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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I've been thinking about AT' s all day today and I beleive I have the perfect mega man AT other than protoman Zero or Bass, The Mega man killers consisting of Enker, Punk and my personal favorite Ballade how likely do you guys think they are for AT's?

I like them as well. Personally my favorite is Quint, wether he counts as a MK or not. If he doesn't then my favorite is Punk.

I'm even thinking of maining Green Megaman due to 2 factors. Quint and Captain N Megaman. XD


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
How would you guys feel if these were the only newcomers:
1. WFT
2. Megaman
3. Villager
4. Pac-Man
5. Little Mac
6. MIi
7. Dixie Kong
8. Classic Ganon
9. Jumpman
10. Palutena

This is basically based on the Dix-Mii-Jump "leak."

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought

I want Classic Ganon to be revealed to advertise A Link Between Worlds.
I really want the classic, blue ganon to be a FA transformation for dorf.

I'm gonna wait patiently for Yoshi to be revealed, he's probably gonna reveal Yoshi when the release date of Yoshi's New Island is near.
I don't think Yoshi is going anywhere.
Well personally I think 2014 will be the year of Yoshi, since Yarn Yoshi and New Island,
The same amount of Year Of Luigi games (Dark Moon, and Dream Team, I don't count New Super Luigi as a whole game.)


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
People gotta learn to pace themselves and ration the information. We've gotten, what, six characters since E3, which itself revealed 12 characters?

You know what we got for Brawl? Nine characters in the trailer, and then a year with only Fox and Samus being revealed.

We're doing fine, and we'll get a newcomer when we get a newcomer, which probably isn't that much more of a wait, considering the pics are actually pretty consistently giving new information and we're closing in on (the supposed) release window. Plus Nintendo is almost definitely going to start hitting hard with their Directs next year, they need to.
The apparent difference is that Smash 4 happens to be on the Wii U as opposed the the Wii. The other difference is that the next generation consoles just launched and the Wii U is struggling. I read an article that the Xbone or Ps4 outsold the Wii U in 2 weeks. That is not good at all, so Sakurai needs to do a better job marketing the game. The problem isn't the lack of information, it is how he is presenting it (in my opinion). Smash 4 is also ahead in development comparatively, they prematurely revealed Brawl (good thing they did actually).

If the Spring release date is true, there is no need to "ration" information as we have another 6 months to go (in which case, we are about half-way there). A character a month is hardly demanding for a console selling game. This is just my opinion on the information shortage.

The way the pictures work, it truly attenuates any excitement. Like the Sub Gun? Who cares really?


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013

I really want the classic, blue ganon to be a FA transformation for dorf.

Well personally I think 2014 will be the year of Yoshi, since Yarn Yoshi and New Island,
The same amount of Year Of Luigi games (Dark Moon, and Dream Team, I don't count New Super Luigi as a whole game.)
Reggie actually announced that the Year of Luigi will continue in 2014.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Reggie actually announced that the Year of Luigi will continue in 2014.
I think it will last until Feb 14, the day they officially started the year of Luigi.

But they are planning something with Yoshi, wether it be just smash or Nintendo as a whole.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
How would you guys feel if these were the only newcomers:
1. WFT
2. Megaman
3. Villager
4. Pac-Man
5. Little Mac
6. MIi
7. Dixie Kong
8. Classic Ganon
9. Jumpman
10. Palutena

This is basically based on the Dix-Mii-Jump "leak."

I'd be cool with Little Mac and Megaman, because I still have Sonic and (hopefully) Pokemon Trainer.
I might try out Classic Ganon just for kicks, since I was never that big of a GanonDORF fan.
But Jumpman is extremely redundant... I wouldn't know how to react to that. I guess I prefer that over Paper Mario, but still...

No Control

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2013
United Kingdom
How would you guys feel if these were the only newcomers:
1. WFT
2. Megaman
3. Villager
4. Pac-Man
5. Little Mac
6. MIi
7. Dixie Kong
8. Classic Ganon
9. Jumpman
10. Palutena

This is basically based on the Dix-Mii-Jump "leak."

If you took Classic Ganon and Jumpman out and replaced them with K. Rool and Ridley, I'd have no complaints.

I also really want to see a decloned Ganondorf and Mewtwo back, of course.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Why wouldn't she use it btw? Wolf didn't feature anything from StarFox Assault in Brawl.
You just answered your own question. :laugh:

In Command, nobody left their Arwings so there's nothing to base her off.
Which is why she should have the same moves as the other characters that don't leave their Arwing, which is actually based off the Arwing.

Seriously, I would pick Krystal as the 4th StarFox character cause of her uniqueness.
You shouldn't add a character to a franchise because of uniqueness or give them something irrelevant because of uniquness. If Krystal had a Staff as one of her specials that would make sense, but not an entire move set. That's like if you made Mario's entire move set based off of FLUDD.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Since when are StarFox Assault and Adventures the same game?

Wolf likely took a Fox-inspired moveset cause frankly, he doesn't quite have many other options. Yes, snipers and bazookas, but those where suggested for Falco to. Krystal with the staff would bring something different at least. Sure, she'd also do kicks like Fox and Falco do, but her specials would make her 'seem' more unique to the part of the fanbase who want either Falco or Wolf cut cause of 3 Landmasters :rolleyes:

Am thinking you refuse to see the point though.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
You just answered your own question. :laugh:

Which is why she should have the same moves as the other characters that don't leave their Arwing, which is actually based off the Arwing.

You shouldn't add a character to a franchise because of uniqueness or give them something irrelevant because of uniquness. If Krystal had a Staff as one of her specials that would make sense, but not an entire move set. That's like if you made Mario's entire move set based off of FLUDD.
The FLUDD example is just as erroneous. Mario has dozens of appearances without it, Krystal does not have many appearances without her staff.

IF, Sakurai was to include Krystal, he wouldn't disregard the source material that gets her requested in the first place. I do not think she will be in the game (obviously); however, if she was, it is guaranteed that she will use the Staff. Maybe not as her entire move-set, but not as just one or two moves either. She can still have the Star Fox specials like the illusion/reflector/generic jump/ and blaster (most likely using the staff as an implement).


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Since when are StarFox Assault and Adventures the same game?
What the **** are you talking about?

Krystal with the staff would bring something different at least.
You're basing someone's entire move set on something irrelevant to their character just because it's different. You don't see me giving Luigi an entire move set based on the Vacuum just because it'd be something different. But, I guess that's a bad example because that would actually be relevant to his character unlike Krystal. So again, why should Krystal use something she only used once from half a Star Fox game where she barely used it and no longer uses it? Why is Star Fox Adventures important enough to have a character based off of it? Why should only 1/4 Star Fox characters have their own move set unrelated to real Star Fox games? And muh uniqueness is not a reason like you constantly convince yourself it is. Characters don't get an entire move set based off one minor they did for a bit from a black sheep installment with little to do with the mainstream series that takes away from their current character, just because it's unique.

Am thinking I refuse to see the point though.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Is there a better staff user than Krystal?
*Looks at my avatar*
Oh yeah, I forgot Anna can wield a staff. :awesome:
She can use her staff for healing, status effects and other sorts of ****ery yes. As an actual combat weapon? Not so much.

SaturnGamer suggesting the Staff of Krystal being just ONE of her special moves is laughable though... I mean, did you even StarFox Adventure?


@ your last post: Mario's F.L.U.D.D.

Explain that.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
I like them as well. Personally my favorite is Quint, wether he counts as a MK or not. If he doesn't then my favorite is Punk.

I'm even thinking of maining Green Megaman due to 2 factors. Quint and Captain N Megaman. XD
Actually Quint doesent count since he is mega man from the future reprogrammed/Brain washed, while the megaman killers were specifically made by Dr wily, none the less he would also make a great AT too. I was hoping to main black mega if there is one because of bass.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
I always pictured Krystal using the staffs abilities like in adventures, but obviously not as her entire moveset. Krystal hasnt had alot of appearances so the opportunity to be unqie would most likely come through the use of her staff.

I mean, mario had the cape in, I believe, one game and he has a move based off that, while the tanooki suit/tail has been featured much more, yet no such thing exists as part of the moveset. Anyways, Marios entire moveset is not based off of said cape.

I believe MorbidAltruism covered this pretty well.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
The FLUDD example is just as erroneous. Mario has dozens of appearances without it, Krystal does not have many appearances without her staff.
What the hell are you talking about!? She has 2/3 appearances without her staff. Actually 3/3 if you count the fact that Fox is the one that actually uses it and not her. Taking something Mario only used once in a black sheep game and incorporating it into an entire move set is the same.

IF, Sakurai was to include Krystal, he wouldn't disregard the source material that gets her requested in the first place.
For a special no. But, an entire move set, yes. It wouldn't make any sense. Especially since Krystal has already been rebooted without the staff. If he uses the rebooted version of every other Star Fox character then why not her? Hasn't it been made clear that Nintendo and even Sakurai want to stay as far away from Star Fox Adventures as possible?

however, if she was, it is guaranteed that she will use the Staff. Maybe not as her entire move-set, but not as just one or two moves either. She can still have the Star Fox specials like the illusion/reflector/generic jump/ and blaster (most likely using the staff as an implement).

SaturnGamer suggesting the Staff of Krystal being just ONE of her special moves is laughable though...
It makes as much sense as Mario using FLUDD for only one move. I have to say, the fact that you're so hell bent on something that obviously won't happen and ignore all the evidence that shows it won't happen is laughable. But, what do you expect from someone who think Impa will replace Sheik. Not much I might say.

I mean, did you even StarFox Adventure?
What does that even mean? What does playing the game have to do with believing Sakurai will implement something irrelevant to a character as his/her entire move set? Hey we should make Donkey Kong's entire move set his Coconut Gun! Why would you think otherwise? Did you even Donkey Kong 64?


Oh, look it's unique! That's obviously a reason to have it!

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Saturn didn't got my whole point of 'I don't think Krystal is likely anyway'.

But let me just get down to this:

If they want a more unique newcomer for StarFox, they'll pick Krystal cause of the staff.
If they want another 'space animal' archetype character, they'll simply pick Slippy Toad and make an awkwardly slow, low jumping, but heavier than average Fox-semi clone out of him.

I fail to see why you insist that Krystal won't use the staff. It's clearly her biggest selling point in terms of what she'd bring as a character.



Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
How would you guys feel if these were the only newcomers:
1. WFT
2. Megaman
3. Villager
4. Pac-Man
5. Little Mac
6. MIi
7. Dixie Kong
8. Classic Ganon
9. Jumpman
10. Palutena

This is basically based on the Dix-Mii-Jump "leak."

It's not terrible, and not even that unrealistic (cept Jumpman), but it would still feel underwhelming. At least to me.

But that rumor shouldn't be taken seriously anyway.

The apparent difference is that Smash 4 happens to be on the Wii U as opposed the the Wii. The other difference is that the next generation consoles just launched and the Wii U is struggling. I read an article that the Xbone or Ps4 outsold the Wii U in 2 weeks. That is not good at all, so Sakurai needs to do a better job marketing the game. The problem isn't the lack of information, it is how he is presenting it (in my opinion). Smash 4 is also ahead in development comparatively, they prematurely revealed Brawl (good thing they did actually).

If the Spring release date is true, there is no need to "ration" information as we have another 6 months to go (in which case, we are about half-way there). A character a month is hardly demanding for a console selling game. This is just my opinion on the information shortage.
What we've gotten is above average considering the reveals of past Smashes, so getting more is one thing, but expecting more is something else entirely. Sure there could've been a newcomer revealed since E3, it probably would've helped, but it's not like there'd be any precedent for it. Sakurai is presenting the information for his game more consistently than any other game that's been announced by Nintendo. Look how much we've learnt or seen of MK8, or X, or Yarn Yoshi since they were announced. There always could be more, but there could also be a lot less. At least there isn't a year long drought of information.

My point wasn't how Nintendo should relay this information though, it was how we deal with it. We can idealize the way the game should be revealed, but in the end we have no control over it, and expecting something that's never been Sakurai nor Nintendo's style of revealing games, even if it makes sense, is still a bit forward. People always get their expectations too high, I'm just saying try to keep them level with what's happened in the past. Considering how negative Sakurai's experience with updating the DOJO apparently was, and considering how much we usually hear about Nintendo games that are still a year or at least several months away, we're not doing that badly, even if we could be doing a little better.

The way the pictures work, it truly attenuates any excitement. Like the Sub Gun? Who cares really?
Personally I care about any update that reveals something new. People got spoiled by the DOJO.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
How would you guys feel if these were the only newcomers:
1. WFT
2. Megaman
3. Villager
4. Pac-Man
5. Little Mac
6. MIi
7. Dixie Kong
8. Classic Ganon
9. Jumpman
10. Palutena

This is basically based on the Dix-Mii-Jump "leak."
That seems rather underwhelming, especially when you take into account that Ganon and Ganondorf are one in the same.


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
So giving the owner of the staff her own original moveset instead of having it be one special wouldn't make any sense? wut?


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Isn't Adventures canon? If so, I fail to see your point, Saturn. It doesn't matter if you arbitrarily think the game isn't "real" Star Fox.
The point is that there is no reason to implement something from one game that is irrelevant to the series and character that Nintendo and Sakurai basically ignore as an entire move set. The only thing in the Star Fox universe that is relevant to Adventures is an Assault stage and the rare acknowledgement that it canonically happened and Krystal being a character they wanted to keep, yet clearly do NOT want to have anything related to her game such as her previous design and Staff.

If they want a more unique newcomer for StarFox, they'll pick Krystal cause of the staff.
The fact that you actually believe this and that you are hell bent on saying "Yeah huh!" after every reason why that is false. That is why this debate argument is pointless, as if debating the concept of Krystal actually using the staff as her move set wasn't pointless already. I'd hate to see what your Impa arguments were like.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Am not even 'hell-bent' on Krystal, just argueing that the staff makes sence for her. Damn, and people tell ME am stubborn as a mule. :rolleyes:

Find it funny how you yourself infact are quite hell bent on your 'relevancy' arguement yet fail to see the logic behind Impa over Sheik.

Am not gonna continue with this. Krystal having the staff is logical. Krystal getting in with 3 StarFox character already in Brawl is not. Impa has legitimate chance of replacing Sheik, it's just that the fanbase is even more stubborn than you are about Krystal being 'another clone' about Sheik staying.

I'll be glad to see your reaction if Pac-Man and Mii aren't in this btw.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Actually Quint doesent count since he is mega man from the future reprogrammed/Brain washed, while the megaman killers were specifically made by Dr wily, none the less he would also make a great AT too. I was hoping to main black mega if there is one because of bass.
If any, sakugame is a megaman killer :awesome:
I think quint is the best alternate costume he could have, i mean, HE IS MEGAMAN!

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I don't disagree with Krystal being the next Star Fox character in line. I just disagree with the sentiment that Star Fox will get another character in this game.

Relevance with Impa surely trumps Sheik, however, what would Impa offer that Sheik doesn't already? As far as I am concerned, the answer to that is: Absolutely nothing. So why even replace the character with somebody who will simply do the same thing?

Alt costume at best for me.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Am not even 'hell-bent' on Krystal, just argueing that the staff makes sence for her. Damn, and people tell ME am stubborn as a mule. :rolleyes:
Probably because you're currently being stubborn as a mule by constantly going "It makes sense because it's unique!" No matter what logic says otherwise.

Find it funny how you yourself infact are quite hell bent on your 'relevancy' arguement yet fail to see the logic behind Impa over Sheik.
Logic behind Impa over Sheik? :laugh:
And if I recall correctly, Sheik was added when she was new. It makes sense to keep her because she's a veteran and still Zelda. And are you comparing a character to a weapon? :rolleyes:

Am not gonna continue with this.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
The fact that you actually believe this and that you are hell bent on saying "Yeah huh!" after every reason why that is false. That is why this debate argument is pointless, as if debating the concept of Krystal actually using the staff as her move set wasn't pointless already. I'd hate to see what your Impa arguments were like.

Since you hate logic, hate Impa, instist that I half-troll / half-hit-you-with-logic asked kindly... :)

Y'know, been thinking about Impa again and how underrated she exactly is.

I've been hearing a countless times from people who defend Sheik that 'Sheik is important to the Zelda timeline' while Impa would not be. I cannot stress how wrong this is. Or how this warrants her stay in any way. Take the Downfall Timeline for example, Link dies by Ganon's hand, and Zelda has to seal Ganon and the Triforce away with help of the 6 Sages. Impa, being one of them. So in this way, Impa and Zelda / Sheik are equals, or at least.. Impa and OoT Zelda are equal. Then, Impa becomes a Sage again in ALBW, making her position as a Sage 'fixed' whenever she appears and Sages are a part of the plot. Only Zelda herself did this so far.

Then there's obviously her role in Skyward Sword, which is the most important and influential role of her overal. And of course, the design she'd be based of if she was to appear in Smash. Her Skyward Sword role is especially noticable, as it's the whole beginning of Zelda, and Impa, was serving even Hylia -Zelda's first incaration, as a Goddess!- and she was even her hand-picked warrior! This is easily the biggest position as a Zelda character aside from Link and Zelda themselves. And of course Ganon. So Impa easily comes 4th when it comes to most important Zelda character. She also had a double role in Skyward Sword, and her younger form was mostly thought of as 'Impa' throughout the story, even till the final Boss. Impa being 'Granny' was by far a bigger mind **** than Zelda being Sheik. And Impa even was the first Sage to seal away the Triforce when Link and Zelda went back to the future.

I really don't see how people who claim to know the Zelda franchise don't see Impa as an important character, yet continue to praise Tingle and Tetra for their roles, all which where far less influential than Impa's roles, especially in Skyward Sword. I'm quite certain that Impa is truely the only possible newcomer for a Zelda character. And if not now, surely the next time. Especially if she where to be in Zelda Wii U, or another important new Zelda game. I could see her popularity skyrocket if that would happen. Easily pushing her to one of the more popular new additions in general.
Ask others if I'm 'wrong' about Krystal and her using the staff to btw. Oh, you don't need to since:
So giving the owner of the staff her own original moveset instead of having it be one special wouldn't make any sense? wut?
To end this all:

>Krystal's Staff
>Not being used by Krystal



Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
What the hell are you talking about!? She has 2/3 appearances without her staff. Actually 3/3 if you count the fact that Fox is the one that actually uses it and not her. Taking something Mario only used once in a black sheep game and incorporating it into an entire move set is the same.

For a special no. But, an entire move set, yes. It wouldn't make any sense. Especially since Krystal has already been rebooted without the staff. If he uses the rebooted version of every other Star Fox character then why not her? Hasn't it been made clear that Nintendo and even Sakurai want to stay as far away from Star Fox Adventures as possible?


It makes as much sense as Mario using FLUDD for only one move. I have to say, the fact that you're so hell bent on something that obviously won't happen and ignore all the evidence that shows it won't happen is laughable. But, what do you expect from someone who think Impa will replace Sheik. Not much I might say.

What does that even mean? What does playing the game have to do with believing Sakurai will implement something irrelevant to a character as his/her entire move set? Hey we should make Donkey Kong's entire move set his Coconut Gun! Why would you think otherwise? Did you even Donkey Kong 64?

Oh, look it's unique! That's obviously a reason to have it!

Oh dear... I was wondering what was taking you so long.

1. That is my point. She was introduced with the staff, and quite honestly, it is the only reason anyone wants her (at this point). She is associated with the staff regardless of how she utilized it, so it is irrelevant that Fox uses the staff; in fact, it is that very notion that makes players want the staff in the game. The premise that players used the staff conceives an attachment to the item (which is realistically Krystal's possession). She hasn't really had too many opportunities to use it, but that doesn't mean that she isn't associated with it.

The Mario example draws no correlations, you can attempt to justify the unwarranted comparison all you want. The fact is, no one associates Mario with FLUDD in the same way that the staff is closely relate-able to Krystal.

2. Yes. That isn't the point, the point is that IF SHE WAS considered and implemented, he wouldn't disregard the source material. You stated it most accurately, she will only be utilized if she uses her staff. She will not be considered (most likely), hence she will not use the staff. We are talking about a hypothetical scenario here.

3. I am not sure why the face-palm was necessary. I was under the impression that you were insinuating that she had to retain common Star Fox moves in order to make the franchise cohesive. In any event, Sakurai can choose to give her the standard Star Fox specials, or he can innovate and give her some new ones. Either situation is plausible. The point is that the staff is malleable, you can use either situation and still make a character that people would be interested in playing.

4. This is a hypothetical situation. You are hell-bent on telling us that she has no chance (something we already understand). Something that you do not seem to comprehend is that we are discussing the legitimacy of her using the staff IF she was considered. This has nothing to do with her chances as a playable character. I am simply asserting that he would not disregard the source material that garners an interest in her inclusion.

So; in conclusion, I am not implying that Krystal is likely or that I even want her (I used to). I am merely suggesting that Sakurai would use the staff to further distinguish her from the stagnant Star Fox roster.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
So why even replace the character with somebody who will simply do the same thing?
Well what about Toon Link? :awesome:

The problem is that Sheik is part of Zelda, she's more popular, she's a veteran, she's from one of the most significant games in the series, she is the exact same thing as Impa, and Zelda transforms into her. ZELDA DOES NOT TRANSFORM INTO IMPA, DIDDY KONG! Where is this logic you speak of?

Since you hate logic, hate Impa, instist that I half-troll / half-hit-you-with-logic asked kindly... :)
A: I thought you said you were done, remember?
B: Grow the **** up, kid.

Ask others if I'm 'wrong' about Krystal and her using the staff to btw. Oh, you don't need to since:
Sure, right after I go ask all those Geno fan idiots that think it makes sense to have an irrelevant character with little to do with the mainstream series only because of requests. Surely if they agree it must be true. :rolleyes:
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