lol oh no i don't play sonic games. i'll play the old 4 but... haha nope. got two search results last week when i googled my name "Kofi the Hedgehog"Not to mention these reviewers are the reason why we only play as Sonic these days.
Always bashing on Sonic's friends when it was the weird Non-Sonic like gameplay gimmicks attatched to them (mech shooting, etc) that were to blame for real.
and I did rather like the diversity offered up by Sonic Adventure one. Mind you i'm not saying i jized over playing all of those characters, but ever since then, i've been ok with taking steps away from the blue blur each year. no offense.
and i'd never touch shadow the hedgehog. i can see why people want him in smash... [well no not really. you know the inclusion rules just keep suggestions like shadow and goku and cloud to yourself, shadow and goku and cloud and OC supporters]