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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Maybe will be a new Pokemon Stadium for WiiU and they want to reveal it in the next E3? And I will make my speculation here, how about a Pokemon Stadium where you control the Pokemon and Fight with it as much like a Tales fighting system, that would be godlike.
That could be possible Namco is working with nintendo on a couple projects including smash so this being one of them is not out of the realm if possibility.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Actually. Hold on a sec. Maybe it's for this?

It's completely plausible. We know it isn't fake, and the fact that it has a Smash veteran makes it seem that much more relevant to Smash Bros. It's all speculation, but it would make complete sense.

Double post, but on a side note, I really hope Smash has this music on a Pokemon Stage

I legitimately believe this is why a Pokemon reveal is being delayed. And now I believe it's probably going to be Lucario who gets shown. But with a small chance that it's Mewtwo.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Quick question: I read somewhere that there was supposed to be a Pokemon announcement. I think either this week or next week was it? Anyone want to help me with this.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
if so I hope they take the concept of battle revolution and mix it with the colosseum games, and fix the lag of the online battles of battle revolution, that way we'll probably have the perfect Pokémon console game that way (in my opinion)
You forgot about Stadium, if they had the Mini-Game/Pokemon School/Quizzes/Ability to Unlock In Game Content in addition to a Revolution quality game, with a story mode tacked on (like Colosseum/XD) that would be the perfect game. The only reason Revolution got horrible reveals is because it lacked the additional modes and things to do.

Nurse Joy instead of an actual Pokemon?

Sakurai will probably want to waste development time and have you switch between her, a Chansey, and an Audino. Mostly for Nurse Joy's popularity. They would just have the other 2 tacked on to represent Pokemon Centers in their entirety. Without Pokemon Centers... Pokemon wouldn't really be playable.

It' not all that different its just a really bad picture, though I'm not saying that's smash though.
It is extremely different. Envision that on the 3DS for a second... you can't. The picture is horrible quality, I guarantee it will out class Smash 4 by a significant margin once the game launches. It will be able to take full advantage of the Wii Us capability. Smash... not so much (Just my opinion).

Considering that X and Y JUST CAME OUT, I would honestly hope SM4SH comes out before any Z version does. If we don't get any Pokemon roster additions in the next 6 months, veteran or otherwise, then something is very wrong.
I honestly still think we will be getting one around the end of the month. You never know though. Pikachu is already revealed, if they save Jigglypuff, Lucario, and Mewtwo to all be secret characters again, the only character to reveal would be Pokemon Trainer. So nothing would be severely wrong. I do think that we will actually get Jigglypuff revealed this time around though. There are MULTIPLE opportunities. Namely Pokemon's Anniversary, which is a little more important than the launch date of Pokemon. Sakurai might wait for Valentines day too? I am not entirely sure. If the game comes out as late as most people are speculating (Q4 2014) it wouldn't be too weird to not get a reveal until Z. However, I am speculating that the game will launch before Summer 2014 (late Q2).

Let's take a look, shall we?

This was my initial post on the matter.

Point to me where I say there is no pattern. And, if you look at the initial post itself, this was unedited (since editing a post to add further information somehow means I'm trying to get rid of logical fallacies....:rolleyes:)
Then you responded with:

And THEN I said the oh so terrible "there is no pattern" statement:

THIS was the original content of that post. The only change I made was adding the following to further explain my point:

Which has promptly been ignored and labeled as "trying to get rid of logical fallacies" despite killing the "2 retros" argument.

And the only other post in this discussion I edited?

The underline is the edit. Everything else was in the initial post. You can even have a mod check if you don't believe me.
Pray tell, how is that "trying to get rid of logical fallacies"? All I was doing was adding satire.

So it's quite ironic that you "can't take me seriously", because I see you as a pathetic bull****ter at this point.
The underlined portion of that post IS the straw man fallacy. That is EXACTLY the one that I was referring to. Your intent is irrelevant, the satire is a straw man (which is why you removed it immediately). I highlighted the portion of your own argument that alludes to precisely what I was talking about. If you are implying that I initially posted to you... yes, yes I did. That is irrelevant because the argument STARTED when you said that there was no pattern. I should have said something along the lines of... a pattern can only be two things and ended it there. If you do not understand the notion of a pattern, forgive me for my elevated respect. I assumed you were able to discern enough to grasp at the core of my premise and not all of the random side stuff I was posting. It doesn't bother me if you throw ad hominem my way, it really doesn't. It does bother me that some people actually side with you because they are your friends. It is very simple to understand that the only point I was attempting to make, was that a PATTERN is a PATTERN.

You didn't "Kill" the two retros argument. In order to do so, you would have to somehow prove that 2 circumstantial events do not make a pattern, which is impossible. Patterns are innate once they are created, and they are inherently subjective. So instead you approached the argument by mocking me (which I didn't take personally, I honestly perceived it as more of a stab at anyone who thinks a pattern is there). This is a rational response, so I don't blame you. The only thing you could possibly do is conceive the idea that logic is omitted from my rationale. To be honest, I did the same once you said that there was no pattern. It was my mistake to try and convince you that there was a pattern (regardless of its relevance or meaning).

I reread your post to ensure I didn't miss anything. The reason I ignored your edit was because I already responded to your initial argument (which was instantly insufficient) because you added unnecessary "evidence" to support your perspective. There really was nothing to respond to. I actually agreed with you, so it would be hard to refute something that I inherently believe as an objective fact. I apologize for getting this to you so late. I was asleep.

Edit: I also apologize for the double post. I assumed someone would respond in 15 minutes. Haha.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I think, ostensible patterns aside, we're getting a retro character regardless based on Sakurai's interview about being the luckiest man alive for having the ability to revive old characters.

In terms of patterns, although only the Ice Climbers were explicitly chosen for being retro, the fact that Pit is Brawl's sole retro revival newcomer leads me to believe that it's a niche characters can fill, and that, so far, one newcomer per game has filled this niche (depending on how Sakurai views the non-retro newcomer pool, this could change). Pit being popular was icing on the cake, albeit icing that people love to scrape off the metaphorical pastry when adamantly insisting popularity doesn't play a role in anything.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
You forgot about Stadium, if they had the Mini-Game/Pokemon School/Quizzes/Ability to Unlock In Game Content in addition to a Revolution quality game, with a story mode tacked on (like Colosseum/XD) that would be the perfect game. The only reason Revolution got horrible reveals is because it lacked the additional modes and things to do.
oh ya I forgot about Pokémon stadium, its been a long time since I turned on the old 64,
I also agree with your point of Revolution, after you go through the useless story mode your kind of left to do nothing else offline, online was also a waste because of all the major lag and usually taking about 15 minutes for the turns, (one time I played it took about 30 minutes for a turn to go) usually making the online feel unplayable. in the end Revolution just felt like an idea that never got finished.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I think, ostensible patterns aside, we're getting a retro character regardless based on Sakurai's interview about being the luckiest man alive for having the ability to revive old characters.

In terms of patterns, although only the Ice Climbers were explicitly chosen for being retro, the fact that Pit is Brawl's sole retro revival newcomer leads me to believe that it's a niche characters can fill, and that, so far, one newcomer per game has filled this niche (depending on how Sakurai views the non-retro newcomer pool, this could change). Pit being popular was icing on the cake, albeit icing that people love to scrape off the metaphorical pastry when adamantly insisting popularity doesn't play a role in anything.
So who fits this criteria?
I believe Takamaru is the popular and obvious choice.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Takamaru fits that criteria.
Considering that X and Y JUST CAME OUT, I would honestly hope SM4SH comes out before any Z version does. If we don't get any Pokemon roster additions in the next 6 months, veteran or otherwise, then something is very wrong.
Z version will come out before Smash Wii U and 3DS. Z version will likely come out in 10 months to a year, whereas Smash Wii U and 3DS are probably at least 13 months away.
You DO realize Agility is slower and shorter than Quick Attack, doesn't deal any sort of damage to the opponent, and in fact damages Pichu every time he uses the move?
Well then it is the second best recovery in Melee (maybe 3rd behind Zelda).


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Good late afternoon all, hope you're all doing well. Well, the topic of the past two days has continued to be very slow and less than impressive, so keep on talking while I revisit Animal Crossing, I'll jump in when something interesting/worthwhile happens.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Check out serebii.net.

It's a game that's supposed to heavily feature Pikachu, there are no details known about it other than that, though. I think it's for 3DS.
I heard about that too, but I thought that TumblrFamous was talking about a Smash Pokémon announcement.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^^^^^^^ The Pokémon 3DS Pikachu-heavy game and Smash Pokémon promotional reveal could be related.
Actually. Hold on a sec. Maybe it's for this?

It's completely plausible. We know it isn't fake, and the fact that it has a Smash veteran makes it seem that much more relevant to Smash Bros. It's all speculation, but it would make complete sense.
That's a very good note. Maybe we're getting a stage from said game, or say that Lucario model we saw there (or even the Blaziken one) ported or slightly modified in Smash Wii U (of course Blaziken could be a playable character, a background NPC, a trophy, and/or a Pokéball Pokémon if he used said model).


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
So who fits this criteria?
I believe Takamaru is the popular and obvious choice.
Takamaru, and I'm not saying this because I'm projecting popularity of a stereotype onto a largely indifferent Japanese audience. He's been mentioned three times in Sakurai's journal, which is more than what Mega Man got and the same amount that Olimar and Toon Link received. Plus, there's also Sakurai claiming that he'd probably add Takamaru if he got another game; regardless of whether or not that one Samurai Warriors cameo and Nintendo Land count, his standards might be more relaxed with the smaller newcomer pool this time around.

Behind him? Mach Rider was allegedly Sakurai's most wanted character for 'Smash 2' back in the day, so maybe him/her? I need convincing on Lip, given that Sakurai deflected a request for the character to praise Panel de Pon as a whole instead, and seems content to keep her defining weapon as an item, much like he's keeping Toad as a Special move. And then, there are dozens of lesser-known one-shots whose fates few can foresee.

EDIT: Hey, now that I think about it, Sakurai deflected a request for Toad in a similar way to what he did with Lip. A Japanese guy requesting Toad accidentally spelled 'Kinopio' in a way that resembled the spelling of Pinocchio pre-Brawl, and Sakurai opted to be a Grammar Nazi in his response rather than address the request...So, based on that and Sakurai blatantly denying that one IGN dolt requesting all seven Koopalings, he's not too terribly coy with non-playable characters when asked directly. Then, on the other hand, the fact that he'll at least discuss the Final Smash and speed of Pacman and Ridley, respectively, might be indicative of some deeper consideration on his end.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Actually. Hold on a sec. Maybe it's for this?

I do think that if this game comes out before Smash, we will likely get a character for it (my bet would be on Lucario).
But that's the thing. We don't know when this game is coming out. It could be MONTHS before this game comes out, so why hold off a well-needed Pokémon reveal for half a year?
I think this game will come out after E3. I don't know when after, but chances are we will have a few characters announced beforehand.
Pikachu already, Jiggs and/or Trainer on the way, and Mewtwo at E3 maybe. And then Lucario for this.
What I'm trying to say is, I don't think that Sakurai would hold off a Pokémon reveal for this long.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Takamaru, Mach Rider, the Balloon Fighter, Sukapon, Starman (from Pro Wrestling), Little Mac (well he's not exclusively retro), Wart, and Kamek IMO would all be great retro playable characters.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
I do think that if this game comes out before Smash, we will likely get a character for it (my bet would be on Lucario).
But that's the thing. We don't know when this game is coming out. It could be MONTHS before this game comes out, so why hold off a well-needed Pokémon reveal for half a year?
I think this game will come out after E3. I don't know when after, but chances are we will have a few characters announced beforehand.
Pikachu already, Jiggs and/or Trainer on the way, and Mewtwo at E3 maybe. And then Lucario for this.
What I'm trying to say is, I don't think that Sakurai would hold off a Pokémon reveal for this long.
Even though it wasn't formally announced, you have to remember, Sakurai knows what is going on at Nintendo, he probably knows about this game.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Even though it wasn't formally announced, you have to remember, Sakurai knows what is going on at Nintendo, he probably knows about this game.
I never said he doesn't, what I meant is that he wouldn't hold off a Pokémon reveal to advertise a game that is months away from release.
There have got to be a few in between, Pokémon being the most represented franchise in Smash (tied or right behind Mario).


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
God,I can't wait,I need a newcomer reveal! (except Mii XD)
Seriously,do you guys think that this or the next week we will have a reveal?


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Takamaru, Mach Rider, the Balloon Fighter, Sukapon, Starman (from Pro Wrestling), Little Mac (well he's not exclusively retro), Wart, and Kamek IMO would all be great retro playable characters.
Oh cmon I still want Balloon Fighter playable, he's only of the two recognizable retros after Little Mac, the other being Duck Hunt Dog.

God,I can't wait,I need a newcomer reveal,except Mii XD
Seriously,do you think that this or the next week we will have a reveal?
For sure, Little Mac, Pac-Man, and Mii are going to be revealed based on the promotions coming up like Wii Party and Ghostly Adventures.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Here's a new roster, I managed to organize (almost) everything neatly by release date:

What do you guys think of it?
looks like a ok roster it just has too many dark horses in it (tom nook,mii,Anna,prince sable) and there also two unpredictable characters ( Dr. Kawashima, Daitoukyou, Dixie duo) or AKA characters that have slim to none chances.
probably best to cut a few of the dark horses and/or the unpredictable characters and it will look a pretty good roster.
God,I can't wait,I need a newcomer reveal! (except Mii XD)
Seriously,do you guys think that this or the next week we will have a reveal?
highly doubtful,
we didn't get R.O.B last week and his anniversary was the last major Nintendo event this month, best chance scenario we won't get anything till November.
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