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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Mewtwo and Lucario are both very important, but Mewtwo is easily the most important and popular of the two.
But say Mewtwo and Lucario switched places. If Lucario was a legendary back in Gen 1, he would be the more popular one. If Lucario had a movie based on his mega evolution, he would be the most important at the moment.
The truth is, Mewtwo's popularity and importance comes from his inclusion in the first games and his new movie.
Half-right actually. His popularity comes from not only the games and the movie, but the fact that it's something kids of said age like and flock to, a character who is dark, brooding, and different from the light and happy norm that is Pokemon. Mewtwo to Pokemon is basically what The Dark Knight is to Batman.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Oh yeah I made an ideal roster for SSB5 for boredom, what do you guys think of it? Took a lot of work to decide which characters I should add:

(Or you can continue on with your discussion if you want to)


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Again, all the evolutions are seen in the trailer after Mewtwo, all of them at the same time in fact, all in a row. And if we're talking about the advertising for X and Y, the most attention clearly goes to Mewtwo as that's the pokemon they're pushing the most. And again, a few things do not equal 11 amazing years of popularity, being shown on the same battlefield doesn't make them equals in popularity or importance. It's like the President going to a poor village and taking a photo with a young man and saying that said young man is as famous as the president, it makes no sense. For someone who claimed to be a genwunner at one point, you really don't know alot about the incredibly influence Mewtwo had on the players of the original games, it dwarfs any accomplishment Lucario has ever had.
You keep going back to Mewtwo's past. That's not what we are talking about and it didn't seem to do much for him in Brawl considering it's about who is CURRENTLY the most popular Pokemon. Also I do know how popular and iconic Mewtwo was for that. I never said he wasn't. Also CURRENT popularity includes how much a Pokemon is liked, discussed, received, and well treated. Not just what roles are on their resume and how popular it was back then.

You compare Mewtwo's resume to current events of advertising and fan reception. It's not the same thing.

Could you also say Rosalina has a chance be in Smash as a character.
Not really, no.


Banned via Warnings
Sep 16, 2010
Hayabusa Village
Could you also say Rosalina has a chance be in Smash as a character.

I could argue that SMG games were one of the best Mario games of all time, and Rosalina could be there to represent that accomplishment.

I absolutely wish and would totally be down with that, but I'm not sure that that's going to happen. Shame. :(

Deleted member

Does Hotfeet not realize that Lucario was made the ancestor of Mega Evolutions in X/Y and that in-game, Mega Lucario was a pretty big deal?

I mean, yeah, Mewtwo is more important to the franchise, but if one actually looks in-game, Lucario is more important in X/Y. Mewtwo, like in previous games, is just a post-game powerful beast you can go after.

Yes, I am aware that we had the Mega Mewtwo Y in a movie before we knew Mega Evos existed and that it has received more marketing overall (though Mega Lucario is going to play an as of yet unknown role in the XY anime and is currently the 2nd most marketed Mega after MMY), but that doesn't necessarily make MMY more "important".


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Also CURRENT popularity includes how much a Pokemon is liked, discussed, received, and well treated. Not just what roles are on their resume and how popular it was back then.

You compare Mewtwo's resume to current events of advertising and fan reception. It's not the same thing.
How much the pokemon is liked? Obviously alot as it's the world's second most popular pokemon, discussed, discussed: all the time, especially for Smash Bros as a majority agrees that Mewtwo and Pikachu are the most important pokemon to have in said game, received: He was the God of Pokemon and practically is still considered one of the best pokemon for obvious reasons, and well-treated, considering how many people I know have dropped a pokemon just to have Mewtwo in many different games, he's more well-treated than that of Lucario. Seriously, there isn't as fine a line between their accordingly "Narrow" parted popularities as you claim, there's still a large margin. As I said, it's Mewtwo, his popularity has never died down and has only gotten stronger, and now it's stronger than ever.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Oh yeah I made an ideal roster for SSB5 for boredom, what do you guys think of it? Took a lot of work to decide which characters I should add:

(Or you can continue on with your discussion if you want to)
You know the world isn't going to end if you add another Mario, Pokemon, or Zelda character. By SSB5 at least one of them (if not all) will have more than four characters. Mario already has and they were all supposed to in Brawl.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
How much the pokemon is liked? Obviously alot as it's the world's second most popular pokemon, discussed, discussed: all the time, especially for Smash Bros as a majority agrees that Mewtwo and Pikachu are the most important pokemon to have in said game, received: He was the God of Pokemon and practically is still considered one of the best pokemon for obvious reasons, and well-treated, considering how many people I know have dropped a pokemon just to have Mewtwo in many different games, he's more well-treated than that of Lucario. Seriously, there isn't as fine a line between their accordingly "Narrow" parted popularities as you claim, there's still a large margin. As I said, it's Mewtwo, his popularity has never died down and has only gotten stronger, and now it's stronger than ever.
But, like I said, they are both pretty close. That was the whole point I've been trying to get across.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Do we really need to compare Mewtwo and Lucario's biggest accomplishments? Do we REALLY need to do this?
What do there biggest accomplishments have to do with how important they are to x/y? Look I know that mewtwo is a fan favorite yeah I know Lucario isn't as popular as him personally I don't care, if he is then so be it he was here first, but to treat the mega evolutions like they primarily focus on mewtwo isn't right, Lucario is just as important hell at this rate Lucario is going to be the most recognizable mega evolution being in the anime and getting in game spotlight with the kanto starters mainly charizard in for a close second, now I'm not saying they are more important but that does sake them very important enough to be on equal terms of importance with Mewtwo. So to answer your question no we don't need to do this, its already pretty damn obvious they are both equally important so there's no reason to fight over this anymore.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Anybody feel like the statement "we're thinking about it" implies Sakurai will add Mewtwo if he has time after the veterans? It could just be a tease, but idk


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
If it were an IP other than Mario, I'd probably agree, but SS sold about as well as any other Paper Mario game, and that's what usually matters most to Nintendo, especially since they have access to the series whenever they want and wouldn't have to pay either to use it or just outright purchase it as they would with SMRPG.
Well when the developers complain about how bad the game it is, even sales can't be the only thing Nintendo listened to. I'm sure some of the people who worked on Smash 64 and Melee as well as Brawl complained about Brawl's developers, which IMO is probably the biggest reason why we have a completely different developer.
But if Nintendo hasn't bought Sega yet, doesn't seem overly likely they would in the future unless Sega was looking for a buyer.
"Looking for a buyer" doesn't mean you're in financial troubles.
Yeah, if Capcom goes under and starts auctioning off their IPs (which there's a pretty good chance of imo unless they manage to turn around like crazy - which seems unlikely considering how terribad they are these days) the ones I would most want Nintendo to pick up and would be the best fit with the company would be Mega Man (obv) and Clover's IPs. And maybe Ghosts N' Goblins.
Honestly, a company could just buy Capcom IP's to "get them out" of financial companies. Considering Nintendo's reservoir of cash, they could easily do that.
And I could also see Nintendo trying to acquire MH, considering how well it does on their platforms.
Yeah, but Monster Hunter right now is the only IP that is exceeding expectations. Resident Evil, Lost Planet, etc. have recently under-performed.
Honestly I see them rotting with Microsoft as more likely than being sold off at this point, in part due to lack of interest from other companies to seriously purchase them. And gawd, aren't they done ruining poor Banjo yet, what plans do they have for him now? :(
Banjo maybe, but I doubt that with Conker. Microsoft shows no interest with Conker, and they seem to have no crew with any sort of skill with a platformer IP. I mean, unless they're gonna make it vehicles like Nuts and Bolts or form a studio that can make good platformers, they're gonna make a terrible game.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Does Hotfeet not realize that Lucario was made the ancestor of Mega Evolutions in X/Y and that in-game, Mega Lucario was a pretty big deal?

I mean, yeah, Mewtwo is more important to the franchise, but if one actually looks in-game, Lucario is more important in X/Y. Mewtwo, like in previous games, is just a post-game powerful beast you can go after.

Yes, I am aware that we had the Mega Mewtwo Y in a movie before we knew Mega Evos existed and that it has received more marketing overall (though Mega Lucario is going to play an as of yet unknown role in the XY anime and is currently the 2nd most marketed Mega after MMY), but that doesn't necessarily make MMY more "important".
I thought I already went over the reasons as to why they used Lucario...a recognizable pokemon that, while not Mewtwo, is still popular and known amongst alot of players. I mean seriously, if this was the after-game that this happened, do people really doubt that they would have used Mewtwo in place of Lucario? It was an alternative, the next best choice, they didn't deliberately pick Lucario over Mewtwo, they picked Lucario over Mewtwo because they had no choice.

Deleted member

I can pretty much guarantee that they wouldn't have picked Mewtwo in the first place.
I may be a big Mewtwo fan, but I know when someone's blowing clear Mewtwo bias.

EDIT: Especially when one tries to claim that he's the "2nd most popular Pokémon", when he's only the 2nd most popular Pokémon on an IGN poll.
The same poll that says Charizard is the most popular one, yet you claim that Pikachu is, which is giving mixed data.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
In this Mewtwo-Lucario debate, Mewtwo recived two Megaevolutions and Lucario only one.

I would wager that Mewtwo might have more of a chance than Lucario, for several reasons, with this being one indicator of the now more important pokemon.

However, I am becoming more in the opinion that both could happen.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
I can't resist
I'm sorry, yes, let's pick the lesser pokemon over our big generation star because you say so. :p

I can pretty much guarantee that they wouldn't have picked Mewtwo in the first place.
I may be a big Mewtwo fan, but I know when someone's blowing clear Mewtwo bias.
Isn't that what I just said? They picked Lucario because they couldn't pick Mewtwo? That's basically the situation. The next best choice, how is that biased?


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Isn't that what I just said? They picked Lucario because they couldn't pick Mewtwo? That's basically the situation. The next best choice, how is that biased?
Lucario was more popular and hotter at the time and immensely popular to the point where it rivaled Mewtwo. Simple as that. Also keep in mind that I said "popular" not "important".


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Well when the developers complain about how bad the game it is, even sales can't be the only thing Nintendo listened to. I'm sure some of the people who worked on Smash 64 and Melee as well as Brawl complained about Brawl's developers, which IMO is probably the biggest reason why we have a completely different developer.
That won't stop Nintendo from putting out a product they know is going to sell, if the team really doesn't want to work on it again, or Nintendo thinks another studio would be a better fit, they'll just shift development, they won't hold off on making a product they know is going to sell. Look at Smash, by that logic they would've stopped production of Smash games for a longer period than usual.

"Looking for a buyer" doesn't mean you're in financial troubles.
No, but why would Sega look for a buyer otherwise?

Honestly, a company could just buy Capcom IP's to "get them out" of financial companies. Considering Nintendo's reservoir of cash, they could easily do that.
Unless Capcom went bankrupt it would still have to come down to them willing to sell off their IPs. For all we know, those fools will cling to all of them until their ship totally sinks.

Yeah, but Monster Hunter right now is the only IP that is exceeding expectations. Resident Evil, Lost Planet, etc. have recently under-performed.
I know, that's why I said it was practically the only one keeping them afloat. I think Dragon's Dogma did well too though.

Banjo maybe, but I doubt that with Conker. Microsoft shows no interest with Conker, and they seem to have no crew with any sort of skill with a platformer IP. I mean, unless they're gonna make it vehicles like Nuts and Bolts or form a studio that can make good platformers, they're gonna make a terrible game.
I don't disagree it's going to be a terrible potential game, but I don't think that means they're eager to sell him off or another studio is eager to buy him. It could happen, sure, but right now there's little proof it's in the cards.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Banjo would serve as a better 3rd party in a Nintendo crossover from a Nintendo perspective than any other 3rd party imo considering the cause of his success and popularity as a whole was as a Nintendo character, and since then he hasn't really amounted to much. Sure, he has had games since, but they've been meh to bad, and for a Nintendo crossover, he does have the closest ties to Nintendo, closer than Sonic or Mega Man tbh (not that they're bad choices). Not that it'll happen.
Add in the fact that Banjo-Kazooie is a better game than anything Nintendo has made since the sale of Rare in 2002, maybe sans the Wind Waker and Metroid Prime.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Lucario was more popular and hotter at the time and immensely popular to the point where it rivaled Mewtwo. Simple as that. Also keep in mind that I said "popular" not "important".
I'm not taking that as truth, you claimed to have not played a Pokemon game since Gold/Silver, you're nowhere near a reliable source when it comes to keeping up with Pokemon popularity. Seriously, if you think he got popular enough in two years to rival Mewtwo's eleven year head-start, I want to know what you're smoking and where I can get some if it puts you that far out there.

Was that really necessary?
A giant waste of space of a video is never necessary my friend...never...


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Sadly I can expect that, but I wouldn't mind at all.
You can expect we won't receive another character slot for Nintendo's three biggest franchises from the second game in the series until the fifth? You think even after four games, the amount of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon characters won't even rise by one? Even after we already received a fifth Mario character in Melee? Even after a fifth was planned for all three in Brawl? Two games after that, and you still don't see a fifth being added?

Those are some wonky expectations you have. Unless I misinterpreted you. Which I hope I did.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I'm not taking that as truth, you claimed to have not played a Pokemon game since Gold/Silver, you're nowhere near a reliable source. Seriously, if you think he got popular enough in two years to rival Mewtwo's eleven year head-start, I want to know what you're smoking.
When will you understand that popular and importance are not the same thing? This misconception is the major flaw in this statement of yours. Lucario was more popular than Mewtwo during Brawl.

And I have played Gen 3, 5, and own Pokemon X by the way. You need to stop going around declaring people aren't familiar with things.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Some people think Mario is complete.
No way is this true, not when there are still plenty of characters that could come from that series. You may not like the those options, but anyone saying the series is complete is copping out, plain and simple.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
You can expect we won't receive another character slot for Nintendo's three biggest franchises from the second game in the series until the fifth? You think even after four games, the amount of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon characters won't even rise by one? Even after we already received a fifth Mario character in Melee? Even after a fifth was planned for all three in Brawl? Two games after that, and you still don't see a fifth being added?
Not that guy, but this is what it's looking like at the moment, a lot of the available choices are pretty weak. The only way that can be changed is if there is a new character that becomes such a strong ensemble darkhorse (Like say Wario or Meta Knight amounts) will it actually make progress, until then don't expect much.
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