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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
What Arcanir said. Don't expect random characters from Fire Emblem over Chrom or Roy. That's just stupidity. It's not like Rosalina showed up once and never appeared again.

BTW, it would have been nice to get Wario and Yoshi in that trailer for Rosalina, but I'll take what we got. Very exciting!

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC

'Yes Your Grace, I will wait for you here till you give me your command.'

Next Nintendo Direct:

Dixie (if Diddy has been revealed already) or Impa.



Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
While I agree that uniqueness is going to play a much larger part, I don't think it'll completely override importance. Rosalina is a unique candidate in that she's not as important as Toad or Bowser Jr. while her uniqueness probably helped in getting her picked, but she's still plays a notable part in the newer games to the point that she's almost solidified in the cast nowadays. So I still wouldn't expect situations like Tharja over Chrom as she doesn't matter much in the scheme of things whereas others like Robin brings something new to the table and have a major part in the game's (or series') story.
Zoroark is the next newcomer maybe. :crazy:


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
What Arcanir said. Don't expect random characters from Fire Emblem over Chrom or Roy. That's just stupidity. It's not like Rosalina showed up once and never appeared again.

BTW, it would have been nice to get Wario and Yoshi in that trailer for Rosalina, but I'll take what we got. Very exciting!
I don't think Lucina or Robin would be random to expect either. Especially if Robin was known as the Tactician.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013

'Yes Your Grace, I will wait for you here till you give me your command.'

Next Nintendo Direct:

Dixie (if Diddy has been revealed already) or Impa.

I'll take a Veteran Buffet with a side of Zelda Newcomer. :awesome:

See, I'm applying my newer thinking to certain franchises, @Arcanir. No way I'm applying this to Salty Emblem, Mother, or F-Zero. Just some of the bigger franchises, honestly. But let's be honest here, the next few weeks will be 5th Rep Zelda Wars for two characters that can't seem to maintain a constant appearance, and two that live in the magical land of Toon Link Games.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
And yet we see Kirby's serious side on a lot of his artworks, such as the following...

Yeah, I know that, but that's either an American thing or a post-Sakurai thing. Sakurai seems to handle Kirby in a much different way, he's just a nice little fella' that's a bit oblivious when Sakurai does stuff with him, kind of like Winnie the Pooh, but in much more dire situations. Plus, I'm sure there's a difference between having to save Dream Land and punching a monkey in the face.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I'll take a Veteran Buffet with a side of Zelda Newcomer. :awesome:

See, I'm applying my newer thinking to certain franchises, @Arcanir. No way I'm applying this to Salty Emblem, Mother, or F-Zero. Just some of the bigger franchises, honestly. But let's be honest here, the next few weeks will be 5th Rep Zelda Wars for two characters that can't seem to maintain a constant appearance, and two that live in the magical land of Toon Link Games.
Zelda Hyrule Warrios is totally related to Skyward Sword. I can see Impa appearing in this game as a fighter aside from Link.

If so, we'll definitely see her in Smash.

It's gonna be glorious.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
What Arcanir said. Don't expect random characters from Fire Emblem over Chrom or Roy. That's just stupidity. It's not like Rosalina showed up once and never appeared again.
If you remember what happened to Skull Kid, this is like a wake-up call for those who are supporting one-time only characters. There's pretty much no way that Ghirahim will get in before Ganondorf.

BTW, it would have been nice to get Wario and Yoshi in that trailer for Rosalina, but I'll take what we got. Very exciting!
Wario and Yoshi will get their chance eventually. But to be fair, with some of the Yoshi-related stuff that was revealed today, I would've thought that Yoshi would at least get a Smash Bros. mention.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Because while everyone is in their fighting spirits, Kirby probably thinks it's just a fun little game they're playing. I honestly prefer the lolly-gagging, curious and playful Kirby, so I think it's great that he kicks people's *** with a big smile or a wonderous expression.
This guy gets it. ALSO, note that sakurai isn't working on kirby anymore, he see's kirby as that loveable guy that kicks your ass with a smile. But other people in HAL are working on him now, obviously they are changing some things. I'm cool with it tho.

But seriously folks, I'd be fine with no zelda newcomers, but if there is one.... it better not be ****ing tingle. if it happens you may have my venom tears :p


Smash Journeyman
Nov 7, 2013
While not a popular choice, Classic Ganon is my pick for the 5th Zelda rep. Besides that, I'm cool with Classic Link, Toon Ganondorf, and Toon Zelda in that order.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Rosalina did deserve it to be in this game. Stop your whining and ********, she's looking amazing.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
While not a popular choice, Classic Ganon is my pick for the 5th Zelda rep. Besides that, I'm cool with Classic Link, Toon Ganondorf, and Toon Zelda in that order.
**** a different Link (other than Toon Link)
**** another Zelda
**** another Ganon

**** Tingle to

What we need is:

Be prepared for it.

I told you so many times, now it's happening.



wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Besides u-tilt who else was complaining? I've been gone for a little while, and I wanna see the salt.

Just curious.
Likely half the people who wanted Bowser Jr or Waluigi, I'm guessing. I'm kind of glad that Rosalina was selected, it's an oddball yet interesting choice.

How many times are we going to end up using this glorious GIF?

Manny Toons

Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
Rosalina did deserve it to be in this game. Stop your whining and *****ing, she's looking amazing.

The only thing I can complain about is no more hope for Waluigi until around a whole 'nother decade from now... But on the bright side, Rosalina looks fun as **** to play as.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Funny how yesterday Rosalina would've seen as many detractors (if not more) as supporters.

We'll just brush that under the carpet though. :smirk:


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I feel for the Waluigi people. Although I've been critical of his chances, it always sucks to see a newcomer to get in over the one you want.

As for the 5th Zelda rep, I feel that both Mario and Pokemon will get five reps, and Zelda will get 4 (including Sheik with Zelda). It's proportional to the sales and series importance with Nintendo. At least, that's how I look at it. I don't see any of the Zelda newcomers standing out. Tingle is still pretty hated by the West, and no one really stands out as offering something different or even as a character.

Manny Toons

Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
Funny how yesterday Rosalina would've seen as many detractors (if not more) as supporters.

We'll just brush that under the carpet though. :smirk:

We hate things until we are given a reason to like 'em. I know I was pissed the moment I saw that goddamn star in the Smash trailer. Then I actually saw Rosalina in-game and was very impressed.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I could see a fifth Zelda character given that Sakurai showed interest in having five in Brawl. But I'm not going to take it really seriously until we see a third DK character.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
We hate things until we are given a reason to like 'em. I know I was pissed the moment I saw that goddamn star in the Smash trailer. Then I actually saw Rosalina in-game and was very impressed.
In part, yes, but then it'd be more a case of people underestimating Sakurai's ability to make interesting, novel movesets and playstyles. While moveset might've been a point against her, a much bigger one was the character herself, which would mean her addition, in any form, should've received much more backlash than it did.

People just don't like the taste of their own words around here. :laugh:

Manny Toons

Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
Waluigi supporters! :laugh:

...Oh hell naw.

In part, yes, but then it'd be more a case of people underestimating Sakurai's ability to make interesting, novel movesets and playstyles. While moveset might've been a point against her, a much bigger one was the character herself, which would mean her addition, in any form, should've received much more backlash than it did.

People just don't like the taste of their own words around here. :laugh:
I had and have no doubt about movesets for any character. Just because my creativity is limited when thinking of potential movesets, doesn't mean Sakurai's is as well. He's proven that wrong 3 times now (with Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and now Rosalina). That's a silly assumption for anyone to make. "UGH, I CAN'T THINK OF ANY GOOD IDEAS, GUESS IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN AT ALL THEN".

And Rosalina was definitely deserving for a Smash appearance. She's undeniably more important than Waluigi in every aspect ( :'[ ), and is currently being pushed like hell by Nintendo. Her being in Smash makes perfect sense in hindsight. Guess I was a fool for doubting her (purely due to her being not nearly as recognizable, in my opinion).


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
I want to see cranky kong and toon zelda/tetra be in the game just so I can see all the salt :p (because idc about LOZ or DK newcomers, I already got most of my wants in brawl, Just care about SF and FE, KI, kirby)

I bet sakurai could make them really fun, seriously i keep rewatching the vid and the moveset looks glorious. I can't wait until the next newcomer.

Don't peg me as one of those people, I never doubted sakurai's creativity, he is my favorite dev after all.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
I agree, Prankster Comet is probably Rosie's final smash. IDK why I didn't come up with that.:facepalm: Also, Mic-128, Lucario did in fact replace Mewtwo. There are several examples of incriminating evidence. For example, in the first few frames of Lucario's dash, it appears that he is floating. As well, Aura Sphere is very similar in function. Both their side specials are specialized grabs. Neither of their up specials deal damage. Both their forward smashes involve blasts of their respective elements. Both of their sub-100% ledge attacks involve flipping. There is absolutely no evidence that they were both supposed to be in the game. On the other hand, why would Nintendo copy Mewtwo's dash if they're just going to completely change the animation? Because: Lucario went over Mewtwo. Also, IDK if it's just me, but Lucario's voice bear a passing resemblance to Mewtwo's. Also, Lucario TELEPORTS onto stage. Why would that happen, hmmm. Mewtwo teleports but not Lucario. As well, Lucario slowly floats down onto stage. Wait, WHAT!!? Floats, but Lucario doesn't do that, but who does? MEWTWO. Why in all creation would Nintendo copy so many of Mewtwo's aspects onto Lucario, especially with all the de-cloning stuff going on in Brawl. The only two that are even remotely similar are Link and Toon Link. And, to back that up, they ARE the same person. I can think of a zillion moves to give Lucario instead of Aura Sphere, close combat just to name one. Why so many similarities? Lucario is essentially a re-skinned Mewtwo, done at the last stages of development. There is now proof that they were intended to be together, but there is evidence they weren't. Also, Lucario's forward smash could have been a back hand punch similar to Wolf's. They're up smash animations are similar, too. It also seems likely that Mewtwo was going to be buffed from Melee to Brawl, and Mewtwo's Brawl down smash likely was intended to hit on both sides, acting as a double shadow bomb with less damage and knockback, hence explaining Lucario's down smash facing the screen. The reason Lucario was a last minute re-skin? Mewtwo is a Gen-1 Pokémon, and Nintendo, in act of outrageous stupidity, thought that meant he was irrelevant. Now, this didn't come to light until they realized how popular Lucario was. Seeing an opportunity to advertise Gen-4 and make people happy, they stupidly made a brash decision to replace Mewtwo with Lucario, thinking it would please people. Simply put- it didn't. That explains why Mewtwo was the ONLY non-clone not return from Melee. I mean, if Nintendo was thinking, they should have kept Mewtwo as a Pokémon and gave Pokémon trainer the Gen-4 starters. But Nintendo thought that the Gen-1 starters, of which the only truly iconic one was Charizard, would be a better Gen-1 representative than the ever-popular-more-so-than-Charizard Mewtwo. Why not put in the Gen-4 starters? They sucked, to be honest, and they weren't exactly fighting-material. So, they couldn't put Lucario with Pokémon Trainer, so they made a separate character, thinking they had found the perfect solution. Well, it didn't. One way they could have addressed this problem, put in the Gen-4 starters. They are not exactly fighting material, but with hard work, you can make them one, kind of like Rosalina. That also may have boosted Gen-4's popularity, considering them being fighters and all. Lucario may have been popular, but not even as close as Mewtwo. Besides, another way, PUT THEM BOTH IN!!!!!!! IT'S NOT THAT FREAKIN' HARD!!! But, that didn't happen. They didn't want to over-represent Gen-1, so they removed one of the most iconic Pokémon ever for advertising purposes. Classic real-world. There you have it. As you can see I'm very passionate about this subject. Lucario would be the first person I'd remove from the Smash roster, if necessary. Also, now that Nintendo has seen the backlash and Mewtwo is getting all this attention, what the movie and Megalutions, he has about a 95% chance of making it, hopefully as regular Mewtwo. Though, that may not be likely. I swear I just want regular Mewtwo. They could them in as Final Smashes or whatever, but PLEASE not a Megalution as his basic form. Not even Mega Mewtwo Z, which is bound to happen, could possibly replace Mewtwo, except he could included as MAYBE a Final Smash, though I'd rather have ANY move as his Final Smash than either of those 3, even just splash.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Oh, boy, the "We can't predict anything!!!!" s***...It's bizarre how terrified people seem to be of the idea of getting a single prediction wrong that, after one wrong prediction happens, they're so quick to throw up their hands in despair and claim nothing is predictable. I imagine this is spurred on by the people who will occasionally pop into the thread to mock anyone who hasn't given up speculation with a few "Oh, look at those idiots *dismissive GIF*" posts...but not without posting about how two or three universally agreed-upon characters are 100%, and if we don't like that, too bad, so sad. Very convenient, no?

Speculation is for fun! Don't be paralyzed by the fear of not having a perfect track record with your guesses.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Your analogy is a bit faulty here, Mewtwo wasn't "broken" in the same sense that he needed to be replaced, he was made alongside Lucario with the exact intention of being presented with him. In a sense, it's more like the artist was making two pots and then the former broke near the end and he finished the latter. Or, to pull a previous analogy, if I were to work alongside someone with a project and then I get booted and they finish up the project, they didn't replace me, he was just there for the final leg. Same thing with Lucario, he (nor PT) didn't replace Mewtwo, he was made alongside him and just was lucky to be finished ahead of the other.

Toon Link however, was done with the intention of replacing Young Link and in every aspect fits that idea, that's more like me getting the boot and another employer comes in, unlike the previous example where my sacking had no effect on my coworker.
I don't see how my analogy was faulty when there are plenty of instances where I can replace words you used with "replace" and it'd still hold the same meaning.

And yes, if you're booted from a project and someone takes your place later, that is replacing you. They took your place. Re-place. If you were a sound designer and you were booted out for programmer, however, then your own point holds true. We're comparing a Pokemon rep to a Pokemon rep, though, not Dr. Mario to Solid Snake.


Manny Toons

Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
Oh, boy, the "We can't predict anything!!!!" s***...It's bizarre how terrified people seem to be of the idea of getting a single prediction wrong that, after one wrong prediction happens, they're so quick to throw up their hands in despair and claim nothing is predictable. I imagine this is spurred on by the people who will occasionally pop into the thread to mock anyone who hasn't given up speculation with a few "Oh, look at those idiots *dismissive GIF*" posts...but not without posting about how two or three universally agreed-upon characters are 100%, and if we don't like that, too bad, so sad. Very convenient, no?

Speculation is for fun! Don't be paralyzed by the fear of not having a perfect track record with your guesses.
Thank. Yu.
Though it's a shame that most people will just get **** on for still hoping for Waluigi/Toad/Bowser Jr., or any other potentially disconfirmed character.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Besides u-tilt who else was complaining? I've been gone for a little while, and I wanna see the salt.

Just curious.
Hey, dude, just saying, the name's U-Throw, after Mewtwo's Up Throw, his most powerful and his primary kill move.:glare: Don't call me U-Tilt. It's not cool. If I wanted to be a tilt, I'd be D-Tilt, since that's arguably Mewtwo's best tilt move, and easily his best tilt. BUT, I'm not D-Tilt, I'm U-Throw, and don't start calling me D-Tilt as a "funny" nickname, cause it won't be. I AM U-THROW!!!

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
How did I call Rosalina being one of the newcomers, and I knew we were getting one today. Man, I'm on a roll with Predictions
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