>Complains about too many swords.
>Covets for Ganondorf to get a sword.
What they mean by that is no more Fire Emblem characters with swords.
People just see it as a one-way ticket out of er....."Clone Status" for Ganondorf. And he did use them in two(three if you count beast Ganon)games in a row. Again, I just want him to be de-cloned, or Luigified even further than he already was in Brawl. If him having a sword is the means to do that, then so be it. But he should still kick the living crap outta people too, it's fun.
Besides Soul Calibur has how many sword users? And they have way more attacks to be made in their movesets. Ganondorf could use a different kind of sword from Link, Marth, Ike, Pit, and Meta-Knight anyhow.