I might not be a big fan of Marth myself, but he's the one character that fits the swordsman archetype the best gameplay wise. As for Meta-Knight, well I think he has a few things that set him apart from other sword users. For one, he can turn into a tornado. And he has a teleport, which isn't that common either. And the dude has four recovery options in Brawl.
Meta Knight is insane, and his specials are all crazy stupid. but his normals are well... swipe. Swordsmen characters similar to metaknight don't really have anything you can say bad about them and that's where people like me see them as boring. he's the best swordsman in dreamland and similar to strider he swings so fast you'll only see a blur. his specials speak for him alot more and that aspect of him i like quite alot.
Don't get me wrong, Marth gets the job done. But the aesthetic of his setlist and animation are well... they're fitting for Marth. They're 1988. That's not a bad thing, it's a bland thing... if i were to make a comparison that will surely send me to hell. Take a look at the lightsaber duels from Star Wars eps. 4-6 and the duels from 1-3. Say what you will about the movies, no on can deny that phantom clone wars and revenge didn't have more dynamic battles. Dual wielding acrobatics, weirdo jedi and sith like greivous. That's the place where Ike is representing. Yeah i've just got this sword but i'm gonna do some crazy ass **** with it.
Marth is coming from "yes i'm armed with a weapon just about no on else has. the tip is super deadly NO STAY AWAY" It's literally swipe in every direction when he gets airborne. you're supposed to cover yourself but FFS man.
then again that's just my opinion, that marth and mk are bland. most characters in the game have an area of themselves even when attacking where they are vulnerable even on the side they are attacking. not these two. and personally i don't like that about them.
compared to the
swordstyles or link, ike, or even the essence of roy [which was implemented poorly in melee, and i'm looking forward to seeing how it'll play out in PM]
feel free to flame. i find them bland