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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Hotfeet confirmed as Dimentio for Super Smashboards Brawl.
(PS: Loving the SPM references, keep 'em coming! I'll join in too, it'll be -icus all over again)
But of course!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Again, for dramatic effect! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

I only wish we would stop discussing the hairy little rodent that would soon shock itself into submission before anyone else around it, there is not much to discuss.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Not viewed as anything special, until the prospective of including clones came up.
Pichu was considered BEFORE the roster was getting beefed up. Sakurai was unsure at that time whether it was necessary to add him. Probably because he had other characters like King Dedede planned. So that is a lie right there.

Then was quickly abandoned for being such a hated character. Yes, highly warranted and treasured.
Completely irrelevant to the question adressed as this event did not take place during Melee. Also he was abandoned because there were so many other Pokemon there was clearly no room for him. Again, this was AFTER Generation 2, mind you.

And you you still deny that the most popular Generation 2 Pokemon, popular in Pokemon Anime, the baby Pikachu. Was NOT deserving AT ALL.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
And you you still deny that the most popular Generation 2 Pokemon, popular in Pokemon Anime, the baby Pikachu. Was NOT deserving AT ALL.
So Masuda masturbates to the little ****, big deal. Nobody except for the guys behind promoting gave a crap about Pichu, people more cared about stuff like Heracross and Scizor.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
I see no reason it's remotely necessary or beneficial compared to what we have now. Nor does it make sense as Zelda cannot transform into Impa.
I never said anything about necessity, I just said I like the idea of Impa being playable regardless of actual overall chances. However, I do support the inclusion of shadow-like attacks in Sheik's moveset as a nod to Impa, seeing as they already gave Sheik everything Impa had in Ocarina of Time, although it was very very minimal overall.

So Masuda masturbates to the little ****, big deal. Nobody except for the guys behind promoting gave a crap about Pichu, people more cared about stuff like Heracross and Scizor.
I know this doesn't overly relate to the topic at hand but...both Heracross and Scizor's mega forms are absolute beasts.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Yeah, from what I understand, Pichu was more overly marketed then popular, at least not popular enough to the extent that it reaches Lucario, Mewtwo, Jigglypuff and the like.

I know this doesn't overly relate to the topic at hand but...both Heracross and Scizor's mega forms are absolute beasts.
I'm currently trying out MegaScizor and it's awesome, I haven't tried out MegaHeracross yet though, what would you suggest for it?

Deleted member

I clicked the "See Ignored Content" button to see what Noah was saying about Pichu since it was piqued my interest.

....really wish I hadn't.
Just.....so much wrong.....


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Yeah, from what I understand, Pichu was more overly marketed then popular, at least not popular enough to the extent that it reaches Lucario, Mewtwo, Jigglypuff and the like.

I'm currently trying out MegaScizor and it's awesome, I haven't tried out MegaHeracross yet though, what would you suggest for it?
Well, first off, you don't need to go overboard on super training the attack stat, seeing as this beast has a 185 base attack stat on its own as is quite bulky. My best bet? Go with a move-pool of Arm Thrust, Pin Missile, Substitute and Rock Slide. Now, it may sound like an odd moveset, but hear me out. Mega Heracross' ability is "Skill Link" which enables Heracross to always get five hits out of a two-to-five hit move, and since arm thrust and Pin missile are both now 25 power instead of 15, it becomes a guaranteed 125 damage plus STAB bonus since Heracross is still Bug/Fighting. The Substitute will help you counter against pesky flying types as well as Rock Slide to counter the Talonflames that will likely cause issues for you online. If there's anything you want, it's a Heracross with a good defense nature since it will have to stand up to hits as it will most likely not outspeed alot of pokemon with its 75 speed stat, however, its defense got a +40 boost with this mega form, making it much more bulky than its normal counterpart.

Still, I've never seen a Mega Heracross online before...


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
So Masuda masturbates to the little ****, big deal. Nobody except for the guys behind promoting gave a crap about Pichu, people more cared about stuff like Heracross and Scizor.
I'll take that reply as an end to this discussion. Maybe you could provide a source to this, but in the meantime I declare bull **** on your statement.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Hey guys, just something I threw together based on a few rumors and such.
I present to you, Melee without clones.
Melee Roster.png

Any questions I will be sure to answer.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Well, first off, you don't need to go overboard on super training the attack stat, seeing as this beast has a 185 base attack stat on its own as is quite bulky. My best bet? Go with a move-pool of Arm Thrust, Pin Missile, Substitute and Rock Slide. Now, it may sound like an odd moveset, but hear me out. Mega Heracross' ability is "Skill Link" which enables Heracross to always get five hits out of a two-to-five hit move, and since arm thrust and Pin missile are both now 25 power instead of 15, it becomes a guaranteed 125 damage plus STAB bonus since Heracross is still Bug/Fighting. The Substitute will help you counter against pesky flying types as well as Rock Slide to counter the Talonflames that will likely cause issues for you online. If there's anything you want, it's a Heracross with a good defense nature since it will have to stand up to hits as it will most likely not outspeed alot of pokemon with its 75 speed stat, however, its defense got a +40 boost with this mega form, making it much more bulky than its normal counterpart.

Still, I've never seen a Mega Heracross online before...
Sounds like a good set, the only thing I'd say is that Talonflame will probably still give it issues even with the defensive investments due to +1 priority Brave Bird. Having said that, Rock Slide is still a good choice for other Pokémon that it can't really deal with as well as decent offensive coverage.

I think it's mostly because it's outshined by the other Megas who are more immediately appealing then it.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Sounds like a good set, the only thing I'd say is that Talonflame will probably still give it issues even with the defensive investments due to +1 priority Brave Bird. Having said that, Rock Slide is still a good choice for other Pokémon that it can't really deal with as well as decent offensive coverage.

I think it's mostly because it's outshined by the other Megas who are more immediately appealing then it.
Thankfully, from checking stats, Talonflame's attack stat is only 81, and even with STAB, I think a properly trained Heracross could stand up to it with its 115 defense. Then again, I haven't found any Talonflames to try.

Well, that's not hard to understand as Mega Heracross does look a bit...odd...then again, so does Mega Gyarados, and that thing is the most dangerous pokemon I've seen online. People just need to set up one Dragon Dance with this thing, mega evolve and then literally wreck everything while being super bulky and decently fast.

Surprisingly though, as amazing a pokemon it is, I've never seen a Banette or Mega Banette online either, and this thing with priority STAB Shadow Sneak can make the abundance of Mega Gengars cry...I should know, I've dealt with like seven of them.

Deleted member

That, and he takes the sources he does have and skew them.

According to cednym, Sakurai's idea for a Gen 2 character was something on the order of this:

Rather than Pichu. (Note, this wasn't the specific set he considered; there wasn't one listed. I am just biased for Feraligatr and this was saved to my Photobucket. :troll:)

This was because he didn't find any of the popular options to be feasible.
However, there wouldn't have been enough time and resources to go through with the idea. (Though, if cednym is telling the truth, then it's clear the idea was the basis for Brawl's Pokémon Trainer but with the more popular/iconic Kanto starters.)

Sakurai noted that Pichu was the main promoted Pokémon for G/S (not the "most popular"), but brushed off the idea because Pichu was too similar to it's evolved counterpart.

It was however, because of the similarity that brought the idea of the clones later in development.

cednym said:
-Sakurai considered adding a character from Pokémon Gold/Silver during planning, but none of the popular options were feasible.
-He thought about having a trainer summon the second generation starters, but there wasn't time/resources for such a labor-intensive character.
-Pichu was promoted as the main Pokémon from those games, but it would have been too similar to Pikachu, so Sakurai passed on it.
-Thinking back to Pichu is partly what made Sakurai want to include clones.
That is of course, if cednym is accurate, which cannot be verified.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Where the **** is Golden's evidence!? What a hypocrite!

This is evidence to Pichu's merits

  • Pichu's popularity and importance in advertising, games, and Anime as well as reception.
  • Pichu being planned BEFORE the beefing of the roster according to a recorded list of plans in Melee: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37915502&postcount=7506
  • Pichu being the most iconic next to Meowth at the time of Melee! Prove me wrong and you get a cookie.
Somebody do some real justice to this thread and shove this in Golden's face.I'm sick of hearing his arrogant rambling when half the time he's so unorganized and bias and he hides behind the ignore button to get around that acting like simly leaving a debate declares you the victor. God, even Divine Deity had some balls. What proof OR EVEN PLAUSIBLE CLAIMS do you have that suggest this isn't true? Besides "Oh, he's a clone!"

This is why Golden Rage Quits. He thinks he's god and that anybody who disagrees and proves him wrong must be ignored. Try to prove me wrong on that, you know it's true just as well as I do.

If there's ever a time Golden needs to stop hiding behind the ignore button, it's now. Maybe he should actually man up and prove his bias crap that he keeps spewing out. Then we'll actually see who's the bias one.

I don't mean to sound trashy, but this needs to be said. This guy is smart half the time, but the other half he's pathetic. Maybe if confronted this situation he'll prove himself to that one half is stronger.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2013
That, and he takes the sources he does have and skew them.

According to cednym, Sakurai's idea for a Gen 2 character was something on the order of this:

Rather than Pichu. (Note, this wasn't the specific set he considered; there wasn't one listed. I am just biased for Feraligatr and this was saved to my Photobucket. :troll:)

This was because he didn't find any of the popular options to be feasible.
However, there wouldn't have been enough time and resources to go through with the idea. (Though, if cednym is telling the truth, then it's clear the idea was the basis for Brawl's Pokémon Trainer but with the more popular/iconic Kanto starters.)

Sakurai noted that Pichu was the main promoted Pokémon for G/S (not the "most popular"), but brushed off the idea because Pichu was too similar to it's evolved counterpart.

It was however, because of the similarity that brought the idea of the clones later in development.

That is of course, if cednym is accurate, which cannot be verified.
Wait; Gold was almost in Melee or Brawl? Either way, god dammit I want this.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Thankfully, from checking stats, Talonflame's attack stat is only 81, and even with STAB, I think a properly trained Heracross could stand up to it with its 115 defense. Then again, I haven't found any Talonflames to try.

Well, that's not hard to understand as Mega Heracross does look a bit...odd...then again, so does Mega Gyarados, and that thing is the most dangerous pokemon I've seen online. People just need to set up one Dragon Dance with this thing, mega evolve and then literally wreck everything while being super bulky and decently fast.

Surprisingly though, as amazing a pokemon it is, I've never seen a Banette or Mega Banette online either, and this thing with priority STAB Shadow Sneak can make the abundance of Mega Gengars cry...I should know, I've dealt with like seven of them.
Maybe, still that's not something I'd like MegaHeracross to try and take from it if I could avoid it since at the very least it's going to severely damage it.

I haven't looked into MegaGyarados yet so I'll have to hold off on saying anything about him. As for MegaBanette, yeah, it has some nice tools to abuse like Prankster and Shadow Sneak so it can be very useful, maybe once everyone plays around with the other Megas they'll go back to the lesser used ones and see how they play out. I know that there's a couple that are really good that just get overlooked for the (while still good as well) typical MegaBlazikens and the like.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
That, and he takes the sources he does have and skew them.

According to cednym, Sakurai's idea for a Gen 2 character was something on the order of this:

Rather than Pichu. (Note, this wasn't the specific set he considered; there wasn't one listed. I am just biased for Feraligatr and this was saved to my Photobucket. :troll:)

This was because he didn't find any of the popular options to be feasible.
However, there wouldn't have been enough time and resources to go through with the idea. (Though, if cednym is telling the truth, then it's clear the idea was the basis for Brawl's Pokémon Trainer but with the more popular/iconic Kanto starters.)

Sakurai noted that Pichu was the main promoted Pokémon for G/S (not the "most popular"), but brushed off the idea because Pichu was too similar to it's evolved counterpart.

It was however, because of the similarity that brought the idea of the clones later in development.

That is of course, if cednym is accurate, which cannot be verified.
Where the **** is Golden's evidence!? What a hypocrite!

This is evidence to Pichu's merits
  • Pichu's popularity and importance in advertising, games, and Anime as well as reception.
  • Pichu being planned BEFORE the beefing of the roster according to a recorded list of plans in Melee: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37915502&postcount=7506
  • Pichu being the most iconic next to Meowth at the time of Melee! Prove me wrong and you get a cookie.
Somebody do some real justice to this thread and shove this in Golden's face.I'm sick of hearing his arrogant rambling when half the time he's so unorganized and bias. What proof OR EVEN PLAUSIBLE CLAIMS do you have that suggest this isn't true? Besides "Oh, he's a clone!"

This is why Golden Rage Quits. He thinks he's god and that anybody who disagrees and proves him wrong must be ignored. Try to prove me wrong on that, you know it's true just as well as I do.

If there's ever a time Golden needs to stop hiding behind the ignore button, it's now. Maybe he should actually man up and prove his bias crap that he keeps spewing out. Then we'll actually see who's the bias one.

This guy is smart half the time, but the other half he's pathetic.
Guess who.
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