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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Im hoping for a bunch of villains and considering whos got a decent chance this time around (King k Rool, Mewtwo, Ridley, for example) I would be really surprised if we didnt get any. Each major series should have at least one villain, and by major series, i mean any series that has 3 or more characters. One of those 3 should be a villain.

On a related note, Robin would fit well to represent FE's villain as the third slot
Yes, I also want more female genitalia in the game. I am hoping for a bunch of girls and considering who has got a decent chance this time around (Palutena, Dixie Kong, and Krystal for example), I would be really surprised if we didn't get any; each major series should have at least one female, and by major series, I mean any series that has 3 or more characters. One of those 3 should be a woman.

On a related note, Birdo would fit well to represent FE's female as the third slot


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I love the camera control devil, I don't really think he should leave.
I agree, he was one of the more fun assist trophies as he really change the dynamics of the game. The meta-game instantaneously switches once he appears. I also advocate the satanist symbolism, that is important to have in a game. Nintendog was more annoying to me; even then, I don't want him to leave either.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
hey what about brock? he's the first gym leader and way more iconic than the pokemon trainer!

maybe also a reference to this?


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
wait, birdo? you mean this thing,

first of all, that's not a female, that's a male
No respect for the transgendered populace? The politically correct term would be "female". Not only that, but the West (Europe and America) tend to refer to Birdo as a female (I happen to be from Murica). Not to mention her relationship history with Yoshi. Are you accusing Yoshi of something?

I am obviously just messing around. :awesome:

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Anyone missing?

I think Medeus would make a better FE villain, but that's just me.

Would Mewtwo count? He seemed to be treated as a villain in Melee's event matches.

Robin could take the spot of the villain, and possibly the female, depending on the incarnation
Except it wouldn't really be Robin
but Grima in Robin's body.



Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
I'm pretty sure I'm reaching too far into this, but i have a new topic to discuss.

The pattern in which characters are added in a series.

So far, I have noticed that within a series, there is a general pattern that is followed when adding character:
  • Main protagonist (obviously)
  • Secondary form/sidekick/other protagonist
  • Villain
  • Female/damsel/love interest of main protagonist
This will only apply if the actual slot warrents an inclusion. Kirby, for example, i have no idea who is and isnt female other than Adeleine, and she has very little chance.

Now some examples:

Mario: Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach
This one doesn't explain the theory because Peach and Bowser were added simultaneously, or as far as we know. However, Sakurai wanted to Bowser to 64, along with Dedede, so even though they were added at the same time, Bowser was intended first.

Zelda: Link, Young/Toon Link, Ganondorf, Zelda Shiek
Again, this one does not explain the theory, but young link could have been considered before the other 2 (not likely)

Starfox: Fox, Falco, Wolf, (Krystal?)
Follows the model perfectly. Although Krystal hasn't been added, she seems the most likely to be other than, arguably, Slippy.

DK: DK, Diddy, (King k Rool?), (Dixie?)
Follows the model perfectly, k rool and dixie are the only likely contenders for the spot

Kirby: Kirby, MetaKnight, Dedede
Metaknight and Dedede are rivals, so together they make up the secondary/villain roles.
FE: Marth, Ike, Robin?
Robin could take the spot of the villain, and possibly the female, depending on the incarnation

Metroid: Samus, ZSS, Ridley?

Mother: Ness, Lucas

Kid Icarus: Pit, Palutena

The one franchise it does not work for is Pokemon, theres not really a villain (other than maybe mewtwo) and no female/damsel. In short, no one is really a "bad guy" in Pokemon, rather they are also trying to achieve the same goal as you (Pokemon Master)

Thats my take on a potential pattern



Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Anyone missing?

that's really good Zhadgon, (you also put in wolf, considering andross is the series actual villain:awesome:, though I prefer wolf so leave it that way:))
the only one I think that could be missing is mewtwo, though he's not technically a villain, so I think you did good mate.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
I think Medeus would make a better FE villain, but that's just me.

Would Mewtwo count? He seemed to be treated as a villain in Melee's event matches.

I would have added Mewtwo but I treat it more like alone character with his own agenda, not evil or enemy to one of the main heroes (maybe Pokemon Trainer could be the hero and Mewtwo the villain?).


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
I would have added Mewtwo but I treat it more like alone character with his own agenda, not evil or enemy to one of the main heroes (maybe Pokemon Trainer could be the hero and Mewtwo the villain?).
Yes, but same can be said about DDD and Wario.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
that's really good Zhadgon, (you also put in wolf, considering andross is the series actual villain:awesome:, though I prefer wolf so leave it that way:))
the only one I think that could be missing is mewtwo, though he's not technically a villain, so I think you did good mate.
Andross is to big to fit in the picture :troll:.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I'm pretty sure I'm reaching too far into this, but i have a new topic to discuss.

The pattern in which characters are added in a series.

So far, I have noticed that within a series, there is a general pattern that is followed when adding character:
  • Main protagonist (obviously)
  • Secondary form/sidekick/other protagonist
  • Villain
  • Female/damsel/love interest of main protagonist
This will only apply if the actual slot warrents an inclusion. Kirby, for example, i have no idea who is and isnt female other than Adeleine, and she has very little chance.

Now some examples:

Mario: Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach
This one doesn't explain the theory because Peach and Bowser were added simultaneously, or as far as we know. However, Sakurai wanted to Bowser to 64, along with Dedede, so even though they were added at the same time, Bowser was intended first.

Zelda: Link, Young/Toon Link, Ganondorf, Zelda Shiek
Again, this one does not explain the theory, but young link could have been considered before the other 2 (not likely)

Starfox: Fox, Falco, Wolf, (Krystal?)
Follows the model perfectly. Although Krystal hasn't been added, she seems the most likely to be other than, arguably, Slippy.

DK: DK, Diddy, (King k Rool?), (Dixie?)
Follows the model perfectly, k rool and dixie are the only likely contenders for the spot

Kirby: Kirby, MetaKnight, Dedede
Metaknight and Dedede are rivals, so together they make up the secondary/villain roles.
FE: Marth, Ike, Robin?
Robin could take the spot of the villain, and possibly the female, depending on the incarnation

Metroid: Samus, ZSS, Ridley?

Mother: Ness, Lucas

Kid Icarus: Pit, Palutena

The one franchise it does not work for is Pokemon, theres not really a villain (other than maybe mewtwo) and no female/damsel. In short, no one is really a "bad guy" in Pokemon, rather they are also trying to achieve the same goal as you (Pokemon Master)

Thats my take on a potential pattern

That seems to be the way he is treating things; with any luck we can finally get Samurai Goroh and Ridley. Although, he was going to add Toon Zelda in Brawl, so that somewhat supports the pattern. Essentially you are asserting that a possible pattern is: Main Character> Second Protagonist if Applicable> Antagonist> Female. Correct?

I wouldn't necessarily call it a pattern (it is though), perhaps it is more accurately his priority list. He essentially wants the protagonists that are important in first, afterwards, he is willing to add the antagonist/female. This obviously pertains to the source material as in most fiction the protagonist is the most important and the secondary character is always popular and iconic enough. The villains are not as important (especially if there is more than one); however, it is undisputed that they are next in line. After that, the females (who are usually cast in unimportant roles anyways) are left over.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
I think Medeus would make a better FE villain, but that's just me.

Would Mewtwo count? He seemed to be treated as a villain in Melee's event matches.

Except it wouldn't really be Robin
but Grima in Robin's body.

that's really good Zhadgon, (you also put in wolf, considering andross is the series actual villain:awesome:, though I prefer wolf so leave it that way:))
the only one I think that could be missing is mewtwo, though he's not technically a villain, so I think you did good mate.
Mewtwo? Otherwise, nice.
For popular request Mewtwo has been added:

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