm just predicting whatever characters get revealed (which is kind of weird since if I did I'd have Villager and Wii Fit Trainer.) That's fine. But, if you want to disrupt people's enjoyment of the thread with your childish games, at least ACT intelligent as you do so. You're a great moderator by the way. This is totally not obnoxious and childish behavior. I mean unless you're just bored.

You can't even stop harassing people after they politely ask you to. So yeah, Merry Christmas to you too.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Look, I don't know how many times I have to explain this. Why were Mewtwo's files still in the game? Because not every single flippin' one was transferred to Lucario. Do you see any resemblance in their above-100% ledge attacks or in their jabs. They kept those files in the game, and the jab infinite of Mewtwo was also left in. Now, that's not to say that they're not similar, because they are, like Falco's jab and Forward smash is different, but he is still considered a semi-clone. And yes, they are both planned, but they left the Mewtwo files in and made a NEW Lucario model out of Mewtwo's and therefore there are parts of his model and move set codes in the game. They were not all transferred. Gosh, I hate repeating myself, but I'll do it for you, Mewtwo.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Yeah... like Rosalina, "she didn't have a chance" they said, "she isn't unique" they said. :awesome:

The flaw in our analysis of Rosalina boiled down to us having tunnel vision in comparing her only to individual Mario contenders. For example, she was deemed inferior to Jr. because of him being more recurring in important roles, and inferior to Toad because he's the more prominent playable character in 3D World. I think we might have paid her more attention had we looked at the Mario contender pool from afar. Since none of the contenders stood out from the others, most of us simply said "Maybe there won't be any at all." Instead, with their relative evenness in mind, Sakurai seemingly just strode in and chose the one for whom he had the most unique idea.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Well I just watched the direct.
And now I'm going to go cry.

Because Sakurai decided to add one of the only characters that woul make me genuinely upset if they were in!

Because Rosalina is an overused character! She had ONE major role, in Galaxy 1, and then Nintendo decided to put her in every game possible after that! MarioKart Wii! MarioKart 7, Galaxy 2 (which I can actually understand)! And 3D World!
I guess this just goes to show that recency is what meters in the long run!

I guess you can say that Rosalina in the next Bowser Jr. (Who I actually like because he makes sense as a brand new main character, as he is basically a reboot of the Koopalings in one character, until they actually returned that is). She appeared in one 3D Mario game and is now in every Mario game!

I'm just gonna pray that either Bowser Jr. or Paper Mario get in as a 6th rep. I'll even take Waluigi counted as a Wario rep.

When I first saw the begining of the trailer, I thought that it was announcing Kirby as a character in MarioKart. And what is with this connection between Luma and Kirby? Is it just because they are both balls from space? Or is it going to be some sort of thing?
Does it make you feel better that I really liked her inclusion? I can lick the salty tears off of your cheek, Bidoof.

I do agree; she was the least worthy; however, I don't really care because I like her. I actually supported Toad to do the universally accepted thing, more people would be pleased by Toad. Rosalina is a result of my own greed. You have no idea what I had to do for Sakurai to get her in the game. If I had the chance to do it again... I wouldn't.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA
Yes, Yes we are going to talk about the clone thing again. Here it is:
Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Lucario sucks. Lucario doesn't deserve a spot in the next Smash game. Mewtwo is boss. End of story. Bye-bye.:glare:
Roy was the best character in Melee, and I can't STAND Ike as his replacement.

*Proceeds to hate everything and anything about Ike*


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
The flaw in our analysis of Rosalina boiled down to us having tunnel vision in comparing her only to individual Mario contenders. For example, she was deemed inferior to Jr. because of him being more recurring in important roles, and inferior to Toad because he's the more prominent playable character in 3D World. I think we might have paid her more attention had we looked at the Mario contender pool from afar. Since none of the contenders stood out from the others, most of us simply said "Maybe there won't be any at all." Instead, with their relative evenness in mind, Sakurai seemingly just strode in and chose the one for whom he had the most unique idea.
It is actually funny that you say that, it is probably the reason I thought she was so likely. I didn't have tunnel vision as once Sakurai confirmed that Toad is to retain his status as a snatch-fungus-meat-shield... I knew that importance to the series was not relevant. He was the only applicable character in my mind; once he faced the chopping block over and over again, I realized that he wasn't going to make it. Bowser Jr. and Paper Mario have so many little things going against them; however, I never really considered them plausible. Never. I just disregarded their existence to be honest. So it came down to Dr. Mario, Waluigi, and Rosalina for me. I didn't have that tunnel vision because of this. Dr. Mario would be suitable as an alternative and Rosalina is much more important than Waluigi.

That is the really short version of my rationale. In any event, the reason I am not nearly as surprised is because I didn't have that tunnel vision hindering me.

Deleted member

Funny how yesterday Rosalina would've seen as many detractors (if not more) as supporters.

We'll just brush that under the carpet though. :smirk:
If I was still heavily invested in the speculation scene, I would have made an essay of sort detailing why she will not be in SSB 3DS & Wii U and how I was 100% sure of this. Already did a mini-essay of sort saying this back last year on the Rosalina thread... and now I'm having to eat my words.
Oh, boy, the "We can't predict anything!!!!" s***...It's bizarre how terrified people seem to be of the idea of getting a single prediction wrong that, after one wrong prediction happens, they're so quick to throw up their hands in despair and claim nothing is predictable. I imagine this is spurred on by the people who will occasionally pop into the thread to mock anyone who hasn't given up speculation with a few "Oh, look at those idiots *dismissive GIF*" posts...but not without posting about how two or three universally agreed-upon characters are 100%, and if we don't like that, too bad, so sad. Very convenient, no?

Speculation is for fun! Don't be paralyzed by the fear of not having a perfect track record with your guesses.
Its not that getting a character wrong would have me putting speculation in the back corner. I am currently guessing Roy for our next Fire Emblem character, but at the same time, I can see the arguments for Chrom's potential inclusion, so even if Chrom got in (or heck, even Lucina), I could see why.

But of the four newcomers, the only one I did guess was Mega Man and that was dependent on if guests would return. But the other three... I mean sure we can say in hindsight they had reasons to be in, but did the majority of the Smash community expect them as playable previously? Not at all. Most of the community thought Animal Crossing would never get a rep and no one expected Wii Fit Trainer. By the Smash community's standard, Rosalina should have been ruled out as well, yet she is playable. It isn't just that I didn't guess them, but also that I literally though they had zero chance of getting in.

That doesn't mean that speculation doesn't have its place; it is fun to do when we don't get ourselves too involved in it (see Fire Emblem wars). But the inclusion of Villager, Wii Fit Trainer and now Rosalina shows that the pool of characters is much wider than we think. While the likes of Ridley, King K. Rool, Mewtwo and Palutena stand out, it does mean that the pool of newcomers isn't limited to just the twenty that are speculated as plausible.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Look, I don't know how many times I have to explain this. Why were Mewtwo's files still in the game? Because not every single flippin' one was transferred to Lucario. Do you see any resemblance in their above-100% ledge attacks or in their jabs. They kept those files in the game, and the jab infinite of Mewtwo was also left in. Now, that's not to say that they're not similar, because they are, like Falco's jab and Forward smash is different, but he is still considered a semi-clone. And yes, they are both planned, but they left the Mewtwo files in and made a NEW Lucario model out of Mewtwo's and therefore there are parts of his model and move set codes in the game. They were not all transferred. Gosh, I hate repeating myself, but I'll do it for you, Mewtwo.
Whatever I've said my peice already If you don't want to listen then don't that's fine, I don't care anymore.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Rhythm, Excellent, I like you, you're like me, but for a different character. And I never said they can't co-exist. It's just that they didn't in Brawl, and Lucario, because he ate up Mewtwo's roster spot, needs to give Mewtwo his due respect and give him his own place. In Smash 5, let 'em co-exist. Heck, if they co-exist in Smash 4, I'll be happy, and I won't need Mewtwo alone in Smash 5. Actually, they CAN co-exist. I WANT them to co-exist, but I don't think Lucario deserves a spot in smash 4.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Still concerned about Starfy. I mean he has SO much different from Luma (who is just a Pikmin in the first place). He's playable on his own, and we have both Kirby and Jigglypuff. I just don't know.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Does it make you feel better that I really liked her inclusion? I can lick the salty tears off of your cheek, Bidoof.

I do agree; she was the least worthy; however, I don't really care because I like her. I actually supporter Toad to do the universally accepted thing, more people would be pleased by Toad. Rosalina is a result of my own greed. You have no idea what I had to do for Sakurai to get her in the game. If I had the chance to do it again... I wouldn't.
There is still the possibility of Waluigi as a Wario rep, Paper Mario as a Paper Mario rep, and maybe Bowser Jr as a 6th Mario rep.

After all, they added 3 Mario characters in Melee and don't say it was because they were main characters, because so is Bowser Jr. now apparently.
And Bowser Jr. Deserves a spot just as much as Rosalina.
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