It's just as fair as assuming Louie will be a clone of Olimar. What the hell does she do different after Adventures in the actual Star Fox games?
First of all, Brawl suggests he ISN'T perfectly capable of doing that. Second of all just because Sakurai CAN make a move set that's different does NOT mean he will. Some characters are supposed to be clones. He could have made Lucas and Toon Link unique, but he didn't because they are suppose to share moves with their counterpart.
Explain why it wouldn't without the staff.
Why does it have to be after Adventures though? Just for the sake of continuing to toss away any potential originality in her moveset? Anyways, it doesn't particularly matter what the games she's appeared in to make her moveset. Yeah, Falco ended up being a flat-out clone of Fox in Melee and only slightly less so in Brawl. Why does that so instantaneously result in any other newcomer to the StarFox series being a clone as well? Look at Wolf, his moveset is pretty unique in itself. Clawing at opponents with a more animal-like gait. Only similar moves being special ones, and even those are quite different from Fox's.
Just because Sakurai CAN make a character a clone doesn't mean he will.
Any character can be unique or not. But honestly, I don't think this argument will go anywhere since we simply aren't Sakurai or the designers of this game. Either one of us can be wrong.
Are you kidding me? He has more of a role than any other member even if it's small. So he's the second most important. He's like Fox's best friend and the most iconic after him.
Enlighten me on this. I'm not super huge on the StarFox scene. What is it about Falco that makes him more important than Slippy or Peppy?
It is.
Welp, that's your opinion. Not a fact. Just as it is my opinion that it's not.
LMAO. You are saying that Geno, Dr. Eggman, and Hector can get into Smash 4 because popular choice among fans is literally all you need. That is not how it works.
Wee. Strawmens. Certain characters clearly can't be in Smash regardless of how popular or desired they are for the game because Sakurai has claimed that he doesn't want them in the game. Additional characters to 3rd-party franchises (at this point) have no way of ever being in the game. With Geno, hell, isn't he also on the same boat? He certainly isn't 1st-party. Hector. Uh. Who'zdat?
Are you seriously comparing Third-Party criteria to First-Party criteria. Bad idea.
You just... YOU JUST DID THAT. Unless if I read that incorrectly.
Agreed, but having little importance to a series, being a 4th clone, over representing a small franchise, and such and such does.
But, if all you need is requests, then Midna confirmed for Smash 4.
Hey. I never said popularity confirms playability. Simply stated that being popular can get a character into Smash without them being important to their series. Unless if yer just being a weenie.