Well, on the boss topic, if Miis become playable, I always thought it would be funny if your Mii was the last boss in story mode. You know, the person you created was behind all the chaos all along. Not gonna happen, I know. But still, I'd be very amused.
I don't even know. But your Mii is evil! Eeeeviiiiil![/collapse]
That was realy creepy... yet, it would be awesome if it happened.
Huh... I did, I always assumed it was spelt Pirannah, not Piranha, it's one of those funny words that breaks all the grammar rules.
Never had trouble with that word because it's written exactly the same as it is in Portuguese. The nh in Portuguese is pronounced the same as a ñ in Spanish. Funny, isn't it? =P
Back on the bosses subject:
I would like if some of the bosses weren't as straightforward as the ones in Brawl, by having more specific gimmicks to defeat them. So, instead of just predicting the boss's move and attack when given opportunity, you had to rely on different methods.
A boss idea I had is Thanatos from Kid Icarus: Uprising. He's the God of Death and a skilled shapeshifter. In his boss battle, he had five transformations besides his original one.
In the original Kid Icarus, he was just a foe faced at the same time as Medusa, as a form of a snake that came from her hair. It's revealed in Uprising that it was just one of his many forms.
[COLLAPSE="God of Death, Thanatos artworks"]
Artwork from the original Kid Icarus (known as Tanatos, because of a spelling mistake)
Artwork from Uprising (the extra H is for HAMAAZING!)
Transformations 1 AR Card from Kid Icarus: Uprising (Sword and spears form and foot form)
Transformations 2 AR Card from Kid Icarus: Uprising (Matryoshka doll form, bat form and urn form)[/COLLAPSE]
So, how would Thanatos behave in Smash?
Let's check out his boss battle in Uprising first. He appears in his normal form. Upon hitting him enough times, he transforms into one of his transformations at random. The number of phases would vary on the difficulty played, and this would be no different in Smash. 3 transformations for easier difficulties, 4 for medium difficulties and all 5 for the hard levels.
After besting all the transformations, Thanatos returns to his normal form and stays on it until the end of the battle. Once more, this wouldn't be different in Smash.
How do each form attack?
The sword form is accompanied by spears which he uses to guard and attack. Approaching the sword will result in being attacked by a swing of it. The player had to avoid the spears and directly attack the swords. Projectile users had to overcome the spears in order to hit the sword as well. The spears are totally invulnerable to attacks, so it's useless to attempt damaging them.
Another form is the matryoshka doll. This one is straightforward. Attack the glowing red area to break the doll and reveal a smaller one. Previously defeated dolls would continue to attack as well, making the process of defeating the smaller dolls progressively difficult. After defeating the tiniest doll, this phase would end.
A third form would be the bat. It can shoot projectiles or split itself into a horde of tiny bats. Straightforward as in avoid the horde and hit when the chance arrives. Important to note, Thanatos is invincible while split into a horde of bats.
A fourth form is the foot. Get close to it, and be stomped. Pretty much that. Of course that given that KI was a shooting game, this would be easy. Not everyone in Smash Bros. has projectiles to rely on, making this phase trickier than the original game.
Last, but definitely not the least, is the urn form. It's insanely resistant to any kind of move, but Thanatos keeps dropping both white and red skulls. Originally, hitting the skulls with projectiles would merely destroy them, while meleeing the white skulls would deflect them back to Thanatos and damage the god and meleeing the red skulls would make them blow up and damage yourself. This wouldn't be different from Uprising. Use a direct attack to reflect the correct skulls back to Thanatos, while being careful with the red ones. This is the most interesting phase to implement in Smash, by having emphasis on choosing the correct enemy projectiles to hit the enemy. This gameplay mechanic could work nicely on some Zelda bosses known for this technique as well, such as Ganondorf himself or Phantom Ganon.
Thanatos's normal form uses several kinds of projectiles. Also worthy of note is the fact that new forms could be designed for this character to make an even more interesting boss battle. Thanatos could also use his glow dragon form seen in Uprising's Chapter 14 as a very powerful screen filler move that had to rely on dodging or rolling to avoid it.
...whew... this ended longer than I expected... but I am sure it's a HAMAAZING boss idea.